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  • Have you ever eaten raw weed & gotten high?

    Okay I have a long, infuriating debate with my dad and brother about this topic. The books say you cannot get high from eating raw pot, and yes I'm aware it's kinda gross and possibly a health risk ingested in this way, but from my personal experience (as a teenager at the time) and stories from other pot heads, you can, in fact, get high from ingesting raw pot. It doesn't have to be heated to convert into THC, natural light and aging cures it. No idea why it isn't common knowledge. I know it isn't the best way to get high, just that it is possible. It's more of a body high. 

    I need testimonies here to shut them up since there aren't enough articles to back it up yet. Most studies say you cannot-likely cause they picked it straight off the damn plant. It needs time to cure naturally. 

    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine5 days ago
  • Does anybody else notice the taste change in hamburger helper?

    It's been a few years since I stopped eating hamburger helper and it used to be a top 5 easy, comfort food for me. It just tastes so bad now, it's like a bitter/ chalky fake cheese flavor & the aftertaste is reminiscent of what it's supposed to taste like. It tastes like they added a disgusting chemical. Did they change the ingredients or are my taste buds changing? I just tried the great value 4 cheese in hopes it'd be better but it's the exact same garbage taste. 

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 months ago
  • Attachment image

    What kind of pepper is this?

    My dad grew these himself but he doesn't know what kind they are lol they're very, very spice. Surprisingly spicy, like a challenge pepper. I tried to image search of course, still not sure. Thank you

    5 AnswersEthnic Cuisine9 months ago