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Brian K
What were the grounds that Socrates was accused of being an atheist and impious?
I need to write a paper about the trial of Socrates and I know reasons why people claimed he was corrupting the youth, but I don't really know why people claimed he was impious and didn't believe in the gods. Can you please tell me why and maybe give some resources? Thanks!
1 AnswerHistory8 years agoPlease help with finding limits: (x^3-x^2-6x)/(x-3)?
This problem is a bit confusing for me because I'm not used to dealing with functions like x^3. I know the answer is 15, but I can't find out how to get the answer.
3 AnswersMathematics8 years agoMoving to another state, how do I change my insurance (I'm on Medicaid)?
I'm on Medicaid and I'm moving to Boston for college (I currently live in Florida). My current insurance group doesn't cover out of state, so I need to change my insurance plan. Where and how do I change my insurance, and which insurance companies are there that accept Medicaid, that are in Massachussetts and/or preferably nationwide. Thanks so much!
9 AnswersInsurance8 years agoIf my carry on bulges a bit more than the carry on limit, will they give me problems?
Southwest says the limits are 24x16x10, and my bag is within that limit. However I packed so much stuff into it it's kinda bulging in the middle, to like 12 inches. Will they give me problems for it?
2 AnswersAir Travel8 years agoHeadset microphone doesn't work fully on my computer? The headset works but not the microphone?
When I look in the "Sounds" and "Recording" tabs in the speaker options I don't see that my computer recognizes the headset- the headset and microphone aren't listed. It's a turtle beach x12 and has a usb, but it doesn't have any drivers because the usb is just for power. What do I do- please help I really need to be able to use the microphone!!!!!!!!!!!
1 AnswerOther - Hardware8 years agoI have a legal question about a phone that was sent to me- please respond?!?!?
I guess I was really lucky because some random stranger mailed a brand new iphone 5 worth around $600 unopened to me. This means that I am the owner of the item and can't be liable for any theft right? I really don't know the guy and have no idea how he knew my name and address, but he sent it to me. If he reports it stolen or lost am I legally responsible because I do have the box that he sent it in as proof. I already sold it online so the idea of returning it to him is pretty much out of the window
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years agoPlease help with this biology question? I'm reviewing for the AP test and would like some sample answers?
I'm studying for the upcoming AP bio exam and have been working on my free response questions, I've done these questions so far off the collegeboard site:
Long Response
1] Survival depends on the ability of an organism to respond to changes in its environment. Some plants flower in response to changes in day length. Some mammals may run or fight when frightened. For both of these examples, describe the physiological mechanisms involved in the response.
Short Response
A] Proteins—large complex molecules—are major building blocks of all living organisms.
Discuss the roles of proteins in membrane structure and transport of molecules across the membrane.
B] An important defense against diseases in vertebrate animals is the ability to eliminate, inactivate, or destroy foreign substances and organisms.
Explain how the immune system achieves the following:
• Activates T and B cells in response to an infection
• Distinguishes self from nonself
C] Membranes are essential components of all cells.
a. Identify THREE macromolecules that are components of the plasma membrane in a eukaryotic cell and discuss the structure and function of each.
b. Explain how membranes participate in intercellular signaling
Could anyone possibly explain or link me to answers to these questions so that I can compare my responses and see if they are good or not? THANKS SO MUCH
1 AnswerHomework Help8 years agoHow much does google charge for online storage after the 2 free years for the Samsung chromebook?
I read on their website that they provide 100gb of free online cloud storage for 2 years. What happens after those 2 years (implying I'm still using the chromebook, doubt it will last that long)?
3 AnswersGoogle8 years agoMy ti-84 is having serious problems with calculating? PLEASE HELP!!?
I'm in Statistics right now and I'm using the ti-84 plus for all my problems/tests and it gives me wrong answers whenever I try simple calculations like (4.5-4)/.764/(sqrt15). Also whenever I input data into STAT, I get bad calculations for 1-var stats in standard deviation. This is really messing with my grade in the class and could possibly keep me from passing the AP exam in may- what do I do?! I tried talking to my teacher but she isn't helpful at all and basically just said "tough luck" to me. PLEASE HELP ME I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER. I've tried switching modes from radian to degree, scientific to normal, etc. still doesn't work. I've already tried resetting the defaults and clearing the ram, what is wrong with this thing?
1 AnswerMathematics8 years agoti-84 plus is giving me wrong answers? switching from radians/degress or normal/scientific doesn't fix it?
I'm in Statistics right now and I'm using the ti-84 plus for all my problems/tests and it gives me wrong answers whenever I try simple calculations like (4.5-4)/.764/(sqrt15). Also whenever I input data into STAT, I get bad calculations for 1-var stats in standard deviation. This is really messing with my grade in the class and could possibly keep me from passing the AP exam in may- what do I do?! I tried talking to my teacher but she isn't helpful at all and basically just said "tough luck" to me. PLEASE HELP ME I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER. (I've already tried resetting the defaults and clearing the ram, what is wrong with this thing?)
1 AnswerHomework Help8 years agoQuestion about getting my license (for Florida)?
Bad news- I lost my learners' permit :/ I don't really care because I don't drive that much. The thing is that I plan on going to the DMV to get my license in around 2 months, so I was wondering if I needed to bring my learners' permit to get my license. I'm 16 if that helps. Thanks! :)
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoAre there any websites for free essay editing?
i was wondering if anyone knew any free essay editing websites that would do more than the spelling/grammar checks in Word. i'm only in highschool and I need a second opinion on my college essays so sending my paper to a website that will cost me isn't an option. thanks.
1 AnswerHomework Help9 years agoPlease help me with this pride and prejudice question? I read the book but it's hard to get this information?!?
The novel moves between a variety of different settings: Longbourn House, Netherfield, Lucas Lodge, Meryton, and town. Who lives in each of these places? What are their economic situations? Describe and characterize each of those settings.
I did it for some places, but places like Meryton and the town are impossible for me to get.
1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years agoDo I have a good chance of getting into Cornell?
My SATs are my only weak point, but I am great in every other aspect
550 R 620 M 550 W= 1720 total I'm taking the ACT in April and the SAT again in May
4.0 unweighted GPA, 4.8 weighted GPA
Varsity Wrestling (2 Years), Golf (1 Year), Badminton (1 Year)
Co-Founder of the Young Democrats Club (1 year)
DECA (State-Qualifer) in Business Management and Administration states is in 3 weeks (1 year)
Model UN (1 Year)
Speech and Debate (1 Year)
Scholar's Academy (2 Years)
National Honors Society (1 Year)
Collecting Soda Tabs (250 community service hours)
Helping the Elderly (20 service hours)
Young Democrats (24 hours)
Bank Internship (this summer, assumed to be at least 100+ hours)
Helping the Mentally Handicapped (this summer at my synagogue, at least 100+ hours)
The reason that the oldest stuff is 2 years is because I'm a sophomore at the moment, I'm skipping my junior year and I'll be a senior next year (is that a plus or minus to colleges??)
I pretty much take all AP and Honors classes except for PE and Weight Training (for wrestling) My APs are World History (last year, got a 4), AP European History (this year), AP Human Geography (this year), AP Biology (next year), AP Literature (next year), AP Psychology (next year), and AP American History (next year).
I plan on applying early decision as well, it's the only college that I will apply early decision.
I'm pretty qualified in every aspect, do you think that will overshadow my mediocre SAT score?
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)9 years agoQuestion about Florida Prepaid College Plan?
From what people have told me, the plan only covers public colleges in the state of Florida- is this true? Let's say I get accepted to a public college in another state, or if I get accepted to a private college in or out of the state of Florida, do I have to pay a penalty? I have about $40,000 in Florida prepaid, and with financial aid if I get accepted to a private university, total expenses would be around $20k a year. Would they allow me to pay the college if it's private and not in the state of Florida? Thanks a lot I don't know a lot about legal stuff
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)9 years agoCan somebody please explain quantum numbers to me? I am REALLY confused!?
I have an upcoming test, and we need to be able to find the element based on quantum number. We need to find out what the element is for (1, 0, -1, +1/2). The first 2 units are easy for me, the energy level and type of block but the 3rd and 4th are really hard because I have no idea how to find them. Please help!
3 AnswersChemistry9 years agoIf you're 15 and have a learner's permit in Florida, are you allowed to drive to school/work alone?
I heard that if you are driving to school or work, you can drive without someone 21 or older with a valid driver's license.
EQ: Is it also true that having a good GPA lowers your insurance cost?
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation9 years agoPlease help with installing Windows 7?!?
I have a pretty nice HP computer (8 gb RAM, 750 gb hard drive, and a 2.80 ghz processor) but it came with Windows Vista Premium. I bought Windows 7 Home Premium, which HP recommended to do and said was fully compatible, and it works fine. The only problem is that I can't use the internet at ALL, I have a 4 mb/s internet plan, but I don't even get 500 kb/s with my computer. What's the problem? I have went back to Vista again because of this problem.
4 AnswersSoftware9 years agoCan someone help me find this specific version of the periodic table?
For my AP Chemistry class, my teacher told me I needed to find a periodic table with the atomic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity, ionic radii, and electronegativity of each element. And he just told us to find it the last day before break, without any link or anything!!! Where can I find this? Thanks a lot I need this to get a good grade in his class!!!
2 AnswersChemistry9 years ago