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  • Need some boy names to go with my girl names?

    I've picked out 3 names for girls - but I'm drawing a complete blank for boys names. Well to be fair I had a few boy names chosen that I loved but due to my husband's family tradition of the first born son getting his name as the middle name, those names I liked no longer work. I need suggestions for some nice boy names that sound good with the middle name Jason...and that sound nice with the girl names I've picked. Here's the girl names I have chosen:

    Gemma Rose-Marie

    Emilia Lucille

    Vivienne Samantha

    I'd like some non-common boy names, a little vintage even to match my girl names.

    Any ideas?


    8 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • What would you do if your MIL bought your wedding ring?

    Okay - so my fiance and I are planning our wedding. We have agreed to pay for everything ourselves and then if family/friends wanted to contribute anything to help us out we would put that toward the cost of the wedding. Well my fiance's mother has decided that she wants to help by buying my engagement ring?! She has an old clock that is worth some money - and has offered to sell the clock and give the money to my fiance. But she said that the ONLY way she will do this is if the money is used to buy my engagement ring. I told my fiance that this is a nice gesture, but I would much prefer that the money be put toward the cost of our wedding and that we buy each other's rings with our own money. Afterall, our wedding rings are the ultimate sign of our committment to each other, something as special and personal as that I fell should be bought by the bride and groom. I told him that if his mother truly wanted to help, she would be willing to just put the money toward the wedding - that would be helping greatly. Well he talked to his mother and she got all offended and is saying that if we will not allow her to buy my ring- then she's not helping at all. Now I am mad. I'm sorry - but I don't want his mommy buying my damn wedding/engagement rings - it's tacky, and to be honest, it is HIS responsibility. This has caused quite a disagreement between my fiance and I. I know we'll work though it, but I still can't help but be upset and angry over this whole thing.

    I'd like to hear your opinion on the situation, I find it hard to believe that I'm the only one who would have an issue with this. What would you do in this situation? Would you be okay with your future inlaws buying your wedding/engagement ring?

    Serious answers only! Thanks!

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Was the Chinese birth chart accurate for you?

    How many women have used the Chinese birth chart and it been accurate? How many has it not been accurate for? Please tell your stories!


    6 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Possibility of pregnancy?

    Okay so I was on Nuvaring for over 3 years when I started to have horrible hot flashes and mood swings. I went to the doctor about it and was advised to start using Nuvaring continuously - as in, putting a new one back in as soon as I take the old one out - meaning I wouldn't have a period. So I did that for the month of November 2012. In December 2012 I was supposed to take the old one out but forgot, so I took it out a week late and put the new one back in right away. I ended up with a yeast infection right after that (probably due to the hormones). Well - the hot flashes and mood swings didnt' really get any better, and the yeast infection was making it uncomfortable to have the ring in, so I just decided to stop Nuvaring all together. I took it out January 2nd 2013 (which was a week before I was supposed to take it out). I got my period from January 3rd - January 10th. Had unprotected sex January 13th - and he did "let go" inside me. I've been having pregnancy like symptoms, my lower abdomen is bloated which is very unusual - and it's firm to the touch. I've also had super frequent urination, mood swings, food cravings, and a weird cramp like/fluttering almost feeling in my lower abdomen. Just yesterday my nipples started to hurt really bad. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but about 5 days ago I had a clear-ish glob come out when I wiped - it had a little brownish/red blood in it. I also noticed a few times that day a faint brownish/red blood when I wiped. I had pretty bad cramps that day and the following day as well. I didnt' think much of it at the time - but now I'm starting to think it may have been implantation bleeding. I didn't take a HPT on January 27th which was negative. But I think that would have been too soon to get a positive result. I haven't missed my period yet - but I'm not sure when I'll get it considering I just came off the Nuvaring. Any thoughts on the possibility of being pregnant? I plan on doing another test in a few days - I'm just going crazy trying to figure it out! Any NON RUDE comments welcome!

    Thanks :)

    4 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Obamacare - will there be limitations?

    I'm curious if there will be limitations set in place for individuals with excessive medical conditions that are essentially preventable. For instance: people who disregard living a healthy lifestyle, eat junk food all the time, doesn't exercise, smokes like a chimney, sleeps around without regard for pregnancy or STD's, etc. If PERSONAL CHOICE is the reason behind the medical problem, will there be an extent as to how much medical care will be provided - or will the person just be able to rack up medical bills for simply choosing to be a moron?

    If someone who smokes 5 packs of cigarettes a day and develops lung cancer as a result going to be allowed to continue to smoke while receiving chemo? Is someone with congestive heart failure due to obesity going to be allowed to eat horribly, not exercise, etc. while receiving triple bypass after triple bypass? Is someone with liver disease due to excessive alcohol consumption going to be allowed to be treated while continuing to drink like a fish? What about the diabetic who knowingly drinks a case of soda a day and eats a bunch of candy - but then ends up in the hospital in a coma or needing a foot amputated for choosing not to control their diabetes?

    What limitations will be put on these individuals who clearly contribute to their chronic medical conditions? Will Americans be forced to pay rising insurance premiums due to people consciously CHOOSING to be unhealthy?

    To me this just spells disaster. If people now know that they will have no consequence for being unhealthy, what implication is that going to have? Previously, someone who made bad choices which resulted in the development of numerous health conditions would have paid high prices for care or been turned away all together. With Obamacare - there is NO limitation on what pre-existing conditions anyone can have. So people can pretty much do whatever the hell they want, become obese, refuse to exercise, not take care of their diabetes, etc - and they can't be refused heathcare. Isn't that just encouraging people to become unhealthy, lazy, fat-a$$es?

    Opinions or thoughts?

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • He expects me to do everything - am I wrong for being upset?

    I am a full time college student due to graduate this year, I also work full time to help contribute to bills. (and I will be beginning an internship of top of all of that in the next few months). Over an argument me and my boyfriend had last night, I was told that he resents the fact that he pays for more of the bills than I do. Understandable, yes he does - dollar amount he pays for more bills than I do...but when you consider the percentages of our monthly income going towards bills, it's roughly the same. He pays for more because he makes more. The thing is, he knew my financial situation when we first met - and he NEVER once said anything about money or that he expected me to pay for half of everything. In fact, I actually made less money when I met him than I do now, and I paid for even less of the household bills than I do now. When I started making more money, I started paying for more bills, and I contribute all I financially can with what I make. I am also working very hard to graduate from college (when has been a LONG tough road) in order to get a better paying job. As far as my personal expenses go (car payment, insurance, cell bill, student loans) I have never asked him for a single penny - I make sure I pay for all of that myself. The issue I am having: He expects me to better myself in all these different ways to be an "equal" with him. However, once I graduate college - I will be making more money with him, and he is okay with that. He makes decent money, (around (40k/yr)....but I know he could stand to better his career as well. Here's the thing...he expects me to go to college and find a high paying job to be "equal" in contributing to the household...yet he doesn't think he should have to do the same. That is completely unfair. He has been emotionally unsupportive of my college career, often complaining that I don't spend enough time with him, or that I do not have the extra time to clean and cook for him. He constantly complains that he's paying more than "his share" of the bills - not taking into consideration that I'm footing 100% of my college expenses that in the end will benefit BOTH of us.I see it as a trade off, he pays more household bills now, I pay for my college expenses and bust my a$s to get a degree...then we both benefit. He doesn't see it that way. He expects that I pay for half of the household bills, pay for all of my college expenses, do all the work to get a degree so I can make more money - but then he wants to benefit from it. He never wants to listen to me talk about my classes, or projects I'm working on - he says "college doesn't interest him". Despite his clear lack of support in me obtaining my degree, he is more than willing to benefit from the money I will be making once I graduate. When I bring up the fact that once I make more money he can focus on bettering his career or his financial situation - he adamantly declines saying that he's done enough. 40k/year is decent money - but not enough to raise a family on, which means that I will be forking out "more than my share of the household bills" if we have children...and he seems to be perfectly fine with this & does not think that he should have to better himself career-wise or financially at all. Is it really fair that he expect me to do all these things to better my career and my financial situation if he is not willing to do the same? Am I being unreasonable?

    Sorry so long!

    Thanks :)

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • It is considered cheating if it's online?

    (Long...but please read - I need some sound advice)

    I've recently found out that my boyfriend has a profile up on a sex oriented website. (you know one of those adult sites where everyone posts vulgar pictures & talks about sex). I was quite alarmed to find this - and for the record it was 100% by accident - I wasn't snooping. There was no denying it was him, the picture that popped up was clearly him. The thing that struck me as odd is that his profile picture was a picture that was taken since we've been together. Which obviously means that he's been on that site since we've been together. This is the reason I did start to snoop - and I'm sure anyone in the same situation would have done the same. Since the website only allows members to view other profiles, I had to create my own profile (fake of course) in order to view his full profile. I found that he had close to 10 pictures of himself posted on there (all of those 10 were normal pictures, nothing x-rated). BUT he also about 5-6 pictures that were "friends only" - meaning that only his friends could view them. I thought that to be odd - what was so 'secret' about those 5-6 photos? I also happened to come across the fact that he had last updated his profile last year - as if the profile picture that he'd taken since we've been together wasn't enough proof - the site actually said he had updated his profile last year while we were together. Although I couldn''t find anything stating when he was actually last on the site. I was devastated over this. I've been through my fair share of jerks in life - and although he's not perfect, I really honestly thought that this would never be something I'd have to worry about with him. Ever.

    I was at work when I happened to run across this site - and given the nature of the site, I didn't want to risk trying to print-screen all the pages of his profile to the community printer at work. (I don't want to lose my job!) So I waited until after work to go to a friends house to print the information off - so that I could confront him with it later. Only he had already deleted his profile by the time I got to my friend's house! I thought that was so odd - how did he know?

    Needless to say, I still confronted him. At first he told me he didn't know what I was talking about, then when I started spouted off random comments/pictures/headlines that appeared on his profile: his story started to change. He actually acknowledged creating the account, but he said it was 5 years ago he created it. Then he continued to lie and say he didn't know how it got updated, because he hadn't been on it. Then it was that maybe it got hacked, it was impossible, blah blah blah. Finally he came out with the truth (or so he says is the truth). He claims that he did in fact update his profile last year, but he only did it because we were having problems and he thought I was going to leave him. (I know, pathetic right?) Then he went on to say that the reason he deleted his profile that very day is because he got an email from the site saying someone viewed his profile. He claims that he had completely forgotten about this site until then, and he freaked out and deleted his account since we were still together. I'm not sure I'm buying any of this - espeically since it took me almost an hour of drilling him to finally get that out of him - not to mention the lies he told before finally coming clean. He claims he never did anything on the site (chatted/emailed/met up with girls/etc.) while we were together. I don't really buy that.

    My question here is - does being on this site constitute as cheating? If not - then what would? Would viewing other women's vulgar pictures be cheating - or would it have to be taken to the level of communication with other women to be considered cheating? I want people's feelings/opinions on this. I personally feel like he cheated - even though I dont' know for sure what he did on that site...but I'm curious to hear what other's think - or what you would do in this situation.

    Serious answers only - thanks.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Is there any nice way to tell your spouse you find their weight disgusting?

    AND them actually listen? I'm tired of the whole "WE should eat better"..."WE should exercise" deal. Or the subtle hints that he should lose weight. Nothing gets through. The truth of the matter is I'm turned off and not attracted to his weight - and I'm tired of looking at shamu everyday. Is there any nice way of telling him that his weight is unattractive so that he will actually listen and do something about it? Im to the point where I feel like calling him a fat a$$ to his face. Help!

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • I don't know whether to be mad or sympathetic?

    Okay - so I've just learned that all my fiance's medical troubles are being caused by his weight. Bottom line, he's obese (by almost 100lbs the doctor has said). He's got sleep apnea due to his weight - and now, low levels of testosterone which are causing negative affects. (constant fatigue, lack of sex drive, moodiness, etc). I don't know whether to me mad that he's basically done this to himself - or sympathetic because I know he's upset about it - and he has to be even more upset knowing that he caused it all. I just can't help but be angry at him for letting himself get this fat & out of control health wise. I find it absolutely ridiculous that someone (no just him) could let themselves get like this. I really don't want to hurt his feelings (even more than they already are) - but I've had to suffer from all the side effects of his various issues simply because he didn't care enough to take care of his health. I'm very angry at this! I'm scared I'm going to yell at him that he's caused all this on himself, or even call him fat. (even though it would be the truth). I want to be as nice as possible about this, but I also want to get across to him that it's HIS fault this has happened. On top of that I want him to know that I'm angry that it's driven a wedge into our relationship, and made me question even being with him. Does anyone have any advice on how to handle this? Thanks

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • What is his problem, please help!!!?

    Okay, so before y'all rip my head off for posting in the wrong section: I have posted this is the health section with barely any response. It's driving me crazy! I know this would be a good section to post in, seeing as how a lot of people frequent here. Sooo... low testosterone in men issue: if the levels of LH, FSH, iron, & prolactin are within normal range - but testosterone level is low: what could be the cause of low testosterone?? I'm drawing a blank...does anyone have a clue about this or experienced this? Please help!

    Other factors:


    -mid 30's age range

    -moderate to severe stress


    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Low testosterone level...? if the levels of LH, FSH, iron, & prolactin are within normal range - but testosterone level is low: what could be the cause of low testosterone?? I'm drawing a blank...does anyone have a clue about this or experienced this? Please help!


    4 AnswersMen's Health10 years ago
  • Men: what would you do if your wife/girlfriend was a sex fiend?

    As in she was always wanting it - numerous times a day? (from you and only you) Would you have a problem with this or get annoyed or sick of it? I seem to have the sex drive of a man in the sense that I want it all the time...not only is my fiance not putting out - but he also thinks it's "weird" for me to have such a high sex drive for a woman. Any thoughts?


    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Men: how long would you wait for sex?

    If you're dating a girl, how long would you wait for sex? If she lets you have it right away you'll think she's easy...if she makes you wait too long you'll get bored. What is the right amount of time to make you respect her, yet not get bored with her? Any suggestions? Just curious...

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Men: would you be more upset if your wife/girlfriend...?

    cheated with another man or a woman? Which would make you the most upset or angry and why? Opinions?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • How to survive in a sexless relationship?

    How do people do it?! I find myself coming closer and closer to wanting to cheat (and it makes me ashamed because that is not the kind of person I am). Has anyone ever been in this position? How did you refrain from straying - even when you were dying from sexual frustration. For those who say "do it yourself" can only "do yourself" so much until it becomes boring, you gotta have the real thing eventually. How the hell do you survive in a sexless relationship?!!

    ** Just to add, of course leaving is an option - but what if you don't want to leave? There has to be some other way to get through this, right?

    Opinions - serious only please.


    19 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Can a marriage/relationship with no sex actually work?

    Can a marriage/relationship lacking sex be successful, or does it always end in divorce/separating? Is there any way to make a relationship work if there is no intimacy or sex involved? Opinions?


    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • What happens when you fall in love with a person that doesn't exist?

    As in: you start dating someone that is everything you wanted - only to realize later on down the line (say a year or two into it) that they've changed into a completely different person. All the things that initially attracted you or that you found appealing have disappeared or changed, and the person seems to have done a complete 360 on you. What do you do? Do you continue to rough through it because you love the person, or do you walk away? If they were everything you wanted when you first met, they could be that again - right? Or does them changing signify that the "new" them is their true personality, and they won't ever go back to who they were when you met? Opinions?


    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • He makes me feel guilty for wanting to better my education?

    So my fiance makes me feel guilty for wanting to better my education. The thing is, I really don't care much for school - I see it as a necessary evil to get to a better place in life one day. My fiance has adamantly refused to go to college or do anything to better his career. WIth this - I have taken it upon myself to better my education which will in the long run better OUR lives. Higher education = higher paying jobs. I'm not looking to be a millionaire, but a comfortable 50k a year would be a great thing, especially in this economy. While this will better ME career-wise...I'm looking at the outcome of it benefiting BOTH of us, not just me. I think in a sense I'm "taking one for the team" in my pursuit for a better future - since he's made it clear he doesn't want to do anything that will better our financial situation. Why does he make me feel guilty for wanting to better our us financially? Shouldn't he be happy that I'm working hard to make a better future for the both of us? Opinions?


    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago