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  • Not exactly a fairy tale love story but how do I make this girl mine forever?

    Ok really long story but I will make it as short as possible. When I was 14 (10 years ago)I met the love of my life and we have kinda been friends ever since. We made out a couple time after knowing each other for about 3 years and then we lost track of each other for about 5 years. I heard through some of her friends that she had been with a guy since she was like 13 and left town to get married (she was I think 17)not long after we made out. I ran into her like 3 years ago after she was divorced and found out it was all true, and we kinda hooked up again but only for a month. Then she took off again with another guy and got pregnant and then came back and got back together with her ex husband. Today she has 2 kids (1 with the other guy and the second with her ex husband). I am starting to realize by typing this just how terrible to me she really is but I just cant give her up. But we talk everyday and her ex husband that shes back with doesn't like it but her deals with it. I am also very close with her whole family. They all like me and say I make her happy and that her ex always has been and still is a jerk to everybody. I know the best thing for me would be to forget about her and move on and I have been trying but deep down I just know were suppose to be together. Everybody says I am halfway good looking and a pretty decent catch but I just have no interest in anybody else and have never done so much as kissed another girl. I would literally do anything to be with her and be a dad to her kids. I know I am never going to get over her on my own. Should I look for some pro help to get over her? Should I just tell her how I feel(I somewhat have but its was over a year ago and don't think I really conveyed how much I truly love her)? Or should I just hang and see what happens?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What specifically do electrical engineers do?

    Well I decided to go to college for engineering, either electrical, mechanical, or aerospace. I have heard lots of guys that start off in mechanical but hate it and then go to electrical and love it. What exactly do electrical engineers do? I know a few around here that have looked at wiring inside my bosses shop to see if he can run any more machines but something like that wouldn't interest me. I like to work on cars and jeeps and motorcycles. Would an electrical engineer ever get to work on cars like the computer on an engine or is that more of a mechanic? I am fascinated by electricity but I am not sure if its for me, and I would have no interest working on power lines or wiring inside a building.

    thanks for any comments

    3 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Double Major in engineering?

    Well I might be transferring to a university in the fall majoring in mechanical, aerospace, or electrical engineering. I am thinking about doing possibly a double major in both electrical and mechanical but I dont know if that would be a good idea. If I was to get a job in engineering after graduation I think they would have you do one or the other so I would never get to put both degrees to work. I would be qualified for twice as many jobs but I would never practice both fields in one job. My ultimate goal would be to own some type of engineering business but to do that I know I would have to have a PE license. From what I heard it takes a lot of time to stay current on one PE license, let alone two.

    So whats everybody think? Would a double engineering major do me any good?


  • Filling out a college application. Do they need my sat and act scores if I am a transfer student?

    Well I am filling out an application to CU boulder and they have a place to put in your ACT and SAT scores. But then on another page it says that they are not required if you have 24 or more transferable college credits. I have close to 70 college credit and I would hope most would transfer but Im not sure if they will or not. I put n/a in the act and sat scores boxes but I am not sure if I should change it. I am not sure what my sat was but I know my act was a lot lower than they like to see. But I really didn't care much about high school and I have had a 4.0 college gpa since I started 3 years ago. So I am hoping I can get in but I don't want to to make a stupid mistake like leave my scores off and get rejected.

    Thanks for any comments

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Is it a bad idea to apply to a university a few credits shy of an associates degree?

    Well I am getting ready to send out a college application for engineer to start in the fall of 2011. I am about 8 credits shy of having my associate degree in machining technology but I recently decided machining is not for me and I want to do engineering instead. I am taking a few classes right now in engineering at a community college. I would say by fall I will be 20-25 credits shy of having an associates degree in engineering. It would be nice to have the associate degree then I could start at the junior level but I don't have the patience to stay at this community college. They have some of the most worthless instructors I have ever seen. They are really nice people but they like to showoff more than teach. I am getting straight As and the credits, I just dont feel like I am learning very much.

    I will send an application in and the worst they can do is reject it. I am just worried that if I am accepted I will be in an awkward position as far as scheduling classes. I know I wont be at a junior level but I think I should be slightly more advanced than a beginning sophomore.

    They wouldn't possibly reject my application because of this would they?

    thanks for any comments

  • What type of engineering should I do?

    I am trying to get into college for the fall of 2011 for engineering just not positive on what type. I have narrowed it down to mechanical, electrical, nuclear, and areospace. I would go for aerospace without a doubt because I love aviation except that I want to have my own business someday and anything aviation related takes a huge investment to get started in. Where as if I went mechanical I could start a business building custom cars or motorcycles or something similar with a lot smaller investment. I also have a huge interest in possibly getting into building some type of unmanned radio controlled vehicles like the military uses so I think electrical would be also be a good fit. Nuclear power has always interested me to some extent but a lot of people are against it, I think mainly because they dont understand it and believe false facts about it. Nuclear power may get big again someday but with everybody looking toward safe renewable energy it maybe dieing off. So what does everybody think. I am leaning toward mechanical, I think it is the least well paid of them all but I think it is the broadest field so I could work anywhere on just about anything. I thought about going for a double major but I heard keeping a PE license for one field is already challenging and time consuming enough. To my understanding if I wanted to work for myself a PE license would be a must have for me. I would love to work on both the electrical and mechanical aspects of different machines but it looks like that is more than one person should be trusted to do. I Know nobody can decide this for me, just looking for some outside opinions and ideas here. Thanks

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on nuclear power?

    Well I am getting ready to send out a college application and I know it will be for engineering just not sure what specific area. Nuclear is one area I am considering. I was just curious what the general population's opinion on nuclear power was? I kinda get the feeling nuclear power plants may be making a return from some things that I have seen in the news recently. I think most people are scared of another chernobyl but from the little research I did I know that a hundred things went wrong to cause the chernobyl disaster. Plus every reactor on earth has been updated with new safe guards since the disaster. Never say never but I think statistically nuclear is the safest power on earth. My only two concerns is that it would be a terrorist target, and the nuclear waste that it produces. It is a very small amount of waste but it will have to be dealt with sooner or later.

    What I would really like to go to college for is hydrogen, solar, and wind energy but very few colleges teach this area. Plus I don't see much enthusiasm for these technologies in the news.

    thanks for any thoughts

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • How do you tell a good college from a not so good college? CSU vs. CU.?

    Well I am about a semester away from graduating community college with a degree in machining but I dont think I can stomach another semester at community college. I would also like to get more into engineering and from what I have seen 2 year degrees are nothing to brag about so I am considering finding another school and starting on a 4 year engineering degree. So how do I tell a good school from a not so good school?? I know every school will have its pros and cons but just in general what are some good things to look for in a school? Specifically I am considering CSU Pueblo and CU Boulder. I am about an hour from pueblo and 3 hours from boulder so if I go to boulder I will have to move. I am leaning more towards boulder because I love the town and from what I have heard they are a better school. Also can anybody give me an idea how much CU costs to attend? After my college opportunity fund paid I think about 50% I was paying about $1400 per 12 credit semester. I am sure CU boulder is not that cheap but hopefully I dont have a heart attack when I hear the costs:)

    thanks for any comments

  • How do I get in on working on hydrogen fuel cells?

    Does anyone know how I would go about getting in on working on hydrogen fuel cells either as a mechanic or engineer? I am thinking about changing my college major and I love cars and motorcycles and I think hydrogen fuel cells will be the future. I have a lot of welding, machining, and mechanical experience and I would either like to be an engineer or a mechanic working on fuel cells. I have seen a few schools that offer a renewable energy engineering degree but I think they deals more with solar and wind power than hydrogen power. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated because I am totally in the dark on this one. Thanks

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • What is the safest way to pay someone a large sum of money?

    I am looking at spending about $10,000 for a piece of equipment to start a business with. It is a business that I am trying to buy it from and they are several states away so they will be shipping it to me. They say they accept cashiers checks, and wire transfers. Just wondering what is the safest way of paying them? What can I do if I pay them and never receive my item or receive an item that was misrepresented? I do trust them I am just nervous about spending that kind of money.


    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Starting a business in Colorado, what kind of help is available?

    Well I am currently on unemployment and I have decided to start my own machine shop type business. I have heard of programs that help you pay some of your start up costs or can pay you more unemployment benefits. Does anybody know if these programs are available in Colorado?


    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Why wont Ares the program work any more?

    Has anyone else been having problems with Ares for the last week? Is the server possibly down? I can open the program and search for files, it just wont download anything. It says its connected. I even deleted the entire program and downloaded it and installed it again and it still does the same thing. I have my firewall turned off. I am logged in as the administrator and I am using windows xp. This program has worked flawlessly for years and now it wont do anything.

    So what I am I doing wrong or how do I fix it?


    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Do I have any chance getting a loan without a job?

    Ok heres my situation. I am currently laid off from work and going to school. I would like to borrow about $5000 to start a business. I am taking a business class and we are writing a business plan but it wont be done for at least a couple months. I found a good price on a used machine I will need for my business and I would like to try and get it. I have half of what I need saved up. I believe I have a 760 credit score. I still live at home so I have no bills. I have one debt free credit card. I am making about $130 a week on unemployment. My only problem is no job. I do have a title to a car and a motorcycle I am willing to give the bank as collateral.

    Should I go see about getting a loan or is it even worth it?

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Do I have to openly advertise the fact that my business is a LLC? Is that where the DBA form come into play?

    Well I decided to start a business and I am going to be an LLC. I have not registered the name or done anything official yet but I am wondering do I have to openly advertise the fact that my business will be a LLC? I am not going to lie or try to hide the fact its is an LLC but I dont want to clutter my web address with LLC. Also the things that I make and sell I would like to engrave my name on and leave the LLC part off. Is there any problem in doing that? Would i need to fill out a DBA form in order to do that?


    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Can I still collect unemployment if I go back to school?? Colorado?

    Ok I was laid off a couple months ago and I am considering going back to school in a few weeks. I was just wondering if that will have any affect on my unemployment benefits? Will I still get paid? Will I be required to make more or fewer job contacts? I live, work, and go to school in Colorado.


    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is it weird for a married woman to be close friends with her ex boyfriend?

    Ok a girl that I love to death got married to another guy, got divorced, and we kinda hooked up for a few months. Then she went and got knocked up by a third guy. Now she has a restraining order against her baby's dad, and is trying to work things out with her ex husband. But me and her talk almost everyday, and go hang out once in while. I would like for things to work out between us. When we hang out she laughs at me a lot and just stares into my eyes like she still has feelings for me. She told me her and her ex has just put their pasts behind them and that her ex dont know that we have messed around a few times. It is weird that she hangs out with me while she is trying to work things out with her ex? I think I have a fair chance of getting back together with her because things didn't work between them before and now she has a kid thats not his, how could it possibly work now?


    16 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • After you get a divorce is there such a thing as a second chance? Can this work?

    Ok long story but I will make it as short as possible. There is a girl that I have liked for a long time and she has always liked me back. Well she got married about 3 years ago, got divorced about a year ago and we never were officially together but we did have some good nights together. Then she left for a while to be with another guy, that just got out of jail and treated her like ****, wouldn't let her use the phone, and threatened her, and basically kidnapped her. So she finally gets tired and leaves and gets a restraining order but she also got pregnant. So then she goes home and after a few weeks we start talking again and I ask her if she has a dad for her baby picked out yet and she says she is going to work things out with her ex-husband. This is a really messed up story that I hate but it is true. In some ways I still hope me and her can work things out, do you think there is any chance for us? She has put everybody through hell worrying about her for months and I would have forgot about her a long time ago but she is just such an awesome girl and there is nobody else like her. I would think if it didnt work before with her ex it really won't work now that she is pregnant with another guys baby. And in some ways I think she is only back with her ex is so she wont be alone in taking care of a kid and her ex is more financially capable of taking care of a family that I am right now. But we have been talking and hanging a little bit and she said that her ex is fine with that. Does it seem weird to anybody else that her ex ok with her hanging out with another guy that she has done things with in the past? I have became a good friend to her and her family(not her ex or any of his family) and they have told me she was happier than she has ever been when we were hanging out and they think she still has feelings for me.

    So what do you think? Do we have a chance? Do they have a chance? I have loved her, hated her, and had every feeling in between for her. I have told her how I feel and we decided to be friends at least which I am fine with but it would make me happy if we ended up together. She does make me happier than I have ever been but she has screwed me over and her ex more than once, so I am not sure if I can trust her if we did try to work things out. Not exactly a fairytale love story but I could see things working out for us but I could also see it turning uglier than it already is. If we do get a chance to be together should I take it?


    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Starting a business, what is the first step?

    I have been playing with the idea for years and I have decided to finally start my own business. So what is my first step? Do I need to talk to an accountant or a lawyer to see about a business name? How do I officially "buy" my name?

    What I want to do is start a business building motorcycle parts. I think what I want to start is an LLC. Given the dangerous nature of motorcycling I think I need as need much legal protection as possible. Some people have told me what I want to start is a corporation but I have also heard of Corporations being sued and the officers being named in the suit, and I dont think officers can be named in any suits against an LLC.

    Also I was told its good to use the word enterprises in your name because you can get away with paying less in taxes. Anyone else ever hear this?

    Any other suggestions would be appreciated. I really have no idea where to go from here.

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • What are the really sweet smelling cigars?

    Anybody know what those really sweet smelling cigars are? Once in a while I walk past somebody smoking a cigar and they smell almost like candy, but then I walk past others smoking and they stink so bad I can't stand to be around them. I have already bought and tried a few so I know they are not Swisher Sweets, Black and Mild, and I even tried a hand rolled(I think) Vanilla Cuban Delight. Anybody have any other ideas what they might be?


    7 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • How do ever really get "over" someone?? Or do we have a chance?

    Ok its a long story but I will make it as short as possible. I am 22 and I met the sweetest girl I have ever met when I was 14. We were good friends for a long time, we made out a couple times then she left town and got married without telling me. About a year and 4 months ago we run into each other and I find out she is back in town and she just got divorced and she wants to get together for a drink. So we do that and that is the start of the happiest month of my life by far. I guess we never were officially "going out" but we made out almost everyday and had sex a few times. Then one day she tells me she has to go to prison to pick up an old boyfriend that is getting out on parole. I tell her I dont like that idea she she says hes a good guy and all she going to do is give him a ride home and then she will be home. So she does that and I dont hear from her so I call and talk to her grandma which is who she lives with, which I have gotten very close to. She says the guy she went to pick up is a really bad guy and her threatens her and she believes everything he says, and that she has went to live with him. She also says she really has feelings for me and that I have made her happier than she has ever been. So about 8 months pass and I get about 3 messages on my phone from her, she just says shes sorry and doing what she needs to do. Finally I hear she has come home and he has went back to prison for a long time. She says the only reason she said she was happy with him is because he didn't leave her alone and listened to all her phone calls and read all her texts. But she says she is still involved with his family and waiting for him to get back out and she is being like a mom to his brothers kids. But finally one day she leaves his family and comes home and get a restraining order against all of them. At this point I dont know if I want her in my life anymore of not so I dont call her for a few weeks but I finally do. I knew she was pregnant with the guy who is in prison and I guess after talking to her for a few minutes I pretty much fall in love with her all over again. So we decide to be friends and hang out a few times. Then one day I just come out and ask if I can be the dad to her unborn child and she tells me she decided to try to work things out with her ex husband but we can still hang out and be friends. That just seems very weird to me. First she told me what a huge mistake getting married was and now she has a baby coming that is some other guys, how do they think it is going to work now? Also if I was her husband she for sure would not be hanging out with some other guy(me). I know her family think of me like family and they dont really get along with her ex husband very well. When we hang out we have a blast and she gives me these looks and smiles that make me think she still likes me maybe a little more than a friend. I told her exactly how I feel and that I support her in working things out with her ex but I really hope she leaves him and give us another chance. I have been through tons of **** with her and for her and tons of **** with her family when she abandoned them. If I was to get with her I know I could make her happier than she is right now and would do what ever I had to to keep her. So what should I do? I thought about trying to come up with a way to break them up but I think that is a bad idea. What I will probably do is just stay her friend and if thing dont work out with her ex maybe she will come to me and I can finally have my chance. I know I am a pathetic guy but nobody else has ever made me happy like she has. But if things never do how do I get over her. We will be friends forever no matter what but how do I forget about her possibly being my girlfriend or wife? At this point I just dont have any interest in getting to know any other girls. So for anybody who has been divorced does it have any chance of working out for them? If I was married and it got so bad we got divorced i would think it would be over and for good. But then she comes back pregnant with another guys baby and its for sure over.

    So how should I feel about all this? what should I do?


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago