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Apollo mission experts - why did NASA use a non-standard camera on the Apolloo 11?
NASA has commissioned the restoration of moon film recordings from the Apollo 11 mission.
From what I have read, the camera the astronauts had on this mission used a non-standard format which could not be TV broadcast directly. This required the use of converting equipment. Due to that and other technical reasons, the images that finally made it to the TV broadcasts were significantly degraded.
Why did NASA use this special camera format?
Also, why wait 40 years to commission the restoration work?
Where is the actual camera used by the astronauts in the moon? Was it brought back or left behind on the moon?
10 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade agoDo we really need the Higgs boson?
The Higgs boson is supposed to give all particles their mass. However, some theories about the origin of the Universe propose that the Big Bang was caused by the interaction between two 'branes'. They also propose that gravity is able to act outside of the Universe and that 'branes' themselves interact gravitationally.
That would put gravity 'outside' and 'before' our Universe. If this theory is correct, would we still need a Higgs boson to explain mass?
3 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoMultiverses and quantum Big Bang?
Multiverse theories postulate that a quantum fluctuation could suffer inflation giving rise to a Universe. There could be bubble universes being born in our universe, in what would be not a Big Bang but rather a Big Bubbling foam of universes being constantly born.
Theories say a bubble universe would almost instantaneously become disconnected from the parent universe.
Could this mean that?
1) from the perspective of the baby universe - Big Bang has occurred and a new universe has been formed
2)From the parent universe's perspective the baby universe is disconnected (becomming innaccessible) immediatly after it forms. Meaning the quantum fluctuation has collapsed (as it would, since its total energy is 0).
Endless universes spurring to life in the quantum foam between our atoms !?
A hole universe created out of nothing, without violating conservation of mass and energy on the parent universe?
2 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoA universe that spurred from quantic fluctuations should be closed?
I have just answered a general question about open and closed universe definitions.
This prompted me to think about the origin of the universe itself and how this could determine an open/closed evolutionary fate.
If the Universe did spurr out of quantic fluctuations, such as the ones generating virtual particles, should it not be necessarily closed?
Quantum fluctuations borrow energy from the vacuum to generate pairs of particle/anti-particle that then mutually anihilate restoring the energy balance to zero.
2 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade agoCan karate change the size of your feet?
I am an adult and started practicing karate about 10 months ago. I started with a 1.5h session once a week and have slowly moved up to 3 times a week (thursday, friday and saturday)
In recent months I find that my feet hurt everyday, especilally in the morning when I wake up. This happens everyday, not just the days after my karate training.
The karate I practice is non-contact.I am not kicking boards or bricks.
I also noticed that shoes that fitted me perfectly for months now feel too small.
Has anyone experienced something similar?
7 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago