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  • What is wrong with my foot? Is my foot broken?

    Five years ago I clumsily rolled my right foot and tore a ligament. Then, about three years ago, I was in a car accident and tore the same ligament again. About a week ago, I rolled the same foot a third time...assuming I had torn the ligament and knowing the drill, I immediately propped up my foot and iced it for awhile. A day went by and it was bruised, but not nearly as swollen as it had been after the first two incidents, so I figured that it wasn't torn, and didn't think much else about it except for faint bruising and slight soreness.

    Now, a week or so later, it constantly feels similar to when a bone is out of place and needs to be popped for relief. I'm afraid to mess with it, and I'm not in much pain at all, it's just extremely uncomfortable. Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks!

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Financial frustrations for a striving student. Any suggestions???

    I simply can't win.

    Here's the thing: I took two years off after high school to be a missionary and to travel. Last fall I decided to come home and go to a nearby University and work to pay for my own school. I am currently working two jobs and taking 18 hours each quarter with a 3.8 GPA

    So far I've been able to combine portions of my savings and my earnings, barely making each payment. Now the savings are gone, and money is tighter than ever.

    Because I'm not a freshman directly out of highschool, I'm not eligible for financial aid from my college, and I just found out that through the fafsa, I am no longer eligible for any government grants.

    Does anyone know of anything else I can do? I've submitted the fafsa, applied for any scholarships I can get my hands on, I'm working two part-time jobs, just to pay for school. I even stopped coloring my hair as one of many cutbacks in order to save money. lol

    I want to graduate debt-free. Phew. Any suggestions?

    4 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Is creatine smart for women?

    I am a female very serious about weight training and building muscle. I lift weights, do much cardio, and have a smart eating plan. I also incorporate whey proteins into my diet. I am currently 120 pounds and although my goal is to gain muscle, I also want to keep the fat and water weight off. I recently heard that creatine can cause excessive weight gain in a matter of weeks. Åny advice?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Where can I buy slide film and where can I get it developed?

    I'm applying for scholarships and I need to submit slides of my artwork for an art grant. I'm not sure what steps to take in doing this. Thanks for your help!

    4 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago