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hi(: i'm chelsea. i'm fifteen and i live in south lake tahoe. i'm 5' 3" tall, i have blonde hair and blue eyes, and i've got a pretty sweet sense of humor. txt me: 530-416-0667 my facebook:

  • Someone stole my dog, how do I get her back?

    I used to be roommates with my sister and her boyfriend. In the meantime I got a dog named Quinn, and got them a dog named Moxxi. They broke up and my sister and I moved out. Her boyfriend has refused to give me my dog. All the legal advice I ve gotten is I need proof that I bought her, that she s my dog, but I bought her and her sister from a close friend so I didn t get a "bill of sale" or anything. He owes me $900 for a vet bill that he caused (fed her 4g of hash when she was 23lbs), which he s refusing to pay. Does anyone know of anything I can do? He won t even let me see her because he s convinced I ll steal her back (which I probably would).

    11 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • What should I sing at my dads memorial?

    My dad passed away new years day and we postponed the memorial until the summer so family could attend.

    He was an avid musician and luckily passed on his craft to my brother and I. All his musician friends in the area are going to be playing and my brother and I wanted to perform a song in his honor, we're just not sure what to play.

    He loved classic and soft rock; guns n' roses, the who, queen, aerosmith, the Beatles, etc, but I have a delicate voice so I need to find something simple but still pay tribute to his musical career.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. :D

    7 AnswersRock and Pop6 years ago
  • How do you feel about PDA?

    Does it change whether its a male and a female, two males, or two females?

    Why or why not?

    *Please no religious rants about how "being gay is wrong because the bible says so", just want other's perspectives*

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • In the ER with my boyfriend, but the doctors are idiots...?

    *Sorry this is so long, please help.*

    My local hospital is notorious for keeping patients longer than needed to hide the fact that they know nothing. I've been here many times (8 hours at a time)for problems that urgent care was able to diagnose and fix within 45 minutes.

    I'm currently in the ER with my boyfriend and just wanted to see if anyone in the real world might be able to help.

    He rarely does drugs, but the past two days he's done half a gram of coke, nothing much compared to his old habits. He did a line last night and went to bed around 1am, then woke up at 6am throwing up blood, which continued every 20 minutes for 8 hours. Everything online said to bring him in, so I did, and we've now been here almost ten hours.

    Their diagnosis: he was throwing up blood because his stomach was just irritated from throwing up so much (despite the fact he was throwing up blood from the very beginning)

    They're just pumping him with fluids and trying out different medicine for the nausea, none of which have worked. He still can't drink water without feeling like he's going to throw up. He'll sleep for a couple hours and wake up feeling fine, then they give him medicine and he feels nauseous again.

    We're trying to get out of here ASAP to keep medical bills down (no insurance), and nothing is working besides sleep which he can do at home.

    Does anyone have any ideas as to what's going on/what could help?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care6 years ago
  • Cars heater only blows out warm air when accelerating, and temperature gauge goes up when parked...?

    I drive a '95 Subaru Legacy. The heater only blows out warm air when I'm accelerating, if I'm idle it blows out cold air. The temperature gauge also starts to go up quickly if I'm parked with the engine running for more than two minutes...any thoughts/advice?

    Oh! Also, when I take off, my speedometer moves sporadically until my car switches gears. Could this all be related? How do I get it to stop?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • Another dumb relationship question, should I stay or should I go?

    I'm gonna try to make this as short and sweet as I can. My ex, Jesse, and I started as FWB a year ago and dated for six months when he told me he didn't know if he wanted to be with me anymore, so I made his decision for him and left.

    We hung out a week later to see if he could spark any interest for me, but it wasnt working.

    I got asked out on a date and he got all bent out of shape and kicked me out out of his house.

    After canceling the date, I went to his house the next morning and promptly caught him in bed with another girl.

    A week later I went to get my stuff from his house. We talked a bit, and he said he wanted to be free, but wanted me around, so I told him if he was free, I was free, and went on that date with that guy that night. We had dated before, never anything serious, and ended up having sex.

    That same night Jesse had sex with the same girl I found him in bed with.

    Now we've been hanging out again, but he refuses to get back with me until I can earn his trust back...although he did the same exact thing I did, twice. Now I'm working for his trust while giving him mine that he clearly doesn't deserve. He's one of those guys that never shows his feelings, unless he's pissed off.

    Now, I've gone on a few dates with a guy named Jakob, and he's really great and we both like each other, but he lives an hour and a half away.

    In your opinion, should I give up on working for Jesse's trust and just break it off entirely? Or does it sound worth it to keep trying?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Help me name my new puppy!!?

    She's just a mix of a bunch of things, but she's very loyal already. She's very cuddly, a little hyper, and super friendly. I was thinking of naming her something like Clover, Applejack, Jazzy or Poet...I figured you guys would be able to come up with something unique but cute.

    9 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • I'm into younger guys, why?

    I'm 19 and dating a 17 year old. I've met his family and mine has met him, neither have a problem with our age difference. I've always gone for younger guys. My last two boyfriend were also two years younger than me. I definitely look younger, which I'm really excited about, most people guess I'm 16 or 17. My younger brother would always have friends over and he'd get frustrated because they always took an interest in me. Could it be that I'm just attracted to younger guys because I look younger? If not what the he'll is it?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I'm into younger guys, why?

    I'm 19 and dating a 17 year old. I've met his family and mine has met him, neither have a problem with our age difference. I've always gone for younger guys. My last two boyfriend were also two years younger than me. I definitely look younger, which I'm really excited about, most people guess I'm 16 or 17. My younger brother would always have friends over and he'd get frustrated because they always took an interest in me. Could it be that I'm just attracted to younger guys because I look younger? If not what the he'll is it?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • what song should i sing at my mom's wedding?

    my mom's getting married in june of next year, and i really think it'd be sweet if i sang a song for her and my brother played the guitar for it. it'd be a nice little surprise from her kids :) if you have any suggestions i'd love to hear them.

    2 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • how do i get my friend with benefits to ask me out?

    i started hanging out with my brother's friend more often than my brother did, and we really got along. a few weeks ago we started having sex, and he met my mom and she actually likes him(which is a very difficult test to pass, she barely likes me). in addition to having sex, we do cute coupley stuff too, he makes breakfast in the morning after her sleep over, takes me out to eat all the time, just about every weekend is a new adventure with him. just as just about any other girl who's started a friends with benefits relationship, i've started to actually grow real feelings for him. i feel like i don't NEED a relationship, but i would really love to actually be dating this kid. i know i could make him happy, but how do i make him mine? i don't wanna take too many risks because i'd rather have him in my life as a friend than not at all. help please?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I'm using virgin mobile and my phone keeps breaking...?

    I've been contemplating switching carriers because of this. My virgin mobile phone, I'm using a venture currently(well not right now because it's broken), has been nothing but problems. This would be the third time I'm asking for a replacement because the circuit board goes crazy and stops working. I'd like a newer phone but I can't afford their ridiculous prices. I'm talking to a representative over twitter lately, and they say they can send me a new phone, no questions asked, since I've been with the company for so long now. I know it may not be the right thing to do, but I'm wondering if they would catch on if I told them I was using a newer phone so that they'd send me one that would actually work instead of getting the same crappy phone. All the replacements they've sent have been no better than the last and break within three months. They usually have you send in your old phone after you receive the new one, but last time I forgot and they didn't even notice. If I told them I'm using a newer phone, would they send me a replacement of that phone without noticing that I'm actually using an outdated one?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Political science paper topic?

    My poli sci paper is due next week, and I still have no topic. The paper can be about anything significant to the issue of united states govt. He says he wants it to be something relayed to us, though. I want it to be about native americans, but I'm having trouble finding something. Hellllllp.

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Political science paper topic?

    My poli sci paper is due next week, and I still have no topic. The paper can be about anything significant to the issue of united states govt. He says he wants it to be something relayed to us, though. I want it to be about native americans, but I'm having trouble finding something. Hellllllp.

  • this guy has only ever wanted sex...can i change that?

    this guy and i have had a "thing" for about two years, but only hung out at school. we had sex at his house one time, but now i've realized that sex is all he really seems to want. i just want to know if there's any way i can make him see me as more than just a sex toy...? my friends and i all think he and i would be a cute couple, we like the same music, we're on par as far as personality goes, but he's one of those guys who only had one real girlfriend who broke his heart, and never went back to relationships. how do i make him see that a relationship together could work, and his heart would be safe?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • my boyfriend came home form a party with a hickey, did he cheat on me?

    he and i have had trust issues before, but we've both forgiven one another and been able to look past any indiscretions from our past and trust one another. unfortunately, though, this weekend he gave me a reason to be worried about his loyalty to me. he and his friends went to a party in a town 40 minutes away, i wasn't invited because he didn't really know who was throwing the party, his friends just did. well he apparently got really drunk and really high and now has no recollection of practically the entire night. i saw him the next day and he had a huge hickey on his neck. he seemed genuinely surprised it was there though, as i'm sure he wouldn't be so willing to see me if he realized it was there. anyway, i just want other's opinions on how to deal with this. i don't know that receiving a hickey would be considered cheating per say, but i just have a really weird, uneasy feeling about the whole situation.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • why am i always happy? i don't take drugs or anything...?

    i know this question sounds really dumb but i'm serious, i'm always happy, like always. you know how when ur on ur period, ur supposed to get grumpy and stuff? well not me, no, i'm just happy old chelsea. it's kinda a good thing but i don't want to all of a sudden become a big meany. that wouldn't be cool you know? well i was just wondering if anybody else was like that. and if it's good or bad

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • boys are confusing...should i go with it?

    I have three best friends; sandy, tyler and james. so i've liked tyler for quite a while now, and he's known the whole time, and he's finally starting to show an interest in me. he told james that he didn't want to ruin our friendship with a stupid high school relationship and that he wanted to wait a bit. (i'm a sophmore in high school by the way) anywho, so he's been giving me more and more hints that he wants us to go out. just a few examples: we're sitting in the car(this part sounds dorky) in jame's garage so we don't wake up his parents, and i'm in passenger's and he's in the driver's seat. he keeps insisting that we hold hands and stuff. later on he told james that he wanted to see if it felt right holding my hand, according to him it did. then we all decided to play truth or dare, but i was holding jame's dog so i couldn't really do anything but the truths, so he kept asking me stuff like, "would you ever go out with me?", and "how would you want to be asked out by a guy?" and other weird stuff. of course you can imagine how weird answering these questions in front of ur other 2 best friends would be. and it's just always things like that. his mom is my mom's best friend, so it wouldn't be weird between his parents and mine and stuff. our mom's have wanted us to date since we were little. i've known him for about nine years and i just want to know if you think he's just messing with me or if he's for real. he only tells james stuff that he's serious about. if he is serious about this, do you think i should wait to go out with him? or should i just go with the flow and whatever happens happens?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • i heard...after giving had to...?

    get stitches on your vagina. is that a choice or is it mandatory?

    21 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Who was that teen actor in iCarly?

    In a new-ish episode of iCarly, Carly's brother got his motorcycle stolen by a kid. The guy who stole it ended up going out with Carly, but she broke up with him because he collected "teeny babies". He also just recently made an appearence on Hannah Montana. I REALLY want to know his name. help?

    5 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago