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  • I feel my brother doesn't love me anymore?

    So my brother is 17 and i'm 15. I said that I can live on my own and don't need my parents, when I meant that I can live by myself, not with my parents. he totally got the wrong idea and told me off, and left. now he's extremely mad at me and I love him to pieces. I know what I said was wrong, but I learned my lesson, and to keep my big mouth shut next time. but he'd been ignoring me and stuff. he even said that he won't forgive me after what I said. Me and him grew up really close, we've had fights before, but this one was the worst. We have a group of me, him, my best friend, and my boyfriend. and yesterday, he said to my best friend that Daffy -my boyfriend- is being a butt-hole and to help him. so I messaged him on facebook this; 'ohhhh hi Kenny -that's his name-, I thought you LOVED me, as a sister, you even had a crush on me, so why hate me. and this is making me cry at night'. and that was it. it was a honest mistake of what I did to make him mad at me, and as I said, I was sorry and learned my lesson. I just want my brother back and this is seriously making me cry at night, I could just be listening to my mp3 and then the whole thing would pop up in my head and then I would have tears in my eyes, I'll try blinking them away, but it just won't work. i'll be crying -not bawling-. One time, he brought me to show-and-tell when he was in kindergarten and I was in preschool -we're 20 months apart-. he was even protective of me. the other day, I came across something on my wall that he wrote. it said' hey sis, its time for me to fight Evil Alfredo -a gang member after us-, wish me luck and if i die, you were the best little sister I ever had and I loved you, sis. goodbye my friend. when I saw that message, that brought tears in my eyes. it's very touching to me and always will be. I love him and please don't ignore this question.

    5 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • ways to get revenge on my ex-boyfriend?

    Just ten minutes ago, I wanted to forgive my ex-boyfriend for killing -not me, but being evil- people. so i've decided to give him another chance as being friends, i told him i forgive you, and he was like 'ohh not you Jenny, well bye Jordan', and left. btw my friends name is Jordan- shes a girl- . i know what i did in the past was wrong, but i've wanted to be his friend just so we won't fight and stuff. if you want to know about my past, my last question should tell you. so I wanted some revenge on him to show him how i felt what he said to me.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • need help about my brother?

    So I have a 17 year brother. so about last week or so, I said that I can live on my own, cuz I'm' smart and all that. Then he told me off about how I can live on my own. Just now, my bff said that he called her "beautiful" and stuff. but he told her (this is the sad part) that I can live on my own and that he doesnt care if I'm his sister! me and him were really close growing up and I know I'd made a miskate, but I want him 2 forgive me. what do I do? :(

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • I dont know i'm over this?

    So our group is us: Me, my boyfriend Manny "Daffy", my sister/bff Jordan, and my brother Kenny. my ex-boyfriend Madara has a little 7 year old sister named Evelyn. I really like her, but sometimes she annoy me. like one time when I was like drowning, she was like "Kenny, make her stop roleplaying!!!" I am the youngest of two kids, so I'm spoiled (but still nice, I would do anything for my family and friends. But she is a whiny brat (sometimes) and I thought Kenny favored her over me, his own little sister. I asked about a million times, and he was like "I love you both the same, now shut up about it!!!!" Its totally visible that he loves her more than me. and here I think that: 1. she doesnt like Daffy for some reason (dont know why), 2. Daffy and Madara hate eachother, 3. I am the smartest in our group and I know the signs. and 4. shes so whiny and spoiled by Kenny that its sickening! not that I;m jealous of her (cuz I kinda am) before she and her brother came along, it was only me, Kenny, and Daffy. (even my friend Jaime) , I was the princess!!!! I had a good life until Madara and Evelyn came along. when I first met her, she had straight brown hair in pigtails, she was wearing a beautiful dress, everything. Then I found out that her parents died, so I offered to be her mom. And Kenny was her "dad". But when me and Madara dated, I dont think she was alive (there are gang member after us, BTW). But when I felt that Daffy was the one 4 me, I broke up with Madara and he TRIED to kill me!!!! Luckily I survived that, and i'm with Daffy now. But now, he's suddenly evil and saying I'm a w***e (sure, I dated him and Daffy while me and him were dating, and when I was 13, I dated a older guy and he turned out to be kinda evil. but theres a person named "Gossip boy" who is after me, Kenny, Daffy, Jordan, and Kennys "ex" girlfriend Khristal. But the gossip about me is pretty cool. I am beautiful and one of the smartest freshmen in my Chicago high school. But I dont know if i'm over the drama in the past... give me suggestion on how to help forget about it, etc. (I have anger problems and yoga does NOT help).

    Family9 years ago
  • does Hidan Lucas sound good?

    Hidan is somebody from Naruto, and I like the name Lucas. I'm not pregnant, but I really liked this name and its my 1st boy name. Do you liek it? yes or no? (NO RUDE COMMENTS)

    5 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • how do I write a story on fanfiction?

    As you saw in my last question, I wanted to write a fanfiction about two very pretty yet Evil (one of them is evil) girls. They are based on my brother/boyfriend. I wanna write this sooo bad!!! where is the place where I can start writing???? Thanks.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • What girl name is perfect for Kenny and Manny?

    I'm gonna do a story about two very pretty girl who live in Chicago. The guys (my brother and boyfriend) name are Kenny and Manny. Kenny is my brother, his full name is Kenneth Michael Mcormick, and m,y boyfriends full name is Manny Estrada (doesnt have a middle nme). I would like the full names. Like Kenny Michael Mcormicjk (but in girl-style). Thanks!

    3 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • An gang member ruined me and my brother?

    So there's a gang member harassing me and my friend/brother/boyfriend. My ex is supposedly brainwashed by the gang member, and now he wants a speech with me and my boyfriend (his name is Daffy), And then my brother Kenny comes in. I've already said that I can live on my own, and Kenny was like "umm Jenn (my name is Jenny) if you think you can live on your own and you dont care, then *the f word* and goodbye, then left. What I meant that if I live on my own is that although i'm a freshman in high school, I can live in my own house and stuff. so the gng member (the guy named Jaime) is like talking crap to me, calling me fat and ugly (when i'm really skinny and beautiful). my ex is saying that i'm a w***e, (okay sure, I was dating him and daffy at the same time, but before my ex, his name is Madara, left, I said that we can be friends, and he agreed). I only want to be friends, not to make my own brother hate me! or make Daffy dump me (madara and Daffy are rivals, they were fighting over me when I was dating Madara). What do I do about this gang member before it's too late? :(

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • my boyfriend's about to kill himself?!?

    Me and my boyfriend was having a fight cuz I thought he was cheating on me. now he says he's going to kill himself. I love him dearly and he's only 16, too young to die. If he dies, then it'll be ALL my fault, but I wished on a question that I wanted me and him to live forever and after. And now he's trying to kill himself, and I'm about to cry cuz of it. What do I do? :"(

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • My Family are acting like jerks...?

    My family is having a yard sale today, and While I was in the house with my oldest girl cousin making popcorn, she was blowing up balloons and was making the balloon do that one blow thing w/ alot of noise, which was hurting my ears and annoying me. When I took one and tried to blow it, just to help, she was like "Put that down!!! Dont put your dirty mouth in it!" When my mouth was CLEAN as freakin' heck. then just 5 or 10 minutes ago, my other cousin (a boy and is 9) was putting tapes out and then, minding my own business, was looking at one and he kept calling me a mother *f word* like 4 or 5 times, and after the last time, he snatched the tape from me! Frustrated and ticked, I hit him and he acted like he was crying, when he WASN'T. My aunt then yelled at ME, I tried to tell her that he was starting crap w/ me first, calling me a mother *f word* while I was minding my own business. She was like "I dont care, get off the computer". And then my mom started telling at ME. and then they forced me to share MY popcorn with the baby cousin (who's 3) and the 9 year old. I was so angry, I went inside and my other cousin was like "I'm gonna punch you in the face". When I never done anything to her at least today. What should I do?

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • What can I do with my older brother? :(?

    My brother is 17 and I'll be 15 in December. He's peed off cuz I felt he treated me like his slave and I told him to get the feeling over with. He's saying crap like how I made no sense, and I'm called a s**t and a retarded girl by a gang member after us. when I told him about what the gang member was calling me, he said "You don't make no sense, I'm leaving", and did. when he had a "daughter" (actually his friend/ my ex boyfriend's sister), he spent more time with her than me. She's seven and now she's dead, my brother want revenge on the people who killed her. I'm sure if I die, he won't care. He'll be happy that I'm gone (I don't know if he will). But When me and him were little and up until basically last year, we used to spend ALOT of time together, and we wouldn't go anywhere without each other, unless he had to go to preschool (me and him are 20 months apart). But now, it seems he don't want to spend time with his own sister. And because he's peed off, I asked my boyfriend can he talk to my brother, and he said sure. my brother and boyfriend met in preschool and as 10th graders, they're going to six flags today, and my boyfriend will talk to my brother. I don't want my brother to hate me all because of something I felt. Everyone worships him and when me and him were arguing, my friend was like "you peed him off, lol Jenny". And she was only in our group for like a month. Can you help me? :(

    Family9 years ago
  • what should I do about my brother? :(?

    My Brother just turned 17 and I'm 15. We're very close and stuff, but he'll always treat me like crap. Like our cousin, he'll spend more time with her than ME (she's 7 btw), but after she died, I think he started spending time w/ me again. But I would spend alot of money on HIM, never myself or my boyfriend. A gang member is after us and my brother was gonig to kill him. Me, being the proctive one, would always tell him to "be careful and/or good luck" everytime they have a war. But I keep taking breaks from him/my boyfriend/friend, and he'll get mad. I'm sick of this stuff and I don't know what to do. I love him so much and I'm sure he does too, but I don't know what he's doing. I just want him to be there 4 his younger sister and stop being spoiled. what do I do? :(

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • My Aunt accuses me?!?

    I'm 15 and my mom's diva sister is staying with us. Me and Her hate each other sooooo much. Like If I was accused of taking a candy bar or her phone, She'll blame the whole thing on me. I know I never do these things, I'm a pretty good kid. But Just now, she accused me of breaking a chair, and she said as soon as my mom comes home and sees it, i'm in trouble. But It wasn't ME!!!!! I have a older brother who's 17, and I don't know if he did it or not. I think she broke the chair on purpose and blames me of breaking it. I get angry often and plop down on a chair in frustration/anger, but I never BROKE the chair. I also have OCD, so you'll see me cleaning often and stuff. I'm always nice to people and never curses and stuff. Why is she going to blame me for something I didn't do?! Does she hates me or jealous of me cuz I'm the baby of the family?!

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • my Boyfriend lied to me? :"(?

    My Boyfriend Daffy talked to me on facebook (we're dating, but he's somewhere, I dont know). And so he decided to go to the park with his cousin. And I agreed, since they were going to the park (I'm currently in Chicago, and he's in Texas). But I suddenly remembered something, and I was like "wait a sec. Are you there? Daffy". and then I was about to type something else. but he went off on me. He also said he'll be back on at 6:30. But he never even did! I was waiting like until 8:00, and then I decided to get off. Before I left, I went on his wall and typed in "Honey, I have to get off in like 10 minutes, so I cant talk. Can you be on tomorrow?". But when I got on my facebook this morning, I saw he commeted on my post, that he got home at SEVEN-THIRTY and then took a shower. I was worried and is mad at him. what do I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I fear my boyfriend's dad hates me?

    I love my boyfriend of three and a half months, but I think his father hates me. My boyfriend told me that he called me "crazy", I'm OCD, but I don't go around cleaning crap off his face. Me and my boyfriend's mom gets along fine, like have tea (or soda 4 me), Shop, or just talk. But the Father.... I rarley talked to him since about two months ago, when I was in his car, and he started telling me that I'm a "crazy little b who does nothing but fool around with guys". When he said that, I jumped off the car (no injuries), and didn't speak to the family for 48 hours. I'm madly in love w/ this guy, but I dont know what to do? HELP ME >:"(

    7 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • I got Beat up at a McDonald's?!?!?!?!?

    This Afternoon, I was at a McDonald's, and these little black kids were beating me like I was a GROWN WOMAN (I'm only 15), and everytime I try to get up, they pulled my hair and made me go down to the ground, once, I even got up to try to get someone's attention by knocking on the thing (I was in the PlayPlace), and they pulled my freaknig hair HARD!!!!!! what the heck should I do to them the next time I see them? D:

    7 AnswersFast Food9 years ago
  • my sister is whiny?!?!?!?

    She is my favorite sister, but shes like 12-13 and shes whiny. She told me that a boy asked her out today, and she was like "Its a guy at school who asked me outtttttttttttt". I also have a 7 year old sister whos about 7 and whines too. the 7 years old name is Evelyn, and the other ones name is Jamie (girl). Like a few weeks ago, I felt my oldest brother liekd Evelyn better, which made me jealous (and I'm 15). But how do I stop the whinyness???? :(

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • New season of Beavis and Butthead?

    I know they had a last season that aired w/ Good Vibes, but on Facebook, people are saying that there will be ANOTHER new season... I'm confused, will there?

    1 AnswerComedy9 years ago
  • Gang Member killed my brother?!?

    I just found out that a gang member killed my BROTHER! what do I do?

    5 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • My Brother is Dying?!?

    My brother was in a gang, but he's out of it, so the Leader wanted revenge on him for leaving, so he and the leader got in a fight, and now my brother's dying, what should I do? *crying*

    5 AnswersFamily9 years ago