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  • Will I need to take the pins/buttons off my backpack?

    I'm might be flying to fly to Florida in a few days and I was wondering what the protocol is concerning buttons and pins. I have quite a few 2-3" metal pins on my backpack that I plan to take as a carry on, and I don't mind at all to take them off at home if it'll be an issue, but I'd rather leave them on if they're allowed so I don't lose them.

    So, yeah. Thanks. :)

    4 AnswersAir Travel10 years ago
  • Hello! How do you feel about comic books?

    Oh, hey, Books and Authors, I haven't been here in a while, how are you?

    Anyways, I have a friend who only reads literature. He considers many books to be beneath him. I love literature, but I love any books, really, I just want to read a good story.

    Also, I love comic books, almost to a ridiculous extent. I don't think adding pictures to a story makes it any less of a story. (Also, superheroes, come ON, they're awesome.) He thinks I read junk and I think he's being a book snob about it.

    So, how do you feel? Are comic books too childish or are they acceptable?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • Writers and Readers BOTH! Concerning the romantic subplot...?

    READERS: Do you expect romantic subplots in the books you read? Does it bother you when there isn't one?

    WRITERS: Do you feel pressured to add a romantic subplot when you write? Do you ever worry people will feel differently about your writing without it?

    I do. A friend who edits/proofreads for me keeps telling me that my characters should date and there's not room for that nonsense in the plot. Just wondering if anyone else feels this way.

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • B AND A. What do you think of twins/siblings with matching names?

    In books, or in life. It irks me in books when it's not addressed and it's supposed to be cute. I want to use it as a plot device one day, in which fraternal twins with matching names are brought to reset each other because of the mix ups. It irks me in real life because my little brother and I have very very VERY similar names, and my parents just say whichever comes to mind first, because they know we'll both respond.

    Just curious, you know.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Hello, B&A. In your own opinion, what's your writing style?

    We've all done the "insert text and see your style" things, but how would YOU describe your writing style?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else had trouble writing lately?

    Hello, B&A, I missed you!

    So, I've been jotting down ideas for about six weeks now, and I haven't been able to write anything substantial since school started. I seemed to notice a lot of lack-of-inspiration questions on the rare occasions I have time for the interwebz. I try so hard to write real things, but it won't happen.

    So, did your motivation disappear too?

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Books and Authors! How do you feel about epistolaries?

    I've been working on an epistolary project. It's being told through e-mails, texts, letters, notes passed in class, sticky notes left in lockers, instant messaging, and doodles.

    I'm not going to stop working because you don't like it or whatever, but I was wondering how other people feel about these types of works.

    So, hmm? What do you think?

    (PS. If you don't know, just daggum google it! C'mon, that's why google is here! :D )

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Do you ever describe things this way?

    Hello, Books and Authors, I love you! :)

    So, my euphoria aside (medicines have side effects, just so you know, and I am rather giddy) I would like to know if I'm the only one who does this/thinks like this.

    It was actually kind of chilly in the mountains today, and I turned the heat on in the car a bit to warm up. I assume you all know that car-heater-smell, and the only way I can describe it is that it smells like a quilt feels. What I want to know is if any of you do that, describe things with the wrong senses. I do all the time, like I think that breezes feel the way music boxes sound, and all sorts of things. I assume I do it because the things I relate them to have a similar aspect.

    So, have I finally lost it, or do you sometimes do that? Hmm? If I were to read this sort of description in a book or something, would it confuse you?

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Books and Authors! Do you ever have a book moment?

    Like when something happens or you say something that makes you feel unrealistic, and you think that moment belongs in a book, not in your memories. Or if you have a skill that isn't really that normal. A fiction-moment. Hmm?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What's the easiest part of writing for you?

    Yeah. Self explanatory. I'm sure it's been asked before, but yeah. I'm tired and I was thinking.

    Also, just wondering, you got a favorite actor(ess)? I was reminded because I'm watching Shutter Island, and Leonardo DiCaprio is my favorite. He has been since I first saw What's Eating Gilbert Grape. I saw Inception on Friday and that officially made him my permanent favorite forever more amen. :)

    Enough of my ramblings, you can answer now. Hah.

    (Computers & Internet > Programming & Design? Oh, Yahoo, someday, you will learn.)

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Books and Authors! What would you put in your Bug-Out Bag?

    I've been researching for aforementioned post-apocalyptic novel. I plan for my protagonist's neighbor (previously assumed to be insane) to have his Bug-Out Bag prepared for the nuclear fallout, and the protagonist is going to steal it.

    If you don't know, the bug-Out Bag is a backpack/etc full of supplies you'll need to survive/get to a secure shelter in case of the apocalypse/fallout/blahblahblahdedyblah.

    So, the question is, what would you take with you, assuming you could only take ONE backpack or duffel bag?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Hello, Books/Authors. How do you feel about those post-apocalyptic stories?

    There's been an idea bouncing around in my brain for a while. I mean, it's not going to be the fairy tale zombie movie type, where you defeat them all and fall in love in the process. It's gory and mean, no romance, no happiness, just oodles of bad stuff.

    I'm going to write it regardless, but I was just wondering what you think of those sorts of books. What you DO like about them, what you DON'T like about them, and all that nonsense.

    (And if any of you have seen the Discovery Channel show The Colony, it really helped me develop that idea and convince me that it's doable. New season on the twenty-sevenntthhh! I am exciiiiiteddddd!)

    So yeah. Pleeeassee answer. :)

    Also, suggested category.... CORRECT! CELEBRATE IN THE STREETS! YAHOO HAS DONE IT!

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • I've heard contradictory opinions. What do you think of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo?

    I'm a fan of Palahniuk, Harry Potter, the more intelligent/mature young adult (The Perks of Being a Wallflower and such.) and a bunch of the classics.

    So, how well do you think I'd enjoy it? Or just tell me your opinion, I don't care which. :)

    (And, The Hunger Games, that's another one that opinions have been quite different. if you've read it, help me out?)

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How would I credit quotes in a film, without mentioning it in the film?

    At my school, the seniors team up an make movies every year. My team is doing a documentary on an imaginary serial killer. I'm the generally creative one in our group, so I'm in charge of the script. I think that having our serial killer be credited for some famous/shocking quotes would add a bit of depth to him because he would feel familiar to people.

    My question is how to credit those quotes to the actual killers without stating it in the film.

    I'll give you an example:


    When we found him the first time, it was in this old house. It was run down, about to collapse, and on the door it said "In this hole lives the wicked king" He was so confident. He never saw us coming.

    "In this hole lives the wicked king," is a quote from David Berkowitz (Son of Sam). How do I credit it?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Do you have a reward system for yourself when you write?

    I do. If I meet my dead line I can bake cupcakes or make homemade French fries. I'm considering a career in culinary arts and making cupcakes or fries just makes the whole day wonderful, and on top of getting a few chapters done? GLORY.

    What about you? Hmmmm?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Hello thar Books and/or Authors. What are you best at besides writing?

    I know that there's been a similar question out there concerning other talents/abilities.

    I want to know ONE THING. No debating, just ONE that you excel in. You can add details, but none of the flip-flopping about "but also I am good at blebedybleh."

    For me, it is musical theater. Because straight up plays make me angry. :D

    Also, just wondering, how much do you enjoy answer questions about you instead of your characters? Haha. I like when people share. :)

    13 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What genre is most appealing to you?

    Curiosity. :D

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What are the most tragic endings in classic literature?

    I don't want current books. Nothing from this century.

    I've been googling for ages and figured, B&A, they're smart. :)

    Just the classics, NO happy endings, the kind where everyone is screwed. I like those kind. Haha.

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Hello, authors. Now that we have strangest, what is the most interesting thing about you?

    If, when meeting someone, you could tell them the most impressive thing about you, what would you tell them?

    Not counting telling them that you write. :O

    13 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What's the worst writing advice you've ever received?

    NOT COUNTING the stupid answers on Y!A, the ones that are too-nice cause they want best answer. Some advice that sounded good, but really hurts your writing instead of helping.

    Beauty & Style > General - Beauty & Style? No, I am sorry, Yahoo. :(

    17 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago