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  • Isn't it time Romney become president, the way it should have been the 1st time around?

    Whether he'll run again or not is still undisclosed. But if nothing else is clear, obama "in charge" has been nothing but more debt, lies about healthcare, and a brand new unilateral war among other things.

    Not that Romney is without flaws, but he has business experience, something obama didn't. Plus, Romney just has this vibe that he's an honest America loving person, something barack is also missing. Since dems had their way the 1st time around, and their runner up is apparently clinton, shouldn't Romney be given his chance?

    And for those of you intending to claim "Romney would do nothing but make things worse" - please consider obama's performance. Romney hasn't been president, so to claim he'd be a bad president can't be factually based, unlike obama's concrete and real performance.

    7 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • Why are democrats pro-communism?

    How many U.S. soldiers have died defeating the very communism that American democrats are now readily embracing?

    When Conservatives accused democrats of communism-sympathizing, dems not only denied it but mocked the very idea. Lo and behold, all you need to do is spend 1 day on Y!A to see a slew of questions from democrats demonizing Capitalism and praising communism as what we should have in America. They don't even hide it anymore.

    I think it's disgusting.

    6 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why are libs so filled with hate?

    They seem to be so ready (and hypocritically) to attack Republicans on stances that their own party is equally as guilty or worse.

    They blame Bush for dragging us into war, yet not a peep when obama recently (and unilaterally) declared a brand new war. (And FYI libs - "Bush's war" could not have happened without democrat votes).

    They blame Bush for America's debt. Yet they ignore the fact that 7 TRILLION has been added under obama. Which is more than ANY U.S. president, ever.

    They blame Republicans for being so-called "obstructionists" - yet pay no attention to the fact that Harry Reid alone has blocked more than 350 bills.

    ***When Republicans screw up, it's Republicans fault. When Democrats/Obama screw up, it's Republican's fault.***

    6 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • California is drowning in debt, Jerry Brown's priority? BAN PLASTIC BAGS.....?

    Are you kidding me? California is among the top states on welfare and/or extended unemployment. Fine, we're broke, let's deal with this issue....

    ....or. Let's forget all about the fact that Californians are broken and out of work, instead? Let's turn our attention to officially banning all plastic bags in grocers and liquor stores, which was signed by JB on Tuesday.

    Am I missing something people? Are our politicians that pathetically stupid that they care more about plastic bag pollution than unemployed Americans? Where's the checks and balance process to condemn jerry brown? Where's the accountability?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Why are libs so hypocritical?

    They claim to be a part of peace and acceptance; yet attack and slander anything they don't like, Republicans, religion, white people.

    They want heavy government regulation in areas they want (religion for example), but in other areas like abortion, they want all government hands off, citing nonsense like "if a woman wants to have an abortion during labor she should be able to choose".

    And they have a tendency to blame everything on Republicans. Everything, no matter how far fetched and stupid. Did obama just declare a brand new war (AND illegally?) They blame Republicans for obama's action.

    Is it because dems were born with defective brains? Or are they merely sheeple who too gullible to think independently?

    4 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • Does the CDC operate much like our government?

    The CDC knew the group of people returning from Liberia were exposed to Ebola while in Africa.

    They let them go back into the U.S. without so much as a screening

    Only when its confirmed that he had ebola after voluntarily going to the hospital, does the CDC now take action. And the cherry on top? This same man was released from the hospital the 1st time, they didn't take it seriously until he came back the 2nd time.


  • Why is Carl's Jr. so pathetically predictable?

    I know sex sells, but their ads are extremely desperate in this area.

    Their ads have always been sexually implied, whether half naked women eating a hamburger they spit out when the camera is off, but their latest is truly pathetic.

    A woman on a plane asks 2 guys if they want to join the mile high club, then hands them a burger when they say yes. Seriously Carl's Jr.? Are you that desperate to capitalize on sexual innuendo?

    I wonder what genius MBA's Carl's Jr's employs whose graduate brilliance thinks watching 15 seconds of playboy is gonna make people buy from them.

    1 AnswerFast Food7 years ago
  • Is anything ever obama's fault?

    According to every liberal ever, obama has not made a single mistake his entire presidency.

    Obviously every obama flaw, every lie, every illegal bypass of Congress was someone else's fault.

    4 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • Why are some democrats such intolerant hypocrites?

    If you spend enough time on Y!A, you notice certain dem's questions they post, and responses they give to other questions.

    On the one hand they:

    -Claim to be victims, that both Christians and Republicans are intolerant, racist, obstructionists.

    Yet by their own words, they post questions and answers being extremely intolerant of both Christians AND Republicans.

    How can you claim to be a victim of something when you readily (and un-provokingly) attack and slander both?

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • Is eBay its own worst enemy?

    Not that long ago, eBay was about fair buying and selling.

    But these days eBay has made it perfectly clear that sellers have no rights. Every accommodation, every rule, every policy is designed to favor the buyer EVEN when buyers falsely claim they were wronged just to get their money back.

    eBay knows this, but they don't seem to care. It's driving off its sellers, and the only reason eBay exists IS because of its sellers, eBay doesn't sell anything they rely on other people paying fee's to sell.


    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Libs, why do you pretend the Eric Holder situation is just propaganda and a witch hunt?

    Libs tend to think that Holder resigning is just a man sick of falsely being accused of wrong doing, and that Cons are creating a scandal that doesn't exist.

    But the evidence tells a different story.

    -Congress questioned Holder about fast and furious; holder responded "There is no fast and furious" (which is a lie)

    -Congress subpoenaed the documents that would expose fast and furious. Holder then hides behind obama's legs begging for executive privilege to prevent the smoking gun from coming out. Obama issues that executive privilege.

    -Holder resigns - and libs want to pretend nothing happened. Even Jon Stewart, devout liberal, bashes holder as a liar. The whole "conservative manufactured scandal" is just a pathetic excuse libs use in their continual inability to acknowledge responsibility.

    Then as a last ditch attempt, try to blame Bush, guess what libs, obama isnt about to protect Bush with executive privilege because this is the same obama who campaigns on bashing Bush.

    8 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • What does it say when even CNN has to sugar coat the fact that obama lies?

    Remember the whole "if you like your doctor you can keep him" promise?

    Well by now the majority of the nation recognizes that obama lied, some devout radicals still claim he didn't but anyway, soon after the broken promise (among many) - obama's credibility was yet again questioned publicly.

    So CNN seeing this, printed an article called "Of Course Presidents Lie" so as to make it seem like it's not obama's fault he lies to 300+ million Americans!


    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism7 years ago
  • Isn't it pathetic how dems blame Cons for Obama's actions?

    We oppose obama from day 1 because he had 0 experience, no relevant qualifications, and was a clear divider of people.

    Dems elected him anyway. Fine. 7 years later obama is such an epic lying failure that dems are now trying to claim that obama is a Conservative.

    Is there anything dems won't say to avoid taking responsibility for their ineptitude? It's pretty pathetic how it's always someone else's fault.

    3 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • Is it any wonder the U.S. is sinking?

    I don't just mean economically, I mean morally as well.

    We have more self-proclaimed thugs and hoes than ever before.

    We have more teen pregnancies, more pre-teen sexual activity.

    We're conditioned to feel like victims for everything, and never before have we embraced

    this degree of vulgar, tasteless, and 'do what makes you feel good' type of culture that is

    encouraged by modern TV shows, movies, and music.

    Even with a stable economy, we'd still be in decay. How long before we self-implode?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Why is the price of silver plummeting?

    Not that long ago silver hit $49/oz. Now it's @ $17/oz.

    What gives?

    2 AnswersInvesting7 years ago
  • Is there any defense left for obama?

    At what point is he held accountable by his own party?

    7 TRILLION added under obama alone (and counting), a brand new UNILATERAL war declared by obama in which he entirely (and illegally) bypassed Congress despite promising to bring home all of our troops by end of 2014, etc etc.

    Liberals play the "it's Congress's fault" card, the Bush card, Regan card, GOP card, 1%'ers card, homophobic card, race card, wealth inequality card, anti-immigrant card.

    Ya know what's funny? Take the recently debunked "global warming" rant they uttered for's been disproved publicly, so does that make them reconsider "Gee, maybe we're just being hateful slanderous bigots?" No of course not, now they change it from global warming to "man made climate change". It's unbelievable Darwin's natural selection hasn't wiped them all out, surely they qualify for the lack of intelligence needed to die out.

    3 AnswersSpecial Education7 years ago
  • Is it any surprise that the more obama screws up, the more dems attack and deflect?

    Nevermind the national debt is the highest its ever been, with 7 trillion added just under obama.

    Nevermind obama continuously circumvents the Constitution and Congress and Americans as a whole.

    Nevermind he's an acknowledged liar.

    Nevermind he just declared a brand new war after promising to have all troops home by end of 2014.

    It doesn't seem to stop democrats from desperately trying to deflect off of all that by making baseless accusations. I just don't get it, are they that pathetic that they're beyond being able to admit that obama is a screw up? I wonder how they manage to continue living being such hateful bigots.

    4 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • The DOW is up! .....?

    Which according to every liberal means the economy is doing just fine. lol. Sure, welfare is the highest its ever been since the war on poverty began 50 years ago, sure the national debt is the highest its ever been, sure people don't trust our government by an overwhelming majority, troops are being sent back to iraq despite obama promises to bring them home, but hey, the Dow is up, therefore obama is doing a great job!

    4 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Do liberals embrace denial or do they actually believe their own talking points?

    No matter what obama does, dems always find a reason why it's not his fault.

    1) --Under obama, more than 7 Trillion has been added to the national debt, more than any other president has ever added to the debt...ever--

    2) --Welfare is the highest its ever been since the war on poverty began 50 years ago--

    3)--"“Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.” - obama

    There's tons more but I'll stop with the most recent, of obama have formally announced a new war in the middle east, starting 2 days ago. The same type of war liberals have and continue to bash Bush over, their own god in chief is now following the same footsteps.

    My question is how? How can liberals be so stupid and hypocritical as to stand behind their bigotry and lies while simultaneously pretending the man they elected isn't just as bad if not worse. This new war for example; Bush has Congressional support (with dems as well), obama stated he has no intention of even asking Congress, (which is another illegality)

    5 AnswersElections7 years ago