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  • Should I stay with my wife? This is the hardest decision of my life, please give advice!?

    please help! this is such a hard decision for me.

    i married my wife almost 4 years ago. we have a 3-year old son together. a few weeks before our 1-year anniversary, she cheated on me. i found out about it a few months later on my own. afterwards, she admitted it. 8 months ago, she left me. she said it was a lot of little things, like me not trusting her and looking at her phone and facebook.

    for the last 8 months, she has been living with another guy and writing on facebook about how much she loves him and wants to spend the rest of her life with him. most of this time, i have asked her to come back and even begged her. i've always told her i still loved her and missed her and wanted her back.

    a couple weeks ago, she came back. she said her bf was a druggie and was in jail and that she missed me and wanted to get back together. she has been living with me for the past 2 weeks, and i want us to get back together. she is beautiful and our son loves it when we are together. sometimes, though, she seems fake and she treated me like **** when we were separated.

    today, i went through her phone and saw where she was talking to guys and even trading pics as recently as 2 days ago. she swears she loves me and wants to be together forever.

    part of me wants to leave her and move on. being single was nice. the other part is still madly in love with her and wants to stay for our son. i dont trust her though, despite what promises she makes.

    what do i do?!?!?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • I took a mouth swab drug test 2 weeks ago and havent heard from my PO yet. should i assume i passed?

    I smoked marijuana the day before the test but only one bowl (about 3 or 4 hits) however i have smoked daily for about 8 years.

    about 6 months ago i was given a mouth swab test for a job interview and i passed despite smoking heavily the night before... the difference is that i got the results for that test minutes after taking it, whereas the recent test was sent off to a lab.

    it has been almost 2 weeks since the mouth swab test and i havent smoked since, nor have i been contacted by my probation officer and told if i passed or failed.

    should i assume that i passed the test?

    3 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Will i ever get a good job with my degree now that i have a criminal record?

    I have a bachelors of science in computer science and i now have a possession of marijuana charge and a dui that will appear on my record?

    5 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • Am I going to jail for violating probation?

    Hello! I was put on probation for a year for possession of marijuana in my home county. 3 days before the end of my probation, I was arrested for a DUI. The DUI got plead down to a Public Intoxication. I was put on probation in the county where the DUI occurred.

    The Public Intoxication was a violation of my original probation, so I was ordered to restart that probation in my home county.

    Today, while taking part in the Drug & Alcohol Assessment for restarting the probation in my home county, I was given a swab drug test. I am not 100% sure if I passed it or failed it, but it is likely that I failed it for marijuana.

    If so, and this is a violation of probation, am I 100% going to jail? Are there any other options like house arrest or anything?

    I have a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and I know that if I goto jail, I will never be able to get a good job.

    Thanks for the advice!!

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Question for a Criminal Lawyer: Am I going to jail?

    Hello! I was put on probation for a year for possession of marijuana in my home county. 3 days before the end of my probation, I was arrested for a DUI. The DUI got plead down to a Public Intoxication. I was put on probation in the county where the DUI occurred.

    The Public Intoxication was a violation of my original probation, so I was ordered to restart that probation in my home county.

    Today, while taking part in the Drug & Alcohol Assessment for restarting the probation in my home county, I was given a swab drug test. I am not 100% sure if I passed it or failed it, but it is likely that I failed it for marijuana.

    If so, and this is a violation of probation, am I 100% going to jail? Are there any other options like house arrest or anything?

    I have a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and I know that if I goto jail, I will never be able to get a good job.

    Thanks for the advice!!

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Am I going to jail for violating probation even though I only have 3 days left on my probation?

    i am currently on probation for possession of a small amount of marijuana. when i got in trouble for marijuana, i was not driving and i was not arrested. i have been on probation for almost a year and have already completed my drug and alcohol classes.

    my probation ends Oct. 3, 2012... in 3 days. last night, i was arrested for DUI.

    with only 3 days left on my probation and this being my first DUI, will i get jail time? my probation is in a different county than the county i got the DUI in.

    thanks for the advice

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • My wife cheated so I had sex with one of her friends. Are we even or should I still leave?

    been with my wife for 3 years, married for 2 years and we have a 19-month old son. 2 months ago she went out to the club with her friends. 2 weeks ago, she admitted that she had sex with a guy she met that night.

    i told her i was leaving, she begged me to stay. i told her i would stay if she didnt go out anymore and if we had a 3some with one of her friends. so we did and i had sex with her friend during the 3some.

    the day she cheated we got into a big fight and told eachother it was over. we didnt get a divorce or anything and decided to stay together a few days later, but the image of her with another guy haunts me. i guess i "cheated" too, but she was there and agreed to it. when SHE cheated, she did it during a fight and lied about it for months.

    are we even or should i leave?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Why is my wife trying so hard to keep us together after she cheated?

    my wife "cheated" on me 2 months ago. i found out about it almost a week ago. i say "cheated" because we got into a big fight that day and we both said that we were through and that we were breaking up. then, she went out to a club that night and had sex with another guy.

    obviously she doesn't love me if she cheated. and she doesn't respect me if she lied about it so long. she finally confessed, but only after i had found some evidence on her phone.

    but now that i want to leave, she has convinced me that she is genuinely sorry and that she truly loves me with all of her heart, and that it has never happened before and it will never happen again. she is doing sweet things for me and trying to prove how much she loves me and how sorry she is, but we were married for 2 years and she was still able to sleep with another guy, whether she was mad at me or not.

    it seems like she loves me so much now, and she claims that she has always loved me... is it possible to cheat on somebody you love? or is it even really cheating? should i leave? i still love her, but i think about her having sex with the other guy alot and it makes me mad and sad. its a rollercoaster of emotions!

    we have a 19-month old son that i love very much so this makes things very complicated.

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Would you leave your wife if this happened...?

    my wife and i have been together for 3 years, married for 2 years. we have a 19-month old son. 2 months ago, she asked me if she could go out to the club with her friends... she had only gone out without me a couple times before. we were arguing a little that day already and i didnt want her to go so i told her that i didnt want her to go...

    she said she was going anyway, even after i told her i would leave her if she went. we got into a huge argument, via text mostly, and i told her we were through and she told me we were through. she stayed out til 6am. the next day she said she wanted it to be over and i told her that i loved her with all my heart and that i wanted to stay together and keep our family together.

    after a few days of talking, we decided to stay together. she said she was giving me a second chance to be a better husband. well... 2 weeks ago, after i found a few pictures from that night on her phone and a couple other clues, she admitted that she met a guy that night and had sex with him.

    i told her i was leaving her, but she says that she loves me and she wants to keep the family together. she swears it will never happen again. i love her and i definitely want to be with my son as much possible, but the idea of her with another guy while we are still married haunts me.

    would you leave or stay?

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Should I leave my cheating wife?

    My wife and I have been together 3 years, and married for 2 years. We have an 18-month old son. About 2 months ago she wanted to go to the club with her friends. I didn't want her to go and we got into an argument about it. I watched the baby and she went anyway.

    She didn't come home until 6am and i was very suspicious about what went on that night. I asked her about it alot and she lied and told me that nothing happened. About a week ago, I found a picture on her friend's phone that showed her sitting on some guy's lap and eventually she admitted that she had sex with him.

    I love her alot, and she is begging me not to go and claiming that she loves me so much and it was an accident because she was drunk and mad and that it will never happen again. I want to live with my son and I want to have a family but is being cheated on too much to overcome?

    It really sucks and I don't know what to do.

    thanks for the advice.

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • compared to cats and dogs how hard is it to take care of a bunny?

    i won a bunny at the fair and i am not sure if i want to keep it or not but i know someone who would take it and give it a good home if i didn't want it. but i was Just wondering what its like taking care of a bunny compared to a cat or dog!?

    5 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • can i turn my red fake eyelashes black by using black mascara!?

    ok so i am dressing up as a zombie nurse and i thought it would be cute to get RED fake eyelashes to set off some of the red but now i think i should have gotten black instead. but i cant return them so if i just use some black mascara and go over them do you think it will work? i don't want to mess them up and not be able to use them at all ever though that's why i am trying to get someone Else's view thanks!

    3 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • If I am having my house treated for fleas on Tuesday, is it ok to get a dog today, or should i wait?

    ...i dont want him to get fleas then have them after the treatment and give the house fleas again! what do you think?


    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • is me and my wife's marriage over?

    we are a few days away from our 2nd anniversary... we have been arguing a little lately, she says that the marriage is getting bored and i dont cuddle enough.

    today, she told me she wanted to go out with her friends to a bar. i said no, cause she had been out with her friends all week and i've had the baby. she went anyway, even though i said i'd leave her if she did... now she has been out til 3am, still not home, and she told me (through texts) that she has been drinking.

    is our marriage over? it looks that way to me. no married woman stays out at a bar til 3 am, drinking, without her husband

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Are Republicans really still worried about Mexicans illegally immigrating to America?

    Republican Voters are soooooooooooooo gullible!!!

    dont you people realize that the current Illegal Immigration from Mexico is at NET ZERO?!?? They dont want to come to America and they dont want to take your job at McDonalds!!

    "We do know that the current standstill is more than just a temporary pause," said Paul Taylor, director of the nonpartisan think tank and an authority on Latino immigration. "Net migration from Mexico has been at zero – and perhaps less – since 2007."

    Read more here:

    17 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • If Obama is truly a Triple Secret Muslim... does that mean he is also psychic?

    seems like more and more people actually believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim...

    don't you realize that if Obama is a Muslim, that means that over 30 years ago, Obama said to himself, "I, a Black man with a funny name and no political experience yet, am going to be the President of the United States of America one day... so I'm going to start going to a Baptist Christian Church every Sunday for the rest of my life.... and force my family to pretend to be Christians in public for their entire lives... all in order to trick people into not knowing that I'm actually a Muslim!" <----- seriously?!? you have to be mildly retarded to believe that Obama is a Triple Secret Muslim.

    2 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • How can Voters continue to vote for Politicians who want to deregulate after deregulation caused the recession?

    Every American or World Economist who is NOT associated with politics agrees that the Bush Recession was mostly caused by a mix of deregulation in the housing industry, deregulation in the banking industry, and deregulation in the financial industry (Wall Street).

    so... how can Voters continue to vote for Republican Politicians who act as corporate puppets and continue to push for MORE deregulation?!? ...its ridiculous? when will Voters educate themselves?

    12 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • How is it possible for Republican Voters to be so gullible?

    Republican Voters routinely dismiss actual scientific facts, and in stead are gullible enough to believe ridiculous arguments like "Regulations are Bad", "Taxing the Rich kills jobs", "Obama is a Muslim", "The Recession is Obama's Fault", etc. etc.

    its one thing to be a little gullible... and i'd understand if a small percentage of people were extremely gullible... but Republican Voters have proven that a very large percentage of American citizens are more gullible than any average 8th grader. how is this possible? is Fox News' misinformation really that good?

    12 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Do Republicans realize that almost 100% of Mitt Romney's "Charitable Contributions" go to MORMONS?

    ...the rest goes to his alma mater Cornel University.

    he claims that a lot of his "Charitable Contributions" go to the poor, but have you ever met or even heard of a poor Mormon?

    either way, its not charity... its providing to his cult.

    p.s. Mitt Romney literally believes that he wears Magical Underwear.

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago