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Martin R
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Solution Stoichiometry?
How many grams of PbBr2 will precipitate when excess ZnBr2 solution is added to 74.0 mL of 0.589 M Pb(NO3)2 solution?
Pb(NO3)2 (aq) + ZnBr2 (aq) ------> PbBr2 (s) + Zn(NO3)2(aq)
1 AnswerChemistry9 years agoIf there is an inverse relationship between two variables?
graph of this relationship will be a horizontal line
graph of this relationship will be downward sloping
the slope of the line (or the positive tangent line to the curve) will be positive
none of the above
I'm thinking it would be a horizontal line but not sure
1 AnswerEconomics9 years agoIf a consumer is insensitive to changes in the price of a good, then the consumer's demand for the good is?
unit elastic
none of the above
i say inelastic but I'm not sure
2 AnswersEconomics9 years agoMonopolistic competition differs from monopoly because in monopolistic competition?
-firms are free to enter and exit
-firms maximize profits
-firms set marginal revenue equal to marginal cost
-none of the above
1 AnswerEconomics9 years agoProb and Stats homework help?
15. a) How many lines do 7 points on a circle determine?( recall; 2 points determine a line)
b)How many lines do 5 points on a circle determine?( recall; 2 points determine a line)
1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade agoProbability and statistics homework help?
8.In a certain state the auto plates consist of 3 letters followed by 4digit number.
a) no repetition of numbers or letters allowed?
b)no repetition of numbers is allowed but letters may repeat?
1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade agoTrigonometry homework help?
Which one of the six trigonometric functions has a period of 2pie and passes through the point (pie,0)
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agous histtoey safgdfhd 34?
1. The purpose of the new government is to serve the people.
2. The two branches of the of the legislature are the house of reps and senate the qualifications vary age to us citizenship.
3. The chief officer of the house is the secretary of the state Hillary Clinton. The chief officer of the senate is the vice president Joe Biden.
4. 2/3 must vote to impeach.
5. congress has to meet twice in their two year term
6. a quorum is the minimum number of members delibarted to make an assembly.
7. Revenue bill focuses on raismnig money from taxes or tarrifs.
9. The two kinds of vetos arepresidential vetos and senate veto.
10. Exclusive powers held by the congress include regulate commerce
11. Elastic clause allows congers to straech its power.
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoproof read my essay for cp4?
Education as a Rite of Passage
CP 4 September Perspective
Start investigating and writing about your own history---real history. Select an incident or a person that formed/contributed to/impacted/affected the person you are today. Write about what you’ve lived through and how you’ve learned or grown. How are you different because of this experience or person?
-Needs a beginning paragraph, middle paragraph and end paragraph
-Check punctuation and gramma
Martin Rodriguez
Period #2
Cp4 Leden
The disappearance death of my cousin impacted my life. An incident is something that occurs casually in connection with something else. The connection became larger than life and it changed the way I lived my life. These incidents make you a better and stronger person in life. A single incident can change or impact one life.
The disappearance of my cousin impacted my life. He was my role model many people compared him to me for the reason that we had similar personalities. I remember thru out my childhood he seemed like he didn’t fit in well with the kids his age he always would use to hang out with the younger kids, or people well above his age that never caused him anything but trouble. Years later everybody was getting older he stopped spending time with my other cousin and would always spend more time with me. The one thing that I could remember the most from him was his artistic view of he would make a simple thing or idea so profound and deep, he would turn a cartoon into a school lesson that I would listen to but would get till, my later years in life. As I grew older instead of him I started spending less time with him were to the point that I would only see him once a year, the last, memory I remember was him asking me was “what do you want to do after you finish school” I said I don’t and ignored him. I ignored him because the reason I separated from him was because of his recent drug abuse and all these terrible stories and him doing all these bad things I just naturally separated from him. But I dint know that this was going to be the last time I would see him or nor did his family think so either. We all took him for granted and looked down at him since his recent actions.
A call came in one late Sunday my dad picked up the phone I immediately knew something was wrong we would never receive calls from my dad’s relatives unless somebody died or got hurt. I have heard that my cousin has sent been home In about two days but I thought nothing could of happened to him he just probably is with his friends or something. He was with his friends but his friends were missing to. My dad got off the phone and told me the bad news that some people confirmed that they might of saw my cousin and his friends get taken from the park in the center of the town on a Friday night when it usually really crowded but I guess this time it must have been empty or since nobody could help identify the car that took em who what took them. Months and months go by and we here nothing from the missing. My hometown in México was scared to the point where nobody would be out after seven.
This incident troubled me the most because my role model was gone and all for couple of bad decisions. The worst thing was how his parents were and are after the incident, their dead inside. Watching his parent’s going thru with destroyed my aunt and uncle. The idea of talking to somebody and them being gone and being able to the anything or go look for him made me rethink my life the path I was heading .I concluded that I never want any of my family members to suffer or my parents to suffer to any situation like this because it hurts the people around you more. I decided later that I want to stay away from anything that could harm me or my family.
Incidents make you a better and stronger person in life. A single incident can change or impact one life. An incident is something that occurs casually in connection with something else. The connection became larger than life and it changed the way I lived my life the disappearance death of my cousin impacted my life. It made me rethink and analyze my life.
1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade agochemistry study guide help?
If you have 1.204 x 1024 atoms of nickel, you have __________ as the amount of nickel.
In one mole of carbon dioxide, CO2, there are ____________ oxygen atoms
The molar mass of magnesium oxide, MgO, is __________.
The molar mass of barium nitrate, Ba(NO3)2, is
Molar heat capacity is expressed in units of _
The terms c and C represent___________ and ______ in thermodynamic equations.
The science of __________ examines the energy changes in varius processes.
The symbol _________ is used to indicate a change in enthalpy.
109. To calculate the energy released within a calorimeter, the_, temperature change, and specific heat capacity of the water must be known.
NaOH is classified as a_________ base
NH3 is classified as a ____base.
The pH scale in general uses ranges from
The pH of an acidic solution is than 7.
The pH of a basic solution is than 7.
The compound that is produced by any neutralization reaction is
An alkane with the prefix kept- has carbon atoms.
To name a branched hydrocarbon, determine the number of carbon atoms in the
The systematic names of
The systematic names of
end in -ol. end in -one.
120. Structural formulas are sometimes represented by
The mass of 1 mol of gold atoms is 196.97 g. Find the mass of 1 atom of gold.
You have 1.6 x 1021 molecules of oxygen gas, O2. What is the mass of that number of molecules?
What is the mass of 2.5 moles of carbon?
How many moles of copper are present in 180.0 g Cu?
3 AnswersChemistry1 decade agoconvert radians to degrees trigonometry homework?
9 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoArc of length trigonometry home work?
1.find the arc of a sector with a radius of 8 ft and a central angle of 12 degrees
2.find the arc of a sector with central angle of 150 degrees and radius of 5.4 mm
3 AnswersMathematics1 decade agowhat are some good apps and movies to play during long road trip?
its gonna be a 32 hour road trip and i wan something to do and watch name some movies that you enjoy watching and apps
3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoWhere can i find these shoes?
can i get a link
1 AnswerYahoo Shopping1 decade agoi before e rule common misspelled mistakes?
what are sum that soounded like a
and i before e
8 each thanks
2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agoproff read another essay?
Martin Rodriguez
Period #1
Civilized Essay
In the “lord of the flies” by William Golding when the boys first land on the island they try to create a civilized society. Lord of the flies is about a group of boys who are from England and their plane crashes on an inhabited island. The boys tried to create a civilized society while they were on the island. There were many ways they try to create a civilized society.
The first way the boys tried to create a civilized society was when they elect a leader. When the boys first have a meeting they elect Ralph for chief. For example Roger said “let’s have a vote” yes! Vote for chief! “Let’s vote- (pg 22). This explains how their boys wanted a; civilized society by choosing a leader. To elect a leader is one of the first steps to creating a civilized society the boys still have a lot of things to work on.
Another way the boys tried to create a civilized society to create a civilized society was too divided in to groups to give out jobs and chores. After the boys elected their leader Ralph decided to leave jack the choir boys, later jack decided to make his group the hunters. For example Ralph said “Jack’s in charge of the choir group – what do you want to be” “Hunters” (pg 22). This explains how Ralph split the boys into 2 groups and jack decided to make them hunters. Jack chose to give his hunters the job is to tend the fire. For example Jack said “Ralph, I’ll split up the choir – my hunters that is – into groups for keeping the fire going-“(pg 42). This explains how Jack volunteered his hunters to take care of the fire. Creating jobs or chores in “Lord of the flies” helped the boys maintain a civil society for a while and teaches to be more responsible.
Another way the boys tried to crate a civilized society by making rules like in school. For example Ralph said “we can’t have everybody talking at once we’ll have to have ‘hands up’ like at school” (pg 33). This explains what one of rules was. Also Ralph decided no one can talk unless they have the conch. For example Ralph said “I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak “(pg 33). This explained how the boys need the conch to speak. Making rules made the boys more organized and a healthy environment.
The boys tried to create a civilized society while they were on the island. There were many ways they try to create a civilized society. To elect a leader is one of the first steps to creating a civilized society the boys still have a lot of things to work on. Creating jobs or chores in “Lord of the flies” helped the boys maintain a civil society for a while and teaches to be more responsible. Making rules made the boys more organized and a healthy environment.
2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agoProff read movie essay on the Princess bride?
Martin Rodriguez
Period #1
People encounter conflict everyday. The movie “the Princess bride “also delt with many kinds of struggle or a problems that someone or something else encounters. There are many conflicts in the movie. The three main types of conflict were man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. machine.
Man vs. man is an external struggle between a man and another man. An example of man vs. man is when indigo fenced against Wesley to the death but none of them died. Another example is how indigo when his entire life trying to find the six finger man and when he finally died he got his revenge. Another example is when miracle max and Valerie got into and argument about how he has self steam issues.
Man vs. machine is when man gets in a conflict involving a machine. An example of man vs. machine in “the princess bride” is when Westley got 1 year of life sucked out of his life. Another example is when Price Humperdink used the torture machine to almost kill Westley but he left him mostly dead. This example show that man vs. machine was one of the conflicts in the movie
Man vs. nature is when man gets in an external conflict involving nature. An example of Man vs. nature is in “the princess bride” is when Westley rescued buttercup and they hide in the pit of despair the flame spurts almost got buttercup but Westley saved her. Another example is when butter cup jumped out the boat after being captured and the shrinking Yeals almost singed her but Fezzik saved her life. Also when Westley with a rodent of mysterious size and he won
There are many conflicts in the movie “the Princess bride “.The three main types of conflict were man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. machine. The movie “the Princess bride “also delt with many kinds of struggle or a problems that someone or something else encounters. People encounter conflict everyday just like ion the “the princess bride”.
1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade agoProof read spanish project?
Navidad en Perú
Navidad en Perú es como la acción de gracias en Estados Unidos toda la familia se junta para una cena en cuál comen pavo al horno chocolate caliente, paletón, puré de manzana y otras cosas dependiendo en la tradición de la familia. Las calles están de carados de estilo navideño. Pero antes van a La Misa del Gallo donde bendices a los niños llamados Jesús .A las doce de la noche todos brindan con champaña o sidra y se sirven la cena navideña. El de 25 de diciembre es como en México e estados unidos por que las calles esta silenciosas mientras todos duermen menos los niños que quieren presumir sus nuevos juguetes.
Navidad en Estados Unidos
Navidad en Estados Unidos es como la combinación de Perú y México sin algunas cosas, como las posadas y reyes magos. Navidad para my familia empieza con las decoraciones como el árbol de navidad y decoraciones a fuera de la casa que ponemos en Black Friday o sea el día después acción de gracias. Después en el 24 de diciembre my familia vamos a fiestas navideñas que intercambiamos regalos en el 25 de diciembre todos nos despertamos para entre cambiar regalos entre familia y haber que nos trajo “santa Claus”.
1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago