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  • Anyone heard from Sagebrush?

    It doesn't seem like he's posted here in a long time. Because of his age and his denial of science I worry about whether he might have gotten Covid. He was an idiot and liar, but he was a character and I hope he's doing okay.

    10 AnswersGlobal Warming2 weeks ago
  • Attachment image

    Should I apologize to Clown Crusher?

    Someone named "Michael" has confessed for many of the misdeeds that I believed were done by Clown Crusher--creating hundreds of fake accounts, flooding this group with questions, writing obscene poetry about me, etc.--and says that we shouldn't blame Clown Crusher for that.  While I find the confession rather dubious, I will apologize to Clown Crusher for believing that he did that.

    I won't apologize for complaining about the lies he has told about me, about the lies he told about science and for him blocking people.

    Since the confession has been deleted twice already, here is a screen shot of it:

    17 AnswersGlobal Warming2 weeks ago
  • Has Susan Crockford published ANY peer-reviewed research on polar bears in the last 10 years?

    I went on Google Scholar and tried to find some, but the only thing that even looked like a journal publication was something about dogs. Maybe she should tell us about whether the dog population is increasing or decreasing.

    8 AnswersGlobal Warming2 weeks ago
  • Attachment image

    How do global warming deniers explain this plot?

    The warming follows the logarithm of CO2 concentration, as expected, and the natural variability can be rejected as the cause of the warming at greater than a 99% level of significance.

    16 AnswersGlobal Warming3 weeks ago
  • Do you think what drove The Yahoo Joker/Clown Crusher the most crazy about me was that I played by the rules and he didn't?

    He had dozens of accounts, I didn't.  He blocked people from answering his questions, I never did. He hid his personal information, but I always shared mine. I gave science-based answers and he never did. I think it really drove him crazy that I didn't cheat the way he did.

    8 AnswersGlobal Warming3 weeks ago
  • Who were the most knowledgeable deniers?

    I know, it's something of an oxymoron, but some were definitely more on the ball than others.  Here at the end of YA it's pretty much the bottom of the barrel. Here's how I would rank them--I apologize in advance for all that I've forgotten:

    1. Randall (Didier Drogba)

    2. Dr Jello

    3. Ottawa Mike

    4. graphicconception

    5. Wilds_of_Virginia

    6. Bravozulu (twin brother of JimZ)

    7. Kano

    8. CO2 Expeller (he was so crude, though, it's hard to give him credit for anything)

    Sagebrush, The Yahoo Joker, Daro and Solar Wind are all tied at the bottom.  Special mention to JimZ for being a very good science student in high school and college that is now hopelessly blinded by his political views.

    3 AnswersGlobal Warming3 weeks ago
  • Does the global warming joker get his ideas from taking hallucinogens?

    I've never understood where this guy gets his nutty ideas. When he first came here, he thought I was some disgraced professor from Penn State.  He had no evidence whatsoever to support this idea.  I think he finally gave up on that.  Then he claimed that Elizabeth--the Irish nurse--and I were the same people! At various times he's thought I was Koshka, David, Darwinist, Jim2 and a bunch of other accounts I've never even heard of.  He claims that people are paid by Desmogblog. What does this guy do, sit around popping magic mushrooms? He seems completely clueless about what constitutes actual evidence.

    3 AnswersGlobal Warming3 weeks ago
  • Why are people still posting anonymously in Global Warming?

    People would tell me they would post anonymously so that their answers would not get maliciously reported, or something like that.  But hey, there are only 11 days left, what are you worrying about? Come out of hiding.

    7 AnswersGlobal Warming3 weeks ago
  • Anyone else get a laugh at the Joker's inability to understand his own graph?

    In a current question "Why don't alarmists ever look at math?" the denier troll not only can't read his own graph--he doesn't even know what it's about--he claims it's about "refugees", even though it says nothing at all about refugees.

    4 AnswersGlobal Warming3 weeks ago