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Lv 44,074 points

HaloKing Craig

Favorite Answers42%
  • Roman Contributions to Art, Engineering, law, architecture, literature and language?

    I need to do a project for Global, can anyone just name as many contributions the Romans have made that lasted up until modern times?

    1 AnswerStudying Abroad1 decade ago
  • Video Gamers: Does Mass Effect actually have a sex scene?

    I was doing some research on what type of sexuality was in Mass Effect and I read somerthing saying that there is a sex scene in the game. Im wondering how graphic is it cuz I also read that the game was banned in some countries. Any help will do.

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Video Gamers: Best Dead Space death scene?

    What is ur fave Dead Space death scene? My top 3 are:

    1. Tentacle thing that pulls u into wormhole inside the ship

    2. The regenerating monster that cuts u limb from limb

    3. The Last boss when he eats you

    They are gruesome but totally awesome :))

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Video Gamers: does anyone know how or where I can find how to fix my GH:WT strum bar?

    I have Guitar Hero: World Tour for the Xbox 360. About a 2 weeks after I got it, the strum bar screwed up. It only strums up and not down. I wanted to return the game, but my parents lost the reciept :( I know that the guitars finally got released for sale individually but I really don't want to spend $70 on a new axe. I heard of some mod you can get for your guitar but I don't know I can trust it. So does anyone know where/how I can get it fixed?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Video Gamers: What a coincidence, right!? Guitar Hero?

    Ok so I was just recording myself playing the Satch Boogie Solo F using only the slider and hitting 93-97% of the notes with my new capture card (on my XBox 360). Alright, so after about 8 recordings I get bored then play the song. I 4 star it and now im really bored. I decide to go into my big bros room and record myself failing on Through The Fire and Flames (on Wii). On my first attempt, I pass the beggining easily, I do pretty good until I get to the Twin Solo. This is usually where I fail (actually I fail 83% through the song each time). I make it pass in the blinking red and decide to hold onto Star Power. I use Star Power at the perfect moment when I really need it causing me to make it to the end of the song. I finally beat TTFAF on my first attempt of the day, while capturing the vid!!!!! Now how is that for coincidence?

    P.S. No "Who cares" answers plz. Just plz tell me your thoughts.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Video Gamers: Your favorite Guitar Hero 3/World Tour songs?

    I finally took 2 hours of my life beating GH:WT today. I could've any other time, but I was too busy on Halo. But anyyways, I was just curious about anyones top list of there fav songs on GH:WT and/or GH3. Here are a couple of mine:

    1. B.Y.O.B (SOAD)

    2. Re-education Through Labor (Rise Against)

    3. Prayer of a Refugee (Rise Against)

    4. Miss Murder (A.F.I.)

    5. Don't Hold Back (The Sleeping)

    6. Assassin (Muse)

    How bout you?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Video Gamers: Can someone make me an AIM account plz? 20-100+ points if u do!!?

    Can someone plz make me an AIM(AOL Instant Messanger) account? I am on my sidekick and I wont have access to a CPU for about a week. I want an account cuz I wanna make "Smarter Child" say hilarious things. If anyone does, I will show them how to get 20-100+ points easily.

    Email me at: if u wanna help.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Video Gamers: Would this work to get Microsoft to start in trying to stop racism?

    I am an Afro-American hardcore gamer and every 2-3 games of Halo I play on Xbox LIVE, I find a racist person. I am not one of those who return the racism cuz I just think it is very ignorant, but it makes the LIVE experiance less enjoyable. I am getting a capture card soon and when im not using it for montages or Machinimas, I was thinking, what if I record these accounts where I get racism and post it on YouTube. Do you think that if I get enough views that Microsoft might really kick it into gear about banning people and at least trying to soften up the racism? For goodness sake, a frekin 12 year old was callin me the "N" word.

    9 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Video Gamers: aren't u tired of seeing "Best Answer for 10 pts"?

    No S*** Sherlock. Its not like u choose how many points we get if u give us Best Answer. I actually avoid all questions with "... 10 pts for best Answer..." do u feel the same?

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Are Sour Patch Watermelons sour to you?

    Ok so I just finished eating a pack of Sour Patch Watermelons. I have had this question on my mind for years, are they sour at all? I have waten so much sour stuff in my life that I am pretty much immune to sourness, but SPW (Sour Patch Watermelons) have never been sour to me. Mabey it is cuz I eat waaay too much sour stuff bur plz tell me if they are sour to you.

    And plz don't list off stuff for me to try, I am immune!!! No fruit neither, Lemons and Limes do not affect me! :)

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • there is no Speech selection in my Control Panel?

    I have Windows XP and I know that I used to use the Text-To-Speech feature but it is not anywhere to be found. Help PLZ!!

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Xbox 360 and PS3. No more arguing!?!?

    I have seen a lot of questions in this section called Xbox 360 vs PS3. I don't know what you expect to get out of asking that other than conflicting arguements which can make you have a harder time choosing. Instead, I think the question should be "Xbox vs PS3, which one is better for x-type games?" we have to face the facts, PS3 and Xbox 360 both have their highs & lows where one system towers over the other. I think that there should be no more answers like "The PS3 sucks" or "The Xbox is trash". What do you think?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What do u think about Halo Wars (Demo)?

    The Halo Wars demo was recently released. Do you like it? I think it is WAY better than my expectations for it. Since Humans suck in every game where you can choose to play as them, I mastered the Covenant. That Prophet of Regret hero is AWESOME!!! What are some things you like about the game?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • To all Halo 3 owners..... read. (Urgent)?

    Bungie is getting strict about having people buy Legendary maps. Recently, they made an update where almost all of the playlists require the Legendary maps. The DLC playlists have been removed and mixed into the social playlists. Some playlists that now require are Rumble Pit and the new Social Team Slayer. This is pretty strict so I reccomend that you buy so that you can get the most out of your XBox Live expirience of Halo.

    Bumgie is doing this to prepair everyone for the Mythic maps.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • My screen changes Resolution every 3-4 Shut downs. Why?

    When I close down my Computer after 3-4 previous shutdowns, My computer automatically changes to 800x600. It is sooo annoying. Can anybody help, PLZZZZZ!?!?1?1?!?!

    1 AnswerMonitors1 decade ago
  • 17yr old kills mother, injures father over Halo 3, What r ur thoughts?

    It is an old story, but, a 17yr old wanted Halo 3 so bad that he snuck out of his house to go buy it. When he returns home, his father catches him and takes the game and puts it in a lock box. About a month later, he goes up to his Parents and say "Close your eyes, I have a surprise for you" He then shot, and kiled, his mother and shot, didn't kill, his father. After the 2 shots, he puts the gun in his fathers hands. And ran away with Halo 3. He is now in prison. What are your thoughts?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Halo Fans: Is this ga good idea for the next Halo game?

    I just got an idea that would probably make Bungie 20 times more rich! What if Bungie released a Halo-RPG? The classes would be a break from Wizards, Elfs and such. I think the classes would be:






    1. Hunter

    2. Elite

    3. Brute

    4. Jackal

    5. Grunt

    The objective could be to rank up and be noticed by the UNSC or Hierarchs and be sent on a mission to destroy the flood.

    What do u think?

    7 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Better exclusives PS3 or 360?

    What system do you think has the best exclusives. Lets face it, XBox is doing amazing with exclusives (Left 4 Dead owns every PSFail, I mean PS3, exclusive out). The best PS3 exclusive that I've played is Little Big Planet (Just cause of the Level Creator) I think The 360 wins the Exclusive war but what do you think?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago