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  • power of attorney and executor of the will?

    May a person serving as power of attorney, as well as exec. of the Will make changes to a deceased person's will if the deceased requested said changes whilst on their deathbed?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago
  • What are the differences between education then and now?

    Compared to the relaxed attitude towards education that is prevalent in much of our society today, what are some key differences in the attitude of individuals who lived in North America during the pre-colonial, colonial, and revolutionary periods, in regards to acquiring a sound education?

    2 AnswersHistory5 years ago
  • Has anyone experienced massive weight gain with Reglan?

    I have maintained the same weight for the past seven years. Recently, after undergoing an endoscopic procedure, my physician prescribed Reglan for my constant, unexplainable nausea. Mind you I weigh every three to four days, I weighed at my initial appt. as well as the morning of my procedure. My weight was consistent (within a couple of ounces) every single time. Four days after I began the medication I went back in for a follow up appt. I had gained fifteen pounds! Hoping this was just a case where the scales needed to be calibrated...I stopped by my gym on the way home to weigh again, and again, the result was the same; I was fifteen pounds heavier. How is this even possible? Fifteen pounds is a massive weight gain for ANYONE in four days time, but my eating and exercise habits had not changed. Has anyone else ever had this happen before in such a short amount of time? Did you find any answers that made sense?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • What is causing my four month old grandson to go from happy to screaming in agony in zero seconds flat?

    My grandson is on the healthy side considering his weight and overall general health. He began drooling substantially about a month ago and we all believed this was a sign of early teething. A month later he's still drooling and gnawing his little fist but we've yet to see a tooth. His behavior is perplexing to us all. He seems happy in the morning, then a little fussy so he takes a nap. Every evening without fail he cries for hours as if he's in agony and his parents, nor us (his grandparents) seem to be able to do anything to soothe him. We've tried gas drops thinking he might suffer from colic, infant Tylenol for teething pain, etc. Why on earth does this happen every evening. Please understand, I've had four children. This is not a matter of him being spoiled...this poor baby is hurting when he's crying and none of us know what to do. His pediatrician isn't much help and my husband and I are encouraging our daughter and son-in-law to change to another group. Has anyone out there ever experienced this type of constant behavior before in an infant?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • How do you ask for help?

    Especially when you think the damage is already done and it appears to be irreparable .

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • Can anyone in the medical community interpret this report for me?

    1. Full thickness perforation involving the mid-substance of the supraspinatus tendon with leak of contrast in the subacromial/subdeltoid bursa. No evidence of tendon retraction. 2. High-grade partial articular surface tears involving supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons.

    This damage in all related to my right shoulder and I've already undergone three prior surgeries for repair. The pain is brutal but the thought of having another surgery wigs me out too, Thank you, A

    1 AnswerInjuries9 years ago
  • Does molestation by a physician qualify as malpractice?

    My niece was fondled by her physician during a routine office visit. She pressed charges and the man quickly confessed. Turns out there were several young ladies who found themselves as prey for this animal. My niece has needed counseling to cope with this trauma; she was fifteen at the time of the incident. I'm confused as to why her parents are being told there's no compensation to help pay for her treatment. Shouldn't she be able to file a malpractice suit against this doctor, or at the very least a civil rights violation? Thank you for any advice!

    6 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • Does molestation by a physician qualify as malpractice?

    My niece was fondled by her physician during a routine office visit. She pressed charges and the man quickly confessed. Turns out there were several young ladies who found themselves as prey for this animal. My niece has needed counseling to cope with this trauma; she was fifteen at the time of the incident. I'm confused as to why her parents are being told there's no compensation to help pay for her treatment. Shouldn't she be able to file a malpractice suit against this doctor, or at the very least a civil rights violation? Thank you for any advice!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Can someone assist with this cruise ID requirement question?

    My grandmother is 102 years of age. She has never driven, therefore she has never had a need for a drivers license. She, being of sound age, has never seen her own birth certificate, and after making a half dozen calls to the vital records department in the city she grew up in...there seems to be no record of her birth! Maybe the hospital didn't issue them back then! Who knows...regardless, I have no way to get the required passport/State ID to prove her citizenship so she can go on a cruise with us. She has collected her own and my grandfather's pension for years. Is there anyway I can use to help me in my search to find a way for her to go with us?

    5 AnswersCruise Travel10 years ago
  • Can anyone help with a question concerning passport/ID for cruise?

    My grandmother is 102 years of age. She has never driven, therefore she has never had a need for a drivers license. She, being of sound age, has never seen her own birth certificate, and after making a half dozen calls to the vital records department in the city she grew up in...there seems to be no record of her birth! Maybe the hospital didn't issue them back then! Who knows...regardless, I have no way to get the required passport/State ID to prove her citizenship so she can go on a cruise with us. She has collected her own and my grandfather's pension for years. Is there anyway I can use to help me in my search to find a way for her to go with us?

    1 AnswerPacking & Preparation10 years ago
  • How will firing my injury attorney affect my case?

    The story is far too long and too frustrating to spell out, but I'd like to change my auto injury attorney. We've already gone through deposition but because of his misstep, we have to wait another six months before we can get on the court calendar. All of the evidence for my case(surgeon's narratives, police report, guilty party's stipulation of negligence, etc) has already been submitted to the State Court in Atlanta. Clearly, we are ready to go to trial but cannot at this point. We are so tired of the lies this guy has been feeding us. His failure to serve one of the defendants until June when the case was two years old(which offers them another six months for discovery) is just the last straw for us. We're speaking to a couple of new attorneys today but I'd like to know ahead of time what to expect. Can the new attorney pick up where the other left off at or will we need to begin again? Will this move set us back even further? Our attorney has a past working relationship with the defendant's attorney...they seemed to be big buddies at the deposition which bothered me. Seems like a conflict of interest. What are the chances he will divulge personal information with her upon termination?

    3 AnswersLaw & Legal10 years ago
  • Do you think we should keep the electoral college or replace it with the popular vote?

    I'm doing a Political Science project and this is the topic I selected. Please be sure you understand the pros and cons of both the electoral college and popular vote if you intend vote in this poll. Thank you!!

    6 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • How does one testify at their own injury trial?

    Of course they should be totally honest and not try to dramatize their testimony, but how do how they appeal to the jury's humanity?

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal10 years ago
  • How does one testify at their own injury trial?

    Of course they should be totally honest and not try to dramatize their testimony, but how do how they appeal to the jury's humanity?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Does anyone know the ratio of 'wins' for client disputes against excessive attorney fees?:?

    I'd like to dispute my attorney fees through the Ga. Bar Association. I've been reading about the process on the Bar's homepage and it looks like a simple process. The attorney does not have to abide by the arbitrator's decision if it goes against them, but the decision will carry over as evidence into a trial. I just wanted to know if the arbitrators are lawyers themselves (plus one non attorney), how often do they find for the clients?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How do you deal with an attorney who is racking up unnecessary legal fees?

    This is why I waited nine months before hiring an attorney(My delay didn't hurt the case at all because I went through three surgical procedures before fully recuperating, thus being ready to settle).

    A young lady slammed into the back of my car out on a major interstate just over two years ago. Long story short, it took three procedures to correct my back.

    The attorney I signed with felt the need to bring in another attorney to help out on the case, but I was informed the fee would stay the same and the two attorneys would split the percentage we agreed upon. The wording of the contract allowed these guys to immediately hike up my rate. One fee was for settling the case and the other fee was listed in the case of 'needing to file suit.' The new attorney contacted us as soon as he joined on and told us that 'he had dealt with the insurance company at fault before,' and he felt 'it was in our best interest to show them we meant business,' so he needed to go ahead and file suit. My bad. I should have figured out what the guy was up to but he got that one by me fair and square so up went my rate.

    Since then my original attorney has pretty much turned the reigns over to this guy and he has been milking my case for all its worth. All three of my surgeons stated that they only met with attorneys face to face during depositions. They each offered to conduct conference calls to handle my case but this man insisted upon driving to each of their offices for a face to face meeting. My last surgeon talked to me about the matter and said this practice was HIGHLY UNNECESSARY. He said the attorney's only purpose for meeting with him or any of my previous surgeons was to collect a narrative stating my injuries were related to the accident and the bills related were necessary as surgeon said all of these meetings could have, and certainly should have been handled over the telephone to save me hundreds of dollars in fees. This doctor refused a fee for himself out of sheer pity for my situation.

    The attorney has informed me that we are getting ready for the deposition and he will need to spend hours upon hours prepping me for the event. If my intentions are to answer the questions honestly, I'm not sure as to why I need a multi-hour prepping session.

    The deposition itself is next, then comes mediation. Mediation I have been told is a sun up til midnight thing. All the hours just keep piling up for this guy. My husband and I collected every medical bill, every prescription bill, every office note, every surgeon note,...even the accident report! We made copies and handed these guys a nice, neat organized stack of every piece of needed documentation. To date my lawyers have sent me a copy of four letters that's been written on my behalf. I'm sure there is some legal paperwork that's been filed through the court, but to date little effort has been required from my team of 'legal eagles.' It appears they are making themselves a nice little bundle off of doing unnecessary things like making personal office visits and what-not. What if anything can I do to challenge this nonsense?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How on earth can you fail a urine test with products you've not been exposed to?

    I have read all I could find over the past twenty-four hours on this topic. Let me start by saying "I don't know don't know me." Please accept what I'm saying as truth and help me figure this out before I totally lose it. I have had lower back pain for almost two years now, and I've seen two neurosurgeons who both recommended surgery. I always thought they opted for the conservative path first, but in my case, that has not been the case. My primary suggested I contact a pain clinic to see if there was some alternative treatment because I am 100% against surgery. I made an appt. with a wonderful group and went in. On my first visit they asked for a urine specimen(which was weird but if that's protocol it's totally fine with me). The doctor set me up for an injection and it went well. Upon my next visit to follow up after the injection we discussed more permanent options such as radio frequency laser that would burn the nerves giving me trouble. Just as I started to leave the doctor asked me to sit back down. He said I had failed my drug test!!! You could have knocked me over with a feather! I tested positive for amphetamines! I don't even know how or where to get a supply of such things! We live in a lovely community with decent people...not some inner city with thugs on every corner selling their dope stuff! At first I was speechless, then I got mad. I told the physician that I had listed every medication I had been on at the time of the test. It was an awful period for allergies, which subsequently led to a sinus infection, so there were several meds on my screen sheet. I listed my Provigil 200 mg 2x daily, Bronkaid 4x daily, Wellbutrin 300mg 1x daily, Mucinex 2x daily, Benzonatate 200 mg 3x daily(script for cough), and an alteration of Tylenol and Ibuprofen for pain. I asked my doctor if any of these meds could have given the wrong result and he said "No." After everything we discussed about future treatment, he told me we would have to put things on hold until I got the matter cleared up. I spent the entire day on my cell phone yesterday calling the lab in TN who produced the tainted results and they wouldn't budge. After pulling my hair out I got online and began researching the matter myself. There are well over a thousand site that specifically state that ephedrine can and does throw false positive results for amphetamines! This is the primary ingredient in the Bronkaid sinus medication that I purchase from my pharmacy(25mg per dose @ 4doses per day)! I called back to the lab and the technician assured me this was not the case with my results. I don't give the first care about seeing this particular pain management group again...but I want justice! I have no idea if this is something that gets reported, is sent to my primary, etc. This is ludicrous! Every visit I've had with these people including my very first set up visit I've been made to list any and all meds I was on as well as listing them on the screen sheet. That list has not changed. I am still suffering with allergies and still on all the same meds. When I saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face, I pleaded to retake the test. I told him that I had no idea such results had come back against me and I wanted to vindicate myself. He said it wouldn't matter because the results he was holding were the ones that counted. Even the lab tech. in TN asked why he didn't just collect a new sample(?). My question to him was..."If I had some illegal drug in my system, and I knew I had submitted to a drug screen three weeks before, why on earth would I have shown back up in the first place??! What can I do if ANYTHING to fix this nightmare. This isn't fair at all....I have no history whatsoever of drug use. None! Why would a woman in her 40's begin such a filthy habit?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • How on earth can you fail a urine test with products you've not been exposed to?

    I have read all I could find over the past twenty-four hours on this topic. Let me start by saying "I don't know don't know me." Please accept what I'm saying as truth and help me figure this out before I totally lose it. I have had lower back pain for almost two years now, and I've seen two neurosurgeons who both recommended surgery. I always thought they opted for the conservative path first, but in my case, that has not been the case. My primary suggested I contact a pain clinic to see if there was some alternative treatment because I am 100% against surgery. I made an appt. with a wonderful group and went in. On my first visit they asked for a urine specimen(which was weird but if that's protocol it's totally fine with me). The doctor set me up for an injection and it went well. Upon my next visit to follow up after the injection we discussed more permanent options such as radio frequency laser that would burn the nerves giving me trouble. Just as I started to leave the doctor asked me to sit back down. He said I had failed my drug test!!! You could have knocked me over with a feather! I tested positive for amphetamines! I don't even know how or where to get a supply of such things! We live in a lovely community with decent people...not some inner city with thugs on every corner selling their dope stuff! At first I was speechless, then I got mad. I told the physician that I had listed every medication I had been on at the time of the test. It was an awful period for allergies, which subsequently led to a sinus infection, so there were several meds on my screen sheet. I listed my Provigil 200 mg 2x daily, Bronkaid 4x daily, Wellbutrin 300mg 1x daily, Mucinex 2x daily, Benzonatate 200 mg 3x daily(script for cough), and an alteration of Tylenol and Ibuprofen for pain. I asked my doctor if any of these meds could have given the wrong result and he said "No." After everything we discussed about future treatment, he told me we would have to put things on hold until I got the matter cleared up. I spent the entire day on my cell phone yesterday calling the lab in TN who produced the tainted results and they wouldn't budge. After pulling my hair out I got online and began researching the matter myself. There are well over a thousand site that specifically state that ephedrine can and does throw false positive results for amphetamines! This is the primary ingredient in the Bronkaid sinus medication that I purchase from my pharmacy(25mg per dose @ 4doses per day)! I called back to the lab and the technician assured me this was not the case with my results. I don't give the first care about seeing this particular pain management group again...but I want justice! I have no idea if this is something that gets reported, is sent to my primary, etc. This is ludicrous! Every visit I've had with these people including my very first set up visit I've been made to list any and all meds I was on as well as listing them on the screen sheet. That list has not changed. I am still suffering with allergies and still on all the same meds. When I saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face, I pleaded to retake the test. I told him that I had no idea such results had come back against me and I wanted to vindicate myself. He said it wouldn't matter because the results he was holding were the ones that counted. Even the lab tech. in TN asked why he didn't just collect a new sample(?). My question to him was..."If I had some illegal drug in my system, and I knew I had submitted to a drug screen three weeks before, why on earth would I have shown back up in the first place??! What can I do if ANYTHING to fix this nightmare. This isn't fair at all....I have no history whatsoever of drug use. None! Why would a woman in her 40's begin such a filthy habit?

    5 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Does anyone on this site watch the show "House"?

    Do you think after last night's episode there will be a Huddy reunion? I think a game change is in the works looks like Cuddy will once again find herself in the position of 'pursuer'. She was nuts about House for years! When fans finally adjusted to the two being a couple, the writers wrote them off with a lame ending. Her character pretty much deserves whatever crap House can sling her way now.

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Is this Osama's death true?

    Or is it a distraction from the release of a questionable birth certificate? Maybe both.

    3 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago