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  • Our Landlord bothers us all the time - is it legal?

    We work in the basement of a 3 story building, the whole building is being let by a company who then sublet the basement to us, we've never met the actual landlord, so basically the company upstairs is our landlord.

    She just walks in unannounced at least once a week.

    I cannot count the number of inspections we've had this year. There is nothing wrong with the building, but constant checks are taking place, I've never seen anything like it. They are going above and beyond the call of duty.

    And when it's not checks/inspections, it's actual work. We recently had to have all our doors refitted (they're all fire doors) because they weren't tall enough so didn't meet fire door regulations. Very noisy and very disruptive work over an entire week.

    Here's the thing though - she constantly nags us about a few things in particular:

    1. We keep the doors propped open during the day, because we're in a basement with windows that don't open we have no air flow, so we have to keep the doors open. She doesn't care, she says they have to be closed at all times.

    2. We use the room where the boiler is kept (about the size of a garden shed) for storage, she says we can't do that for health and safety reasons, but there is no other storage area available.

    3. She is always complaining about cars parked in her spaces, we've told her multiple times they're not our cars and even given her a list of all our cars, she is still convinced they belong to us, rather than the other offices.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Do you agree with Putin?

    “In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian and should respect Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that’s the state law. Russia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell ‘discrimination’. We better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France if we are to survive as a nation. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of most minorities”

    Vladimir Putin, Russian President, addressing the Duma, 4/2/2013

    As a British citizen, I certainly agree with him, especially with the recent evidence that has come to light of our state schools (mostly in Birmingham) being converted to Islam, read about it here:

    10 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • I was turned down for a job so the boss's daughter could have it?

    So I applied for a job in security, I'd had 2 interviews, a phone interview, and was even taken on for 1 day's work running security at another site because they had 2 members off staff ill and needed someone to cover the shift. I'm 23 years old, and was over qualified for the job, the guy who was taking me through the application stage made it sound like a sure thing. So he told me to expect a phone call from them today, instead I get an email from him (in a rather bitter tone) explaining that a higher-ups daughter is taking on the first 4 weeks of the contract, so for me to look elsewhere, but they will hopefully come back to me after those 4 weeks. Why just 4 weeks you ask? She's at uni, and needs to do work experience for her degree.

    Now, I'm all for bringing your kid to the office and finding them something to do, but this was a proper job position, they'd paid for recruitment agencies, and job adverts, they'd taken people through the application stage, given them some basic training etc. Can this other guy really just throw all that away for his kid's work experience? The guy who was interviewing me (and emailed me) was clearly quite cross about the whole situation, obviously it wasn't his decision to let this kid on board.

    Now, I know what you might say, small company, boss can do as he pleases. But do I have any rights? They really screwed me over here, I turned down another interview because I got the impression this job was as good as mine.

    6 AnswersLaw & Legal7 years ago
  • Will semi-permanent dye stain my hair?

    My hair is naturally mousy ash blond, like this (not me in this pic):

    3-4 years ago I dyed it fashion red (dark cherry red) for about a year, I then removed this colour with Colour Oops/ColourB4 and the result was my hair stained a bright carrot orange. I had a permanent dark brown dye placed over the top (professionally) as a colour correction treatment, and subs quant semi permanent colour as the roots started to show. For the last 6 months I haven't had anything done (and my hair is multi-tonal as a result).

    I want to get the semi-permenant done again, but I'm worried it's staining my hair orange again underneath. My ultimate goal in a few years times is to go back to what I had years before (cool blonde highlights on top of my natural ash hair, like this: ) but I can't achieve that with orange stained hair underneath, as the highlight bleach will just bring out the orange.

    Will semi-permannent dye stain my hair orange (underneath the colour) like the cherry red dye did?

    3 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • Debt collectors from Three mobile?

    I got a letter from Advanced Telecoms Debt Collection Services Ltd saying owe Three mobile £37. It's true I did miss a payment and got a reminder letter from three saying I need to pay by 2nd December (just a general your bill for this month is... letter, I get them every month as I don't have a direct debit set up.)

    Yet on 22nd November I recieved a letter from this debt collection agency saying they are acting on behalf of Three to collect the debt.

    Is this legal? I haven't recieved any letter from Three saying my debt is being passed on to a debt collector, and I'm still within my time period to pay my bill.

    Part of the reason I was reluctant to pay last month was because several months ago my phone stopped working, Three promised to replace it, but never did (blamed low stock), so I'm paying for a phone I can't even use.

    Anyway, what power do this agency have? What are my rights here? I'm happy to pay the bill to Three, but I don't want to give any credit card info over to this random agency, I'd rather pay Three directly, yet something tells me I'll continue to be chased even after I've paid Three.


    1 AnswerLand Phones7 years ago
  • help! my car smells of exhaust?

    I've just bought a fiat 500 lounge, second-hand, 3 years old, 40k miles on the clock, great condition, full clean service history and MOT.

    However, I'm starting to notice that when I'm paused at traffic lights I can smell exhaust in the car. It's not an overwhelming smell by any means, but I am aware of it. Usually it doesn't bother me because I shift to neutral and put the hand brake on at lights, which engages the fiat's stop start feature (briefly turning the engine off) however old habits mean I sometimes leave my foot on the clutch and the car stays in gear while I'm paused. This is when I notice the smell.

    At first I thought it was other cars around me, but it's always the same smell, so its lead me to realise that it's my car that is smelling. It never happens while driving along, and the car doesn't smell when I get out of it, it's just when it's paused.

    What is it? Should I get it checked out?

    10 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • How much does a Vision Express eye test cost?

    Anyone from south England had an eye test at Vision Express recently? (bit of a long stretch, I know)

    I'm trying to find out how much it costs, last time I went it was £20, but that was several years ago. And before you quote my own name to me, I tried googling it, extensively, they haven't published the price anywhere, and any mentions of prices by other people are years old so no longer relevant.

    5 AnswersOptical8 years ago
  • Is it normal to scuff/drag your feet while walking?

    I don't mean with every step, I mean the occasional scuff where you catch your foot slightly, not quite a trip, but you know what I mean, happening once a day (if that) outdoors on uneven pavements.

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • can pins and needles and twitching be caused by anxiety?

    In August I moved to a new town in a house by myself, started a new job (my first ever job), started a new relationship, I was very ill with strep throat and a viral infection for 6 weeks over Christmas/Jan, at the same time I had HPV (genital warts) from my new partner (wasn't his fault, he had no symptoms and you can't test for it) which took 9 weeks to go away and caused me a great deal of stress, couple with depression for over a year.

    For the last month I've been experiencing pins & needles daily (but always caused by me crossing my legs or lying on my arms, always relived by changing position) as well as twitching/jerking legs. This sent me into madness and I was self-diagnosing MS (despite not having any of the classic MS symptoms) I've also had to take time off work recently for panic attacks.

    I've been to the doctor, she's not sure what's causing the pins & needles but has flat out said it's not MS. But is writing to a neurologist anyway to see if he thinks it's worth taking my case any further, or dismissing it completely.

    My question is this...could my symptoms all be caused by stress and anxiety? I had stress induced shingles a year ago, and shingles can cause permanent nerve damage resulting in tingling sensations, although these sensations have only popped up in the last month.

    I'm scaring myself to death thinking something is very wrong with me, which only makes me "symptoms" worse. I'm amazed I haven't had a nervous break down yet.

    I'm scared out of my mind here. Has anyone else experienced similar symptoms relating to stress and anxiety?

    Thank you.

    10 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • computer virus website help!?

    I accidentally clicked a dodgy link sent to my work email, it opens up a website but it won't let me close the website or empty my cache/clear history or anything. Any even if I turn the computer off and on again Safari remembers I force quit and opens up this website again.

    What do I do? I just want safari back to normal. iMac won't let me move it to trash and download it again because it says it's part of the system.

    3 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • student lease ends too early?

    We're looking to move into a new house in Southampton, England. Our current house is close to the university but in much need of repair and very overpriced, and the landlord just doesn't care. So we're not renewing the lease and are looking for a new place for the academic year.

    Here's the problem…

    Most student leases start in July, and run until the end of June (in keeping with the college term dates), but for some mad reason ours end at the start of June. We're having so much trouble finding a house that doesn't start its lease 1/7/13. Do you think the landlord would let us stay another month?

    I'm assuming he will face the same issue if we move out end of May – he won't find anyone to fill the house until end of June because most other students have standard leases, so the house will be empty for a month – a month it could be earning money.

    This is all speculation of course, I've got no idea why our lease is like that, and whether the landlord has it like that for a reason.

    Anyone know anything about student leases (UK) able to shed some light on the matter?

    Obvious answer would be call the landlord, we've tried. He makes it difficult to contact him as he's a shark landlord and not interested in us one bit.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • fatigue or tiredness?

    Sometimes at work (I have an office job) I feel very tired, usually around 3pm (I work 9-5:30pm) the tiredness is quite strong. Like a small child who's falling asleep - my eye lids get heavy and my head drops forward, my head feels a bit weird, not light headed exactly, just slightly heavy, I find it hard to concentrate. It's like I crash almost. I've never actually fallen asleep, but I've come close. It doesn't last long, usually 15 minutes or so, it's certainly not all day.

    I've never been a great sleeper, always found it hard to get to sleep at night, and at university (which was only last year) I was a night owl.

    Is this fatigue? Should I be worried?

    I'm 23, female, slightly underweight, don't do much exercise, eat an average diet although probably not enough, don't drink or smoke, or drink coffee or tea.

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Yahoo stop opening a Facebook popup every time I ask/answer a question!?

    Anyone know how to stop it? No I don't want Yahoo linked to my Facebook thank you very much, and this constant pop-up every time I press Continue is driving me mad.

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Council tax when sharing with students? (UK)?

    I'm a young professional hoping to move in to a 5 bed house with my 4 friends. 3 of them are full time university students, one of them dropped out and is now on benefits.

    Will I have to pay full blown council tax? As I can't afford council tax all by myself on a large 5 bedroom house in Southampton. Or are there any reductions I can get?

    One thing I thought of is that although the house is 5 bedrooms, 4 out of 5 of the rooms are off limits to me and are locked (solely belong to the person who occupies them) so I only get access to my bedroom and communal areas like the lounge, kitchen and bathroom.

    Can anyone shed some light on this? I would have to pull out completely if I'd be subject to the entire council tax of the house as it's well over half what my monthly rent would be, it really doesn't seem fair. Just because I'm no longer a student doesn't mean I'm suddenly minted, quite the opposite in fact.

    And before you suggest it, no I can't split the council tax 5 ways between us, students are poor as hell, and it's not fair for me to ask them to pay tax they're exempt for.

    5 AnswersUnited Kingdom8 years ago
  • Does anyone who where I can get these custom business cards?

    I'm looking to get business cards printed with that a paper fill strip in between. Like a sandwich of three layers of card. So the front and back could be white, but the strip in-between is green etc. do them (luxe business cards with paper fill) but only in a limited range of colours, no green sadly.

    Can anyone help?

  • Bloody vaginal discharge?

    For the past month I've had constant itching of the vulva, and excessive discharge (at first white, thick and sticky, so I treated for thrush) the discharge cones and goes, but it still a lot more than 'normal'.

    This morning I had pink discharge that continued through the day and by the evening was very bloody. I'm on the pill, my partner is sterile, both of us have had full std tests in the past 2-3 weeks, and again 3 months before (and no other sexual partners in that time)

    recently I've also had tearing (and some bleeding) during sex, and sometimes it's been too uncomfortable to have sex at all. No pain during urination. Vulva often looks inflamed, possibly because I scratch it.

    double tests for both of us prove it's not an std, it can't be pregnancy, so what is it? We only have sex once a week, if that. I've never experienced this before.

    Sex has always been a challenge for us, he's very big and I'm very tight.

    We've been together for 2 months.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • get rid of ginger hair colour?

    I have naturally dark ash blonde hair, it's quite a cold colour. For the past 2 years I've been dying it deep cherry red. I used a hair colour removal product (colour b4) and unfortunately my hair came out Ron Weasley ginger. Is there anyway I can get it close to my natural colour again? And if I go out and buy an ash blonde/brown hair dye will that even work on my ginger hair? Any suggestions?

    8 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • removing colour from my hair?

    I'm a natural dark blonde, for years I had my hair highlighted to make me look blonde (but natural, rather than Barbie) it became too expensive so I had it dyed to my natural dark blonde colour.

    2 years ago I decided I wanted it cherry red, I didn't use a bottle, I went to a salon. She put this stuff on my hair, like a pre-dye (don't know what it's called) but it came out bright ginger. Then she applied the red dye over the top. (She said she needed that base dye to stop my highlights showing through)

    For the past 2 years I've been dying it myself, salon is way too expensive to use every month.

    My question is this: If I want to go back to my natural colour (or blonde highlights) and if I use one of those colour removers will I be left with that ginger undertone she put on 2 years ago? Or will that come out too?



    1 AnswerHair9 years ago
  • what exactly is 250mb a month in smartphones?

    Most contracts I look at range between 100mb and 500mb, but 250mb seems to be the average. But for the life of me I can't find anywhere what 250mb actually is. I need someone to explain it to me in terms I understand.....

    lets say I check my facebook 5 times a day, writing the odd comment, viewing the occasional photo, and chatting with a friend for 10 minutes.

    lets say in the course of 1 day I google a few things to settle a debate with a friend.

    lets say I receive and send 3 or 4 emails in a day.

    how much data is that? is 250mb a month enough to cover that sort of behaviour?

    I will NOT be watching videos/films, downloading music, downloading silly apps, or playing games on my phone. And when I can I will be using the wifi in my house to connect to the internet (so that won't use up my data usage right?)

    if anyone could share some light on this I'd greatly appreciate it.

    7 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • which smartphone and which contract?

    I'm 22, I've only ever had pay as you go phones, and I keep my phones until they stop working, I don't ditch them every time a new model comes out like some sort of fashion accessory. So I've only owned 3 phones since I was 11.

    Now I've decided I need a smartphone, the ability to go online/check emails anywhere and everywhere without a laptop is becoming a necessity, particularly with my current career.

    However I know nothing about smartphones or phone contracts. The thing I'm most concerned about is data usage restrictions. I'm on the internet constantly on my laptop. I will try not to use it so much on my phone, but I've got no clue what the restrictions are, just how much is 250mb a month? Is that watching 10 online movies and downloading a bunch of songs? Or is that using google 3 times?

    Is pay as you go an option? Or would that end up being more expensive?

    And what about the phones? I loathe apple products, so I'm avoiding iphones at all costs. I quite like the windows phones, and everyone speaks highly of android.

    I'm not big into apps and games, I'm not going to be reading books, playing angry birds, downloading music, or watching youtube videos on my phone.

    So yeah, any advice really. What's the best sort of contract for me? Do I even need a contract? And which phone? My favourite so far is the Nokia Lumia 800 or 900, apparently it's got stronger glass so it doesn't shatter like the notorious iphone. Also I like the chunky layout, I'm awful with touch screens; tiny keys and tiny icons infuriate me lol.

    7 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans9 years ago