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Lv 2283 points


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heyyyy my name is zoe

  • returning a top back help please?

    hi bascially i got a top from the birthday which was two days ago, the top was big for me so i wanted to retun it back, however i heard that she brought it from the market, but the New Look tag is still on the top, is it possible if i can return it back to new look , and if it was brought from the market can i still return it to new look


    2 AnswersReality Television9 years ago
  • A level help pleaseee?

    hi basically i have a huge problem that i need help with i am 17 years doing just done my AS year i want to do A2 chemistry but i just done my AS chemistry and know that i have not passed to carry on doing A2 i need a minimum of a D grade. However, i will be retaking my AS cehmistry while doing A2 is it possible if i can do A2 chemistry while retaking AS because i do not want to retake a whole year because i was predited a b in biology a in pyschology and b in english so no need to retake a whole year. My problem is that my school will not let me do A2 chemistry while retaking AS so it it possible if i can do this privately and how? Also another problem is that in A2 as you drop one subject the school will be more liekly to ask me to drop chemistry and do english pyschology and biology, the thing is that even if i drop chemistry and do it privately my origion aim was to drop english wich i really dont want to do in A2 so can you please help me?

    sorry for the huge paragraph

    i will be really grateful for any solutions thank you

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • what grade will i get overall in chemistry alevel?

    i got a c in one unit - 20%

    i got a d in one unit - 40%

    and i got a u in one unit - 40%

    3 AnswersChemistry9 years ago
  • a level english help newspaper headline pleaseeeeee 10 POINTS for best answer?

    hi i am writing a newspaper article about a gunfight between two characters in two texts basically main character philip marlowe kills canino during a gunfight and i need a catchy headline with alliterations please helppppp


    best answer 10 points

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • chemistry a level questions please help?

    can u please tell me how to work these out

    hygrogen and oxygen react according tp the following equation

    2H2(g) + O2 (g) - 2H20 (g)

    if all volumes are measured at 110 and oen atmosphere temperature the volume of steam produced after 50cm3 of hydrogen react completely with 25cm3 of oxygen is?

    hydrogen peroxide decomposes on heating as follows

    2H202 - 2H20 +02

    What mass of hydrogen peroxide is required to give 16g of oxygen gas

    1 AnswerChemistry9 years ago
  • homework excuses for sixth form < best answer 10 points?

    basically can i make up the excuse that my homeowrk was in my bag and i had a bottle of water/juice in my bag and it spilt therefore all my books got wet and my homework is also wet. However, how can i say this is a way that is more believabke because i dont really want to wet my books just to prove it to her so if she asks me where my bag is what can i say?


    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • only answer if you are in sixth form or was in sixtth form in london?

    Hi, does your attendance restart after every new term, for example my attendance was 92% last term but now it is a new term will my attendace be the same or restarted.


    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Englishhh helppp urgent best answer gets 10 points helpppp?

    please can u help me anaylse this video including the language tone and form or just give me some ideas thanks

    best answer gets 10 points

    please help urgent

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • AS English language help urgentttt best answer gets 10 points pleaseeee help?

    please can u help me anaylse this video including the language tone and form or just give me some ideas thanks

    best answer gets 10 points

    please help urgent

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • may/june 2011 paper AS?

    hi can someone please send me the AS edexcel SNAB biology unit 1 june/may 2011

    thank you

    best answer 10 points

    urgent pleaasseee

    1 AnswerTeaching9 years ago

    hey this is my description of my memorable meal can you please help me make it longer BEST ANSWER 10 POINTS PLEASE

    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • tamiflu cost urgent 10 POINTS?

    why is tamiflu (oseltamivir) expensive and why is this a problem

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • is it to cold to wear a dress? 10 points urgent please?

    Hi i am 16 years old and go to sixth form, i live in the uk london and it is around 6 degrees and i wanted to know if i wear a dress and on top of the dress i wear this cardigan

    and on top of the cardigan i wear this grey jacket

    it is okay and does it look okay < or is it still to cold to wear a dress and of couse i will wear tights or leggings with it.


    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • hearing and speech problem?

    hi, i wanted to ask if my daughter age aged 16 has a mild hearning loss which has not changed for the past 5-6 years, her hearing is not improving and this has affected her speech so she cannot say s c z etc words properly she has got a lysp, can this affect her learning, she is doing her alevels at the moment, and how can this affect her learning - in what way, she sometimes have troble understanding the words as she cannot say them properly or sometimes she misses some words which are bring said due to her mild hearing loss?

    2 AnswersSpecial Education10 years ago
  • mild hearing loss and speech problems (lysp) URGENT HELP?

    hi, i wanted to ask if my daughter age aged 15 has a mild hearning loss which has not changed for the past 5-6 years, her hearing is not improving and this has affected her speech so she cannot say s c z etc words properly she has got a lysp, can this affect her learning, she is doing her alevels at the moment, and how can this affect her learning - in what way, she sometimes have troble understanding the words as she cannot say them properly or sometimes she misses some words which are bring said due to her mild hearing loss.

    Thank you

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases10 years ago

    hi can u please tell me abit about homeaschool because i am thinking of getting homeschooled basically atm i am not doing well in school i am currently doing a levels, can u please tell me

    how much it would be for me to be homeschooled in southall and what would i need to pay for, i have nearly all the a level books needed and a really good library near my house?

    what are the advantages and disadvantages of being homeschooled?

    can i still be homeschooled if it is november and am in school currently?

    my school have entered me for my exams is it still poissble to be homeschooled and then go to school to sit the exams?

    thank you

    1 AnswerOther - Education10 years ago
  • please tell me how i can lose my voice asap best answers 10 points?

    i need to lose my voice in a day please just answer my question and do not tell me that i am crazy etc i definitely need to lose it by tomarrow and i cannot pretend please tell me how i can or how i can get larangytis pleaseeee tell meee

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers10 years ago

    hi can u please help me reword these sentences and editing the paragrah by adding more best answer gets 10 poitns pleaseee urgent

    A researcher wants to observe differences in gender behaviour when shopping. Describe and evaluate a suitable procedure.

    Describe - The researcher would need to set up a covert observation in either a gender neutral clothes shop, or conduct two observations: one is a men’s and one in a women’s clothes shop. A second observer could also observe the shoppers. The observers could use event sampling to record specific aspects of behaviour, including how long each participant stays in the shop, whether they use the changing rooms, whether they make a purchase, whether they are alone or accompanied and their general state of mind (how much they appear to be enjoying the experience). The observers should also focus on specific individuals, ideally choosing the same amount of each gender (for example, 10 males and 10 females). The observers should record the information on behaviours as they occur using a tally chart.

    Evaluation - Covert observations are unethical as they do not allow for consent, withdrawal and debriefing. To address this, a notice could be placed in a store, or those observed could be asked on entry, but this would possibly affect their behaviour (demand characteristics) and reduce validity. As the gender of shoppers is naturally occurring it is possible that there may be an unequal number of males to females. This may mean conducting more than one observation, which would be time – consuming and does not control for extraneous variables, such as the weather, the general busyness of the shop etc.

    2 AnswersHomework Help10 years ago

    i need help answering this questionnn pleaseee help

    A researcher wants to observe differences in gender behaviour when shopping. describe and evaluate a suitable procedure.

    what is the hypothesis

    what is the independent and dependent vaiable

    what is the method/procedure

    2 AnswersHomework Help10 years ago