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  • New to c-sections and new to being a mom of a boy?

    I had my son through emergency c-section on the 13th of october I was wondering from any of you moms out there how long it takes to be feeling normal again after a c-section and is there anything I can do to help ease my pain besides pain meds?Now for the baby question we had him circumcised due to our religion and I was wondering how long until I can submerge his lower region into a bath tub?This is my first c-section and first boy I have two girls from normal vaginal deliveries and would appreciate any insight you moms can offer.Please no rude answers regarding my decision to circumcise my son.Thank you in advance.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 34 weeks pregnant and want to know?

    I am 34 weeks pregnant and my doctors are talking about trying to induce me on September 11th versus letting me go to term is there anything I can do besides sex,and nipple stimulation to start labor naturally well somewhat naturally.My friend said to use Vagistat 1 cream since you aren't supposed to when your pregnant do you think that would work or would it be too risky?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 26 weeks pregnant and I need answers.?

    So my doctor's office called me today and my levels were slightly elevated from the glucose test so now I have to have the 3 hour test done.What does this mean?Has anyone gone through this and not had diabetes?What happens if I have it?This is my 3rd baby and never went through this before I am scared and doctor is not answering any of these questions for me so please help.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Can't stop vomiting when I eat help!?

    This is my 3rd pregnancy with my first born I was sick every morning for 9 months with my 2nd baby I was only sick twice.WIth this one I just started getting sick on Saturday I am 15 weeks pregnant I can not eat any meal without throwing it up sorry if TMI.What is going on what can I do I am afraid to eat anything besides buttered noodles or toast.Nothing is staying in except fruit bars.I am getting worried please help is this normal?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • need advice on pains in areas may be TMI for some people?

    I am 14 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child and having the worst pains ever my pains are in my pelvic bone area (vaginal area)my left leg from knee all the way down and my lower back.Anyone else have this pain with their 3rd child or even their first and what can I do to lessen the pain?It is so uncomfortable.I can not get to chiropractor or massage person now and hubby does not massage so is there a medicine I can take or some safe method I could do please let me know thank you.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When should children do this alone?

    When should my kids be allowed to take a bath that I ran for them alone and should I rewash them and still help with their hair?I have a 5 yr old and she knows how to wash herself up but I am scared to leave her unattended in the bathroom still she falls a lot and gets shaky and has some issues still working with her doctor to find out whats going on.I also have a 2 yr old that I know is not ready to be left alone.Just asking for advice please no rude answers only honest advice and opinions on this question.

    15 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Back pain thigh pain and bad cold help!?

    Hey everyone I am 12 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child I have had a cold for two weeks where I am basically vomiting up mucus is there anything I can safely take to nip it in the butt?I already saw my doc and the stuff she said is not working.My back and thighs also hurt bad the pain is in my lower back above my butt and my thighs hurt as well as some cramping what can I do for this besides tylenol it is not working.I am not bleeding so I am not m/c I think everythings stretching and that is what's causing my pains but please help.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • worried please someone who has been through help.?

    I went to doctor yesterday cause I had a BFP and they were doing ultrasound said they only saw sac no baby yet but was guessing i was 5 weeks 5 days.Saw my 2nd baby at 6 weeks why can't we see this one?They are sending me for blood work for hcg test and other tests.I am worried should I be?He said I may even be earlier but I go back in 2 weeks just want to know what to expect

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Why is it a faint line still?

    I took a pregnancy test in december on the 24th it went positive then immediately negative.So I waited and missed my period this month was supposed to have it on 23rd and didn't tested today but line was prominent enough to see there are 2 there but very faint why is that?I may add that on 20th november spotted 3 days and 24 th of december spotted 3 days.Going to doctor on Tuesday if they can see me just want some insight.Tons of baby dust to all.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Hmm very confused pls help?

    Ok ladies never thought I would ask this one but here goes.On October 23rd I had a extremely heavy and painful period.Then November 20 I had spotting for 3 days and only used maybe 6 tampons just so I would not mess myself.Then in December my period came on the 24th but it was more spotting and lasted 3 day same thing used 6 tampons.I normally have heavy flows.I took a pregnancy test on the 24th it first said positive then second line evaporated in a matter of mins and went negative.What is going on??I had this happen with my first born and did not realize I was pregnant until I was 14 weeks along.But with my 2nd I missed my period been trying for a 3rd and now this weird thing happens for 3 months.My friend said menopause but I am only 27 another said miscarriage but I have had 2 before and it was not like this.My boobs are sore on and off my tummy is growing larger and I am hungry and tired all the time.

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How do I make this chicken dish?

    Does anybody remember the chicken tonight sauce they used to sell?Well I want to make easy fast chicken caccitore.I have 2 kids so have little prep time oldest goes to school to 6 pm and bedtime is 8 p.m. need something that is good and quick and toddler friendly.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is this a miscarriage?

    Ok well I have had 4 pregnancies in my life with only 2 healthy births the other 2 unfortunately were miscarriages.Yesterday I started cramping severely after coming face to face with one of my fiance's friends wives because she yelled at me and made some really rude comments.Well anyways my last period was sept 20th.I was 3 days late and we were hoping for a baby,but I started cramping and it hurts when I move there was some brown blood and then red not too heavy.It has gotten worse the pains from yesterday to today not like my normal period because I normally do not cramp at all or start off with brown blood.Do you guys think I am having a miscarriage again?And what do I do if I don't know if I was pregnant or not is it too late to test?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Bloodwork for marriage?

    Does anyone know if you still need bloodwork in CT to get your marriage license and how do I go about getting this?When should I get bloodwork and marriage licence if we plan on marrying in May of 09?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • what on earth does dpo mean?

    I am a mother of a 4 yr old and a 16 month and never heard this used during my pregnancies but am hearing alot on here please some one tell me what it means thankyou.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago