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  • Tips for cutting my dogs nails?

    Ever since my dog sprained his ankle, he will not let me trim his nails. I occasionally get lucky and can cut a few, but he really needs his nails trimmed. Someone recommended that while he is laying down or sleeping to play with his paws/nails so that he trust me more, but that doesn't work either.

    I have never had this problem with him before. I do remember that when I got my dog he had two very very short nails, that looked as if they had broken.

    I have tried having someone hold him while I trim his nails but he goes buck wild. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated. I know a groomer is an option, but since I do all his grooming at home, I would like to be able to cut his nails.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My dog is limping off and on, what could be the cause?

    Ok first off, before everyone screams take him to the vet, he was supposed to go this morning but we got a flat tire, and he will be going on Monday. I am just asking this question so I can do some research as to things to expect. He has not been taken to a vet yet because the vet said to monitor it, it may go away in a few days. I am not/have not been neglecting my dog.

    My 11 month old Basset started to limp Monday night. I checked his paw and his pad and found nothing wrong with it, nothing stuck in it, etc. I then proceeded to cut his nails, thinking maybe they were too long, and nothing. Tuesday he was back to walking almost normally, putting pressure on it, chased a cat, etc. Wednesday he was back to walking normally. He was running around like a maniac, running up and down the stairs, jumping on things, etc. Then Thursday he started to limp again. He put minimal pressure on his foot, and we were back to square one. Friday same thing. Today he is limping again, but he did jump up on a friend of ours when they came to visit, which required him to put pressure on his foot.

    Now I have checked his foot several times and found nothing. He does not mind if you twist his foot, pull on his toes, push on it, push on his hips, back, knee, etc. He doesn't mind if you stretch it either, yet he continues to limp. His paw is not swollen at all, and he continues to lay on it, etc. He has never once yelped, barked, whined, etc, even on the day that he hurt it. He has been receiving flea and tick treatment, and I have not found ony ticks on him. He continues to have regular bowel movements, and eats normally. It's almost as if he continues to limp because we carry him around everywhere and he enjoys it. I'm assuming that they will do an xray on his leg. We live in Bay Area California. Aside from the leg issue, what can I expect in costs for an xray. I know if he is sedated that it will cost more. I'm just trying to prepare because I have lost my job, and have to borrow a car from my roommate to take him to the vet. Thank you all in advance for your help.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is causing my dog to limp?

    Yesterday afternoon I took my dog for a walk. He started to pull away, to sniff something, and then when his leash ran out of lead, he came back, but I noticed he was limping. He had no problem getting up the stairs and what not into the house, and then started to run around like a ball of energy. Later on that night when it was time to go out again, he started to limp again, and has been limping all morning. I checked his toes, feet, back hips, nails, everything and he is in no pain at all. It is his back left leg. He has no problem jumping onto the couch, and sometimes stands on his back leg to smell things on the counter. He doesn't mind if you move his leg around, or pull on this toes a little, and makes no indication of discomfort. I called the vet, but they just said to monitor it, but what could it be?

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does my dog have a learning disability?

    I know a lot of people are going to say, it's not the dog, it's the trainer. Well I can assure you that's not the case. I have two Westies, a boy and a girl from the same litter. I have had them for almost 2.5 years now, and I've had them since they were 8 weeks old. Both dogs were crate trained, and trained to go to the bathroom outside. Both dogs are indoor dogs, and when we were teaching them basic commands, we would separate them and do it that way. However, 2.5 years later the girl dog knows sit, and stay, and not to pee in the house. The boy dog on the other hand still has accidents, looks at you when you tell him to sit, and if you dropped a piece of food for him to eat, he'd let it hit him in the face and fall on the floor. I have also had situations where I have taken them for walks, and dropped his leash to see what he would do. He then gets fixated on a flower or leaf or something and just looks at it. The girl dog runs off. Is this normal, or is he not the brightest crayon in the box?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why does my dog act so crazy at night?

    I have a year old Basset Hound dog, and I feed him between 5 and 6 every night. I feed him while we eat dinner. so as he doesn't beg. After dinner between 7 and 7:30 we go for a two mile walk, which consists of a variety of hills, flat land, other people, animals, etc. We run part of it, and then walk the rest of it, and also allow him to run around and play. When we notice he is still running around and being crazy we usually walk around the middle part of the pond again, which adds another half a mile. We usually get home about 2 hours after we walk him, and while normally he is pooped, and goes to bed, lately he has been so hyper. His diet has not changed, he is not sleeping excessively during the day , he's not getting food late at night, but he has been crazy. I've taken away all of his toys except a rawhide chew, so now he runs back and fourth across the living room. I'm not sure why he does this. So if anyone has an explanation, or has any tips to calm him down the help would be greatly appreciated!

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago