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HI, I enjoy talking with people and getting to know them. Im severely Long sighted and have other eye issues which means my eyesight is limited, however I don't let this stop me. Don't let your disability hold you up in any way always people worse off than yourself. xx

  • Problems with my eyesight?

    I have worn Glasses from a very young age, and now wear contact lenses which are tailored made due to the complex of my prescription.

    I have an appointment at the hospital to see my Eye Specialist. I have noticed my eye sight is not as good and as sharp as it should be and I am struggling to see clearly.

    My right eye is the stronger of of the two although both eyes are very poor, but I've noticed that my stronger eye seems to be really blurred in respect to my weaker eye. My glasses and contact lenses are very strong. Should I wait until next month when i see my eye specialist or should I arrange an appointment with my optician.

    Thank you in Advance

    1 AnswerOptical4 years ago
  • I Slept in my Contact Lenses my mistake,?

    I forgot to remove my contact lenses on Thursday night. When i woke on Friday my eys were killing me and pretty sore and blurred.

    Yesterday my right eye seemed to be a lot better but my left eye still bad. Two days on my left eye is not much better, it feels really gritty and is terribly blurred even with my glasses on.

    I cannot see well out of my eye.

    Optical4 years ago
  • I've broken my glasses and don't have a spare pair in my current prescription?

    I broke my glasses this evening and I have a really strong prescription my old glasses are weaker by 1,50 . I have no choice but to wear them I am struggling to see properly through them as they are not strong enough.

    My eyesight is poor I doubt that they will be able to fix them as they frame is bent and the is hanging on.

    I need my current prescription but it will take a while any advice please.

    I am wearing my old glasses as I cannot see four inch in front of me.

    3 AnswersOptical5 years ago
  • My Husband won't cover his Privates?

    My Husband wears shorts around the house with n under garments on, his bits ad pieces are hanging low. He is above average size on his Penis, and is hangs pout the bottom of his shorts. I've tried telling him to cover up, and put his XXXXX back in his shorts.

    There are times where he walks into the garden also and the neighbours are around. I feel embarrassed for him, as it is embarrassing for me. When he sits down he reveals most of what he has as it rests on his leg.

    Please no catty comments, i take this seriously, how can encourage him to wear longer shorts to hide his man hood.

    8 AnswersMen's Health6 years ago
  • Is it all right for a Woman to breast their child in Public?

    What are your views on this, do you agree women should breast feed in public or should their be designated areas where the mother breast feed the child.

    I think a woman should be able to breast feed anywhere. I don't class this as exposing them selves.

    What do you think. Thanks

    208 AnswersNewborn & Baby6 years ago
  • Gents does Penis size matter?

    i have noticed a lot of question about gents worried about the size of the bits. Does size matter to you or are you happy with what you have.

    I know some ladies are worried about their breasts, and wish they had bigger, or smaller. Genuine question Gents Thanks your time.

    3 AnswersHomework Help6 years ago
  • Gents does ladies Breast Size matter to you?

    Obviously us women are all different and have different sized breasts from each other. Does breast size mean anything to you, do you like a lady with big breasts or small breasts. NO cheeky comments now gents THANKYOU. xx

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Do men lie about the Length of their Penis?

    Do you gentlemen lie about the length of your penis to get a relationship? Or attract females? Does size really matter to you?

    Singles & Dating6 years ago
  • Spinal Problems?

    I suffer really chronic spinal pain and have degenerative disc disease also i have problems with the Facet joints and a tear in my lumbar spine. At times it feels like my spine is going to fall out. I have problems with the toilet department in the sense it really hurts my spine when i try go for a number two. I was down for the spinal fusion in one hospital, but cause the circumstances i have been moved to the NHS side, i am suffering every day and don't seem to be moving up the waiting list much. I use crutches to walk now and my mobility is very very poor. I am really getting anxious about this and feel that I am being failed by the health system. What can I do i am serving member of the Forces and due to leave on Medical grounds I am having to fight for everything I am getting and chaise appointments up my self. I am really anxious, and scared about my future.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • Sore Breasts?

    I have large Breasts, and they are some what painful, i have checked both breasts and they feel normal but they are very sore. Being large busted is not fun. I try to wear proper fitting bras but it is impossible for me to find one which fits properly.

    I really want to go to the Gym but i am aware that my breasts bounce regardless wearing a sports bra.

    Any suggestions please. AND PLEASE NOT CATTY COMMENTS! Thanks

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Who has the worst eye sight in your Family?

    I have the worst eye sight in my family im am virtually blind with out my glasses or contact lenses. My mother has had glasses for reading for year, but recently my father needs a little more help in that department too. My siblings have better than 20/20 vision.

    In this case ive got the worst eye sight in my family. Who in your family have the worst eyesight.

    3 AnswersOptical6 years ago
  • Eye Sight Failing?

    I've wore glasses for years infact when i was a young child. I've always wore strong glasses, i only got an increase in my lenses with in 6 months. MY left eye is much weaker than my right, have you got one dominant eye which is much better than the other.

    3 AnswersOptical6 years ago
  • I wear glasses, but i cannot read text on my now TV, which is about 1 CM tall.?

    I wear glasses and have a strong prescription. I cannot however read the text on Now TV which tells you about the movie your about to watch. I am finding that i have to move closer to the TV in order to read this. Is this normal or should i have my glasses prescription checked.

    Thank you in advance/

    1 AnswerOptical6 years ago
  • Contact Lenses or Glasses?

    Hi i peronnally prefer to wear contact lenses as my eye sight is so bad and my glasses make my eyes look tiny. However i do have glasses also. If you wear glasses and contact lenses which do you prefer and why.

    4 AnswersOptical6 years ago
  • Do you think most ladies are satisfied with the Breast, size or do you think most ladies wish they were Smaller or Bigger?

    I hear many ladies going on about how un happy they are with their breasts. I for one have small breasts and i am totally happy with what i have. I hear often enough ladies with big breasts having suffering bad backs because of the sheer weight of their breasts. On the other hand i hear many ladies wanting to enlarge their breasts. How do you feel about your breasts are you happy or would you have them reduced in size or enlarged in size.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Is it possible for guys to accidently sit on their testicles?

    Ive heard this can be very painful and can bring a tear to the mans eye. I know if i get my boobs accidently knocked they hurt like mad.

    7 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Can astronauts wear contact lenses or glasses in space?

    I've often wondered about how well astronauts see both before they go into space and when they return from space. Can they wear glasses or contact lenses? do their eyesight get worse?

    2 AnswersAstronomy & Space6 years ago