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  • What is this song?

    It was a common teenage car stereo song during the summer and the lyrics sounded

    "Sweeer sweet baby" (In a high pitched)

    Or maybe it was "sugar baby"

    Any ideas that's the only parts I can remember

    2 AnswersLyrics4 years ago
  • What happens when you get put in juvie?

    Ok so basically I'm curious to know. like what happens when u get there and just all the details. What life is like there and just all that.

    Also; would they make U cut ur hair male or female.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Can anyone help finding the name of the songs with these lyrics?

    Ok the song is sad and I used to listen to it back in around 2013- 2014 I got it off iTunes in the free section back when that was a thing.

    The lyrics:

    "Come and take a ride with me for a little while"

    Something road something road (not sure)

    There is also a part

    "When darkness ascends/descends I stay till the end"

    A female than sings these really sad oohs

    Anyways any ideas on the song?

    2 AnswersLyrics4 years ago