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  • My iphone 4 is not accurately displaying the battery charge.?

    I've had my iphone 4 for about 2 years now and I've noticed that the charge will randomly jump up and down at any instant. I've had incidents where the charge will read 60%, then a few minutes later it goes down to 17%, then a few minutes after that it goes up to 30%. Any suggestions? I typically leave my iphone charging overnight if it's around 30% or below, so I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Do companies verify what clubs/organizations you have listed as a member on a resume?

    I've been a registered member of my university's ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) chapter since the past 2 years. This year I haven't paid my membership dues since I'm graduating this year and I'm on a tight budget. I'm still involved in the activities and club businesses that my ASME chapter does, I'm just not technically a "registered member" of ASME. I still have listed on my resume that I'm an ASME member when I applied for jobs this past month.

    Do companies really check to see if you are a "registered member" of a club? From my experience, they just ask you during the interview what you did in that club and that's it.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Yahoo Mail Customer Care - Spam or Real?

    I keep getting emails from someone titled "account-support" with the email,, saying that my Yahoo Mail account will be canceled if I don't Re-verify my account by clicking on a link titled "Sign here to Re-verify".

    It has Yahoo logos on the email, but the link has a URL that has nothing to do with Yahoo at all. It looks like a Spam and I would like to know what to do? Unfortunately, Yahoo doesn't have any contact info to report cases like this (At least none that I know of that actually work) So I'm wondering what to do about it?

    2 AnswersAbuse and Spam7 years ago
  • Moving off to College - Address Change?

    I'm finally moving off to college in about 2 weeks and I just recently found out what my new address is going to be. I've heard that I have to submit a change of address form to both USPS and DMV so that my mail can now be forwarded to the new mailing address.

    So, does that take care of everything or should I still change my address with any companies or groups that I receive important mail from? The only important mail that I really receive is from my bank so I was wondering if I should change my address with them.

    Also, speaking about banks, do I have to get new debit/credit cards and checks with my new address on them or can I still use the ones that I have?

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • Lamborghini or Rolls Royce?

    Assuming you had the money, of course, which one would you prefer to have?

    Me personally, I like the Lamborghini Murcielago and Rolls Royce Phantom. Both in Black.

    Which one would you believe would grab more attention when driving around town, the Lambo or the Rolls Royce?

    6 AnswersOther - Car Makes7 years ago
  • How to Calculate Taxes on Stocks alone - Clarification?

    I know I asked a similar question about this a week ago. I just wanted to get some clarification on it after doing some research. If you haven't seen my previous question, basically I was just asking if there was a way to find out what tax percentage is charged on short-term sales, long-term sales, and dividends individually.

    So, the way I understand it is:

    -Short-term sales are taxed at the same tax rate as your total income based on the income bracket that you fall in for that year. Essentially, it will vary each year just like all your other income.

    -Long-term sales are taxed at a flat rate each year. The rate may vary from year to year, but it will be constant for a given year regardless of your income. Say 15%.

    -Dividends are taxed the same way as Long-term sales assuming they’re qualified dividends.

    Of course, this is assuming all stocks involved are regular common stocks with qualified dividends. Nothing fancy, just the basic.

    I just want to know if the above is correct or if I am misunderstanding anything. I know taxes are a lot more complex than they really need to be. I simply want to double check to see if I at least got the general idea down.

    5 AnswersUnited States7 years ago
  • Easier method of Calculating Riemann Sum?

    I'm trying to find the area under the curve of a graph that I got from plotting experimental points on excel. Unfortunately, the graph is too complex for excel to determine a function for it, so I don't really have any other choice but to use a Riemann Sum.

    I know calculating a Riemann Sum will be a long boring process having to calculate the smallest rectangles possible to get a fairly accurate number, and even then it won't be near 100% accurate. One possible idea that popped in my mind (I don't know if this has already been discovered/refuted) is to simply calculate the average of the y points and treat that y average as the "width" and then multiply it by the change in x which is simply the "length". Basically I'm finding the area of 1 rectangle with an "average width" since y goes up and down as a function.

    Does this sound like a legitimate way to find an approximation for an area under the curve? Keep in mind, this is just an approximation just like the Riemann Sum, I'm not making the argument that it will find the exact area. All I need is a rough estimate anyway.

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • Writing out Degree on Resume: B.S. or Bachelor of Science?

    I've always written "B.S. Mechanical Engineering" on my resume, but I heard that writing out the full name of the degree, "Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering" is mcuh more formal and professional. Should I change it on my resume then or will it not make much of a difference?

    Also, I've seen sample resumes online and I noticed that most of them only put the major in bold and not the whole degree. So in this case, "Mechanical Engineering" would be in bold while "Bachelor of Science in" would not be in bold. Should I do this as well? It looks a bit flunky, but then again, I'm probably just not used to seeing it that way.

    3 AnswersEngineering7 years ago
  • How to Calculate Taxes on Stocks alone?

    I currently use functions in Microsoft Excel to calculate my net profit of my stock investments. The only thing that I don't have included are the taxes I pay from filing income taxes each year. I've done some research online to see if there is a simple way to calculate how much I would have to pay in taxes from my stock investments alone, but I can't seem to find anything simple like a formula or percent rate. I've looked at my previous tax filings from previous years to see if I can determine how much I paid in taxes from money earned on stocks alone, but I can't figure it out.

    Basically what I'm asking is: Is it possible to calculate how much taxes you will pay from stock investments alone with a simple calculation, or is it so complex that it's not even worth trying it?

    5 AnswersUnited States7 years ago
  • Online Traffic School California - Do you have to spend 340 minutes?

    I plan on completing my Traffic School online after getting a speeding ticket not that long ago. I heard that according to the California DMV, Traffic School classes must be 340 minutes long (5 hours & 40 minutes). If I happen to finish early is that perfectly fine or do I really have to leave the browser page of my computer logged in for a total of 5 hours & 40 minutes for it to count?

    I heard a lot of people say that they finished their online Traffic School courses in just a couple of hours, so I'm wondering if the DMV or courts actually have some way of checking to make sure you didn't finish early. The online Traffic School that I'm taking says I can take as long as I want.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Listing LinkedIn Link on Resume (Yes/No)?

    I'm an Engineering student getting ready to graduate soon, so I've gotten involved in multiple school projects and internships over the past couple years. I currently have them listed on my resume with a few bullet points briefly explaining what I did for each one. The only problem with a resume is that I am only limited to 1 page and I can't "visually" show my accomplishments. I know Engineers enjoy "seeing" things rather than "reading" them. My LinkedIn profile is filled with pictures of all the things that I've built, designed, tested, etc. along with research posters that I have made for my internships.

    Would it be ok to include a URL link to my LinkedIn webpage on my resume? I've checked online and it seems like there are mixed views on this. I also heard some people say it's better to wait until after the interview to email them a Thank You letter with the link to reassert your skills/qualifications.

  • Reapplying to internship that I got accepted to yet declined (What to do?)?

    I'm currently an undergrad student, and like most undergrad students, I apply to multiple summer internships every year. This past summer I got accepted to 2 internships around the same time.

    So here's the dilemma, I first got accepted to one internship that I applied for (We can call it Internship A) and they immediately asked me over the phone if I wanted to accept their offer since they needed to start the paper work soon to secure my spot. The internship wasn't really my first top choice, but I accepted it anyway since I didn't want to risk losing such an opportunity. Two days later, I got accepted to my top choice internship (We can call it Internship B) via email. Unfortunately, I already committed to Internship A and I didn't have anytime beforehand to notify them about my previous offer (which is common courtesy when applying for internships). They gave me 5 days to accept/decline the offer from Internship B. I planned on declining soon since I already accepted a previous offer and I wanted to be respectful by letting them know on time. Unfortunately that same night, my uncle passed away and I was overwhelmed with school and everything, and I pretty much forgot all about the deadline to accept/decline until it was too late.

    I want to reapply to Internship B again for next year, but I'm hoping I didn't make a bad impression by not responding. I got the acceptance email directly from the person who was going to be my mentor.

  • Is there any point in filling out a FAFSA for Grad school?

    After getting a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering I've decided to work in industry for a couple of years before heading off to grad school. There's a company that is willing to pay a good portion of my tuition to get a Masters at the Graduate Schools that I'm interested in applying. I could pay the other portion of my tuition by myself, but I would have to really budget my money since my current starting salary is not a whole lot and I just finished paying all of my student loans from undergrad with the money I've been saving up over the past 2 years.

    I heard that applying for FAFSA as a Grad Student will only qualify you for Federal Student Loans since you no longer qualify for any grants (Free Money). Is that true? In that case, should I even fill out a FAFSA? I don't have any need for taking out loans since I do have the money to pay for it myself. I was just wondering if there were any benefits of actually filling out a FAFSA in this scenario.

    3 AnswersFinancial Aid7 years ago
  • Trial by Written Declaration - How exactly does it work?

    I got a speeding ticket a few weeks ago on the highway. I was going within the speed limit, 70, but the CHP pulled me over saying he clocked me for going 81. I knew right away the cop was bull$hitting, especially since in California cops are known for giving out tickets like crazy since that is the only source of revenue that is keeping them employed now a days. The ticket is over $350 which at first I thought of just paying it so I don't have to deal with all the legal crap, but then I found out about the Trial by Written Declaration and I figured it could be a possible option.

    So the way I understand it is, I mail them my declaration statement as if I was defending myself in court and the CHP officer who issued me the ticket is supposed to do the same thing. If the CHP officer fails to do so (which I heard is pretty common) then the case is withdrawn and I am found innocent as if it never happened. If the CHP officer does submit his paperwork then the judge makes a decision. If the judge finds me guilty then I simply pay the ticket and the speeding violation goes on my DMV record. So this is what I understand of it so far, so you guys can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or add anything in.

    The main questions that I would like to know are:

    Are there any possible downsides of doing a Trial by Written Declaration?

    If I lose the Trial by Written Declaration do I have to pay any court fees?

    Can I still do traffic school if I lose Trial by Written Declaration?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Becoming a Community College Engineering Professor in California?

    I will be graduating with a BS in Mechanical Engineering soon as I plan to work in industry for a couple of years to build up my career. One idea that came to mind is becoming an Engineering Professor at a Community College when I have a good 10-15 years of experience working as an Engineer. I was a community college student myself before I transferred to a university and the engineering professors I had were really amazing. The classes are small and a lot of them have time to interact with their students. Also, I heard that they make a lot of money. In California, community college professors can almost make more than university professors, as surprising as that may sound.

    So the question that I have is how do you become a community college professor in California? I do plan on getting a Masters degree later on in my career since it's highly recommended in order to teach. Is it as simple as just applying for an open-position like any other engineering job, or is there specific certification that you have to go through?

    1 AnswerEngineering7 years ago
  • Good Website for getting ebooks for college textbooks and solution manuals?

    I know there's a lot of "free" sites that say you can download unlimited ebooks and solution manuals for free, but I know most of them are filled with viruses and spyware. I would prefer to pay some small monthly/yearly fee than risk having computer problems. I'm an Engineering student so having access to something like this would be extremely helpful if I can get what I'm looking for at the right price. I'm looking for a website that is relatively cheap, virus-free, and has a good amount of different books to download, specifically math, science, and engineering textbooks with solution manuals. Any recommendations?

  • Masters vs MBA (Engineering)?

    Alright so I'm an engineering undergrad student and I'm currently planning out my future career options. My plans are to finish my BS in Mechanical Engineering, work in industry for a good 2-3 years, then hopefully I can get into a good grad school with the experience I'll have.

    The way I see it I have the option of choosing between a Masters in some engineering field (I still don't know what I want to specialize in yet) or getting an MBA. I know a Masters will allow me to mostly manage company projects and the more engineering-aspect of the company while an MBA will allow me to mostly manage the business side of the company.

    They are both equally interesting, but one question that I have is: Can I still teach with an MBA the same way you can with a Masters? The reason why I ask this is because later on when I am close to retirement age, I would like to teach engineering courses at a community college. I went to a community college myself and it seemed like an amazing experience for both the students and professors. I know it's not uncommon for engineers to eventually teach later on in the later years of their careers. So will a Masters be better in this case or will an MBA still be treated just as equally in terms of employment and salary as a college instructor?

  • Does your Master's GPA really matter?

    I'm currently in undergrad so I know I still have a long ways until I reach grad school, but I would like to plan ahead a bit.

    So for now, my plans are to finish my BS in Mechanical Engineering with a 3.5 GPA or greater, then work in industry for a good 2-3 years, then hopefully I can get into a good grad school that the company I'll work for will pay for so that I can get a Masters.

    Now the question that I would like to know is: Does your GPA from your Masters really matter? I heard if you plan on getting a PhD or going into research it does, but if I only plan on finishing school with a Masters and working the rest of my life in industry will my Master's GPA even matter? I'm not trying to sound like I plan on slacking off in grad school, I know grad school is hard. I'm just trying to see if getting like a 3.0 GPA is good enough for the situation that I am in.

  • Images for Game Development (iPhone game)?

    I'm a beginner when it comes to programming and right now I'm working on my first game project. It's a simple yet addictive game for the iPhone. I have most of the code figured out for the gameplay, the only thing I need to do is work on the Design part (the images). So what is the best way to do this?

    Is it as simple as just attaching JPG images into the code? The game that I am doing is very simple so most of the images will be static (not moving). The only animation parts that I would have to make would be a ball rolling on the ground and jumping up and down as it moves - Yeah it's that simple :P

    I've had experience coding using various programming languages, but I never really dealt with images before. Anyone have any suggestions on what programs I could use to create nice images/animations? I'm not looking for anything fancy, I'm just looking for something decent and possibly free.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Understanding Federal Loans for college?

    The way I understand the Stafford Federal Loans is you borrow 'x' amount and then later on you pay a flat interest rate based on the time you get it (For the 2014-2015 academic year, I checked online and it is 3.86%). For Subsidized Loans, interest accumulates from the day you graduate and you don't have to pay until 6 months after graduation, while for Unsubsidized Loans, interest accumulates from the day you start school (or draw out the loan) and you don't have to pay until 6 months after graduation as well. Is this correct? You can correct me if I'm wrong on this.

    So, Is the interest rate yearly? Say after 1 full year I'll have to pay 3.86% of what I borrowed as interest for that year.

    Also, I did some research on the Stafford Federal Loans ( and it mentioned something about a Loan Fee. What exactly is that? Is that a one-time payment that I have to pay upfront or what? It's only about 1%.

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid7 years ago