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x~Dudette~ x
I'm a student and live in a privately rented flat. My flatmates and I are all very quiet, we never have party's (the flats quite small), and are generally quite relaxed, not what you typically think of with students.
We are aware we live in a studenty area and living in a flat can be noisy...however, we have been living here for 4 months now, and every fri,sat and sun night and the odd week night since we moved in we've had someone in our building or the building next door, playing a really loud booming bass guitar. The thing is, this is getting a little tiring now. We've tried to track down who it is, and we can't figure where the noise is coming from exactly within the building (which is why we think it's the building next to us, as there are only 8 flats in our building). We have also had problems with the people upstairs holding massive parties (most recently, a sunday night when we had 9am exams the next day), and despite us talking to them, and saying this can't happen because of it being a sunday night, they still continue to make a lot of noise, even during the week, often meaning we have no or disturbed sleep...often this noise is either loud music, or them just generally banging around in the flat.
We have genuinely NO IDEA what to do. Who can we contact? the council or police or.....?
Please someone help, we are at our wits end with the crappy bass player more than anything
(uk only ;) )
4 AnswersEtiquette9 years agohelp with HTC phone...?
I've had my HTC Desire HD for about 6 months now, and my dad had owned it prior to that for about 4 months.The phone is on orange (locked sim so can't be altered), and neither of us had problems before, but it has recently started playing up.
Now, orange signal isn't the best where I live, but I still get about 1-2 bars signal on a normal orange phone (my parents have always been on orange!)
but recently its been playing up. I can sit in the same spot and have 2-3 bars signal or even more sometimes and construct a text or select a contact to call, but the minute I hit send or call the signal drops right off and won't come back up for about 5-10mins.
It has also decided, that when the text doesn't send because of signal, instead of sending it the minute the signal does reappear, it takes about 2-3hrs, sometimes without me realising, then my friends have often received 3-6 of the same text (thank goodness for unlimited texts)!
with regards to phoning, it can take me 5 attempts before it finally connects with about 1 bar of signal, when I'd had 3 bars before, then it completely goes.
My internet and wifi are also extremely slow and I've seen other peoples htc's work 10x faster than mine on the same network.
Anyone got any ideas...I'm at my whits end with it, and seriously thinking about ditching the phone unless it gets sorted (orange are useless a***holes!)
3 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans9 years agoHave I broken something or just bruised?
I ran into a door a couple of days ago, and the palm of my hand got the full impact. It immediately came up with this bruise in a line shape, just on the squishy bit to the right of my thumb on my palm. That eve it was really really painful and I couldn't move my thumb at all, but didnt go to hospital because of access getting there. So I waited to see how it was this morning, and it was a bit better. It hurts to move my thumb forward and back and in a circular motion, and to theres a dull ache when i move my wrist around too much, but I can move them now.
Could it be jsut bruised, or should I be careful because of the Scaphoid bone? If it hadnt been for how much it hurt last night, I wouldnt be worried, but because of the pain last night and how I did it, I am a lil worried it could be the scaphoid- which I know you have to be careful of.
Should I leave it a few more days and see if more of a bruise appears, or should I get it checked?- I don't want to go to A&E if it's just a bruise and waste staff time!
Any help/comments/info would be appreciated- I have never broken a bone really before, and I've never been to A&E.. (im 19 btw).
2 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years agoHave I broken something or just bruised?
I ran into a door a couple of days ago, and the palm of my hand got the full impact. It immediately came up with this bruise in a line shape, just on the squishy bit to the right of my thumb on my palm. That eve it was really really painful and I couldn't move my thumb at all, but didnt go to hospital because of access getting there. So I waited to see how it was this morning, and it was a bit better. It hurts to move my thumb forward and back and in a circular motion, and to theres a dull ache when i move my wrist around too much, but I can move them now.
Could it be jsut bruised, or should I be careful because of the Scaphoid bone? If it hadnt been for how much it hurt last night, I wouldnt be worried, but because of the pain last night and how I did it, I am a lil worried it could be the scaphoid- which I know you have to be careful of.
Should I leave it a few more days and see if more of a bruise appears, or should I get it checked?- I don't want to go to A&E if it's just a bruise and waste staff time!
Any help/comments/info would be appreciated- I have never broken a bone really before, and I've never been to A&E.. (im 19 btw).
1 AnswerInjuries10 years agoWhere to get flu jab in Edinburgh?
I've just moved to edinburgh and want to get the flu vaccine. I don't qualify for a free one, so have been trying to find somewhere else. I know tesco pharmacy etc do it, but can anyone be specific as to which actual superstores or drug stores in Edinburgh do it, as I've tred searching sainsbury;s etc on the internet, but it doesn't come up with anything helpful, and I rely on buses, so going to just 'look' or turning up and it not being there is too much effort/expensive!
Many thank
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care10 years agoWhere to get flu jab in Edinburgh?
I've just moved to edinburgh and want to get the flu vaccine. I don't qualify for a free one, so have been trying to find somewhere else. I know tesco pharmacy etc do it, but can anyone be specific as to which actual superstores or drug stores in Edinburgh do it, as I've tred searching sainsbury;s etc on the internet, but it doesn't come up with anything helpful, and I rely on buses, so going to just 'look' or turning up and it not being there is too much effort/expensive!
Many thank
3 AnswersAlternative Medicine10 years agoWhere to get flu jab in Edinburgh?
I've just moved to edinburgh and want to get the flu vaccine. I don't qualify for a free one, so have been trying to find somewhere else. I know tesco pharmacy etc do it, but can anyone be specific as to which actual superstores or drug stores in Edinburgh do it, as I've tred searching sainsbury;s etc on the internet, but it doesn't come up with anything helpful, and I rely on buses, so going to just 'look' or turning up and it not being there is too much effort/expensive!
Many thanks
7 AnswersEdinburgh10 years agoOpticians prescription... HELP!!!?
I went to a new opticians today, having moved for uni. The optometrist took my old glasses to check the lens prescription like they do.
During the test, she said my left eye had got worse again slightly, but when I compared my new prescription to my old one.. I dont think she's got something right! I too think my left eyes slightly worse- which is why I am confused! please can someone help me by telling me whats what with these numbers?! thanks
New prescription: Right = Sphere:+0.50 Cyl: -0.50 Axis: 70 Left= (in same order) +0.50 -0.75 95
Old prescription : Right = (same order) +0.50 -0.50 75 Left= +0.75 -1.00 90
Thanks x
4 AnswersOptical10 years agoMSN... missing buttons for video message and nudge...?
My friend and I have both been having problems with talking through the webcam on msn. We have tried on several occasions to have video conversations and sometimes it works and othertimes, both of us are missing the nudge and video messaging buttons, so we are unable to start a convo.
Anyone know how to solve/fix this.??? I've tried to look it up elsewhere, but can't seem to find answers.
Many thanks! =D
1 AnswerMSN10 years agoProject on cars in America...?
I have to do a joint project for my classes on cars, consumption, tax and insurance, and compare it to that of another country.
What I can't find out though, is how insurance cover works in the USA.
Here in the UK, when you've passed your driving test, it's only possible to really drive either a really old car with a bigger engine, or if you have a newer car, it has to have a smaller engine, otherwise it would cost a fortune. For example, I have a year 2000 reg car, that's got a 1.1L engine and I have been driving for a year with a years no clains (no accidents) and mine still costs £700. and that's only covering me for if I was hit by someone else or my car was stolen or caught fire. (If I was a boy this would cost over £1000). and it only covers me to drive my car.
What I'd like to know is, how does insurance work in the US? ie. How much roughly it costs within the first 3 years of passing, whether it's just your car you can drive or others?... basically just however it works.
You hear of all these famous people buying their kids £250,000 cars, with massive engines, but they get insured, in the UK, this would be impossible, because insurers would refuse as a young driver, or if they did except it would cost THOUSANDS a year!?!?
Thanks for answers!
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agoschool day in america....?
I was looking at an american school website (east high school in colordao), at there bell times. I don't understand how they work. It says on like the wed that period 1 is at like 7:30- 8:30 but then it says period 4 9:15- 10:15. How does this work when there isn't any periods inbetween.
How do you get along finishing each day at different times? and is this the same for all american schools?
In england we just have lessons from 8:30-3:30 ish with approx 5-6 lessons a day running from one to the other with a 20 minute break around 11am ish and a lunch hour around 1:00 ish.
Just wandered how it works! many thanks =D
5 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agoIf You were to move to ......?
Australia, would you move up a year or down a year group?... as the school years run differently- in england from sept-jul... in australia from feb-dec
Say you were in year 9 from England (age 13-14) with a birthday the 8th jan???
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agoI would like to go to university abroad... help?!?!?
I would like to go to either the University of British Columbia, or another foreign university (I live in the UK), but is there any way to get grants from the UK government as it's really expensive? Also, how lengthy is the canadian application process and how do I go about it as a foreigner?
1 AnswerStudying Abroad1 decade agoStudying at a uni in france or spain!?
Hi, I would like to go to university at an international university or just a standard university in a French or spanish speaking country, but I don't know how to go about doing this. I have 2 years till I go to uni, but obviously, I need to start thinking now.
I would like to study french and spanish- either in translation and interpretation or just in general at under-graduate level.
Please could someone advise me any info about it, like how to go about researching things and also the level of the langaues needed to study in those languages etc!
1 AnswerStudying Abroad1 decade agoHumanities GCSE results...problem?
Hi, I recently got my GCSE results and my humanities result was lower than I expected.
I am not the only one in my class who thinks the same, and my friend and I were expected to get A/A*'s but both cam out with B's. In mocks in lessons, we'd both been getting A's. therefore, we are both questionning wether the paper's pass marks have been put up, or not marked right.
I was wandering wether anyone else who's taken this exam has had the same problem?!?!?!?
please reply with possble answers too thanks x
5 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agoTV Boarding school?!?!?!?
Are there any boarding schools which exist very much like Pacific coast academy off zoe 101???
Does Pacific Coast Academy exist??? If not, is the site they use, actually a boarding school- if so, what's it called???
2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agoWhat is an average school day in America?
Like here in England an average school day although dependant upon age, is usually from around 8:30am - 3:30pm = extra-curricular- eg After school netball.
First school (ages 4-9) is normally 9am-3pm
Normally no set lessons, but includes to breaks/recreations plus lunch
Middle school (ages9-13) is normally 8:40am-3:30pm
up to 6 1 hour lessons, plus 1 hour lunch and 20minute break
Upper school (ages 13-16+) is normally 8:30-3:15pm
up to 5/6 50minute lessons, plus 20minute break and 50 minute lunch!
What is it in America?
5 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agoBoarder control between romania and....?
Moldovia and/ or romania and ukraine as UK/ british citizens and passport holders?
I ask this because we have friends who live in the north of romania, adn we have found that the easiest was to get to them would be to go via Moldovia or ukraine!
I was wondering if anybody knew how tight boarder control was with British citizens or whether, even if it is possible, whether it would still be more hassle than catching two planes and a train within romania itself?
Any help would be much appreciated
2 AnswersOther - Europe1 decade agowhere's the best place to ski?
I went to Wagrain, in Austria (ski amade, sportswelter) with a group last year and it was amazing- it was my first time ski-ing and I had so much fun. I am going next year, but I would love to take my family with me for a fmily holiday too.
Where is the cheapest place either in Austria or elsewhere, where theres good pistes for beginner/intermediates. Also cheap accomodation and good ski hire and lessons would be good!
Also, please could you let me know roughly how much you spend when you go, so I have a rough guide to work around, and also let me know wether you book individual items or as a package.
Obviously I'm new to this and after looking at several websites, it looks quite complicated, so as much info as possible would be great!
10 AnswersSnow Skiing1 decade agoWhat could this lump be?
I have this lump that appears on my foot every now and then, especially after doing sports. If I don't do any sport or rest, it's often just a little lump, but the more sport I do, the bigger it gets. It's not painful, but I ca't point my toes or pull them back!!! what could it be.... I've had it for as long as I can remeber and I'm 16 now!
3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago