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  • Rate and stereotype baby names please..?

    Rate first name then middle name then first & middle names together, then stereotype whole name (first & middle name together) Thanks!

    Ivan Eliseo

    Elijah Anthony

    Omero Nathaniel

    Darien Isaac

    Amayah Marie

    Iliana Renee

    Jayleen Juliet

    Emilia Mae

    **Asking for a friend, she will choose a best answer (10pts)! :)

    6 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • How many years/months is considered child abandonment in Florida?

    My childs father hasn't see him in a year

    and 3 months. I want to have all rights to

    my son but don't know how long it has to

    be in order to do so. He is on his birth

    certificate and is ordered to pay child

    support but hasn't payed a penny. Child

    support is the reason he hasn't seen him.

    As soon as he was ordered to pay, he

    completely abandoned him. Im thinking i

    could use the un payed child support as

    proof to the abandonment. I just need to

    know how

    long it needs to be in order for them to

    grant me all rights to my son. I don't want

    to pay $200 just to ask one question at an

    attorneys office. Thank you :)

  • How many years/months is considered child abandonment in Florida?

    My childs father hasn't see him in a year and 3 months. I want to have all rights to my son but don't know how long it has to be in order to do so. He is on his birth certificate and is ordered to pay child support but hasn't payed a penny. Child support is the reason he hasn't seen him. As soon as he was ordered to pay, he completely abandoned him. Im thinking i could use the un payed child support as proof to the abandonment. I just need to know how

    long it needs to be in order for them to grant me all rights to my son. I don't want to pay $200 just to ask one question at an attorneys office. Thank you :)

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Middle name for baby boy?

    His first name will be Omero. I know most people don't like it but I do so the first name and that same spelling will stay the same. But are there any middle names that sound good with it? I have looked through so many books and websites but I still can't find a name I like.Anything at all that would sound great with Omero (Oh-meh-row)? Thank you to all that answer :)

    5 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Help with counting months/weeks of pregnancy!?

    Ok so I have some SERIOUS p(regnancy) brain issues! I forgot how to count the months of pregnancy & forgot how many weeks i am. Im also having a hard time counting :/ Im working up a sweat here! (jk) but my due date is July 7th. I thought i was at the beginning of my 28th week (i turn a week every Sunday which is technically today) but when i counted back i counted 29 weeks. Can someone tell me what week im in (beginning or end) & when ill be 7 months? I can't figure out the months either. Im having such a hard time! Thanks to all that answer :D

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Middle names for baby boy?

    His first name will be Omero. I know a lot of people don't like it but i do & i have my reasons for choosing this name. So please don't try to change the first name or the spelling. I only need middle names. Preferably Biblical. The only name i think would go well with it is Noel but i think it sounds a little feminine & don't want it as the middle name. Any other names that sound a little like Noel? Maybe some that rhyme with it or two syllable names..? I have also thought of Omero Isaac but im not too sure. Help please! Thanks in advance :)

    10 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Tiny red bumps all over 3 year old?

    My son had red spots/slashes all over his back. It was also hot all night like he had a fever but when i checked his temp it was 98.3 or so every time i checked (checked plenty of times under his arm, then once rectal) i put a cool wet wash cloth on his back & kept it cool for about 20 minutes. After it cooled down i left him on his stomach for about 30 more minutes till the redness was almost completely gone (i didn't leave him longer because he didn't want to be on his belly anymore) then i laid him with me & put him to sleep. I woke up a few times during the night to check on him & the redness had gone away completely but his back was still hot even with his shirt off. I felt his legs cold but his back hot so i just covered him from the waist down & laid him on his side so his back could get some air. This morning his back was still hot but no redness anywhere. I gave him some oatmeal for breakfast, which he has eaten plenty of times before, & i gave him some beef taquitoes for lunch, which he has also eaten before, the only things he drank today were apple juice & water. He now has tiny red bumps all over his forehead & his back is still hot. He was playing a lot before they appeared & then just wanted to sit around after. I don't think it's an allergic reaction to any foods, or could it be? I already made a drs appointment for him today but they can't see him for another hour since they squeezed him in because i just called today. For now does anyone know what it could or might be? Or any other suggestions on what to do about it for now?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Names for baby boy :)?

    Im having a boy in July but i have no idea what to name him. I already have a son named Elijah & the babys dad wants a Spanish name. Any Spanish boy names that will go good with a brother named Elijah?

    11 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Thoughts on this name (boy)?

    I am thinking about naming my unborn son Omero. I like it because it's different & i like the sound of it (oh-meh-row). But i don't want to give my kid a name that only i like. I don't want everyone else thinking his name is ugly so wdyt? If it's a good or even ok name, what would be a good middle name for it? Preferably Spanish (not jose, Miguel, juan, pablo, etc.) Thanks! --10 points to best answer.

    8 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Is it bad to not take prenatal vitamins while pregnant?

    I am 22 weeks (5 months) pregnant & im doing all that i can to stay healthy & i take my prenatals when i remember, if im lucky it would be about once or twice a week. I am very forgetful (since I've gotten pregnant) & have a 2 year old & a stressful job that doesn't have steady schedules. (schedule changes every week) i will still keep taking the prenatals when i remember but i just want to know is it bad not to take them?

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Tech. said I don't need to have a full bladder for a gender ultrasound?

    I always thought you had to drink 32oz of water to get a pregnancy ultrasound but i couldn't hold it & asked if i could relieve myself just a little before being called back. So the receptionist told me i don't need to have a full bladder. I still wasn't sure so i only went a little then asked the tech. She said it was just to know the gender so it didn't have to be full. I just said ok because i was excited to find out the gender (boy btw :D) but now im wondering why you have to have a full bladder for a regular ultrasound but not a gender one. You could see the baby just fine without my bladder being full.

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • 2 year old throwing up :( what to do?

    My 2 year old keeps throwing up :( I gave him a little bit of motrin about 30 minutes ago but he threw up about 5 minutes later. I cant keep giving him meds if he cant keep anything down. What should I do? He doesnt have a fever & he ate about 20-30 minutes before he started throwing up. I got him to drink a little water but he threw up about 10-15 minutes later. I got him to take about 1/4 of a small kids cup of apple juice about 10-15 minutes ago & hes been asleep since then. Hes really exhausted & only wakes up to throw up. Is there anything I could do in case he throws up again?? Please help :(

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Middle name for my favorite baby girl name?

    I love Iliana but I dont have any middle names in mind. The best thing I can think of is Renee but im not too sure. I think it sounds fine but I dont think I would want my daughters middle name (IF its a girl) to be Renee. Im 12weeks so im still not sure of the gender. Im also thinking of boys names but right at this moment its the girls turn lol. I want the middle name to start with a R. Any unique/uncommon names? Or names that you like..hopefully I havent heard them all before. Also please dont suggest me changing Iliana to Liliana. I hate Liliana. Just looking for middle names starting with the letter R. Thank you to all that answer :)

    7 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Beautiful middle name for baby girl?

    Baby #2 on the way!! If it's a girl I want to name her Iliana. People have suggested Liliana & no. I like Iliana without the L. I want the middle name to be VERY unique but still pretty. I was thinking something like Neyvis (Nay-vees) but I'm not sure. I need something uncommon & hardly ever heard. Pretty & maybe Spanish sounding. Any ideas? Thank you very much to all that answer :)

    10 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • What are some biblical boys names?

    I have a son named Elijah. What are other names from the Bible that will go good with this name? (Baby #2 on the way) I have the girls name picked out I just need a Boys name now. I don't know the gender yet I just like names :) the longer the list the better. Thanks to all that answer!

    16 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • I love this name for a baby girl but wdyt?

    I like the name Iliana. It's like Liliana without the L. & for a middle name I like Neyvis. It's pronounced "Ney-vees" an easier way is Navy with an S at the end. But the A in navy is more of an E sound. Not sure if I'm explaining right. But it's Iliana Neyvis. It's supposed to sound Spanish. The last name will be Rodriguez. Does it sound ok? If you would like to suggest different names that would be fine too :) THANKS!

    5 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • VERY unique spanish names for baby #2 please?

    I want Spanish names or names that could be translated into Spanish but I don't want the old boring "Pedro, Victor, Samuel, Francisco" names. They're too old & boring for me. Are there any unique PRETTY names? For both boys & girls please. Even if you make something pretty up. I just need beautiful names PLEASE? (first borns name is Elijah but i want something a little different) Thank you very much! :)

    2 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Cute spanish names for baby #2 please?

    Don't know the gender yet. Lists of boys & girls Spanish names would be very helpful. Biblical names preferred but if not thats fine too! thanks to everyone that answers. No rude answers please? :) ...(first borns name is Elijah if that helps any)

    3 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Is this normal for being only a few weeks pregnant?

    I know cramps are normal during the first months of pregnancy but mine are a little worse than a period. I also feel a little bit of pressure on my cervix. Earlier tonight I laughed hard & I had to stop because I really felt it tight & a lot of pressure on my cervix. I feel like I have to be careful when I sit down to pee (sorry tmi) because I feel pressure. My cramps feel like they did about a week or two before I went into labor my first pregnancy. I don't know if anyone knows what I'm talking about. Is this normal? Should I wait for my appointment this Friday or go see a doctor? Please help?!!

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Baby names that will go good with older brother's name?

    Baby #2 on the way :D my son's name is Elijah. Any unique names that go well with his name? I don't know the gender yet so boys AND girls names would be helpful. No unisex names please. :)

    4 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago