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  • Problem with a 2004 Toyota Prius?

    I currently have a 2004 Toyota Prius which I bought a little over a year ago. Up until now I haven't had any major problems with it. I've gotten a new motor blower for it, a new drive belt and brand new headlights as well as tailgate lights. It had an oil change and smog check in September and I was told everything else was fine. Last week I began to notice that when I first turn it on in the morning, the very first time of that day it's not gaining speed quickly. And I mean simply to reach like 15mph. At first I wasn't too concern because it's not a very fast car and it's old but this morning when I was going up a not so steep tiny little hill it did it again, it wasn't gaining speed even-though I was pressing the gas and on the screens "Trip info" wasn't displaying the little motor or energy arrows it usually does. The funny thing is that it only does it in the morning so to speak that if i drive it to the store it will not gain speed for a bit and feels like I'm driving a stick shift but it will eventually feel normal, but let's say I leave the store and go turn on the car again it will be just fine. It also doesn't display any lights on the dashboard thingy. Lastly, a few days ago when I came to a red light instead of it shutting the battery off nicely like it usually does it turned on, then off, then on again and eventually off again. Does anyone know what these signs mean or what I should do?


    3 AnswersToyota4 years ago
  • Can anyone give me an outline of a full work out? (meals, shakes, pre & post protein)?

    I'm 18 and currently weigh 195, 5'4 I would like to lose weight and gain muscle. I know it's going to be a long process but I'm willing to do it.

    I need a full plan because right now I'm all over the place.. I make a fruit smoothie in the morning then have a salad for lunch and some meat and vegies for dinner. I'm also going to buy protein powder this week any recommendations? or is it even needed??

    Also have a simple workout going that consists of jumping jacks, squats, wall sits, push up and about an hour on a treadmill level 3.3 max...

    A list that outlines an entire day would be perfect, things I should eat a lot of and avoid too please!

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Nicotine Free Cigarettes?

    I'm just wondering if there is any cigarettes out there that have no nicotine in them because I don't want to become addicted to it. I've smoked hookah before and tried the e-cigs but now I want to know of a cigarette brand that I'll feel comfortable buying often.

    Or let me know of some that have the least nicotine in them, or maybe like flavored cigs..

    Sorry if I can't really explain it, I just want to know of cigarettes that aren't as harmful as others

    I don't really want any of the electronic cigs anymore I want to carry around a lighter and stuff

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits6 years ago
  • My new prescription glasses feel weird.?

    If I look off into the distance they're fine, it nice clear and bright, BUT if I look at things close by or even the floor it feels more far away than normal or than it really is. When I walk and look at the floor I see like holes or dents in the ground and I feel like I'm gonna fall into a hole lol. Is that suppose to happen? and it's for both eyes.

    I've worn glasses since 6th grade and I'm a junior in high school now. I get new glasses yearly and this year when I went they told me it was a slight change but now that I get them it's all funky and it's never been like that. Yea the floor looks weird and all but it's not like MAJOR its enough for me to notice you know?

    What I'm pretty much asking is if I should just let my eyes get adjusted to them (although it makes me eyes hurt a little) or go back and get new ones..

    Thank you so much!

    3 AnswersOptical7 years ago
  • What motivated or inspired W.E.B. DuBois to take part of the NAACP?

    For my history class I have to write an essay on W.E.B. DuBois. I'm having a hard time finding the information for my first two paragraphs. Please help!I reseached this a few times already and I can't find anything! Maybe, I'm just thinking outside the box about it lol. Help! and thank you! :)

    Paragraph1: What motivated or inspired W.E.B. DuBois to take part of the NAACP?

    Paragraph2: What did he do and how did he impact society?

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • How do vets check/test for worms?

    So, I think my dog might have worms so I immediately made an appointment. I've been told that usually you take in a fresh stool but they didn't ask for that, they only told me to take him. He is umm about 3 years old , Aussie mix. How do they check/test for worms? I kind of worried cause I love my dog & I want him to be ok. What can happen if he does have worms? Also, hes getting checked for heart-worms too, how do they do that ? What steps do I need to make for him to be ok?


    ( they mentioned him possibly having tapeworms from the details I gave them )

    2 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • How to get rid of an an ear infection?

    I had pain in my right ear for a few days & went to doctor & it turned out to be a infected pimple (yuck I know) They gave me some anti-biotics to take twice a day but I still have alot of pain, what are some home remedies you recommend to help the pain , along with anything to help it heal quicker & some over the counter medication too.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Can you get pimples in your ear?

    I think I may have one because it's been hurting for the past two days & it won't let me sleep :( I feel like a bumb by my ear canal but if I touch it with a Q tip it hurts even more so I try to avoid doing so even though it itches every now & then. Also it seems like my ear is clean because the Q tip comes out clean. Also every now & then my jaw hurts too followed by head aches. When I chew or yawn I hear something crackling inside & it's been getting a little but hard to hear out of that ear only but I think that's because it's a little swollen. So far I've only been taking Advil , anything you recommend? What can I do? Is it necessary to go see a doctor? Anything else you think it may be?


    2 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Any good happy birthday quotes?

    So, today is my friends birthday (a guy) & idk how to tell him happy birthday without sounds like I like him or anything cause I don't but I heard he does..I just want to make it sounds cute, meaning full and special. We've been friends for about 2 years now..

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersQuotations8 years ago
  • Help my dog is terrified of fireworks!?

    I have a male Australian shepherd mix about 3 years old and is terrified of fireworks. Every single one, to the smallest to the loudest. Whenever he hears one he lies down with his paws hidden under him, his nose touching the ground and shakes a lot. Also he begins to breath real fast and occasionally drools which he never does. I'm a really tight situation because my parents never wanted me to get a dog. After years of begging they eventually aloud me to but the deal was that he had to me outside at all times. He is NEVER , EVER allowed inside. So with 4th of July right around the corner I have no idea what to do. Usually I take him to his dog house and add many pillows and leave him there but that's about it. What else can I do to make him feel less scared? or how can I persuade my parents to let me bring him inside just for one night?

    9 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Help with Windows Movie Maker!?

    So, for one of my classes I have to make a video and present it to the class. I have the video done & saved into a USB (using copy & paste) But when the teacher connects it to his computer the file shows up but he can't open it. He mentioned something about making it a movie or something like that but I forgot how to (all I remember is that a red file pops out instead if the orange & blue from movie maker) HELP ! How do I download it properly into the USB so then it can show up & play on his computer?

    Ps: His computer does have the system so that's not the problem. I'm not good when it comes to using technology :(


    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • What were some of the most popular German names for girls during WW1?

    For my history class I have to write a " trench long " of 7 days (non-consecutive) Briefly highlighted experiences , & explaining where it took place and of events that typify the WW1 experience starting with being in boot camp. I'm choosing to be in the German army. How old should I make my character (female) be? What could my character by fighting for, why she is fighting & her military job after boot camp . I really want her to be a sniper, was that possible?

    2 AnswersHistory8 years ago
  • What is the best dog food for my 2 year old Australian Shepherd Mix?

    He's 40 pounds. Where can I find it, prices don't matter. I've heard that MANY dog foods are bad because of filters, chemicals , etc. I'm concerned on what is the best for him. He's somewhat hyper too. Thanks!

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • How much should I be feeding my 37 pound Australian Shepherd? He is about two years old & I feed him Dog Chow.?

    Yes, I know 37 pounds is under their weight standard that's why I'm so concerned on how much I should be feeding him daily. Even though he is under his weight standard the vet said he was very healthy. How many cups and how many times I day should I feed him?

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago