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  • How can I have a better work ethic?

    I'm 21 and I've never really had a work ethic and I don't know why because both of my parents have always worked hard, so it's not like I was born into a lazy household. I've had my fair share of personal issues over the years which I still have to this day, but I don't really like to use that as an excuse because I shouldn't let those things hold me back and prevent me from getting a good life for myself.

    1 AnswerPsychology4 years ago
  • How can I have a better work ethic?

    I'm 21 and I've never really had a work ethic and I don't know why because both of my parents have always worked hard, so it's not like I was born into a lazy household. I've had my fair share of personal issues over the years which I still have to this day, but I don't really like to use that as an excuse because I shouldn't let those things hold me back and prevent me from getting a good life for myself.

    1 AnswerPsychology4 years ago
  • Feeling low about myself in my relationship?

    Some issues have been addressed by my boyfriend and he thinks I'm controlling. I asked him why he feels that way and he explained everything I do which has lead him to think this, and he said he's been thinking it for a while now. Everything he said I do is true, but to be told it's controlling behaviour has been a real eye opener because controlling him is never what I was trying to do. I love this guy and I don't want him to feel trapped in this relationship. He told me the only reason he's stayed is because I've got a lot more great qualities, but that my flaws are pretty strong ones but if I'm willing to work on them then he's willing to stay because he loves me. We've been together for 6 months, but we've practically lived together the whole time, so we are going to start having nights apart just so we can start to appreciate each other again. It's crazy how what I've been doing has been completely unhealthy yet I was oblivious to just how unhealthy it was. I REALLY want to change the bad things about myself, the last thing I want is to control the man I love, I want him to feel free to do whatever he wants. Is it possible that I can change? Have any of you ever changed something really bad about yourself?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How to be calm for a job interview?

    I'm absolutely terrible at job interviews. Phone interviews/face to face ones, I just seem to be terrible at them! I had a phone interview yesterday but I ignored the call twice because I was awfully nervous.... I have another one in the next 24 hours for a different job and I don't want to ignore it because I really want and need a job. I always stutter my words and no matter how well I prepare for it, when it comes to it I forget everything and mess up my words

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment4 years ago
  • Is it bad to have 3 fillings at only 21?

    4 years ago I became extremely insecure about my teeth. Before then I used to love them, I thought they were perfect. I don't know what changed my mind but ever since I've hated everything about them.

    18 AnswersDental4 years ago
  • How to not let jealousy ruin things in your relationship?

    Last year I was in a bad relationship, because I just let jealousy consume me and it brought out the worst in me. My actions made me deeply hate myself for months until the relationship came to an end. I'm in a much better relationship now, it's like I'm a changed person in some ways, but similar in the sense that I still feel jealous all the time but it's much more controlled. I'll start an argument at the most because of it, but compared to what I used to do, a simple argument is nothing. I used to literally go psycho. I'm a very jealous girlfriend, I only seem to get jealous when in a relationship and it makes me feel very sh*tty inside. Please give me advice!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • I'm feeling really anxious?

    Last night my dad kicked me out of the house. It wasn't the first time he's done it and it isn't gonna be the last. He always takes his problems out on me and I'm always the one who ends up kicked out for reasons that aren't good enough at all. It upsets me a lot, he puts me down and I'm pretty sure he's the reason I'm the way I am today (anxious and lack self esteem) anyway I usually go to my mums when this happens but I really don't want to this time because I feel bad that every time I fall out with my dad I go to my mums and live there for months and then drop her the second he asks me to come back. So I'm at my boyfriends house right now, he has a free house for 6 weeks and his best friend has moved in with him and his best friends girlfriend (I don't really know either of them well enough to feel comfortable around them) and my boyfriend is at work for 8 hours I get really anxious so I don't want to go downstairs whilst they're there but I don't wanna just stay up in his room being quiet for 8 hours they will think I'm weird.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How to deal with other girls when you're seeing a guy?

    So I've been seeing this guy for the last 2 weeks, we aren't official but we did both agree that we would be exclusive... It was his idea also! When we are together, I have no doubts whatsoever that he really likes me. 1. I can tell with how he is around me. 2. He actually said it to my face. 3. He always wants to see me and make time for me. 4. When we are together it's not all about sex.

    He's a really good looking guy and lots of girls are interested in him. They're always sending him nudes, telling him they wish he was in their bed and just other annoying stuff. I know he doesn't take them on, he tells me he doesn't and not only that but they've messaged him whilst I've been sat next to him and he's never acted nervous or tried to hide his phone when he's seen their name pop up. I know he really is into me, but the girls are still really annoying me.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What does it mean to look "cozy" with someone?

    Someone asked me if I'm dating a boy from work because every time they see us together we apparently look "Cozy" I didn't think to ask them what they meant by it, ive only just thought about it.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Going on holiday in 2 weeks?

    So I'm going on holiday to Tenerife in 2 weeks, I'm going with my sister who is very tanned (she has been using the sun beds since the age of 18 and is now 26. I'm 20 and I'm pale. I'm not the palest of pale, but I'm nowhere near tanned and I don't tan in the sun either, I just burn, peel and then go back to my pale self. I've never experimented with fake tans/spray tans enough to know what works for me, I've tried a few here and there but overall I just stick to being natural. I love my pale skin, but I feel like on holiday I want to be tanned for once. Everyone keeps telling me I shouldn't bother with spray tans but I'm really undecided... Would I look sh*t in a bikini being pale or would no one care?

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body5 years ago
  • Not being treated fairly at work?

    I have worked at McDonalds for 5 months, but irregardless of how long I've worked there, all staff should be treated equally. I've been pretty consistent with my shifts, turning in on time to every shift, working hard. The days I have had off I have phoned in for, barring one... Which lead to me getting my first written warning. What annoys me, is that I know a few people who haven't turned in for their shifts on a few occasions and haven't phoned in and nothing happened to them. How the hell is that fair, what annoys me even more is that today I can't find my house key and my dads at work so he can't get me like he usually does because this time he isn't working local. Losing your key is an easy mistake, yet it's gonna possibly lead to me getting a final warning which I really don't think is fair.

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Why am I a f*cked up human?

    I ruin everything good in my life, I make constant bad decisions and just repeat them over and over instead of learn from them and move on. I hurt those who would do absolutely anything for me. I'm ungrateful, I lack compassion for others, I just feel like a bad person and I can't shake the feeling of it. I'm not happy because of it, I just feel like I'm so messed up and it's not easy to change I don't know how to

    2 AnswersPsychology5 years ago