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  • any moms switch from soy formula to somthing else successfully?

    My ds was breastfed for the first month of his life, but he would get super fussy during and after nursing or drinking breast milk from a bottle. I ended up switching to formula. He was super fussy on enfamil so I switched to gentlease. Still super fussy. Then our pedi gave us some similac isomil soy samples and within a few days he was a much happier, comfortable baby. Soy has worked well for ds but after all the scary stuff I've been reading about it, I would like to switch from soy to something else. Our pedi gave us some similac sensitive rs to try so I might try that. DS has reflux and takes zantac for it so it may help his reflux as well. I am just worried that he may have a milk protein sensitivity and switching to a milk based formula may make it worse again. Has anyone switched from soy to something else and not have any problems? If he does not tolerate the similac sensitive, should we try nutramigen or alimentum? Hid pedi never said he had a milk protein allergy but why else would he get so fussy on milk based formulas?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Possible implantation bleeding...negative pregnancy test....period due soon...What would you think?

    My husband and I have been trying to conceive for several months now and my last period was on Sept. 3. I do not have regular cycles and my periods were 49 days apart last time so the fact that I haven't started yet doesn't raise any red flags. I have never had breakthrough bleeding between periods in my life but the other day (Oct. 10) I noticed a brownish tint in my underwear. I noticed it the next day too. It was like light brownish fluid in a very small amount. What is this? I thought it might be implantation bleeding but I wasn't sure. I took a home pregnancy test yesterday (nine days after the wierd fluid) and it was negative. Just wondering if there is a chance I could be pregnant. I have already had one child.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Implantation Bleeding? Have you had this before?

    My last period was Sept. 3 but I do not have regular cycles at this time. My last period before the Sept. 3 period was seven weeks apart! My husband and I have been ttc for three months now and last weekend (Sept. 10ish) I noticed a faint brownish tinted fluid in my panties. I noticed it in my panties for two days in a row. It was not a heavy bleeding, it was a brownish-pinkish stain. I did not notice this with my first child so I was wondering if this is implantation bleeding or just spotting (never had in the 11 yrs I have been menstruating) between periods. Well that was about nine days ago so I went ahead and took a pregnancy test but it said negative. Who knows...has this kind of thing ever happened to any of you? If so, was it some kind of freak thing or were you pregnant? : )

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Should we get a lawyer?

    My husband and I welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world Dec. 29, 2008. We lost him on Jan. 21, 2009 when he was three weeks old. Here is our story:

    He was born having labored breating and was transported to another "better" hospital for treatment. They had him on oxygen for the first couple of days and they did multiple lung scans to try and figure out what was wrong. They were never able to tell us what caused his breating problems. He was breating better after 6 days in that hospital so he was discharged. Two weeks later, I noticed he was spitting up after every feeding so I took him to his pediatrician and from there the nightmare begins. They sent us to the hospital for testing and while he was being tested for a stomach problem, he went into cardiac arrest. He was transported to the University hospital in Columbia, Mo. where he passed away. His pediatrician told us that the prelim. autopsy results say he died because he had an abberated coronary artery. It was his heart all along! Everyone I have talked to said that labored breating is a sign of heart problems in infants! (do some research and you will discover this easily) Doctors never looked at his heart the whole time he was in the hospital that first week of his life. I know that "what if" doesn't do me any good because my son is still gone, but I keep wondering if doctors would have looked at his heart to begin with and found the heart problem that was causing his labored breating, then maybe they could have done something about it and I would still have my son? I don't know. All I know is that I miss him. We feel lost and lonely, even though we only had him three weeks. It felt like I knew him all my life. And now in the midst of my husband and I grieving, we have thousands and thousands of dollars of medical bills and we don't know what to do. I feel like someone should have caught this. After all, 1 in 120 babies are born in the U.S. with some sort of heart condition. He was trying to tell us what was wrong as soon as he was born, but nobody caught it. We don't need this added stress! Should we get a lawyer?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • 24 weeks and HUGE belly?

    My OBGYN said my belly was a normal size at my 20 week checkup, but it seems that in the last month, my belly has become huge. It looks like I have a basketball under my shirt! I have gained about 8 pounds since I have been pregnant, and Im just wondering where this huge belly is coming from! Everyone keeps asking me if I'm having twins or if I'm due soon and Im not due until January! Whats the deal?

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it legal for my eye dr. to refuse to give me my contact lenses prescription?

    I just lost my last pair of contact lenses. I am having to wear my glasses right now and I hate it. I called my eye doctor to try and get my contact lenses prescription and they refused to give it to me without first seeing the eye doctor and paying an arm and a leg for the dr. visit, not to mention ordering new contacts. I just want my prescription so I can order them online! Are they really legally entitled to withold that information from me? I live in Missouri.

    6 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Gardening tips anyone?

    I just moved into my new home and I tilled up a spot for a garden. I want to grow all different kinds of things: tomatoes, garlic, onions, carrots, cucumbers, squash, lettuce, green beans, corn, etc. I also want to put out some flower beds.

    1. What are some hearty flowers I can plant that survive in somewhat cold to very hot temperatures? (I live in Central Missouri.)

    2. What can I do to keep critters and bugs out of my garden?

    3. Any secrets to growing healthy, big produce?

    7 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Computer nerds - now is your chance to save the day and be heroes!?

    I keep getting this email from this bank telling me they have detected credit card fraud in my account and asking me to call this number and give them my account info to help in the matter. I KNOW IT IS A SCAM. Anyways, I am desperate to catch these, good for nothing, dont want to work for a living, sick bastards, so what can I do to catch them. Every time I reply to the email it won't let me and when I try to call the number they gave me, it says the number is unlisted. This scam has been going on in the area where I live for a while now and nothing makes my blood boil like scam artists! HELP! I've copied and pasted the email below:

    Subject: Please Contact Us

    From: "Central Bank" <>

    Date: Thu, March 27, 2008 9:38 am

    To: undisclosed-recipients:;

    Priority: Normal

    Options: View Full Header | View Printable Version | Download this as a file| Add to Addressbook

    Dear Cardholder,

    We detected irregular activity on your debit card on 03/26/2008.

    We have attempted to contact you to verify your account information,

    and unfortunately all methods of contact have been unsuccessful.

    For your protection, your account has been disabled until we are able to

    verify your information to prevent any misuse of your account.

    Please call customer service at (800) 707 9251 to activate your account.

    © Central Bank 2007 | Member FDIC. An Equal Housing Lender

    9 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Can I take vitamins with Dostinex...the generic form?

    I am taking the generic form of Dostinex for a pituitary tumor (prolactinoma). Its not cancer. Anyways, I got some vitamins for women at a health store and I was wondering if it was ok to take them together. How about natural supplements to boost libido? Will this affect the medicine in any way?

    5 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Wierd problem with butt crack - need help?

    I have been tanning for the past week and to make my new tan even brighter, I applied some self-tanning lotion after I showered one night. Well, in an attempt to get every part of my body so I wouldnt have streaks, I accidently got a little in my butt crack and va jay jay regions. Now, over the past few days it has severly itched, it hurts to wipe when I go to the bathroom and its just incredibly annoying and painful. What can I do to help this get better?

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • What would you say the best conditioner for damaged hair is?

    I have really damaged, long, dyed blonde hair. I would like to have nice, healthy looking hair without having to cut it off real short. What are some good conditioners or creams to restore hair back to its healthy look?

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Are there natural supplements or vitamins for this?

    Are there any natural supplements or vitamins I could take to increase my sex drive? I have had some small health issues with a non cancerous tumor on my pituitary gland lately and it has been screwing up my hormones. It is being treated now. Because of this srew up in my hormones, I am not as horny as I used to be at all! I just want to be my old self and make my husband happy. I just started taking the drugs to shrink the tumor, but I need an extra boost to increase my sex drive.

    8 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Puppy limping?

    My 5 month old Weimaraner has been favoring her right leg and hasn't been eating as much lately.

    She doesn't wimper or act like it hurts much, but she favors it a lot lately. I read somewhere that this is pretty much growing pains. Is it? Other than that she acts perfectly fine

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Im not scared of much but...?

    Im not a wimp when it comes to life but there is one thing i am afraid of that never goes away. Im afraid of needles. I hate to have my finger pricked and blood drawn. I pass out almost every time. I have my yearly gyno appointment Monday and I was curious if they were going to prick me...i sure hope not. Wouldnt a simple pee-in-the-cup be sufficient? This is the first time I have been to a gyno other than at planned parenthood for years and planned parenthood only pricked me once.

    10 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • passport problems?

    I got married in September and we are planning to go to Mexico this June. However, my passport still has my old name on it. How long will it take to change my passport? I also need to change my name with Social Security. I filled out the proper form but they said I needed to send my Marriage License in with it. They said my marriage license needs to have my old name, new name and my DOB on it. I have to get my name changed with social security before sending my passport in so what are the steps?

    3 AnswersPacking & Preparation1 decade ago
  • Could I lose weight If I stopped drinking soda?

    I drink at least three sodas a day. I need to lose a little weight. If I stopped drinking soda today, in three months, how much weight do you think I could lose on average?

    Other than the soda thing, I eat healthy.

    44 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • 3 mos, no period...?

    I was on the pill for 4 years and then, just before my wedding, I had to double up on my pills or I would be starting my period on my wedding day!

    Anyways, after the honeymoon, I stopped taking birth control (nuva ring) cold turkey and I got a normal period the first week of October. Havent had one since. Is there something wrong with me? When will this straighten out? AND can I get pregnant when I havent gotten my period in three months?(because my husband and I havent been great at using protection every time)

    I guess I should note that before taking the pill, my periods were slightly irregular but I never really had any female problems before.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Do those battery operated zit zappers really work?

    I saw this thing at Target in the skincare section. I think it was called a zeno or something like that...anyways, do they work? I need to know before I spend $150.

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • HPV question?

    When my pap came back abnorman i was told I had HPV. My dr. did a biopsy and it came back that it was a strain of HPV that does not cause cervical cancer. They had to do some sort of laser surgery on my cervix and all my paps have come back normal since then..that was almost 4 years ago. Was what I had actually warts? Were there warts on my cervix or were they just lasering off the abnormal cells? My dr. says im fine now. How great is the chance this will ever come back.

    5 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago