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Favorite Answers3%
  • Can deleted answers be recovered?

    I recently answered a question here on YA. The question itself ended up being deleted, but I was fairly proud of my answer. Is there any way I can get it back?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers5 years ago
  • How do I delete my wiki?

    On I created a wiki a few years ago. I no longer have my original account, but for personal reasons I would like to delete every single article on that wiki. I am the wiki s only editor ever. How do I go about this?

    1 AnswerWikipedia6 years ago
  • Zoo locations?

    I am writing a story about a fictional zoo. Before I go too far into the story, I am making a map of the zoo so that I can be consistent in where everything is. The zoo is arranged by biome/region type rather than actual point of origin. For instance, animals from the Sahara, the Outback, and the Gobi would all have their exhibits in the same general area, despite being nowhere near each other in the wild, because they are all "desert" animals.

    As it stands, the current map of the zoo has the following regions:



    Forest (tropical)

    Forest (woodland)

    Body of saltwater

    Body of freshwater (includes both lake and river)




    An aviary intended for migratory birds that do not really have one specific region


    So, essentially, my question is: Am I missing any?

    1 AnswerZoology6 years ago
  • What is with the Yahoo Answers answering?

    I've asked some legitimate questions that faded into obscurity after a day with only one unrelated joke answer for each. Yet questions that are obviously trolling like "Hey, what's one plus one?" or "Liberals: Why do you suck so much?" are at the top of the Answers Home page. What exactly is the policy for these questions?

    Yahoo Answers6 years ago
  • Is there a name for this?

    Basically, getting enjoyment out of reading things said by idiots, jerks, or people who say things that are technically true but misleading, followed by said individuals getting called out on it.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • A pair of alcohol-related questions?

    1. Just to make sure, alcoholic beverage + small fire = bigger fire, right?

    2. What is water mixed with alcohol called? Like, if it were called smeggledorp a person could go into a bar and ask for a virgin smeggledorp and they'd say "You realize that's just water, right?"

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles6 years ago
  • Review order help?

    I'm doing a review of a really poorly-written story. If I were to make a list of everything that could possibly be a flaw in a work of fiction, this would hit every one of them, save for an ending of "It was all just a dream".

    I plan to structure my review with a list of the flaws, starting with the minor nitpicking and working my way up to the most major flaws.

    In general, from the most minor to the most major, how would you rank these story flaws?

    -Spelling/grammar/word choice errors

    -Inconsistent characterization

    -Poor plotting

    -Inconsistencies in the plot

    -Excessive repetition

    -Blatant clichés

    -Facts that are simply not true

    -Morality issues

    If you need a definition for any of these, I'd be happy to provide one. Thank you.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Do portraits show up in the Marauder's Map?

    In the Harry Potter books, the Marauder's Map shows the location of everyone in Hogwarts. Since the portraits are alive, would their locations also appear?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago