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  • What are the best Ski Brands for Ski's, bindings, and boots?

    I am a snowboarder and know for Snowboarding: Burton board and Burton boots with flow bindings is best. No idea for skis though.

    What are the best Ski Brands for Ski's, bindings, and boots?

    8 AnswersSnow Skiing5 years ago
  • I think I scratched my eye, what should I do?

    It was caused by my contact. I think I put it in backwards cuz I had to go somewhere fast and didn't notice. I was in the woods when it started bothering me. made my eye water a lot and nose drip. I got somewhere I could take it out at, afterwards it hurt for a bit but my vision stayed bluryish. figured rinsing my eye out with eye solution would clear it up but it didn't.

    it bothers me enough to notice it, but not too much. Do eyes get scar tissue or do they just heal? I assume they don't take too long to heal. If its no different by morning then I'm going to see a doctor.

    Any wisdom or stories I should know about this subject?

    2 AnswersInjuries7 years ago
  • Frostbite from metal bit in cold weather possible?

    I was just thinking on project ideas for my Heat Transfer class. And then I got to thinking about how conductive metal is and how it acts in a horses mouth in the cold. Yet I never heard of a horse getting frostbite from their bit before have you?

    The project would probably compare plastic bits to metal bits in cold.

    Do you have any horse mouth stories to that could help with project?

    7 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Heat Transfer Project Ideas?

    We have to do a project for my Heat Transfer class. It can be on just about anything, group of 4-6 people. Just looking for some unique or fun ideas.

    I really want to do something with magnetic cooling/refrigeration, but I'm not so sure the group will. So I'm looking for other ideas to through out there.

    Thanks so much!

    -Mechanical Engineering Student

    4 AnswersEngineering7 years ago
  • Need horse to gain weight/ muscle back. Reccomendations?

    I have a 9 year old quarter horse. He used to get a ton of hay with very little grain, worked everyday and stayed at perfect weight.

    well we had some new management and pretty much his hay was cut in half due to flake sizes being smaller and people feeding by that over weight. Now our even newer management is working on getting the horses back to a decent weight. All the quarter horses in our barn have been affected the most from what we notice.

    Anyways my horse AppleJack has lost a lot of muscle(and fat) especially on his topline. Some on his butt and shoulders. I used to love riding him bareback(a couple of months ago), but now I'm avoiding it as much as possible. oh and I can see his ribs, and he has like no belly even when he is relaxing his abdomine (which normally he looks like he has a small belly if its relaxed and not running around).

    I've never had to put weight back on my horse before, or at least not to this degree, so I'm looking for recommendations.

    I have a ton of bran mash I bought sort of by accident but either way can I use that to help with weight gain and how much would I give?

    Also I found 2 supplements with really good reviews, but I'm not sure if I should be aiming for weight gain or muscle gain. If the bran mash helps with weight then I think I would buy the muscle supplement and feed them both. I really want his top-line back so I can go back to riding bareback.

    When/If I start giving muscle supplement I would increase his arena work so that I could work on him tucking his head, maybe some poles too for the topline. We mostly are just doing trail now, so leave I his headset alone.

    Here's the 2 supplements I found:

    Thanks for any info you can give me on subject!

    Here's a video of my boy, he's dark so its hard to see how skinny his is against the snow:

    8 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Mechanical with minor in Physics or Math or neither or both?

    I'm in my Junior Year for Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering. To get a math Minor I need 8 additional credit hours in 300 level courses (2 courses). To get the Physics minor I need 8 more credits in 300 to 400 level courses.

    I think that the math one would be easier or less work to acquire because for example one course's name is "MTH 327 Alg/Func for Mid Sch Teachers" however, I'm not sure it would really make me stand out from the crowd on my resume.

    The physics one I think would be a bit more work on my end to get though there is only one middle school course one called "PHY 400 Conceptual PHY MidSch Teachers". I feel this minor may make me stick out a little bit more from the crowd.

    What do you think? Is it worth it?

    1 AnswerEngineering7 years ago
  • Should I get a minor in Physics and Math, or just Physics?

    I'm in my Junior Year for Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering. To get a math Minor I need 8 additional credit hours in 300 level courses (2 courses). To get the Physics minor I need 8 more credits in 300 to 400 level courses.

    I think that the math one would be easier or less work to acquire because for example one course's name is "MTH 327 Alg/Func for Mid Sch Teachers" however, I'm not sure it would really make me stand out from the crowd on my resume.

    The physics one I think would be a bit more work on my end to get though there is only one middle school course one called "PHY 400 Conceptual PHY MidSch Teachers". I feel this minor may make me stick out a little bit more from the crowd.

    What do you think? Is it worth it? If I decide to do it I probably will throw a math one on for next semester, which puts me at 23 credit hours.....

  • Bump on front of canon bone on rear legs, what is it?

    My horse is a 9 year old quarter horse, in good shape, but notorious for having leg issues, this is his first one this year though.


    Everytime I take his standing wraps off front cannon bone of both rear legs is flat and smooth like it is supposed to be, but about 10 or so minutes later it gets a bump on the front of both legs. its a smooth bump that run across most of the cannon bone. Its also very hot. he's only gimpy on his hind right, not his left, yet they both have the bump I have him on 1 gram of bute and will be seeing the vet next wed if he is not doing better on stall rest.

    The story:

    So 2 tuesdays ago I brought a 7 month old mastiff mix puppy on a 6 mile trail (this is a normal length for him, and a normal pace) with us. The dog pulled alot, but I figured my horse would be fine with it. Well that thursday/friday he had a really sore butt muscle on left side, so I massaged it for 3 days with absorbine and alcohol. and by Sunday he was looking great. Then Monday night came and all hell broke loose. My parents came to take care of him that day while I was at college and he was not bearing any weight on his right hind leg. The pastures are really muddy and he's turned out in a large group, so he easily could of done something there. Tuesday morning came I put standing wraps on him left leg cold, right low leg hot and slightly poofy(still not wanting to bear weight on leg, but could walk somewhat okay on it once he got going), but no time to cold hose. Wed standing wraps and iced legs(standing on it more, but this day I noticed the lumps appeared after removing wraps), Thursday I came twice coldhosed, magnetic boot, and iced legs bumps were still returning after I took wraps off, but he is using his foot a lot more now voluntarily).

    I've never dealt with this before, usually he has front leg issues not back, so what do you think it is? Someone at my barn mentioned bucked shins....... He's on the mend as in he's walking better every day, I just am stumped on why he has those bumps.

    3 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • So what do you think?

    What do you think about this video? anything you think it needs, or could make it more interesting?

    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Feeling really off since last month?

    I think I'm lacking something, but I don't know what. Any ideas would be great.

    Last month my PMS before my period was off the roof compared to normal. I was so irritable and temermental. My period was heavy for first three or 4 days but then It was super light for about 6 days after. That makes a 10 day period..... not a first for me, but only have happened twice before in my life. My stomach is in the mode of not really ever hungry, but if I do eat I feel like I can eat infinitely. I weigh 120 pounds at 5'3 age 20. My weight has stayed the same, everything in my life is stable currently. I'm not depressed, but a little bit uncaring of doing some of my homework, which is not like me.

    Things that have changed as of recent is that I'm outside less, so less sun. I'm drinking less water, don't know why, just disinterested in drinking as much unless I'm eating. Craving meat but that's not uncommon.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Best Sealing wax, or where to get it?

    I've decided to wax seal all of my christmas letters this year, so about 60 letters. I'm not sure where to get good quality seal from that I can maybe get in bulk? I don't really know where to look, nor how much I will need. I've tried google and ebay, but I'm confused. Basically I want all the stamps to be dark red, and I'm looking to pay $30 max for the seals total, I already have a stamp I got off of Amazon.

    thanks for any help that you can give me, I'm not too picky about how to melt it either.

    2 AnswersOther - Visual Arts8 years ago
  • How to kick an adult out of the house.....?

    So basically my cousin(age 23, almost 24) had a baby a year and half ago. Her parents told her she could stay with them to save up until she had the baby, and then she had to leave. They found this nice church thing that paid the rent of an apartment for you for a year, and they helped her out a decent amount. my cousin successfully put herself in debt between internet, cable, utilities, and phone bill by the time the year was up(which the cable and internet are not necessities).

    She moved back in with her parents, but she drives everyone nuts. She doesn't properly take care of her kid, so it just cries all the time while she sit there and texts or plays WOW. She uses all her food stamp $ at beginning of month on junk food, and then acts surprised when her kid needs milk by end of month. She never cleans up her dishes or say's thankyou for anything including dinner. she told her mom that it would be illegal to kick her out, which is not true since she doesn't pay any rent or anything.

    btw she now has a job at McDonald's and her parents used there tax return to get her out of debt.

    What would be the best way to kick her out? Are there any websites that one could research the subject on? she needs a serious wake up call....

    2 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • bird feeder by my horse's stall?

    I was thinking of putting a hummingbird and/or bird seed feeder by my horse's stall window to give him something to watch during the day. My cat loves the ones at my house(but that's cuz he wants to eat them). Do you think a horse would enjoy one too? Also do you think they would fly into his stall, I don't want bird poop in his stall. maybe I should just stick with the humming bird one..... or if I do seeds what type should I use that house sparrows won't be as interested in?

    3 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • bird feeder by my horse's stall?

    I was thinking of putting a hummingbird and/or bird seed feeder by my horse's stall window to give him something to watch during the day. My cat loves the ones at my house(but that's cuz he wants to eat them). Do you think a horse would enjoy one too? Also do you think they would fly into his stall, I don't want bird poop in his stall. maybe I should just stick with the humming bird one..... or if I do seeds what type should I use that house sparrows won't be as interested in?

    2 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • Dalmation, Rhodesian Ridgeback, or German Short hair?

    Which would you choose and why? what are some specific attributes to them.

    I'm getting a dog some day when I get out of college and I had decided on getting a Rhodesian, but then I just saw a Dalmatian in a video, and was wondering about some traits about that breed. I also put in german shorthair cuz I want one of those eventually, but if given the right reason I would get it as my first dog living on my own.

    Things to know:

    - I'm looking for a high energy dog, that listens well to commands.

    - one that naturally wants to stay near would be good verses one that runs off and venture on its own(like a beagle)

    - I run and ride my horse a lot, so a dog that can follow along with my horse on trail would be ideal (my horse loves dogs)

    - short hair, I don't want one that sheds everywhere all the time like my BF's basset hound does.

    - for winter I can buy the dog coats that's no prob

    - maybe some agility?

    -currently my family dog is a small pomeranian, she rides with me sometimes on top of my horse, but she can't run with me. Also I've handled lots of larger sized dogs, they listen to me better than their owners most times, and I really like big dogs.

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Best bit to use first time with this rescue horse?

    I'm working with this halflinger named Dexter, and supposedly he needs more than just a basic snaffle. here's a picture from the rescue of the bit they were using, what do you think it is?

    To start out I'll use something harsher than a snaffle, but I want to get him down to a snaffle or even just a halter. He belongs to a disabled man with Downs Syndrome and I'm working on making his horse perfect. I plan to ride him this weekend for first time, I'll probably try a tombthumb or kimberwick. and see how my hackamore works out too. What would you try on this horse first besides a snaffle since my friend jumped right on with one said it was like butter in his mouth and ended up on the ground(probably where she belonged since she didn't even try ground work with him or anything)

    8 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Why is my dog's tail is down today?

    I have a 13 year old Pomeranian, her tail is curled up on her back most of the time, but it's been down all day today. It only goes up if you talk to her and tell her how pretty she is. then it falls back down. She wasn't doing this yesterday. She seems happy and normal in the face, but her tail is just being weird.

    My mom said she had a huge accident this morning, do you think she still feels bad about that? She doesn't get yelled at anymore for it cuz you can see on her face she knows it was bad.

    could there be a possible medical reason a dog's tail would stay down?

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Running down hill ?? ?

    What's the theory about not running your horse down hill?

    I've always followed that rule until this last year. My horse EXTREMELY well balanced, and never has any issues with it. I can go what ever speed down a hill and he always feels sure footed. My one friend mentioned that maybe its bad for their legs, since it is for human runners I guess. I've never heard of this before. Usually if something is stressful on my horses tendons he's lame the next day, but he's been pretty good for quite some time. maybe its stressful on joints? If I have a good reason I'll go back to just walking, but otherwise I'm just going to keep guessing that, that rule is for the unbalanced horses or inexperienced riders?

    Riding for last ten years, I'm an okay rider in general, and great relationship with my horse that I broke myself.

    7 AnswersHorses8 years ago