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♫ Music is Life ♫

Favorite Answers4%

hey, my name is elizabeth :) i love to sing, and my inspirations are the fray, kelly clarkson, and taylor swift. _♥_♥___♥_♥_ Put this ♥___♥_♥___♥ heart _♥___♥___♥_ on your __♥ .____ ♥__ page if ___♥___♥___ you love ____♥_♥____ someone _____♥_____ lol! this stuff is funny! put this stuff on ur page! (\_(\ (=' :') Random adorable bunny (,('')('') ╔╗╔═╦╗ ║╚╣║║╚╗> luv to laugh! ╚═╩═╩═╝ ....\./.... ╔═══╗ ║██◦◦║< luv watching T.V! ╚╦═╦╝ ╔♫═╗╔╗ ♥ ╚╗╔╝║║♫═╦╦╦╔╗ ╔╝╚╗��╚╣║║║║╔> luv music! ╚═♫╝╚═╩═╩♫╩═╝ ╔══╦══╦══╗ ║╔╗║╔═╣╔╗║< are: Diagnosed with ║╚╝║╚═╣╚╝║"Obssesive Cullen Disorder" ╚══╩══╩══╝ |..........| |..........|> have pushed a door that said pull [XD] |.......O| - rotflol!!! |..........| ````__ ``(’<>’) ``/……\ (/…..…\) a penguin ``\M M/ ╔══╗♫ ║██║ ║ (o)║ ♫Music is Life♫ ╚══╝

  • What should I do now?

    Before winter break, we were given a book to read, and we would read it in english class and home. I had to bring it home about every other night so I could continue to work with it. Well, I 'lost' it once, but then I found it the next day under my bed, after it fell on the floor. Well, I just lost it again, but on thursday. I had it with me, in my binder in advisory, went to band, and then had english class. It wasn't in my binder anymore. O.O So I went to check in my locker for it, thinking I placed it in there, but it wasn't there,so I borrowed one from the teacher for the class. And I believe that since we are almost done reading the book, we have to turn it in soon, and I have no clue where it is or could be. I have never lost any school books of anything like that before, and I am stuck on what to do. Any ideas would be great!

    5 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • I like this guy, and there's a dance on friday (very short)?

    ok, i just need some help, am having some troubles with this guy. i like him, i don't know if he likes me, and there is a dance on friday. so just email me at (i use this one more often)

    thanks for your help.


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • do you like going on omegle?

    i do! and i just had THE BEST conversation, and it was really random.

    post your conversation as the answer.

    heres mine:

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

    You: hiii

    Stranger: hi

    Stranger: =]

    You: =]]

    Stranger: how r u

    You: im good


    Stranger: :D:D

    Stranger: mm me too

    You: i like pieee

    Stranger: :D

    Stranger: hey, where r u from

    You: i like fooooodd

    You: yo momma

    Stranger: xD

    You: im your long lost twin!!!!

    Stranger: o im sure\\

    You: i love you

    Stranger: i love you too

    Stranger: :*

    You: want to get married?

    Stranger: :D

    Stranger: yeah

    Stranger: cool

    You: yay!

    Stranger: xD

    You: hope you like antartica!

    You: fgvwbaihybEN EHIUBU fewih

    You: thatas antartican for i love you

    You: *thats

    Stranger: you are from ANTARTICA?

    Stranger: coool

    You: yes!

    You: i live with the penguins!

    Stranger: xD

    You: i loveeee the warm weatherr

    Stranger: oo yeah, maybe there is -50

    Stranger: :D

    You: no, its -49 XD

    Stranger: xD

    You: no, itsXD

    You: not xD

    Stranger: :D

    You: fine. be that way.

    You: im calling for a divorce

    Stranger: oo whyy/?

    You: because i hate you now

    Stranger: xD

    You: do you like penguins?

    Stranger: hmm maybe

    You: and water

    Stranger: yes

    You: and- gasp! maybe?!

    Stranger: f/m?

    Stranger: m

    You: oh no!!!!!

    Stranger: im f

    You: im a female to! ahhh!!!!

    Stranger: :D

    You: the penguins are eating me alive!!! help me!!!

    Stranger: soo we can be just twins

    Stranger: xD

    Stranger: xD

    Stranger: xDXD

    You: help me!!!!

    You: my computer is burning up!

    Stranger: oo

    You: ahh!

    Stranger: xD

    You: not funny!

    You: ahhh!

    Stranger: cick them

    You: im dieing! your one and only twin! help me!!!

    Stranger: ooo dear

    You: NOW!

    Stranger: how can I help

    Stranger: you

    Stranger: calling 911

    Stranger: :D

    You: they bit my nose!

    Stranger: 0.o

    You: no! there is no 11 on the phone! helpppp!

    Stranger: ooo dearr don't die

    Stranger: ill help you

    You: i am!!!

    You: come quick to antartica!

    You: hey, guess what?

    Stranger: o im catching the first plane

    Stranger: what

    You: i was raised by PENGUINS, and then i forgot to feed them, and now.... im.....slowly... dieingg

    Stranger: 0.0

    You: yes

    Stranger: o my God

    You: oh my god what?

    Stranger: how can I help you

    Stranger: :D

    Stranger: what's your name"

    You: no smiling!

    You: whats it to ya?

    You: oh yeah, im dieing

    You: hey, guess what else?

    Stranger: ooo aren't you die yet>?

    Stranger: call your mommy for help

    You: im posting this on Y!A. ahahahaXD

    You: bye bye

    You have disconnected.

    your turn!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • thanksgiving delema and family issues?

    my aunt cares for foster kids, because she has none of her own. so from tuesday to sunday, she will have 2 kids at her house, and they have no self control what-so-ever! they are ages 8 and 10, but they run wild!(they are brothers) for example: my aunt has a pool and hot tub, and over the summer, we went over there for a visit. they were jumping over the egdes of the hot tub, and doing canon balls in 2 feet of water. (my aunt runs a bussiness, so she couldnt watch them at that moment.) anyways, she might be coming to our house on thanksgiving day! i cant believe it. i mean, the boys might break our wii, or do something inapropriate. what should my family do? i want to have a good time with my family on thanksgiving, but i dont know how! please help us.

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Where are you from (20 characters)?

    Y!A is very boring today, and i was wondering if the Australians are here yet, because that is when Y!A gets more interesting. So, where are you from?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Where are you from (20 characters)?

    Y!A is very boring today, and i was wondering if the Australians are here yet, because that is when Y!A gets more interesting. So, where are you from?

    26 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what should i do? (more detail inside)?

    i started getting a headache on friday, near the end of the school day. when i got home i felt pretty bad, so i took a small 2 hour nap. then i started to cough, so my dad gave me an asthma treatment to help my breathing. today, i felt even worse. so i vegged out on the couch all day. my dad just took my temperature and it read 103.3. my dad might keep me home on monday, which is fine with me. me and my dad are wondering what i have. by the way, in 14 years old. what should i do?

    (i have not thrown up and this just started on friday)

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Who can give me the most random answer?



    i have the hiccups. anyone got peanut butter?


    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I'm wishing on a star, and trying to believe ______?

    fill in the blank!

    BQ:what is your favorite color?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • why does my dad treat me like this (more detail)?

    i am turning 14 soon, although my dad treats me like im about 9 or 10. i am responsible, have good grades (straight A's), do my chores, etc. but my dad is so strict! it's like he doesn't want me to grow up, and learn from my mistakes. for example today i helped extra around the house (i had nothing better to do). and just recently i turn on the tv and he says 'time for bed.', and it's only 8pm! i wanted to watch my tv show that i always do with my mom, and she said 'you can watch a little more', but then my dad yells at me for not getting ready for bed! i think that having a 10 year old little brother might cause some of this, but i not quite sure. i love my dad, but its like he wants me to be his little girl all the time.

    the thing that gets me the most though is that my dad puts me to bed, and then my little brother is up longer! he wont go to bed until more than 1/2 hr after me! and when im put to bed, the rest of my family is still up, and i cant sleep.

    what do you think i should do? i love my dad, but i think hes being a little to over protective of me.

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What time is it where you live?

    right now its 7:23am in wolfeboro nh

    what about you?

    31 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What was the funniest thing that happened today?

    me: my science teacher compared this kid that everyone hates to a dog. and then in the next class the algebra teacher literally THREW that same kid out of the class room. lmao

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what do you think about this song i wrote?

    everytime i see your smiling face

    i dont know what to think of you

    and when i hear your voice

    i have to look your way

    its hard to love someone

    who doesnt love you back

    its hard to believe in something

    that you know wont come back

    thats why i wrote this song for you

    you always gave me them lil' butterflies

    flyin up and flyin down

    i feel them in my heart, and in my soul

    and now its hard to believe in you

    if you dont believe to

    i feel like i am on am on my own, now

    tryin hard not to believe

    that when i see your smilin face

    your happy when your holdin her

    because its hard to love someone

    who doesnt love you back

    its hard to believe in something

    that you know wont come back

    thats why i wrote this song for you

    im the one that really love you

    when will you realize this?

    that she doesnt really love you

    for who you are

    oh, when will you realize,

    that i am the one for you?

    i've known this since i've believed

    in love at first sight since seein' you

    oh i still believe in lovin' you,

    even though, you love her

    but i still love you

    oh i believe in lovin' you

    i am almost 14

    i am not sure if the begining is good, but be honest and tell me what you think.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • who do you think will win the world series?

    i think that philly will win, because i hate the yankees.

    im a red sox fan if that says anything. ^

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • listen closely....what do you hear?

    i hear my mom playing a cd that has people screaming, glass breaking, and howling dogs. getting in the halloween spirit!

    (take off your head phones first please)

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • do you hate the new facebook?

    i hate it! it is so stupid, and everyone on facebook hates it.

    star if you like halloween!

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • trick question for you guys?

    there is an answer to this!!!

    you were told not to cross the line, but you did and killed not only your self, but someone else as well. what happened?


    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what is it called when you have several video boxes in one screen?

    this is what i mean:

    i wanted to know how to do that, but i dont know how to or what its called.


    3 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • what is the easiest way to save youtube videos onto my computer?

    i found a couple of videos that i really like, and i would like to download them onto my computer so that i can view them. any sites, and steps on how to would really help!

    9 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago