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  • Muscle Building Diet?

    Perhaps someone here can help me out in regards to this new diet question.

    First some back-history. I use to be very overweight when I was younger, closing in on 300 lbs until my late teens. I managed to get myself down to 165 through jogging and dieting and I managed to hold on to that weight for close to 10 years now.

    Right now, I'm 33 years old and have decided to take up weight-lifting. After doing some reading on website and books, I have what I think looks like a decent workout routine set. They also said that proper diet and nutrition is key.

    So after doing some homework on the subject they said that for my age and current weight, I should be eating around 2800 calories or so with proper balance of protein/carb/fat. However after years of watching what I eat, I've seen that my current calorie intake is around 1500-1800 range. Clocking it up to close to double seems kind of scary considering how hard I fought to get down to a more decent weight.

    So I guess my question is should I be concerned with increasing my diet that high? I tried one meal with the proper calories saying that I should have 5 meals per day, and doing some math and measuring I got the proper balance and calorie count and I feel quite full. The idea that I should have a similar meal in about 3-4 hours (not to mention having it 5 times a day) seems excessive. Anyone know or have experience with someone going from a from that kind of calorie range to the other? I'm just worried about undoing all the work I've done.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Pain in back of heel?

    Hi all,

    I've recently decided to start jogging again as it was always my favorite way of staying in shape. In any event, recently, the back of my right heel (about an inch off the ground) has started to hurt. Not major pain, but it is enough to make my stop jogging. Anyone knows what is causing this and/or what I can take to allieviate it. I've finally gotten back into a good rhythm for jogging and I don't want to lose it to inactivity again.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Exercise regimen for a new job?

    Hello everyone,

    I'm hoping that someone here can give me some advice or point me in the direction to get some help.

    Very long story cut short, I'm about to lose my job in about 2 months. However I have found another government job that would be absolutely perfect for me. I meet all the requirements save for one, the physical requirements.

    I've tried doing some of the physical fitness tests that they would require and I'm nowhere near good enough shape for any of it. I'm not afraid of working out hard if necessary (I use to be around 300lbs when I was younger and am around the 165 to 170 range nowadays), but I have no idea how to even begin to work out for the kind of strength and fitness level they would require. Anyone have any idea where I could even start?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • C# question using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel?

    Hello all,

    I'm writing an application in C#. The idea would be that it will run various queries to a database, and then put the result in an excel file.

    Now the program itself works great. However, if I am running the program, and decide to open a second, completely unrelated excel file while the program is going. The file that was being generated by the program is suddenly visible, despite having its visibility flag set to false. And the program itself throws an exception.

    I'm wondering if someone could explain to me why this is occurring and more importantly how to resolve the issue.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • What is the difference between XML and XML 2?

    Someone has asked me to convert a text file (fixed width) into an XML 2 file. I know how to convert it to XML but what precisely is the difference between XML and XML 2?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • DVDs with Spanish Language Track?

    Hey all,

    I'm wondering if anyone can help me out here. A family friend, a spanish speaking woman, has finally decided to join the early 2000s and get a DVD player. I introduced her to some shows that have a spanish dub and she has fallen in love with them. Got her Oz, CSI, Spartacus, Dexter, The Shield, and lots of other shows that I know have a spanish dub track on them.

    I've been trying to find other shows to get her with a spanish dub however Amazon is less than helpful on letting me know if a show has a spanish language track on them. Anyone know of any websites or any place I could see if a dvd has a spanish track on them. I want to get her some shows that she could watch cause she is loving American TV shows more than the few that are available on Spanish TV.

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Is my diet good for me?

    Hey all,

    I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable than I can answer this question for me. But I guess some background info first.

    I'm a 5' 7" male (assuming I measured my height correctly), and currently weight 165 lbs. A few months ago I balloned up to about 215 lbs or so and after diet and exercise got myself to my current weight of 165, with a goal of 155 lbs (which is lower than the weight I was at before I started gaining weight). In any event, I'm eating about a calorie intake of around 1500 calories and work out at the gym 3-4 times a week for an hour at the treadmill/elliptical/stairmaster burning 400-500 calories, except when I go on the weekend when I spend more time burning close to 700-800. Those calories are what the machines say, not sure how accurate or inaccurate they are. I've been doing this for several months now and I'm not sure if this is healthy or not. Specifically the calories since I'm assuming working out is always a good thing.

    When I told my friend all this he said that my calories is way too low and I should be over 2000, now since I know little and less about weight loss and proper nutrition, is he correct or should I increase how much I eat? I'm also assuming I should start laying off the cardio abit and start working on some weightlifting soonish? I want to try to get in better shape than I was when I started gaining weight.

    11 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • How to use C# to connect to a db server with Windows Auth, but different credentials?

    Hey all,

    I'm writing a program in C# to connect to a database on a remote server. The server uses Windows Authentication.

    At the moment to connect to the server in Sql Management Studios I use 'runas.exe'.

    Something to the effect of:

    runas /netonly /user:DIFFERENT_DOMAIN\SAME_USERNAME "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\Ssms.exe"

    My question is, in the program I'm making in C#. How can I get my program to connect to the same database without using runas.exe + arguments?

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • What to do about broken tooth pain?

    Friend of mine just broke her tooth eating. I think its one of her wisdom teeth, with part of the tooth looking fine and the other part of tooth looking like its twisted around. We won't be able to get her to a dentist until tomorrow morning, I'm wondering if anyone has any idea on what we could do to relieve her of some of the pain between now and then, or any procedures we should be doing to help the tooth or her.

    2 AnswersDental10 years ago
  • Best gaming suprise.?

    Here's a question for you all. What game did you purchase or play, not expecting to like it or having a low initial opinion of it, and find it to be one of your favorite games ever and why?

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Looking for a game like Dragon Age/Mass Effect?

    I'm trying to find a game for my best friend that I think he'd enjoy. He's favorite games are the Dragon Age series, Mass Effect series, Guild Wars, and WoW, and he has played all of them to death. I'm trying to find him something else he'll enjoy.

    I've gotten him Elder Scrolls 4, and Fallout but he says he didn't enjoy them. I'm wondering if anyone has any good recommendations on what to get him?

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • How much is $50,000 salary as a weekly check?

    Hello all,

    Just received a job offer from a great company and they are offering my $50,000 salary to start. So I'm wondering how much that salary would be weekly. Information about myself. I'm single, live alone, the job is in NYC but I live in NJ. Not sure if the extra information helps. Anyone have any idea?

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How much is $50,000 in take home?


    After surviving a grueling interview process, I was offered a job that pays $50,000/yr salary as an entry-level position. I'm wondering if anyone knows how much that would be take home after taxes?

    6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Question about title transfer of a car.?

    My father recently passed away and my mother is giving me his old car since she doesn't know how to drive. While I do have my license I never drive since I live in a big city and I take the subway everywhere I need to go. So my question is I was looking up at the DMV sites about transfer for title ownerships of a car and it says that I have to show proof of insurance, but since I've never had a car before I don't have insurance, does that mean I can't take the title of the car? How does it work?

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • My mother may want to move in with me and I don't want her to, how do I tell her?

    I'm a 30yr old guy living over in New York City, and my parents live in Florida. Recently my father (77) has become incredibly ill and the outcome doesn't look good. In any case my uncle let it slip to me that my mother (68) told him that if my father passes away that she'll move in with me over in New York City. This is the first I've ever heard of this.

    Now I love my parents deeply, but I don't want my mother to live with me. Both my parents are incredibly over-protective to the point of being overbearing that I never felt more like an individual and independent adult, not to mention happy, fulfilled and in control of my own life, then when I moved out to be on my own. Since I moved out, I've managed to finish getting my degree and find a boyfriend whom I love (which is another problem, my parent's never accepted the fact I'm gay, so this will open up a new can of worms).

    I just don't know how to proceed from here and tell my mother that I love her, but I don't want her moving in with me.

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How does a video game retail store handle the sale new games/products?

    My question is basically do retailers who sell new (not used) games buy them from the manufacturer/publisher and then sell those bought games to the consumers, or does it follow a different method of sale?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago