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  • His daughter and baby are coming over. . . . again?

    As you know my husband's daughter just gave birth to his first biological grandchild a month ago and she stayed with us for 2 weeks after because of a c-section.  Well, they've gone back to their apartment.  Since then her and the baby have been coming by on the regular.  My husband loves it.  He enjoys seeing his grandchild.  It's starting to bother me though.  She'll come by about every other day and stay about an hour or so.  We both work from home so her coming by seems to interrupt my day.  Today he told me that the wifi was down in their apartment complex and her and the baby were probably going to come over and hang out.  She doesn't have cable and streams everything.  Of course he was fine with it but I'm not.  I have a dentist appt later today and wanted to lay down and rest before and after it.  How do I let him know that his daughter can't just decide that since she's on maternity leave she can just stop by when she wants to?  Even when my sons come over if they've been here a while I'll ask them if they don't have anywhere else to go?  I just like a quiet house whereas my husband doesn't mind people just stopping by to visit.

    10 AnswersFamily2 weeks ago
  • Granddaughter question:  Am I wrong here?  ?

    As many of you already know my husband's daughter, my step-daughter recently moved back in with us because she was about to deliver her 1st child, my husband's 1st biological granddaughter.  Well, she had the baby last week via c-section.  What I thought was just going to be a 3 day stay after the baby was born to get her use to motherhood has now turned into a several week stay due to the c-section.  Well, we're working from home and have been for the past year with no idea when we'll be going back into our offices.  My husband's sister also works from home and lives less than a mile down the road from us.  His parents are retired.  I found out that he, his sister, and his mom had decided that because of covid it's not the best time to just put the baby in a daycare when mommy goes back to work.  So the decision was made to split daycare duties between the three houses.  I wasn't consulted on this at all.  My husband and I have an old church friend who is opening a daycare soon so I suggested that they put the baby in her care.  He feels that's not the best decision because this is her first time dealing with kids.  Plus, again with covid he doesn't want his granddaughter possibly exposed around people he doesn't know how they live their lives.  He feels that between the three house they could protect this baby better than just sticking her in a daycare.  I feel my feelings weren't considered here.  Am I wrong or should I just go with the flow and get over it?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 month ago
  • Should I be worried about old photos?

    My husband is 51 years old.  I'm 50.  We've been together some almost 19 years, married for the past 11 almost.  Well, on one of the shelves on his desk he has a large box of old photos dating back to his college days and up until shortly before we started dating.  College friends and shenanigans, vacations and his family moments, and even old girlfriends.  My husband has a 24 year old daughter from a girl he dated years before me met me.  And in the box of photos is a group of pics from when his daughter was born, literally birth photos.  He showed his daughter the photos a number of years ago and then they all have been in the box under one of the shelves on his desk.  Well, his daughter id due to give birth to his first official granddaughter any day now and when I walked in the bedroom I noticed he had pulled the box out.  On top of the box was the set of photos from his daughter's birth.  I asked him why he pulled them out and he said that when the baby is born he wants to compare how his daughter looked at her birth to how his granddaughter looks when she is born.  Again, these are photos of his daughter's mom's most intimate parts during her delivery.  I would rather not see those and I'm wondering is it just me or should he have these out in view? Ladies, how would you feel if your man / bf / husband had a box of photos with ex-girlfriends and more importantly, photos of the birth of his child?  I have asked him to get rid of some of the photos but he refuses.  

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 month ago
  • Am I just in my feelings or is he doing too much?

    My husband's only biological daughter announced to him and us last July that she was expecting her 1st child.  She's 24.  Ever since everyone in his family has gone overboard over it.  Both of his parents are still alive and this will be their first "official" great-grandchild.  My husband made sure we went and bought a crib and stroller/car seat combo for our house so when the baby comes over she'll have somewhere to sleep.  He's bought clothes, and a ton of baby accessories already.  The other night he said he had to run an errand after work and was gone nearly 2 hours.  When he came back he had a big decorative box to put some items in for her baby shower this weekend.  Last night after he got off work he ran another errand and came back with a big gift bag and bow for another gift he bad bought.  It seems that ever few days a package is being delivered with baby items.  My husband has 5 other grandkids.  2 by my son and 3 by his adopted daughter and he loves them all to death but I think he's going overboard for this new one.  When he walked in last night I couldn't hide my reaction and literally rolled my eyes at him which he noticed.  Maybe I'm feeling some sort of way because when my son's girl was pregnant he didn't really do anything.  Granted, she's 4 now and he'll give her the moon but I think he's going overboard for this new baby.  Him, his sister (his daughter's favorite aunt), and his mom (grandma) have bought so much stuff until I'm tired of hearing about her.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 months ago
  • Was I wrong to ask?

    Call me a creature of habit.  I like routines.  Every morning I wake at the same time, get in the shower, dress, do my hair and go get my coffee to begin working from home.  My husband is that same way.  He wakes with me, lays in bed till it's time for him to get up about 7:30 then he does his routine, leaving around 8 to go get his coffee then back home to start work at 9.  This morning he gets up and leaves the house about 7:15.  I thought that was odd so when he didn't come back after a while I sent him a text asking where he was.  He said he was driving.  When he came home he was fuming at me.  He hates when I call or text him while he's out asking where he was.  He said that he got up early to go gas up his truck, go to Walmart because he was out of bagels and cream cheese, then he stopped and got his coffee and came home.  He hates when I do this, checking up on him, but I was just wondering why he was gone so long.  He says that I may like to check up and track my grown sons on my cell phone but he wasn't about to start letting me track him like that.  He's a grown man of 51 and he will not be treated like a child hanging out after curfew.  Was I wrong to just ask a simple question, "where did you go?"  

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce3 months ago
  • Should I be concerned at what he's watching?

    A few months ago my husband's daughter and a few of his other family members were talking about this TV show called Pose.  My husband tried to watch it but didn't finish the first episode because he said it wasn't really a show he could get into.  A few weeks ago I noticed that he was watching the new season of Rupaul's Drag Race.  He said it was sort of funny to watch.  Today I walked into the bedroom where he was eating his lunch and noticed that he had started watching Pose again.  He said that he gave it another try and it wasn't that bad of a show.  Again, a few of his family members watch it and said it was a good show.  Should I be concerned>  He's now a little upset with me because he said that I'm insinuating something of him.  What do you think?  Should I keep my guard up and watch him for a while?  He said they are just TV shows and no TV show can turn you gay or straight.  It's just entertainment.  Your thoughts?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce3 months ago
  • Pregnant daughter wants to move in, temporarily?

    My husband's 24 year old daughter is pregnant with her first child.  He's had full custody of her since she was about 2 yrs old.  She is set to give birth in early March.  Well last night my husband mentioned that his daughter said that she wanted to move in with us for the last week or so of her pregnancy so when she goes into labor she can have her dad drive her to the hospital.  His daughter has her own apartment and her own car.  She lives with a roommate but said she doesn't trust her roommate to drive her.  We don't even know if the roommate can drive.  Her child's father lives a ways away from her on the opposite side of town so he may not be able to get to her in time.  My husband has always said that he was going to be there for his grandchild's birth and I excused it as just talk.  Especially with covid.  I don't know how I feel about her temporarily moving back in with us because when there was talk of my oldest son moving back in he adamantly said no.  He said no because one of my son doesn't work a full time job and tend to like to smoke weed and drink.  Since he said no to my son moving back in "temporarily" why should I agree to his daughter to moving back in "temporarily" until her child is born?

    22 AnswersMarriage & Divorce3 months ago
  • My husband and his female co-worker?

    For more than a year now my husband has been talking about this one particular female co-worker.  Mu husband is 51 and this co-worker is around 30 and just had her 3rd child.  She joined my husband's company a little more than a year ago and he was responsible for training her somewhat.  Well, since the pandemic and they all have been working from home they'll usually talk on the company Skype or they'll text each other.  He said they text because some of the things they talk about shouldn't be put on the company skype.  Well, last night my husband asked me what we were doing this coming Sunday and I told him nothing much.  He said he wanted to go see this girl and meet her new baby.  She lives a little ways from our house.  I felt that was strange of him to want to go see this girl which he hasn't seen in almost a year.  While talking about it he mentioned that she had asked him to be her ne child's god-father.  My question to him was why he didn't lead the conversation with that instead of waiting some 15 minutes to tell me.  His reply was "what does it really matter when I tell you, I told you."  No, I do not believe my husband is this child's father but I just can't see why a 30 year old would befriend a 51 year old that much, especially a co-worker, to ask him to be her child's god-father.  Even during our conversations in the past few months he'll say something about this girl.  No, he's not kept her a secret from me but I just think it's strange?  Am I wrong?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce3 months ago
  • Why is he upset over a light?

    My husband and I both work from home.  Him in the bedroom and me in the kitchen.  His workstation is set up on our desk and mine is on the kitchen table.  Every morning when he wakes up he turns on the lamp on his side of the bed.  He'll get up, make the bed, get dressed, then go get his morning coffee.  I'm already at work by this time.  When he leaves I'll go back in the bedroom and turn off the lamp.  Not once has he ever complained.  I honestly thinks he never even noticed.  Today I was off so I ran an early morning errand.  He did his normal routine and went and got his coffee.  He got back home before me so while he's sitting at his desk working I walk in and turn off the lamp.  He turns to me and says, "what are you doing?"   I told him that I always turn off the lamp after he leaves.  His reply was, "well, I'm home so why do you feel the need to adjust my lighting in the bedroom when you're not even in here?"  He then said, "how would you like it if I just walked in the kitchen and turned off your light simply because I didn't think you needed it on?"  He's now all in a huff over a light.  I don't know why he's complaining because he has a light right on his desk so it's not like he can't see.  Am I wrong?

    22 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 months ago
  • If he cared he'd ask, right?

    My husband has this thing to where he feels that if I want to tell him something he shouldn't have to ask.  He feels I should just tell him.  The other day I told him I have an appoint with an endocrinologist due to some medical issues I'm currently having.  Yesterday was my appointment and I went to the doctor.  We're both working from home so he was here when I left.  When I got back he went on like nothing was wrong.  He didn't ask nor inquire about how my appointment went.  Today, still nothing from him.  I went into the bedroom where he was working and sat on the bed and in between calls we were talking.  I mumbled under my breath, "I guess you're not going to ask me about my appointment yesterday."  He looked at me and said, "I'm sure if it was bad news you would have told me.  Assuming you haven't said anything I gather everything went ok?"   Why can't he just ask me how the appointment was?  Even when he goes to the doctor I'll ask him how things went and his normal response is usually, "it was ok."  Why can't he just ask me?  Does that mean he doesn't care?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 months ago
  • He completely ignored my question?

    This morning my husband was laying in bed listening to the radio because he doesn't have to report to work for several hours.  I was up dressing because my job starts before his.  Before I left the house to go get my coffee I turned to him and asked him if he flirts with his co-workers.  He looked at me, sort of grunted then turned his head and went back to what he was playing with on his laptop.  When I asked him again he refused to answer me.  My husband's works in a customer service environment and the majority of his co-workers are female.  They'll all working from home and although they have Skype with their job he and a few co-workers text during the day.  It seems that whenever I walk into the room where he's working he may be on his phone texting and when I walk in he'll close his phone to change the app.  He feels that he has the right to text his co-workers because (A) they are his co-workers and (B) it's his phone.  He tells me about one he texts often.  A younger girl in her early 30s who just had a baby and will be returning from maternity leave this week.  He feels I'm just nosey because every time he's texting I'll either ask him who he's talking too or yes, I'll walk close to him to see.  I think I have a right to know if he's flirting with his co-workers, don't I?  

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 months ago
  • Get togethers without your spouses?

    My husband mentioned that he and a few of his co-workers were planning to get together soon since they haven't seen each other since March when the pandemic sent everyone home to work.  He mentioned that it was just the employees and not their spouses as to keep the numbers down.  I find that strange that they are planning to get together but the spouses can't come.  Yeah, I've heard of some companies having Christmas parties and spouses are not invited but this is different.  HE didn't say where it was going to be or even when but I have a problem with that.  He works with guys and girls.  Should I be concerned that he's going to a get together with members of the opposite sex without me?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 months ago
  • Christmas tree debate.  Silly but I want to know?

    Each year for Christmas my husband insists on us getting a live tree for Christmas.  He said that he enjoys the smell of them.  Well, we usually take his SUV and go buy a tree and strap it to the top.  The problem is that we alternate weekends as to who drives us around and unfortunately tomorrow (Sat) is my day to drive us around in my car.  I drive a Nissan Murano.  I asked him about getting a tree tomorrow and he said he didn't have a problem with it and since it's my day to drive we can surely tie a tree to the top of my car and get it home.  I don't want to tie a tree to my car because I don't want my car scratched up.  My husband looked at me and said, "oh, so it's fine to keep scratching up the roof of my Lincoln Navigator but not your Murano?"  I just feel that since we usually take his truck why do we need to change since it's my day.  He said that he's seen trees strapped to the roofs of Honda Civics and Toyota Priuses so there's nothing wrong with strapping it to the top of my Murano.  Am I wrong to not want the roof of my car scratched up?  

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 months ago
  • Does cuddling have to lead to sex?

    I'm 49, soon to be 50 in a few days and my husband is 51.  We don't have the best of sex life these days due to other reasons but I've asked him to just cuddle with me at night so I can go to sleep in his arms.  We've been together for about 18 years, married 18.  When he cuddles with me, which isn't often, he tends to think that means I want to have sex.  I can feel things "poking" me if you know what I mean and he always tries to make the move.  Mont times I say no and that I just want him to cuddle.  He says that it's too hot to cuddle all night and he doesn't mind doing it for a little while but after that he's either ready to go further or turn over and go to sleep.  Why can't he just cuddle with me without it meaning I want to have sex?

    22 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 months ago
  • Now he wants sex?

    My husband and I are in our early 50s.  He's 51 and I'll be 50 in a few weeks.  For the majority of the year he's not been wanting to touch me. Up until a few weeks ago we had only had sex maybe 3 times this year. Yes, I was sexually frustrated.   About a month ago we finally did it.  A week or so later he wanted to do it again but I wasn't in the mood.  The next week we did have sex again.  The other night he was playing around with me like he always does and I knew he wanted to have sex again but I turned him down again.  I just wanted him to cuddle with me.  One of his biggest issues with me is that I don't initiate sex anymore so he got to the point to where he wasn't going to keep making all the moves.  We got into it again last night about it and he asked me when the last time I actually wanted sex and actually made a move to get it.  Or. since cuddling is such a big thing with me why haven't I ever rolled over in the bed and actually cuddled with him.  Maybe I'm wrong but I'm the one who wants to be cuddled not the one doing the cuddling.  He even made mention that I don't go down on him anymore.  It's like when we got married some 10 years ago that switch got turned off.  Yeah, I know I've complained here a lot about our lack of sex but now it seems he wants it all the time now and I wasn't ready for that.  Did I awaken a sleeping giant by complaining so much?

    40 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 months ago
  • Why can't I get past this?

    A little more than a week ago I found out that my husband was "catfishing" guys online for money.  Let me say this first, no he is not gay, bi, or curious.  He was just scamming them for small amounts of money.  He said that he found some pics of a young white girl and posted them on an escort site and the guys would text him on a texting app thinking they were going to hook up with the young woman.  He said he'd give them the name and address of a hotel across town and when they got to the hotel and text him he'd ask for a small deposit in order to give them the room number.  When I found out about it I was totally upset as to why he would do that.  Hew feels that he's not really hurting anyone and he's no worse that guys selling weed or meth in person to crackheads or potheads.  I can't seem to get this out of my mind.  We were watching TV last night and I brought it up again and yes, we argued about it.  He feels that since I wasn't directly affected by it why am I so upset about it.  He said that he's not done it since and honestly it wasn't something he was doing on the regular.  He then tried to turn it around on me by saying I have my little side hussle playing and hosting Bingo games on Facebook.  He said that those people may spend $50 or $60 just to win a $30 pot.  Then I get a cut of the winnings.  However, my side hustle isn't illegal.  Why can't I get past what he was doing?  He's scamming people, albeit, illegal prostitution, but this is how me makes side money.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 months ago
  • Should I be glad he wasn't cheating?

    For months now I've been questioning my husband's actions thinking he was cheating on me.  He has this texting app on his phone and every now and then I'll see him checking it.  When I'd ask him about it he'd say it was nothing.  Several months ago he showed me the app and said he had downloaded it a few years ago when our phones were off so we could still communicate with each other.  He said that a guy text him by accident thinking he was a young woman.  He started texting back with the guy, as the woman, because he said it was fun and he wanted to see how long he could string the guy on.  This guy thought he was a girl.  I didn't approve of his actions at that time.  Well, this Sat when I woke he was on that app and when he saw me looking he quickly closed it.  That started an argument between us because I demanded to know what he was doing.  I thought he was cheating on me but he said that he had been scamming guys by pretending to think he was a woman looking to hook up.  He said that he was making some side money doing that.  Granted, he wasn't cheating but know I know he's been taking money from horny guys.  I told him he was going to get me killed.  He said that he's never met with any of them.  He said he gives then the name and address of a hotel across town but to get the room number they'd have to send him a small deposit.  He said it works some time but most times they just move on.  I'm glad he's not cheating on my with another woman but still disappointed that 

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating5 months ago
  • Is he turning into a sex animal?

    As stated before my husband's and my sex life has been down, very down.  We've only had sex 3 times this year.  I would complain to him and he'd just come up with excuses as to why we're not doing it or why he wasn't in the mood.  A few weeks ago he finally had sex with me.  Well, since then he's been wanting it more and more.  A week or so ago he wanted to do it again but I wasn't in the mood.  He rolled over sort of mad.  The other night he asked me if I felt him feeling me up one night after we turned off the lights and TV.  I didn't because typically when the lights go out I'm sleep.  Last night while sitting in the living room he asked me to take off my shirt.  We're empty nesters and I have been telling him that we should be walking around the house naked if we wanted to.  Well, he called me on it.  WE started this little game where if he took off one article of clothing I would take one off.  He'd take off a shoe and so would I.  Socks came next.  He took off his shirt but I didn't feel like taking mine off so he "got in his feelings" and put his shirt back on.  Now he seems to be very cold with me.  Only answering my questions with short one word answers.  Yeah, I know I complained for months about not getting any but now he wants to do it all the time.  I don't want to keep turning him down but I think he may go back to not wanting to do anything for 3 or 4 more months.  Where's the balance?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 months ago
  • How often do you turn your man down for sex?

    My husband and I have a strange thing going on right now.  Were in our early 50s and our sex life is not the best.  We've only had sex like 3 times this year.  For months I was complaining with my husband about not having sex so a week or so ago he made the move and we had sex.  Yes, I enjoyed it multiple times, if you know what I mean.  But he never finished.  Anyway, all day yesterday he was poking and grabbing at my boobs so when we finally got in the bed he turned off the TV early and rolled over to me and and started trying to have sex.  Little to my knowledge he had gotten naked without me knowing it so when he got close I felt him.  I wasn't in the mood so instead of still cuddling with me he rolled over and went to sleep.  If I know my husband, like I know I do, he won't try to touch me for a long time.  Not that his feelings were hurt but I know him.  Ladies, how often do you turn your husband down for sex?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 months ago
  • How friendly is too friendly outside of work?

    My husband (51 yrs old) is friends with one of his co-workers (30 years old).  So much to the point that they text each other on occasions.  Since the pandemic they haven't seen each other since March and she is pregnant.  They talk about her pregnancy and work all day long.  My husband's daughter is also pregnant and he said they also discuss that with each other.  Yesterday she had the baby and has sent him several pics of the baby, all of which he's shown me.  Maybe I'm wrong here but thinking like a protective wife I don't think it's appropriate for a man his age to be chatting with a woman her age.  He work in customer service and he says that C.S. is a female dominated industry but there are a few guys on his team.  None of which he texts with.  Is he getting too friendly with this young woman?  No, I do not believe that he is this child's father so no need in bringing that up.  She was recently hired with his job and I think he was partially responsible for training her.  I just think that he's getting too friendly with someone this young.  He feels that no matter your age co-workers of the opposite sex can just be friends and keep in touch.  Am I wrong here?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 months ago