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Lv 31,148 points

♥Blood Rose♥

Favorite Answers15%

Hi, ;heart,I'm BloodRose;heart,. if you want to be my friend just add me. :) "If I were an apple and you were an orange... the we'd both be fruit." "The Lord is my strength and song, and He is become my salvation: He is my God, and I will prepare Him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt Him." - Bible, New King James Version ♥ The Indianapolis Colts RULE!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  • iPod touch won't let me download apps because of failed log in information?

    My iPod touch won't let me download free applications or even get on youtube because it says my log in information is incorrect. I've tried everything. My email and its password, my wireless interent browser and its password, ect.

    So first of all, which email do I use? The one on my iTunes acc right?

    And if that's right, then why won't it let me connect or anything like that? I know my pass is right, and I'm tired of changing it because my iPod is tempermental. Also, I was never asked for a credit card number or anything on the iTunes site so I doubt its anything to do with payment. Please help.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Just got iPod touch... Really need help?

    how do i add and delete music?

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Plan Parenthood questions...?

    So.. has anyone been to plan parenthood?

    What do they have you do when you go in?

    Do you have to make an appointment?

    Please and thanx.. and other information would be good... serious answers only..

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Can you only get pregnant during your ovulation period?

    Fisrt of all, can a woman only get pregnant during her ovulation time?

    And how does one know when she is ovulating?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What music video is this... IMPORTANT!?

    What music video is this? It's country and the singer is at a bar or club with her friends and all these guys come over to them and try to hit on them but when the girls put on their sunglasses they see writing on the guys forhead which tells them about him like "Cheater" ect. sound familiar? My friend said sara evans sings it but we arent sure

    3 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to...?

    O.K., I know sleep walking and sleep running are possible, as are other things that you do in your sleep. But is it possible to sleep cut? I have had thoughts about cutting before and have gotten close but have never actually cut my skin. But when I wake up in the morning, I'll have long gashes that have scared over on my legs from where I have been cut. I know it's not from shaving. Is this possible?

    My father used to sleep walk when he was a teenager, and also run and jog. Plus miscellaneous other things. Could I have maybe got the whole "do things in my sleep" from him?

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Need Journalism Help...?

    So, In my Journalism class, we have to pic a topic of our choice and write about it, but before this we have always been given a topic. And the last assignment we did we had to pic a list of words out of a bucket and write our paper on one of those words. Now I'm totally lost. I have no idea what to write about! What topics do you think would be good for my article?


    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Guys preference on......................?

    OK, out of the two options below, let me ask you this:

    Would you rather have:

    1. A skinny girl who is rude to you, treats you badly, personality clashes with yours, but has a pretty face and in your opinion a hot body *big boobs, ETC.,*


    2. A plus size girl with a great personality, treats you well, you find her cute, and she is smart

    I am not trying to offend anyone with this (I realize people get etsty with things like this). But I am curious.

    Thank you for answering.

    16 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Read please, and tell me what you think??

    I kno it has its issies but i would be very happy if you would please read this and give me your opinion. much appreciated.

    Elita trudged through the city streets miserably. She had lost her job, her home, and her dog all within the past twenty-four hours, and even though she tried to remember, she couldn‘t figure out why she had even crawled her way into work this morning to begin with. Thinking back, she probably would have chose against it had she known that today was the day she was going to give her boss his fill, and ultimately loose her job for her incompetence. The loosing of her home was a different story. For weeks she had been telling herself that she would eventually scrape up enough money to pay those high, menacing towers of bills that sat on her kitchen counter; they served as her constant reminders of the hole she had dug herself into since moving to Chicago. Sadly, shortly after being evicted from her dusty apartment, she had lost her only companion for the past two years, her dog Russ.

    Rain poured from the lightning streaked sky over head, and soaked her to the bone. She wanted desperately to go home and change into warm clothes, but a quick thought reminded her that she, in fact, no longer had a so called “home”.

    Elita looked up and down the empty street trying to remember where she had parked her red 1991 Chevy Cavalier. After a few minutes, she gave up, and sat on a park bench. Curling her legs up to her chest, she buried her face into her knees and cried, her tangled brown hair falling in a cascade over her shoulders. Her world was crashing around her making everything unbearable. She didn’t know where to go from here. A friends house was out of the question since she hadn’t gotten around to making friends in Chicago yet; work was much more important to her. Local homeless shelters were out of the question as well, for her pride would not allow her to even admit that she was now, by her own standards, homeless.


    Keagan sat in the darkest corner of his favorite bar, The Loft, swishing around the liquid gold in his shot glass of whiskey. His mind was littered with thoughts that he wanted so badly to burn away, but he couldn’t bring himself to take a sip of his usual numbing medicine. Had it really been fifty years since his transformation? It seemed like only yesterday when the accident occurred and the Dark Gift was forced upon him, but maybe that was just a side effect of his new, unfailing and all too accurate memory.

    He saw it all clearly, and felt the centuries old pain again, but it was only momentary. He saw his makers face, bright and lustrous in the moonlight as she looked at his mangled body on the ground.

    Her eyes had a strange desire in their depths as she stared at Keagan.

    “Poor thing.” she muttered.

    She cradled Keagan’s head in her lap and placed her ear to his chest. The normally loud thud-thud of all human hearts was slowly being dulled. The woman knew what she had to do. She lowered her head down to Keagan’s neck.

    “Stay still. This will hurt at first, but not for long”

    As she sank her fangs into his soft skin, Keagan gasped for a moment, but soon went still. The sudden wave of realization flooded over him as he realized what this beautiful stranger was. A vampire. He felt his already struggling heart began to weaken even more. His vision was fading, and his weakness was growing more and more prominent.

    Lifting her head from his neck, the woman put her own wrist up to her fangs and slid them across her skin, leaving a bright red line of blood dribbling from the gash.

    “Drink if you wish to live.” she said while pressing her wrist to his lips.

    Keagan was hesitant. Should he drink a strangers blood? Let alone, any blood at all? Was his life really that important to him?

    She pressed her wrist against his lips again, more fervent this time.

    “You are going to die anyway, Keagan. At least this way, you can live in the end.”

    A snap decision made him do what he knew he wanted her to. Pressing his lips to her open wound, Keagan hesitantly drew her blood into his mouth. The taste didn’t repulse him, surprisingly. In fact, it did quiet the opposite. He swallowed gulp after gulp of her blood until she had to forcibly remove his grip from her arm, and pull her wrist from his lips.

    “That’s quiet enough.”

    A quick flick of her tongue over the gash made it seal itself. She laid Keagan’s head back on the ground slowly, and stood to look at the wreckage. A few yards away was a truck plowed head first into a tree off to the side of the road. There was no doubt that it was totaled.

    “You really almost did yourself in, Keagan. Had I not been near by, your final moments on this God forsaken eart

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Read and tell me what you think, plz??

    Okay, now i know it has it's kinks, clearly when i read it over, and i promise it will all b fixed later. and when i copied and pasted it, the pre set paragraphs were deleted.

    Elita trudged through the city streets miserably. She had lost her job. Her home, and her dog all within the past twenty-four hours, and for some reason, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t figure out why she had even been stupid enough in the first place to crawl her way into work this morning. She was young; far too young to even be working as a secretary for Bomb Shell’s Inc.’s top executive, and since she wouldn’t give into her bosses more than overly repressive and highly personal demands, she had lost her job. The losing of her apartment was a different story. For weeks she had been telling herself that she would eventually scrape up enough money to pay those high, menacing towers of bills that served only as her constant reminder of the giant hole she had dug herself into since moving to Chicago. Sadly, shortly after being evicted from her dusty apartment, she had lost her only companion for the past two years, her dog Luke.

    Rain poured from the lightning streaked sky over head, and soaked her to the bone. She wanted desperately to go home and change into warm clothes, but with the reminding thought that she no longer had a home, the thought was quickly wiped away. Elita looked up and down the empty street trying to remember where she had parked her red 1991 Chevy Cavalier. After a few minutes, she gave up, and sat on a park bench. Curling her legs up to her chest, she buried her face into her knees and cried, her tangled brown hair falling in a cascade over her shoulders. Her world was crashing around her making everything unbearable. She didn’t know where to go from here. A friends house was out of the question since she hadn’t gotten around to making friends in Chicago yet, work was much more important to her. Local homeless shelters were out of the question as well for her pride would not allow her to even admit that she was now, by her own standards, homeless.


    Keagan sat in the darkest corner of his favorite bar, The Loft, swishing around the liquid gold in his shot glass of whiskey. His mind was littered with thoughts that he wanted so badly to burn away, but he couldn’t bring himself to take a sip of his usual numbing medicine. Had it really been two-hundred years since his transformation?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What do you think? ?

    OK. obviously it has its many kinks and cracks and stuff, but this was just a quick jot down of something. so tell me wat you think.

    Elita trudged through the city streets miserably. She had lost her job. Her home, and her dog all within the past twenty-four hours, and for some reason, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t figure out why she had even been stupid enough in the first place to crawl her way into work this morning. She was young; far too young to even be working as a secretary for Bomb Shell’s Inc.’s top executive, and since she wouldn’t give into her bosses more than overly repressive and highly personal demands, she had lost her job. The losing of her apartment was a different story. For weeks she had been telling herself that she would eventually scrape up enough money to pay those high, menacing towers of bills that served only as her constant reminder of the giant hole she had dug herself into since moving to Chicago. Sadly, shortly after being evicted from her dusty apartment, she had lost her only companion for the past two years, her dog Luke.

    Rain poured from the lightning streaked sky over head, and soaked her to the bone. She wanted desperately to go home and change into warm clothes, but with the reminding thought that she no longer had a home, the thought was quickly wiped away. Elita looked up and down the empty street trying to remember where she had parked her red 1991 Chevy Cavalier. After a few minutes, she gave up, and sat on a park bench. Curling her legs up to her chest, she buried her face into her knees and cried, her tangled brown hair falling in a cascade over her shoulders. Her world was crashing around her making everything unbearable. She didn’t know where to go from here. A friends house was out of the question since she hadn’t gotten around to making friends in Chicago yet, work was much more important to her. Local homeless shelters were out of the question as well for her pride would not allow her to even admit that she was now, by her own standards, homeless.


    Keagan sat in the darkest corner of his favorite bar, The Loft, swishing around the liquid gold in his shot glass of whiskey. His mind was littered with thoughts that he wanted so badly to burn away, but he couldn’t bring himself to take a sip of his usual numbing medicine.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What names would you suggest?

    I need a good name for a bar in a story i am writing. your suggestions would b much appreciated.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Can you tell me what this song is?

    ok, im not one for rap, but i like this song and i would like to kno wat its called.... i only kno a tiny part.

    "air, air, air, air, air, air,....."

    thats it. lol. kinda remix type thing i think.

    thought it was "air force 1's" but its not

    6 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • what movie is this...?

    ok, i have no idea what the movie is called but from what my mom says its about this evil thing that can b transfored amongst humans through touch. the main charcater then decides to contain the evil inside of him and run away to a cabin in the woods and blow the cabin up in order to stop the evil.

    sound familiar?

    10 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Lyric help...?

    hey, what song is this? if your right, you get a cookie!!! ~or 10 points, either one~

    "say it aint so, i will not go, turn the lights off, carry me home..."

    u kno, cause i dont. lol. a guy sings it. its kinda old.

    5 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Lyric help...?

    wat is this song and who sings it:

    1. "hey, dont write urself away, its only in ur head you feel that out, looked down on (?), just do your best, do everything u can *everything u can*, dont u worry wat their bitter hearts r gonna say, it just takes some time, little bit and in a little (?)...."

    6 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • lyric help...?

    im not sure but i believe these r lyrics to a song and i would love to know wat song it is and who sings it.

    k, the lyrics r:

    "im outside of your window with my radio..."

    sound familiar? i hope it does. thanx for ur help!

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Lyric help...?

    what song is this:

    "you're jaded, oh so jaded, and i'm the one who jaded you..."

    its a guy singing and its not very new. sorry, but thats all the info i have. thanks so much for your help!

    3 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • lyric help...?

    i believe the song is by terri clark.

    "you can feel bad if it makes u feel bttr, picture me cryin readin all ur love letters, walkin around in ur old sweaters baby, u can feel bad if it makes u feel better."

    sound familiar?

    2 AnswersCountry1 decade ago