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  • Will I fail the Algebra 2 EOC?

    I am freaking out for this test, because it counts for 30% of my final grade. If I fail, my grade will plummet. I currently have a 100% in the class, and I usually do well in class(I'm the youngest one there and it's a Pre-IB class), but the practice test packets have made me really confused and worried. I feel like I'm not going to do well but my entire future rests on this test. How well do I have to do to maintain my A? And will I pass? Any tips for the day before?

  • What colleges should I apply to?

    I want to apply to a lot of schools, but DEFINITELY no more than fifteen, and I want a balance. I have near perfect grades, some AP course credits, a few dual enrollment credits, and I'm in an IB program. I've got over 100 hours of community service at a hospital in Canada, and I've taken tennis for a while. I have some other stuff on my résumé that'd make me a pretty competitive applicant for college. When applying, I want to take these factors into consideration:

    -I am generally a healthy eater, so I would like to be on a campus that offers a variety of dining options.

    -I am planning to live on campus and I am not a partier.

    - I will be majoring in neuroscience.

    -I will not have a car.

    -I want to live in a big college area (Boston, Pennsylvania, California), not a city like NYC that has no college towns

    -I am Jewish and want to be around other Jews.

    -I am open to attending college in Canada

    I want to apply to at least three reach schools, at least five matches, and at least two safeties. What schools would be the best for me?

  • Harvard, Princeton, or Yale?

    I want to apply to one of these ivies but I'm not sure which one. I know it's a long shot, but I have good grades and lots of things going for me, and I'm making sure to apply to some less prestigious schools as well, like Emory and Purdue. I'm also applying to stanford as it is my dream school, but I cannot apply to all three of these schools. Which ones should I apply to? Here's what I'm basing my choice on:

    -I'm Jewish and want to be around other Jews

    -I will not have a car and need to be able to get around without it

    -I plan on living on campus so dorms are a priority

    -Food is a priority for me because I am a healthy eater and I want lots of options

    -I will be majoring in Neuroscience

    -I have AP, IB, and dual enrollment courses that I don't want to have to retake, but I am open to it if I have no choice

    -I want to be in a real college town

  • UPenn or Duke?

    I'm looking at applying to both UPenn or Duke for college, but I cannot apply to both because I want to apply to some schools that have higher acceptance rates. These are things I'm considering:

    -I prefer less urban, more secluded areas

    -I am Jewish and would like to not be isolated from other Jews

    -I am majoring in Neuroscience

    -I currently live in Florida

    -I will not have a car

    -I am introverted and want a more open environment where people will start conversations with me

    -I am a major foodie

    -I am not rich by any means

    By this information, which school would be a better fit for me? And what good schools with higher acceptance rates should I apply to?

  • Can I get into these colleges? What schools should I apply to?

    So I've been starting to find colleges to apply to, but I don't want to apply for anything that I won't have any chance of getting into. I think I have a good shot at some pretty good schools. I skipped a grade, take a few AP classes, and participate in an IB program. I am extremely ahead in math(calculus sophomore year) and I was in dual enrollment. I also spent two summers at Duke TIP. I don't take usual classes; I've taken things like AP psychology, Anatomy & Physiology, and so on to get more into my interest in neuroscience. I also take part in many things outside of schoolwork, like plays, tennis, NHS, yoga, etc. and I am almost fluent in Spanish and hebrew. I acted through every year of high school. My GPA unweighted could be better(3.8-4.0 depending on the semester or year) but weighted it's above a 4.0. I try my hardest and hope for my dream school, Stanford, to accept me, because I have extensively researched the school and I think it is a perfect for for me. I will apply to fourteen other schools, some more prestigious and some less. These are the fourteen I'm considering but I do not know in what order:







    University of Toronto




    Johns Hopkins




    Am I aiming too high? In what order should I want these schools? Any information on any of these schools or suggestions for other schools would be great.

  • How did I get so fat all of a sudden?

    It's so upsetting, I had mega fast metabolism when I was younger and it just slowed down so rapidly. I've been gaining ten pounds every year, and I know I'm still growing, but it's insane. A few weeks ago, my friends and I started trying to lose weight in different ways. One of them loses weight no matter what she eats, one is getting thin and toned after like a week, one lost fourteen pounds just from eating less food. I have been working out a ton, along with taking tennis once a week and yoga twice a week. I have even started trying to eat healthy, wearing neoprene to sweat weight off, even taking appetite suppressants at one point, but nothing is working. I look exactly the same, and I've gained weight, not lost. To make things worse, I'm really short, so every pound makes a huge difference. Everyone at my school is gorgeous, there are models everywhere, and I'm just not. I'm covered in acne, insanely pale, have a ridiculously huge nose, I have elf ears and an underbite, and so on. I can already see stretch marks and cellulite and it's absolutely disgusting, I'm disgusting. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to eat less? Eat nothing? I just want to be pretty, have one person find me attractive. One guy to want to date me, one girl to envy me.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Favorite baby names? Common or uncommon?

    Do you like common or uncommon baby names? List your top five for boys and girls. I'm asking because I find it funny how so many people claim to like uncommon names and then they'll list these super common names like what .-.

    My favorites are pretty uncommon I think.. These are my favorites













    11 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • The scale does lie apparently... Why am I still fat?

    I have been doing hardcore workouts for weeks now, got back into tennis, started yoga, and I have even been regulating my diet. It has been over a month and I look the same. At 4"11, 93 pounds, and size 00/000/XS, I sound like I would be skinny(I'm medically underweight), but I sure don't look it. The top of my stomach looks flat and even toned, but then I have this huge lump on my lower stomach that won't go away. My arms jiggle and I'm just not thin-looking in general. Sure, curves are a good thing... Too bad I don't have any. Not as a 32B with almost no butt. I hate how my friends can eat all they want and still be perfectly toned, one can actually pass for a model. Even the overweight people my age don't deal with this, they just don't care about being healthy or athletic. I thought I might have a high fat percentage but I actually don't. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.. My workouts are always balanced. It's just insulting when people hear my dress size and say "Are you sure? Maybe it's because you're short." Or when they hear my weight and insist that I'm lying because I couldn't possibly be underweight. Any fixes?

    -Slightly irrelevant, but I also have an insanely big nose, an underbite so bad that I need braces all through high school and surgery, acne, huge ears, greasy hair, and uneven eyebrows. My body is the only thing I can really fix at this point. Guys never crush on me(not a single guy ever has), and girls are never jealous of me..I just want to be pretty..

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • All my friends hate me?

    I honestly thought that after all these years of being hated, I had finally found a group of friends who loved me as I am. Turns out, they can't stand any aspect of my personality. I have never felt so awful and now I'm completely alone. I have to see them all every day and I just don't know how I'm going to do it. I hated myself before them and I hate myself even more now. They're right, my personality sucks.

    5 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • I'm still fat?

    I don't know if it's because I'm only 4"11, but I look fat no matter what I do. Sure, I only weigh 95 pounds, but I look fat, everyone says I do. I was thin no matter what I ate a few years ago but now, despite my small weight, my arms wobble and my thighs have cellulite and I have stretch marks and I can grab my stomach fat. I work out every day and it won't go away. I miss my abs, I miss being thin. The sad part is, I don't even have 'curves.' My boobs are barely a 32B and I barely have any butt. Guys never crush on me because I look so fat, and people think I'm lying when I tell them my weight. Is there something wrong with me?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • My friend's ex already has a new girlfriend?

    Okay so my extremely gorgeous model friend has just had her first boyfriend. They were extremely awkward, and just two days before their one month anniversary he broke up with her, with no real explanation. Today, only a week after, we saw him giving a girl a teddy bear, and at one point he kissed her. They are dating now, and the funny thing is, he was never able to kiss my friend! Not once on the whole month. My poor friend is trying to hide her heartbreak but her self esteem is already dropping, and she is pretty much perfect so it was really sad to listen to. I want to help my friend get over him but it was her first real relationship so I don't want to push her. I personally have no relationship experience whatsoever(Guys DONT even crush on me, I'm ugly lol) so I have no clue how to really comfort her.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Underbite? Will I need surgery?

    After years of being told by my friends that my teeth were perfect, I recently discovered that I have an underbite. I have heard that a lot of the time this requires surgery to fix, and I'm utterly terrified. I will either have some dentist snipping through my gums, or I will have a metal mouth through my entire years of high school. I am freaking out, and the whole thing is just confusing. Will I need braces, or surgery?

    2 AnswersDental6 years ago
  • Should I take Pre Calculus on virtual school over the summer?

    I am currently a freshman and in algebra 2, and because of my IB program, sophomore year is my last chance to take calculus before college. I would have to take pre calculus over the summer. I like to think that I'm a good math student, it's always easy for me, but I have heard some things that make me worry. I'm worried that it might be too much to handle, especially for a freshman, and that I might be behind in calculus next year. However, I really want to get as ahead as possible for college. Should I take the course?