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  • How to help my female friends in love? (Quick Help)?

    These two friends of mine have got their hearts broken by two different guys who were their first love and complete jerks. Friend 1 had a boyfriend who was 19 turning 20 ( my friend is 16) after their break up when they guy broke up he spread the rumor that my friend had forced him into a relationship and he accept because he pitied her where as in truth he was the one to ask her out and to ask her to be in a relationship with him, my friend is madly in love with this jerk who is totally immature and is devastated even though she doesn't show it.

    Friend 2 is 17 and his ex boyfriend is also 17 his ex boyfriend who left her for an unknown reason shouted at her and told her that she is too clingy and annoying when she just called to wish him on his birthday, she thought it to be mature enough to just wish but that guy completly wrecked her she is also devastated because of everything that guy said and also because she loved him to death and he left her without giving a reason.

    I have got my heart broken too but I am stronger than them, they are not handling it too well and I am really concerned what should I do? Please I need quick help..

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I don't know what is the right thing to say to my boyfriend? Please Help ASAP?

    My boyfriend's best friend just met a terrible accident, his skull was ripped open and he had a terrible brain injury even his eyes popped out, it was day before yesterday. Even after that, yesterday was my birthday, I told my boyfriend that we won't celebrate but he said that it is okay to celebrate, but he was terribly upset and was smiling just for my sake. Tomorrow is his best friend's birthday and he is sad than ever! The doctor's say it is hard to save him, he is in ICU and in terrible condition. Even if all surgeries went well it will take about 2 years to recover fully. I don't know what is the right thing to say to my boyfriend at this moment. Also, I have seen that guy's girlfriend who has been crying since 3rd Jan when that guy met that terrible accident, I am the eldest in the group and somehow everyone thinks that I will have the right words to say, they find comfort in talking to me but I really don't know what to say except "It's going to be okay" Please help me handle this difficult situation. Also please keep our friend in your prayers, he really needs them. :(

  • what does my dream mean according to hindu religion?

    I dreamt that my parents were going out of town for a week so I invited my boyfriend over. Before my parents left and my boyfriend came home, my father stepped out of the threshold of the house and a snake appeared on the threshold, I got a wooden stake and as it charged towards me with an open mouth and hissing sound I dropped the stake on his head and opened his head causing him to die after that a number of snakes appeared and I left the place which left my father alone to fight with them which he successfully did. After the snakes my boyfriend appeared and I was trying to hide him from my father who in reality knows all abt my boyfriend. Does this dream has any significane or not? Please I need desperate help

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation6 years ago
  • Teenage love triangle (Quick help)?

    4 years ago I was with a guy (Let's say S) in the same class, it was love at first sight he also use to give me small hints that he likes me but no one made the move so I got in a relationship with another guy (Let's say A) our relationship was great but since I was not really into him it started going downhill whenever I tried to forget S he kept coming back making things difficult for me so I broke up with A telling him the truth about S now A is really heartbroken and is not giving up on me cause he says he loves me but I am into S although I have some feelings for A, S will always be the one I would choose. S has no idea about the situation or my feelings what should I do? Whom should I choose?

  • what should I tell my ex boyfriend?

    My ex boyfriend's bday is around the corner it is his 18th b'day he is throwing a party to all his frndz even though we broke up we are on talking terms and still frndz sort of. So he invited me to his birthday and I dont knw what to say? If I do go what gift should I give him? P.S. He still has feelings for me but I don't

    Singles & Dating7 years ago
  • A serious question for guys please ans quickly?

    What kind of girls do you find gorgeous or beautiful?

    And I am always called hot I am never called beautiful or gorgeous what should I think of that? what makes a girl "hot" or "gorgeous"?

    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • How to deal with ex boyfriend?

    me & my ex bf had been together for 18 months. One day my frnd told me that he saw my bf and another girl driving together in my bf's car to an extra class where my frnd goes too. My bf stopped the car a little away from the class and the girl stepped out & walked to the class herself after a while my bf came in and they pretend like they were not together. I though he was lying but to shut him up I asked my bf to which he didn't reply so I turned to another frnd who is a mutual frnd of mine, my ex bf and the third girl, she told me that yes my bf drove that girl to their classes becuz that girl was being molested by someone but immediately after that my bf replied that he drove that girl becuz she was ill. I grew suspicious as he had distanced himself lately so i checked his FB and saw some conversations being deleted b/w him and the girl he drove with. Furthermore he stood me up (4th time) on a date becuz he was out with that other girl partying so I broke up with him. I ignored him for 1 month solid. I found out lately that there is another girl in his class that is crushing on him & when he asked me to read their conversation for me to figure out if she really likes him I was 100% sure that she does and my ex bf also kind of looked interested in her when I told him this he said that he loves and wants me back and is not interested in her but for some reason a fight broke off and now we haven’t talked to each other since a day. I feel very hurt and heartbroken, what to do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What to do if despite everything you cannot forget your crush?

    I saw this guy 4 years ago in my class and since then I developed a crush on him, initially I thought it was just like any other crush and it would go away but my feelings intensified over the year, there was nothing in particular that we ever did together expect we had brief chats on facebook and we both used to look at each other in class hoping not to get caught by one another which we both failed at miserably. I remember one event in particular that was our school fair, there was a hall with lot of people in it when I entered the hall it was like my crush instantly knew I was there and he turned to look at me but this time he didn't try to hide that he was staring, we also went to see a dance program in our school where I and my friends reached late coincidentally we took seats behind my crush and his friends when lights turned on and it was time to go we saw each other and for the first time I almost brushed by him and he kept looking at me until I was no longer visible. He even asked me once if I had break up with my boyfriend and I told him I had after a little while he asked me what would I do if he asked me to be his girlfriend to which i stupidly replied that one has to have feelings to ask and accept. Since then we haven't talked I have tried everything in my power to forget him but all my tries go in vain even now that he has shifted to another state since 2 years I can't stop thinking about him and in a corner of my heart I still have hope that maybe he likes me

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What to name this character?

    I am writing a story and I can't get a good name for my central character, I would just write her description and hope that one of you could find me a good name.

    Eye color: light brown

    hair color: chocolate brown, straight, till waist

    height: 5'6''

    Nationality: American

    Skin color: Pale

    Built: Skinny

    Sharp features, she is basically being described as the epitome of beauty with a problem of short temper and she is narcissistic. Can you give me beautiful names that start with D or S? She is paired to a guy named Darren (If that might help). Thanks! :)

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • How to get rid of my boyfriend quickly?

    It has been all good in the relationship but from past 2-3 months I have realized that I don't love my boyfriend. We keep breaking up constantly and I am the one who dumps him, then we get back together because either he self harms himself which I find totally immature and unattractive or his friends force me into the relationship by emotionally blackmailing. I have lost all my respect for my boyfriend and our mutual friends who try to get us back together I don't love him and I have told him this but he doesn't seem to be bother by the fact he just wants me in his life by hook or by crook. I have started to hate him for this, I want to get rid of him completely but the problem is if I break up with him he starts to self harm or his friends manipulate me which further more irritates me. When we do break up he doesn't let me cut all contacts with him. For eg: When I blocked his number on my phone he kept calling my mother and I eventually had to talk to him. What to tell him that would make him go away himself? Thanks for the help. P.S. I have no problem in being rude just need help.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Are we taking things too fast? Help ASAP?

    So me and my boyfriend went to a movie last night and things got heated up and we made out in the movie hall he gave me two love bites on my neck and also touched my boobs while I had my hand on his crotch. We have been together for more than a year now and this is the first tym we ever had such an intimate making out session. We both are in 16 and virgin no plans of having sex anytime until we get married and we are pretty serious about each other, although it might sound weird for our age but please don't judge. Are we going too far or is it ok? I felt it was ok to do so but I would like to know if we are rushing things? Thanks :)

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I lost all my old friends what to do?

    So I am in 11th grade going to be in 12th in a few weeks and lately my friends have been very mean to me they would make fun of me beat me and also open my hair by pulling my rubber band and hair I didn't said anything to them on their face but they hurt me a lot. So I kind of distanced myself from them and stayed with my boyfriend and some of our mutual friends. When ever my friends would ask me to come with them after school for a ride (I usually used to go) I rejected them twice or thrice and I thought that might give them a sign that I want to ignore them but instead one of them said "She treats us like bitches if she does that again I will loose my temper and say something really mean we are not her pets" and since then she has been very rude to me. She also posted a status saying that Some people don't know the true definition of friendship which I know was for me. I in return posted a status as well tagging my boyfriend and my other friend. I don't know why they all behaved in such a mean way and expected me to be okay with it? What to do now?

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • I like this guy but I screwed up.. What to do? :(?

    Okay so I like this guy and I said stuff I shouldn't have said, he was going to ask me out but I totally showed him that I am not interested.. How to fix things? I asked him about other girls and he asked me about my ex bf, the end of our converstation was:

    Me: Haven't you ever asked a girl out?

    Him: I did once but she rejected as I was two years younger than her

    Me: Was she in our school? (Message seen)

    *20 mins later*

    Me: I think either you got bored or you are busy.. I will bore you some other day if you come online and if you dont mind :P Gn sd tc it was nice talking to you :)

    He hasn't read this message and neither he replied it happened on 18th jan.. He has come onl9 after that but hasn't replied. What to do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How am I suppose to adjust in a new environment without friends?

    Me and my family are shifting to a new city 14 kms away from where we live now. All my friends are here and I don't want to leave them, I would be going to the same school but it wont be the same as I wont be able to meet them after the school like I used to. And I am sure I wont be able to make new friends there what should I do? I am stressing out. Help me please.

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Does this guy like me or am I over analyzing?

    He used to be in my class and I liked him, he would stare at me for the whole day and I would do the same. Yesterday we had a chat:

    Him: Hi :)

    Me: Hey :)

    Him: Hows u?

    Me: F9 wbu?

    Him: Good.. Are you still in the same scul?

    Me: Yeah and u?

    Him: *Mentioned his new scul name*

    Me: Oh nice.. Wht subjects have u taken I am sure u must have opted for science? :P

    Him: Yeah and you?

    Me: Arts.. Maths or biology?

    Him: Maths.. Are u still in a relationship?

    Me: No :( U?

    Him: No, I was never in a relationship :/

    Me: Who knows? Might have been a secret relationship :P

    Him: Nope dont you know?

    Me: Know what? You can also have a girlfrnd whts the big deal?

    Him: Hmm

    Me: I think you are busy.. We will talk later I guess?

    Him: No actually my server is slow

    Me: Oh U dont talk to me so I thought I must have bored you

    Him: No it's not like that I didn't talk to anyone in the school

    Me: You must have talked to them on facebook.. BTW were you shy? :P

    Him: You too were shy.. You also didn't talk to anyone :P

    Me: I didn't talk to our classmates I had lots of other guy friends in the school

    Him: WOW :P But those juniors you had better options

    Me: Like whom? no one was crazy about me

    Him: It not right.. two of my friends liked you (Mentions their names)

    Me: Don't lie :/ and as far as my ex bf is concerned you all judged him on his looks but in nature he was the sweetest guy I have ever met

    Him: But he was also a year younger than you.. you could have got a bf from our class

    Me: In our class? you name a boy I will make him fall for me :P and he was younger than you not me we are born in the same year

    Him: Yeah love is blind.. BTW you are beautiful dont underestimate yourself you could ask boys out most of them will agree

    Me: I dont ask boys out if someone ask me out I accept easily :P

    Him: If I would have asked you out would you have accepted?

    Me: Depends on how you would have asked and you should have feelings for whom you ask out and to whom you agree ;)

    Him: Right :)

    Me: Haven't you ever asked a girl out?

    Him: I did once but she rejected as I was two years younger than her

    Me: Was she in our school? (Message seen)

    *20 mins later*

    Me: I think either you got bored or you are busy.. I will bore you some other day if you come online and if you dont mind :P Gn sd tc it was nice talking to you :) (Message unread and not replied)

    He was online but he never saw my message or replied.. He had a server problem.. Also in past he told my sister that he didn't liked me but everything is confusing me now.. Should I ever message him first? What to do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why am I falling out of? Help me please?

    Me and my boyfriend have been in a relationship since more than an year now I loved him and he loved me too, he is very sweet caring romantic respects me and faithful, but just like everyone has flaws he has too, sometimes he forces me for things (not always) and doesn't realize, we both hurt each other a lot and he is also very naive and immature. And after certain event (Link for what event we faced:;_ylt=Al... feel like I am falling out of love, I also caught myself praying for this relationship to end when I was emotionally scarred, I don't want to fall out of love. Please help me with the situation. Thanks. Please don't hate or judge

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How to feel better after this incident? Help ASAP?

    Today me and my boyfriend had gone out on a date on our way back we were caught by the police as we were on a two wheeler without helmet and also my boyfriend forgot his license for the first time. The police was not ready to let us go they held both of us in their custody on the road side and were saying that they would let us go if we call our parents which we obviously could not. My boyfriend joined his hands and held his ears and kept apologizing but none of it worked then I stepped in and joined my hands in front of them and told them to let us go and apologized they made fun of us for a while and then asked us to kneel down and apologize with we did. It felt so insulting and I almost cried and so did my boyfriend. It is a very unforgettable moment for me and also for him and I am still in shock that I had to do something like that on a busy street. After all this the police let us go. And if anyone is wondering what kind of a crappy system is this ? It is Indian police. No hate please already crying how to feel better after this incident?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • My one year anniversary is coming up how to make it special? HELP ASAP?

    Yesterday my mood was off so I messaged my boyfriend that "My mood is off" he was in his extra classes so I didn't tell him to come and meet me or anything but just within 20 minutes of sending him the message he called me and said if I was free can I come downstairs? I told him I'd be there is 5 minutes. When I went downstairs he was waiting there for me, then he took me with him on a long drive and once we stopped at a quite place he told me to close my eyes and I did but since I was peeping he turned me around then after a minute he told me to open my eyes again and when I did and turned around he was standing there with a red rose and I had the biggest smile ever! He asked me why was I grinning? I told him it's because I loved his surprise and I love him and this rose will keep my smile for at least a day, so he replied if one rose can bring a smile on my face for so long then he would bring a garden next time and then he kissed my forehead and dropped me back home. I was so stunned and I felt like I am the most lucky person ever and I want him to feel that way too. I want to gift him something special that should not be too cheesy as his family already doesn't like me much and I don't want them to dislike me further more so I want to give him something classy and something that shows my love that he can keep with him forever. Help me please? Thanks

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How to protect her? Help ASAP?

    Me and my fiance's sister are very close to each other, we consider each other sisters as well. She likes this guy who is a big flirt which I could tell because he would stay stuff to my friend that he also tells my fiance's sister. But my fiance's sister is madly in love with him although they are not in a relationship, yesterday on facebook he was flirting with a girl in wall posts so my fiance's sister called me at 2 in the morning and cried her heart out, I didn't had the courage to tell her that he is a flirt so I rather tried to separate them for her own good without actually telling his harsh reality instead she snapped at me when I told her that if the guy is in a relationship she has to move on because he is not the one for her clearly, she asked me what would have I done if I was in her situation? Could I have moved on if her brother broke up with me? I told her that I don't have a say in that matter anymore and I just want her to be happy and I will always take her side no matter what, now that I have told my fiance the whole situation he is upset with her sister. I just want to know how can I protect her? Don't tell me that tell her the boy's reality because that is not an option she won't believe me he has earned her trust so much that she is willing to go against her own brother!

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • How do you like this small part of my story? Help ASAP?

    Please be honest and help me improve it by giving suggestions. It is just one part of the story:

    It was a beautiful Sunday morning I was already awake but too lazy to get out of the bed. I tried to move a bit but his arms held me securely close to himself. I could feel the warmth of his body on mine; I turned myself towards him and saw his perfect face. It was no secret that he always took my breath away. I slightly brushed my finger tips on his cheekbones but he was in a deep slumber. I smiled while looking at his innocent face. I moved my lips closer to his cheeks and kissed him gently, I loved him more than my life and I could spend my whole life in his arms, I sighed and tired to loosen his grip around my waist which I successfully did. I got out of the bed and stood on the cold floor bare footed, wearing only a plain white shirt of his. The shirt fell just above my knees, I turned to see him lying there with no shirt and I smiled to myself. I walked towards the balcony of our room. As I was looking at the picture perfect scene in front of my eyes I felt a pair of hands tightly holding me by my waist and a chin resting on top of my shoulder I turned to see my boyfriend, the love of my life, Aaron. I grinned at him and said “Good morning baby” “Good morning” he replied in his sleepy voice. I moved my lips closer to his and kissed him softly. “What was that for?” he asked me, “That was your good morning kiss”. He turned me towards himself and pulled me closer, my hands rested on his chest and his hands were locked around my waist. We both looked into each other’s eyes while my heart skipped a beat.

    I knew I was blushing so I started looking away, “Look at me please” he said softly and I tried to look into his eyes again. “I love you” I told him, “I love you too” he said before his lips touched mine again, my hand instinctively wrapped around his neck as we deepened the kiss and his hands held my waist more securely. As we ended the kiss a smile spread across my face, Aaron lifted me in his arms and I asked him “What happened?” “I am taking you inside.. in the bed” he announced with a wink as he started moving inside.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago