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  • My boyfriend said that our anniversary doesn't mean much to him?

    We've been together for almost a year & I brought up our anniversary last night & he blatantly said. "Eh, I know it means a lot to you but it doesn't to me" ......ouch... what a slap in the face!

    Here's the back story about us: he's older than I am & has had 6 other girlfriends before me. (2 who treated him like **** & one who he almost married) I understand that he's lived longer & has been with a couple of exes for a year or two & has experienced more in the dating life. I haven't had that luxury. He's my first real boyfriend because every other guy I was involved with used me for sex.

    Anyway, when he said that our one year doesn't mean much, I felt so hurt. His exes are his past & quite frankly they should stay there. I just feel like that statement gives me the impression that our relationship isn't as good as his previous ones. Please, any advice would be helpful.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Why is my dog being so clingy?

    Lately my dog has been been so clingy with me lately. He's been sleeping on my bed with me, following me around everywhere I go & there's the cuddling. Don't get me wrong, I love when he sits on my lap & snuggles with me but sometimes I'll try to move or get up & he'll start or cry & pretty much hold onto with his paws? Where is this behavior coming from & how do I stop it. At first I thought it was cute but it's becoming annoying.

    6 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Why do guys move on so fast?

    I'm not talking about all guys of course, just speaking from experience. Why do some move on so quickly after a break up? They seem to find another girl within a week. My boyfriend did that with his last girlfriend v& he was with her for 2. 3 weeks after they broke up, was with someone else. Last guy I dated broke my heart & I grieved for weeks til I got better.

    Singles & Dating6 years ago
  • How do I get my boyfriend to stop snoring?

    I stay at his place ar least 3 or 4 times a week & he snores really loud. I can even hear him through my ear plugs! Is there a method to stop snoring?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Is there anyone you regret dating?

    My first "boyfriend" was only with fme for sex & the second one was long distance & all we did was have sex in the little time that we were together. I'm with someone who everything I've ever dreamed of. I regret the first 2 guys I dated because they hurt me & made me feel like ****.

    Have you ever dated someone & regretted it?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Why do old men hit on me?

    I'm a 20 year old college student & I have a boyfriend of over 8 months. Neverthless, I get hit on all the time. Why? And why do men old enough to be my grandfather flirt with me? I usually politely tell them that I'm not interested but they continue anyway.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Why are some people so stuck up?

    I've been noticing lately that people both young & old, of different racial backgrounds & genders seem to put themselves on a high horse when comes to looks & money. Why do some ppeople feel the need to act like they're superior because they have a lot of money & nice things? Or that they can get away with anything because they're attractive? Or put less fortunate people down? It saddens because I see this happening all the time, mainly at my college.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events6 years ago
  • How do I stop being envious of others?

    Before anyone lectures me on the difference between jealousy & envy, I already know it. Jealousy, in my definition, is the feaer of something being taken away so you resent the souce who's threating you. Envy is feeling unsatisfied because someone has something that you don't have but want. That's how I feel about my boyfriend, a few of my friends & my family. What they all have in common is that they've traveled all over the world, met interesting & famous people & done amazing things. I feel as though I've never accomplished anything like they have. I know I shouldn't compare myself to others but I can't shake this feeling of boredom. I do the same thing each week, go to school & do work. I don't have a real job (dog walker) and I've been to a few states in the US. I want to see the world too. I want to go Europe & Asia & the Middle, meet the Queen and all! I feel stuck I don't know how stop feeling this way. I feel bad for envying the people I love the most because it feels wrong.

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Why was my dog crying when I took him out in the snow?

    I think it has to do with the salt on the ground. I took him out today & he started limping & whining so much, I had to carry him the rest of the way. Does the salt in the snow hurt his paws somehow?

    3 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • How do I survive college?

    I'm 20 & currently a freshman. I'm actually supposed to be finishing my sophomore year by this May but I got kicked out of my first college for something I didn't do & frankly I don't want to share the painful details. Anyway I applied to the school that I go to now but my parents made me start all over, hence me being a freshman. I started summer school & it all went downhill from there. I was costantly in a out of the financial aid office due to money isses, I didn't do very well in my classez & due to non payment, my classes were dropped. I tried my best to get reinstated & my older sister had to pull out a huge loan to put me back in school. But then the depression happened. I declined mentally & I skiped classes & withdreq mid semester. As a result, I lost the rest of my financial aid. I was heartbroken. This semester, I'm doing much better because I have better teachers & classes but I'm still haunted by the the awful last few months of last year. I still have financial issues & this time my sister isn't willing to help. Even my boyfriend, who's older & has a job can't help me. I'm afraid that this semester will be a repeat of the last. What do I do? I'm so miserable.

    4 AnswersFinancial Aid6 years ago
  • What did you do with your boyfriend or husband for Valentine's?

    I'm just curious!

    For anyone in a relationship or not, all comments welcome :)

    Doesn't matter if you like Valentine's or or not.

    5 AnswersValentine's Day6 years ago
  • Why does my friend keep eating dog food & how do I get her to stop?

    Before I say saying, let me tell you thst I myself have tried dog food...when I was 5! What little kid hasn't?

    One of my girl friends has sick obsession with dog food, the wet kind. She's 19 & is going through a rough time financially, academically & socially & I'm aware that people tend to binge eat when they're stressed but dog food?! I've caught her on several occasions eating it & I just think it's gross & it'll make her sick eventually. She's already thrown up once after eating 2 whole cans in a row. How do I help her? She's really concerning me lately.

    3 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Why do little boys flirt with me?

    I'm 20 years old, turning 21 in May & I have a boyfriend. I work at a high school in my town as a part time tutor in English. Lately, most of the kids that I tutor are males, ages 14-16 mostly. They're great kids but they all flirt with's so weird, one is trying to ask me to this dance at school, another said he'd cook me dinner at his house & most recently this one boy has been a little touchy feely with me. Always rubbing my arms & back. It's uncomfortable & I'd like them to stop. How do I tell them to cut it out but in a nice way? I'd really like to keep working with these kids but they're getting a little too close to me.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Why was I thinking about my ex?

    The other night I was lying next to my current boyfriend & I caught myself thinking about my ex boyfriend! I can't imagine why because for starters, we broke up 2 & a half years a go! This jerk cheated on me & lied about it. I guess I just feel guilty that I was thinking about someone who hurt me while I was sitting right next to someone who treats me so wonderfully....was I wrong for thinking about him?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How do I get my ex to leave me alone?

    I've been with my current boyfriend for 8 months & we're very happy. However my ex has been bothering us lately. We were together for 5 & a half months & we broke up a year and 2 months ago! He's been constantly calling, texting & emailing me, waiting outside my apartment & showing up at my school. He also threatened my boyfriend. He's followed him home & got into a fight over me, saying that he loves me more than my boyfriend does & that he's not good enough for me. What do I do?? It's been over a year, why can't he move on already? I have & I've never been happier!

    I'm 20, btw.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Why is my period so irregular?

    I had my period since I was 13 & at first, it came around the same day each month. I'm 20 now in the last year & a half, it has cut down to being 3 days long. Just recently, I missed an entire month due to stress. Ever since then, my period has been coming 3-4 days late. No, I'm not pregnant, I've taken tests, been to a gynecologist & my boyfriend & I use, why is my period off a few days each month?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • How do I kill myself?

    I'm 19 & basically done with life. I've screwed up my relationship & my education & living is unbearable. Any suggestions for a quick death? No, i'm not a troll, I'm just worthless.

    12 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • I want to commit suicide...?

    Long story short, I'm a hopeless case. I make mistakes over & over, I make people miserable & I'm just so damn useless. I just got dropped from my classes for the 3rd time & no one's willing to help me out, not even my boyfriend. I'm basically homeless since my sister makes me feel unwanted & never gives me the key & I can't live with my boyfriend because he can't afford to finance the both of us. Plus, I have no job so no money. I've been trying for months but still nothing. I have no car, no licence & no purpose on this earth. I'd rather die than to live another day knowing that I'm a total failure.

    Mental Health6 years ago
  • Why do some people hate Ariana Grande?

    I've seen so many rumors about her being fake, rude, a slut, a diva, a copycat....people come up with pretty horrible stuff about her. I don't believe it all but why does she get so much hste?

    11 AnswersCelebrities6 years ago