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Lv 19 points

Jessica M

Favorite Answers11%
  • Emotionally distant ?

    So my boyfriend and I are both freshman in college and we are currently on winter break (about 3 weeks long) we become best friends at the beginning of the semester and everyone thought we were dating cause we always hung out eventually we defined our relationship kissed and so on. Well he is very impatient sometimes which I understand cause I am too. He loves his xbox just like most guys lol and that doesn't bother me sometimes I play it too. Well since break he's been working a lot and what not so he is tired by the time he gets home which I understand as I worked in a restaurant before . But he will b like fineeeee we can FaceTime but says it like it's a chore. Ten he is playing xbox while I'm sitting by the tv (on te phone of course) I just feel like he's being emotionally distant and it's bothering me because I'm in love with him but don't want to say i love you first. I'm also his first girlfriend ever. Which knowing him you would not think that haha. I just feel like he is losing interest and I've slightly brought it up and he tells me that he likes me sooo much and not to worry. He got me a beautiful expensive necklace for Christmas before we left which I know he wouldn't do unless he has feelibgs. It just seems like if in not physically with him he doesn't care and thT bothers me. I don't know what to do??..

    Singles & Dating6 years ago

    So I recently became friends with this guy that I went to school with his younger brother. Well for one he is Jewish and so am I and we are like the only two families that are in our town. He is super sweet and cute. He just got out of a two year relationship about a week ago though. And he was like madly in love with her and obviously still does. But she has no problem "just being friends" with him. He has been texting me from morning till night and we have hung out several times. This morning he texted me "good morning beautiful!" Is it possible to be in love with someone that you've never dated???? Im not even kidding! it;s insane how alike and how good of a guy he is. But he asks me about her and all this stuff and I told him that he is going to have to let go because she obiouvsly just wants to be friends. She cheated on him once before which is complete BS. I know it is way to early for anything to happen and I can be friends but I seriously think I am falling for him without even being with him its kinda crazy!!!! What should I do???? And he will flirt with me and then not like idk....And yesterday he admitted to me that he does like me and his ex knows too but yet she makes him feel like ****. grrrr.... I told him I like him to but do not want to be a rebound.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • Best ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    So I recently became friends with this guy that I went to school with his younger brother. Well for one he is Jewish and so am I and we are like the only two families that are in our town. He is super sweet and cute. He just got out of a two year relationship about a week ago though. And he was like madly in love with her and obviously still does. But she has no problem "just being friends" with him. He has been texting me from morning till night and we have hung out several times. This morning he texted me "good morning beautiful!" Is it possible to be in love with someone that you've never dated???? Im not even kidding! it;s insane how alike and how good of a guy he is. But he asks me about her and all this stuff and I told him that he is going to have to let go because she obiouvsly just wants to be friends. She cheated on him once before which is complete BS. I know it is way to early for anything to happen and I can be friends but I seriously think I am falling for him without even being with him its kinda crazy!!!! What should I do???? And he will flirt with me and then not like idk....

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Lost on what to do! Best answer!!!!!?

    So I recently became friends with this guy that I went to school with his younger brother. Well for one he is Jewish and so am I and we are like the only two families that are in our town. He is super sweet and cute. He just got out of a two year relationship about a week ago though. And he was like madly in love with her and obviously still does. But she has no problem "just being friends" with him. He has been texting me from morning till night and we have hung out several times. This morning he texted me "good morning beautiful!" Is it possible to be in love with someone that you've never dated???? Im not even kidding! it;s insane how alike and how good of a guy he is. But he asks me about her and all this stuff and I told him that he is going to have to let go because she obiouvsly just wants to be friends. She cheated on him once before which is complete BS. I know it is way to early for anything to happen and I can be friends but I seriously think I am falling for him without even being with him its kinda crazy!!!! What should I do???? And he will flirt with me and then not like idk....

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What should I do?? BEST ANSWER!!!?

    So I recently became friends with this guy that I went to school with his younger brother. Well for one he is Jewish and so am I and we are like the only two families that are in our town. He is super sweet and cute. He just got out of a two year relationship about a week ago though. And he was like madly in love with her and obviously still does. But she has no problem "just being friends" with him. He has been texting me from morning till night and we have hung out several times. This morning he texted me "good morning beautiful!" Is it possible to be in love with someone that you've never dated???? Im not even kidding! it;s insane how alike and how good of a guy he is. But he asks me about her and all this stuff and I told him that he is going to have to let go because she obiouvsly just wants to be friends. She cheated on him once before which is complete BS. I know it is way to early for anything to happen and I can be friends but I seriously think I am falling for him without even being with him its kinda crazy!!!! What should I do???? And he will flirt with me and then not like idk....

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Help ! Best Answer will be chosen!!!?

    So I currently live out of state of where I will be attending college this fall. I am 16 and graduated early at a college level. I met this guy that lives in the same state I am moving to for college but happens to be from the exact same town I grew up in too! (its insane how this happened) Well he just turned 22 which the age difference does not bother me at all! He is super respectful, cute, and we have soooo much in common including where we both grew up and also worked in the same exact place yet never knew each other! haha! Well my sister keeps telling me that I should not only keep my eyes on him and that I should wait until I get into college because there will be other guys. He will only be one hour from where ill be and we are both really interested in each other. I guess what I am asking it dumb or stupid to go to where I am going to college and start dating him? OR should I just wait and date other guys?

    I did not intend for us to meet... its like everyone has a twin flame or two in life and the fact that we met and are from the exact same town, work and everything and both live in the same state that is cross country is insane

  • help??? best answer will be chosen!!!!!?

    So I currently live out of state of where I will be attending college this fall. I am 16 and graduated early at a college level. I met this guy that lives in the same state I am moving to for college but happens to be from the exact same town I grew up in too! (its insane how this happened) Well he just turned 22 which the age difference does not bother me at all! He is super respectful, cute, and we have soooo much in common including where we both grew up and also worked in the same exact place yet never knew each other! haha! Well my sister keeps telling me that I should not only keep my eyes on him and that I should wait until I get into college because there will be other guys. He will only be one hour from where ill be and we are both really interested in each other. I guess what I am asking it dumb or stupid to go to where I am going to college and start dating him? OR should I just wait and date other guys?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • help??> BEST ANSWER!!!?

    So I feel as though I am ready for college because I am more mature and advanced. Not that I think high school classes are not challenging but because I know exactly what and where I wanna do and go. Im not interested in senior "Homecoming" and "prom" Im not even going to remember all that jazz in 20 years. But I am thinking of dropping out this semester and getting my GED. Im taking the tab test for the GED on monday and from there on I will have to decide whether to drop out or not. I would like to start my first year of college when my senior year it should be. I dont want to be told i'm stupid not to get my actual high school diploma. I know where I want to go and I want some actual opinions and advice from people that are going to be helpful to me.

    Thanks in advance! (:

    2 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago
  • Should I say yes or no ??!?

    So this guy lets call him A Is really cute. He is talkative but I can see the side of him that is quiet and doesn't let much emotion show even through you can see he is sensitive. He told me he liked me the other day and I said I can't say the same because I don't know him that well. Well I live in a small town and rumors are constantly going around. Everyone says he is a man whore and sleeps around. They say he cheats and such. Well when I was talking to him he was telling me that he went to church camps this summer and was a counsellor for the kids and such. And I know that is true because I am friends with his older brother. Well one of my friends responded to him on my phone and said that I am not ready for a relationship and that I just wanna be friends. When I got home I messaged him again and said that its not that there isn't a chance I just am not ready for a relationship at this moment and I want to become better friends and get to know each other a lot better . What should I do? I feel so stupid. And like in school ill be on my phone Doug my book work and he's on the computer and we will be messaging back and forth and ill glance over and he will smile and laugh a little at my messages and smile throughout typing back. It's cute. But all my friends say not to date him and all he wants is sex. He said he is a virgin which idk because i don't know him that well. Everyone else says he isn't.

    3 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • HELPE?? Best answer will be chosen!!!!!?

    So this guy lets call him A Is really cute. He is talkative but I can see the side of him that is quiet and doesn't let much emotion show even through you can see he is sensitive. He told me he liked me the other day and I said I can't say the same because I don't know him that well. Well I live in a small town and rumors are constantly going around. Everyone says he is a man whore and sleeps around. They say he cheats and such. Well when I was talking to him he was telling me that he went to church camps this summer and was a counsellor for the kids and such. And I know that is true because I am friends with his older brother. Well one of my friends responded to him on my phone and said that I am not ready for a relationship and that I just wanna be friends. When I got home I messaged him again and said that its not that there isn't a chance I just am not ready for a relationship at this moment and I want to become better friends and get to know each other a lot better . What should I do? I feel so stupid. And like in school ill be on my phone Doug my book work and he's on the computer and we will be messaging back and forth and ill glance over and he will smile and laugh a little at my messages and smile throughout typing back. It's cute. But all my friends say not to date him and all he wants is sex. He said he is a virgin which idk because i don't know him that well. Everyone else says he isn't.

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Best answer 10 points!!!!!!?

    So this guy lets call him A Is really cute. He is talkative but I can see the side of him that is quiet and doesn't let much emotion show even through you can see he is sensitive. He told me he liked me the other day and I said I can't say the same because I don't know him that well. Well I live in a small town and rumors are constantly going around. Everyone says he is a man whore and sleeps around. They say he cheats and such. Well when I was talking to him he was telling me that he went to church camps this summer and was a counsellor for the kids and such. And I know that is true because I am friends with his older brother. Well one of my friends responded to him on my phone and said that I am not ready for a relationship and that I just wanna be friends. When I got home I messaged him again and said that its not that there isn't a chance I just am not ready for a relationship at this moment and I want to become better friends and get to know each other a lot better . What should I do? I feel so stupid. And like in school ill be on my phone Doug my book work and he's on the computer and we will be messaging back and forth and ill glance over and he will smile and laugh a little at my messages and smile throughout typing back. It's cute. But all my friends say not to date him and all he wants is sex. He said he is a virgin which idk because i don't know him that well. Everyone else says he isn't.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • What should I do??!?........?

    So this guy lets call him A Is really cute. He is talkative but I can see the side of him that is quiet and doesn't let much emotion show even through you can see he is sensitive. He told me he liked me the other day and I said I can't say the same because I don't know him that well. Well I live in a small town and rumors are constantly going around. Everyone says he is a man whore and sleeps around. They say he cheats and such. Well when I was talking to him he was telling me that he went to church camps this summer and was a counsellor for the kids and such. And I know that is true because I am friends with his older brother. Well one of my friends responded to him on my phone and said that I am not ready for a relationship and that I just wanna be friends. When I got home I messaged him again and said that its not that there isn't a chance I just am not ready for a relationship at this moment and I want to become better friends and get to know each other a lot better . What should I do? I feel so stupid. And like in school ill be on my phone Doug my book work and he's on the computer and we will be messaging back and forth and ill glance over and he will smile and laugh a little at my messages and smile throughout typing back. It's cute. But all my friends say not to date him and all he wants is sex. He said he is a virgin which idk because i don't know him that well. Everyone else says he isn't.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago

    my now ex boyfriend and I dated for two months officialy on May 9th. Well we went on a date Tuesday may 7th. He is mormon and leaving on his mission soon and I told him that I couldnt wait because im only baout to be a junior in high school and im moving out of state this summer. We had a heart felt night and both were in tears and he told me that he really wanted to stay together and make the best of it so we agreed on that. Well the past couple days he was acting like a complete a** and I texted him telling him that he was being rude and what did I do wrong? He texrted me back saying that he just doesnt have time for me lately and wont for weeks becasue is too busy with work.Earlier yesterday we were textin and he asked if I wanted to break up? and I told him that it was rude to do that over text and he said that he wasnt breaking up with me at that point at all. Well from FACEBOOK yes FACEBOOK I found out he went hot tubbing with 3 girls which happen to be town sluts last night. He told me earlier yesterday that he couldnt hang out last night because he had work in the morning. We he has to get up at 4 to go to work so he would never stay past 8:30 at my house. Well he was hottubing until like 11 last night with ONLY three girls. He was also supposed to call me and he never did so I gave up and said im going to bed. Then this morning he said that he was going to invite me last night which was bullshit. I said that isnt love you could of came face to face to me and talked to me instead of going hottubbing for several hours. PLus he told me that he oucldnt do anything that night. He said that he loved me but it changed when he found out I was moving. Am I wrong to call him an a**hole and be mad at him for going hot tubbing for several hours when he could of came over to see me and talked to me in person. ? I broke up with him over text and said since you dont have time to see me I dont have time to see you to do this in person. He was so nice on Tuesday then wednesday, thurdsday and friday he was a complete jerk. am I in the wrong? And I just found out that they had their boyfriends there but the fact is he told me he couldn't hang out e cause of work and went hottubing he lied to me and that's what is bothering me.

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • Would you feel bad or no?

    my now ex boyfriend and I dated for two months officialy on May 9th. Well we went on a date Tuesday may 7th. He is mormon and leaving on his mission soon and I told him that I couldnt wait because im only baout to be a junior in high school and im moving out of state this summer. We had a heart felt night and both were in tears and he told me that he really wanted to stay together and make the best of it so we agreed on that. Well the past couple days he was acting like a complete a** and I texted him telling him that he was being rude and what did I do wrong? He texrted me back saying that he just doesnt have time for me lately and wont for weeks becasue is too busy with work.Earlier yesterday we were textin and he asked if I wanted to break up? and I told him that it was rude to do that over text and he said that he wasnt breaking up with me at that point at all. Well from FACEBOOK yes FACEBOOK I found out he went hot tubbing with 3 girls which happen to be town sluts last night. He told me earlier yesterday that he couldnt hang out last night because he had work in the morning. We he has to get up at 4 to go to work so he would never stay past 8:30 at my house. Well he was hottubing until like 11 last night with ONLY three girls. He was also supposed to call me and he never did so I gave up and said im going to bed. Then this morning he said that he was going to invite me last night which was bullshit. I said that isnt love you could of came face to face to me and talked to me instead of going hottubbing for several hours. PLus he told me that he oucldnt do anything that night. He said that he loved me but it changed when he found out I was moving. Am I wrong to call him an a**hole and be mad at him for going hot tubbing for several hours when he could of came over to see me and talked to me in person. ? I broke up with him over text and said since you dont have time to see me I dont have time to see you to do this in person. He was so nice on Tuesday then wednesday, thurdsday and friday he was a complete jerk. am I in the wrong? And I just found out that they had their boyfriends there but the fact is he told me he couldn't hang out e cause of work and went hottubing he lied to me and that's what is bothering me.

  • HElp???????..................?

    So my now ex boyfriend and I dated for two months officialy on May 9th. Well we went on a date Tuesday may 7th. He is mormon and leaving on his mission soon and I told him that I couldnt wait because im only baout to be a junior in high school and im moving out of state this summer. We had a heart felt night and both were in tears and he told me that he really wanted to stay together and make the best of it so we agreed on that. Well the past couple days he was acting like a complete a** and I texted him telling him that he was being rude and what did I do wrong? He texrted me back saying that he just doesnt have time for me lately and wont for weeks becasue is too busy with work.Earlier yesterday we were textin and he asked if I wanted to break up? and I told him that it was rude to do that over text and he said that he wasnt breaking up with me at that point at all. Well from FACEBOOK yes FACEBOOK I found out he went hot tubbing with 3 girls which happen to be town sluts last night. He told me earlier yesterday that he couldnt hang out last night because he had work in the morning. We he has to get up at 4 to go to work so he would never stay past 8:30 at my house. Well he was hottubing until like 11 last night with ONLY three girls. He was also supposed to call me and he never did so I gave up and said im going to bed. Then this morning he said that he was going to invite me last night which was bullshit. I said that isnt love you could of came face to face to me and talked to me instead of going hottubbing for several hours. PLus he told me that he oucldnt do anything that night. He said that he loved me but it changed when he found out I was moving. Am I wrong to call him an a**hole and be mad at him for going hot tubbing for several hours when he could of came over to see me and talked to me in person. ? I broke up with him over text and said since you dont have time to see me I dont have time to see you to do this in person. He was so nice on Tuesday then wednesday, thurdsday and friday he was a complete jerk. am I in the wrong?

  • Was I wrong???????????????

    So my now ex boyfriend and I dated for two months officialy on May 9th. Well we went on a date Tuesday may 7th. He is mormon and leaving on his mission soon and I told him that I couldnt wait because im only baout to be a junior in high school and im moving out of state this summer. We had a heart felt night and both were in tears and he told me that he really wanted to stay together and make the best of it so we agreed on that. Well the past couple days he was acting like a complete a** and I texted him telling him that he was being rude and what did I do wrong? He texrted me back saying that he just doesnt have time for me lately and wont for weeks becasue is too busy with work.Earlier yesterday we were textin and he asked if I wanted to break up? and I told him that it was rude to do that over text and he said that he wasnt breaking up with me at that point at all. Well from FACEBOOK yes FACEBOOK I found out he went hot tubbing with 3 girls which happen to be town sluts last night. He told me earlier yesterday that he couldnt hang out last night because he had work in the morning. We he has to get up at 4 to go to work so he would never stay past 8:30 at my house. Well he was hottubing until like 11 last night with ONLY three girls. He was also supposed to call me and he never did so I gave up and said im going to bed. Then this morning he said that he was going to invite me last night which was bullshit. I said that isnt love you could of came face to face to me and talked to me instead of going hottubbing for several hours. PLus he told me that he oucldnt do anything that night. He said that he loved me but it changed when he found out I was moving. Am I wrong to call him an a**hole and be mad at him for going hot tubbing for several hours when he could of came over to see me and talked to me in person. ? I broke up with him over text and said since you dont have time to see me I dont have time to see you to do this in person. He was so nice on Tuesday then wednesday, thurdsday and friday he was a complete jerk. am I in the wrong?

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • Is this bullying??.........?

    This girl at school started to bump.into me everytins i walk by after english class...i didny know her name until last week and she told one of her best friends that haopenrd to be rught next to my good friend that they dont likeme and i purposly shoved her in the hallway....i never she really pissrd and bumped me so hard i ended up pushing into my friend..i finally went to the counsler but she wasnt much helpp...i dint get it becaus i have never NEVER said even one word to this bullying? I think i am.trying sooo hard not to push bacj cause ny way if settling it would.prob be a fighy...its just annoying causr i dont even know.her......was i wrong for goinf to the "higher power"?? of her friends heard a runor that i was talking **** and that other friend confronted ne and i said if it happens agaib she will "settle it" with me..i dodnt even know her would.i b talking **** lol? These girls..i dint understand..why r they picking on me??...and no she never says sorry...she likes sees me and makes it intential

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Is this bullying??.........?

    This girl at school started to bump.into me everytins i walk by after english class...i didny know her name until last week and she told one of her best friends that haopenrd to be rught next to my good friend that they dont likeme and i purposly shoved her in the hallway....i never she really pissrd and bumped me so hard i ended up pushing into my friend..i finally went to the counsler but she wasnt much helpp...i dint get it becaus i have never NEVER said even one word to this bullying? I think i am.trying sooo hard not to push bacj cause ny way if settling it would.prob be a fighy...its just annoying causr i dont even know.her......was i wrong for goinf to the "higher power"?? of her friends heard a runor that i was talking **** and that other friend confronted ne and i said if it happens agaib she will "settle it" with me..i dodnt even know her would.i b talking **** lol? These girls..i dint understand..why r they picking on me??

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Is this bullying??.........?

    This girl at school started to bump.into me everytins i walk by after english class...i didny know her name until last week and she told one of her best friends that haopenrd to be rught next to my good friend that they dont likeme and i purposly shoved her in the hallway....i never she really pissrd and bumped me so hard i ended up pushing into my friend..i finally went to the counsler but she wasnt much helpp...i dint get it becaus i have never NEVER said even one word to this bullying? I think i am.trying sooo hard not to push bacj cause ny way if settling it would.prob be a fighy...its just annoying causr i dont even know.her...

    8 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • What do you think? best answer will be chosen!!?

    My boyfriend and I went over to his house yesterday after school..(hes a senior im a sophmore) and he was acting holding my hand..NOTHING..i thought it was weird and thought about him breaking up with me but denied it...well then i said I didnt want to go home but he took me home anyways and I gave him a little turtle(his fav animal) that I bought in cali last week when I visited and he set it down on my sink and took me outside..i knew he was going to say something and all he had to say was "jessica" when I knew he was breaking up with me... see he has a friend that we will call "k" well im also friends with k and I know that he has liked me before my boyfriend even asked me out. Well my boyfirned found out last week though one of his other friends. And my boyfriend and k have been best friends since they have been 5 and still are.. He said he felt like he was betraying him because he just found that out...he still wants to remain friends and he still does have feelings.. he tried giving me another hug but I just said goodnight and walked away becasue I was about to burst out in tears again.....I talked to k last night and he said that he purposly never said anything becasue he didnt want to "cut" in while we were dating. I dont know if this is just an excuse to break up? because he seemed very sincre about it and I know he cares a lot about his friends. but what do you think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago