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  • Should I have my husband file injured spouse again this year just in case?

    Last year our tax refund was offset because I have student loan debt (from a set of loans I didn't know originated from a different source/lender than the one that I have been paying), the notices were going to the incorrect address and the loan(s) defaulted. Last year I got a notice early fall that my refund would be offset. This year, I did not get a notice that there would be an offset. Should I have my husband file injured spouse form 8379 again this year just in case there is an offset or do they always send a notice with the intent to offset first. I know that if we file injured spouse for my husband that the refund will be delayed so if there is no threat of a subsequent offset then I'd prefer not to file it.

    1 AnswerUnited States7 years ago
  • Our whole EIC and refund was offset what can we get back?

    I was expecting some to be offset but not the whole refund. I have student loan debt my husband does not. Our whole refund including EIC was offset. We do not live in a community property state. How much of the return can my husband get back? (Half or more?) He was the primary earner for the year?

    5 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • Checklist For New Professional Tax Preparer This Season?

    I really wanted to prepare taxes this season and go solo. Hourly rates at tax prep offices (like Liberty are too low for me) and I'm planning on doing CPA review and testing after the tax season is over. I would prefer to operate from home by going mobile, and offer drop off and pickup service. I have a BS in Accounting and completed coursework then for tax preparation for both individuals and business. I've done my own and have previously worked for Liberty Tax service. I have passed test certifcations through Liberty Tax (passed through Level 2). I'm currently brushing up on 2011 tax law changes and reviewing Pub 17. I have renewed my PTIN. I have until 12/2013 to take my Competency Exam not really too worried about passing the exam. I just found out if you go over 11 returns you have to get an EFIN to eFile this tax season. So I have started the application for the EFIN. I've done alot of research on IRS website and through my state (Maryland) for requirements needed. I still want to move forward though I'm a little overwhelmed. At this point is it even worth it to secure the software and attempt to operate this tax season? I was advised by a Live Chat rep that Pro Series Pay Per Return would be best for this true? Thoughts, suggestions, general advice?

    2 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • AC Jack On Laptop Smoking!?

    Okay my cord/ a/c cord has a short in it. We've been plugging and holding it in place but now it started smoking. Is the laptop damaged? Its still on or do we just need to get a new cord? I unplugged it IMMEDIATELY!

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Normal or possible/ probably early signs of miscarriage?

    Okay so here's my test I took last week on the 14th when I was a week late

    I've been cramping and I had dull back ache twice during the time I should have had my period---which minus the backache was normal for me since I had cramping w/ my first pregnancy. Monday I had an uncomfortable back ache but laid down put my feet up and it quickly passed, I do have back issues from time to time.

    Last night I had some discharge, it was clear and slimy and tinged/ speckled w/ brown spots that were like tiny ground up bacon bits coffee ground size and streamed out. Later went again and when I wiped there was a scant light brown discharge like coffee w/ lots of creamer on the toilet paper. I haven't ever experienced discharge w/ pregnancy or spotting with my first so that's why I'm asking.

    I'm always hungry constantly feeling hunger pains and my stomach has been a little achy. Just feel like I'm not getting enough to eat. Weaning my other LO kind of cold turkey which has been challenging but the last couple of nights have gotten her to sleep MILK FREE! And have had a very stressful week.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Signs of a miscarriage?

    I'm very worried. I just tested positive on an HPT last week. My LMP was 11/10. I've had ALOT go down since then stress related. I had cramping and dull backache during the time when my period should have showed, I had experienced the dull backache and the cramping yesterday but put my feet up got some rest and it passed by midmorning. I just went to the bathroom, and there was a sizeable trail of brown spotting, the brown spotting resembled slimy brown crumbs (NO red or pink). Last night I did have sex w/ my husband. I just wanted to know if anyone experienced brown spotting/ discharge w/ a miscarriage?

    Sadly the answers I have read already on here are so mixed, few say they did spot brown and miscarried others said they were fine and its the bright red and pink stuff to be worried about.

    Other symptoms stomach ache, constant and intense hunger pains I feel like I can't eat enough and am starving, stomach feels like slightly achy. My stomach is just a little sore like after you do crunches its not like a literal burning sensation.

    I plan on calling the docs tomorrow but just wanted to see if anyone experienced the same. Praying that everything will be alright.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Turkey In The Bathtub??!!?

    At first I thought my husband was joking when he mentioned it the other night, discussing Thanksgiving rituals such as staying up all night snapping string beans, shucking corn. But then he mentioned his mother soaking the turkey in the bathtub. I said NO WAY...stop playing/ you're joking, and he was like no seriously she does and I was like whatever and laughing and we were both laughing so I shrugged it off. Well tonight we were on the phone talking since this will be my first year cooking a Thanksgiving Meal and she was sharing how she preps, and different cooking procedures and she mentioned that she soaks the turkey in the bathtub!!! Said she disinfects and bleaches it out but I think that is SO TRIFLIN and GROSS. And her bathtub is like RIGHT next to the toilet. She mentioned something else she uses / soaks in the bathtub I think greens.

    And they are asking if we are still coming over for Thanksgiving despite the fact we're cooking at home too this year. I'm SO GROSSED OUT. I think it's nasty/ highly unsanitary I don't care who else does it. I'm no germophobe but at the same time cleansers do leave behind traces of scum and stuff. I mean so what if you disinfect and or bleach its just the thought of eating a turkey that has been soaking in my in-laws bodily fluids and other things. I mean how can you even think of putting a turkey where you soak your ****??!! YUCK! Would you be a little freaked out? Would you still eat it? LOL I think I'm gonna pass. Stick to desert.

    8 AnswersThanksgiving1 decade ago
  • Did you forgo having a second child for monetary reasons or did you go through with it anyways?

    I'm curious to know others experiences with this.

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Should I be Lydia or Storm?

    We were invited to a Halloween Party and my husband is going as Beetlejuice. I'm a creative person and like to put my own spin on things make my own but I can't decide, if I want to be Lydia or Storm (although the red wedding dress scene recreation is out her everyday look is okay) I have purple and black lashes I bought in case I dress up as Lydia and I have a wig that very closely resembles Storm's modern day hairstyle along w/ silver hair spray paint. What do you think? Who should I be?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does this mean that Accounting may not be a good fit for me either?

    I have a 4 year degree in Accounting. I recently took a bank teller job b/c I REALLY needed the money and felt like it was a good entry level position and that having studied Accounting it would make that job easier (SO WRONG about that one) and that it might boost my resume and help me get into Accounting field. Well that plan fell flat as I was let go today from my position as a teller due to cash countdown errors. So my question is does this mean or is it an inkling that Accounting may not be a good field for me to work in at all?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • How Often Do You See Your In-Laws?

    Mine are used to seeing their grands and each other almost daily well quite a few times out the week, our daughter is one of the first grands not to have been born in their house and the only one who currently lives so far (1 hour away) so its an adjustment for them as everyone else is like lives right across the street or 10-15 mins tops away. They (MIL and FIL) always say they don't see our 1 year old daughter enough (for as long as she has been born) but they see her every week. If they don't see her for like 2 weekends its a BIG deal/ like such a long time (ie: we saw them Labor Day Weekend at a family function and didn't come by their place again until this past weekend).

    They joke but I can tell they are borderline serious (like FIL said to her "don't see you enough gal"...sometimes MIL jokes if she still remembers/ knows them *rolls eyes "yeah the last time we saw her was at Uncle So and So's house for Labor Day Weekend, it's been a while, she's growing so fast and doing so much already". I feel bad b/c there are people on my side like my grandmother/ her great grandmother who haven't even met her yet and they see her EVERY week and at almost every holiday and family function of theirs. If we don't show up and decide we want to do something different/ or else for the weekend they call, one time we went to Ocean City for the weekend and they were blowing my husband's phone up the whole time. I feel like controlled in a sense like I'm not free to do as I please on my weekends. I feel they are a little selfish and inconsiderate and some times we do need time for others as well as ourselves.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is Quickbooks that much different and more complicated than Peachtree?

    I'm a recent Accounting Grad back in the job market. I'm frustrated b/c I learned Peachtree in undergrad not Quickbooks (they don't even teach it in undergrad most schools teach Peachtree in Accounting Information Systems courses). However, most if not all jobs that I would otherwise qualify for require Quickbooks experience. I'm considering just taking a small certification course for it (Quickbooks that is). But is it that comlicated/ hard that it would make it necessary to even bother getting certified/ taking a course for it if I already know a similar financial database and forms based software. Shouldn't the financial background knowledge be more important as well?

    (Please don't answer unless you are familiar w/ the softwares or have at least heard of them/ know of them).

    5 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Why would a man care what his significant other's friends look like?

    Why ask a woman why she is the only "looker" in her group/ circle of friends and what's up w/ her friends and why they look at certain way as opposed to another way.

    Like it because he would expect her to hang out w/ just pretty people b/c she is pretty/ considered very beautiful.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is it bad luck for the groom to see a picture of your gown?

    I wanted to keep it a surprise but ended up showing him "the one" that I really want (he actually really likes that one too) and a couple of others I am considering as back ups. It was going to be a surprise but now he will be the one more than likely buying my gown so I wanted his opinion...I still plan on getting what I want but I also want to look good for him on Our day (not be in something that he finds unattractive or ugly).

    FYI: He will not be present for fittings or when I try on and actually purchase the gown he's only "financing" it lol.

    13 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • What are some of the most common and the most bizarre wedding superstitions and myths you have heard?

    I'm getting married soon and was curious to know of the various most common and crazy Wedding Superstitions and Myths? Do you believe them? Did you follow any?

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Is it too late for Save The Dates and/or Invites?

    I'm getting married in December, its a destination wedding. We have already notified the guests that we couldn't do w/o attending (our immediate families) by word of mouth/ and via Save The Date fliers that our travel agent made for us (which mostly just included details for travel arrangements and the package deal which we had set up/ form to use when booking, deadlines, date and time of ceremony etc). So most of them have already booked or are currently in the process.

    My question is, not all of the family has been "formerly" notified. But we hadn't really counted on extended family attending due to the nature of the wedding. However, I thought maybe in this case Save The Dates would be appropriate to mail out rather than a formal invite. Anyways, I don't know whether to send them a Save The Date or a Formal Invite via the mail or if I should even bother at all. How are situations like this handled when you know they more than likely cannot/ will not attend yet you still want to let them know what's going on?

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Where did you have your destination wedding?

    How did it turn out and how was your experience?

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How exactly would you have explained breastfeeding to a 4 yr old who hasn't seen it done before?

    I was breastfeeding my daughter at my MIL's house and my niece just turned 4. She was floored and confused made the most stunned face when I told her what the baby was doing and that there was milk in my breast (I don't think she's EVER witnessed anyone in her family breastfeed before). Me and the baby were covered up but she even asked to see my breasts and why there was milk in there lol. My MIL once told me that she never breastfed any of her babies. And at the time she seemed embarrassed/ flustered b/c she kept talking over her about something on tv / going on in the media and was basically quick to change the subject which made me feel awkward trying to explain it to her. I did the best I could but it was awkward and funny all at the same time...what would you have done? How would you have explained it to her?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Could she be scared of my breast?

    I have been trying to nurse my baby ever since she first came out. She's only 5 days old. Usu I do it in either a horizontal hold on the boppy laying across my upper body/ lined up or I will have her daddy do the football hold. But whenever either of us put her up to my breast she stares at it like a deer in headlights, stumbles her head around, then proceeds to cry and scream and other times tire herself out crying and fall asleep. I help her latch and she has managed to a couple of times but after a few sips of my colostrum, she bobbles her head and mouth around in and out and cries and then screams, it just turns into a fussy ordeal. I really want to breastfeed her, so I've been pumping my milk for her and she seems to enjoy it/ guzzle it down from the bottle and still try to introduce my breast a couple times out of the day.

    What could be causing her this kind of reaction? Is this normal for babies to be so fussy when learning/ first attempts at nursing?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Should I Be Expecting Labor Very Soon?

    I went to the doctor's yesterday for weekly check up. I am 36 1/2 weeks.

    After checking for strep, my doctor checked my cervix and she said my baby is very very low and that she could feel the head. She was also asking if we know how to get to the hospital and telling me about contractions 7-9 mins apart or if water breaks to just go to the hospital don't wait around. Does the very very low position of the baby and the fact that she could feel her head mean labor is not far off and that I should expect it very soon? Like sooner than my June 14th due date?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago