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  • My ex wants me back and I just got a boyfriend!? And what does a forehead kiss mean?

    We're both 18 and I'm trying to give my current boyfriend a chance and he's 22, we both work together.

    In the past he has a history of leaving me and always coming back, now he's my neighbor and to avoid me he hasn't come home in a month.

    My new boyfriend is into video games and anime and I'm not into that, but other than that he share some common interest and he takes me out to nice places introduces me to his friends and he can drive.

    My ex can't do that and rides a skateboard but always wants to come back. The way we laugh and have inside jokes doesn't compare to anyone I've dated before and he makes me soo happy. Last night he came back after a month of me not seeing him he even changed his kik profile picture to him and his girlfriend kissing and with the date they got together.

    That's not his profile picture anymore and when I saw him he kept hugging me and squeezing me tight telling me how he missed me so much. I told him how I have a boyfriend and then he kissed me on the forehead and throughout our whole two hour conversation he kept trying to kiss me and explain to me his wrong doings. Eventually, he kissed me on the lips and I kissed back.

    Do I tell my boyfriend about what happened and if so how? I told him I'm taken for but I feel so cheap because I kissed someone else. Cheating is not ok, it's embarrassing and shameful.

    When I came from outside I cried for letting this happen and I don't know what to do.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Am i a pretty girl? (fairly short)?

    Look me up on facebook, its the same name on the bottom and type afterwards, St. Bazile, im black and my school is basically white/italian with some hispanics on the side. howSo far nobody has come up to me. And I've been told in 'cute' but I don't know if I meet expectations when it comes to how attractive i am? :(

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Am i a lesbian? i need to know!?(Fairly short)?

    I've been feeling this way since i was 14 or younger and with guys it's if-y. I saw a penis and i cried. I'm 17 i wanna know if im a closet lesbian?

    When i see a pretty girl or get attached to my bff i have feeling like:

    *i should cuddle with her, kiss her and hold her hand under the covers like guys do BUT WITH GIRLS!

    *sometimes i check girls out and notice how big their butts are

    I haven't madeout with a girl since i was 13

    But when i see meme's on facebook from the LGBTQ's page about how two lesbians are happy together. Sometimes i think how happy i would be if i had what they had(another pretty girl)

    Should i keep trying with guys or call myself a lesbian

  • Am i a lesbian? i need to know!?(Fairly short)?

    I've been feeling this way since i was 14 or younger and with guys it's if-y. I saw a penis and i cried. I'm 17 i wanna know if im a closet lesbian?

    When i see a pretty girl or get attached to my bff i have feeling like:

    *i should cuddle with her, kiss her and hold her hand under the covers like guys do BUT WITH GIRLS!

    *sometimes i check girls out and notice how big their butts are

    I haven't madeout with a girl since i was 13

    But when i see meme's on facebook from the LGBTQ's page about how two lesbians are happy together. Sometimes i think how happy i would be if i had what they had(another pretty girl)

    Should i keep trying with guys or call myself a lesbian

  • Im a girl and im bi, is she leading me on?

    This girl i know is a freshman and I'm a sophomore. We went to the pride festival together with our class and we got to know eachother more. Turns out she's bisexual too but she has a boyfriend. And on the train ride back we sat next to eachother and i gave her a back massage and i turned around and she did the same to me. I got her name on kik and we exchanged phone numbers. I don't text her much because she responds like that10 minutes later. She seemed like she was interested in me then but i don't know if i should keep on trying.

  • i see him once a month... is he worth it?

    Me and my boyfriend are both 17. He has a car and lives a couple cities away from me. His parents don't think it's right for him to drive so far because i live in an inner city enviroment (the ghetto) We're an interracial couple and because he's so well rounded and has after school activities i only get to see him once a month. His parents and him have a close relationship and there only LETTING him see me because i told him i was moving next year. He treats me nicely and he already told me he loves me, and i said it back. But, i hate waiting so long! Do i really have to go through this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Transitioning almost four months considering taking biotin?

    So the last time i put relaxer in my hair was in January of 2013. My hair used to be long and healthy when i was younger. I started going natural in February and I'm in the beginning of May so I'm almost four months transitioning . I sorta see my curl pattern and i think my hair is not curly but coily.

    After it gets wet it dries straight except for my roots. I think that once i go completely natural it'll look sorta like an afro. I know i should love my hair and going natural is better but I'm having doubts and i don't want my hair to be curly and short. But if it does i'd like to take biotin.

    Would this be a good idea? Because I'd like it to be the length it is when its straight but with my natural curl pattern.

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago