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Lv 43,026 points

Stripey Cat

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Horses - Rugby Union - breeding horses - reading books - watching action films - spending time with my horses :D

  • Cheapest way to fly-drive from UK to Idaho, USA?

    My Husband and I want to visit Idaho, USA. We live in the centre of the UK. What would be the best and cheapest way to fly-drive? We don't mind driving a hundred miles or so from the airport to our destination.

    Links would be appreciated, thank you :-)

    2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • How to help puppy to accept husband?

    We have a Rhodesian Ridgeback who is almost two years and have had her from a puppy, she is a settled part of our family. Two days ago, we adopted a five month old *****, she has been well socialised with a large family but not strangers (I am seeing to that now but I've only had her two days). Anyway, she is frightened of my husband and she keeps growling at him.

    She seems fine with women but not men and she just backs away from my husband, so I have told him to ignore her for now.

    I have asked him to spend more time with us, rather than locking himself away in his den, so she gets used to him, and I plan to correct her, using voice and maybe the "finger bite".

    She has her own beds on the floor, she isn't allowed on furniture, even though our older ***** has her own settee... she has to earn her privileges.

    I'd really appreciate any advice that you can give from experience.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • tendon bursitis - winter heel .. help?

    I am sure I have this condition. Acute pain in the area where the Achilles tendon attaches to the heel.

    Since realising what is wrong, I have changed footwear, I take 800mg Ibuprofen each day too. I started with symptoms about a week ago.

    I also use a topical analgesic cream but this isn't enough.

    Can anyone advise me of a course of action to alleviate this pain. I have several horses and a dog which needs regular walks, so rest isn't an option.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • wild colt, where do I go from here?

    I bought a 6 month old colt two weeks ago, I paid my deposit to secure him in June, and kept in touch with the breeder until I collected him.

    He was not weaned until I arrived to collect him. He was shoved on the trailer (float), screaming for his mom, and was so wild after a four and a half hour journey that I couldn't safely get him off the trailer - he just tried to kick my head off my shoulders. I bedded him down in there over night and the next day I drove over to a friends place and put him in a spare stable. The only reason I got a rope on his head collar was when he tried to come over the top of the door, I managed to clip the lead on.

    Two weeks on and I still can't touch him. If I'm quiet, he will come over and sniff me and sometimes he will let me touch his nose, but no further. He will lash out with either his front or back feet, if you lift your hand, even from 3 feet away, he will rear and lunge at you. He has double barrelled me when I stood holding a bucket of water for him to drink from. That hasn't put me off and I still go in with him and hold his rope, lead him round and try to touch his nose.

    Now let me give you some background on me. I have been "into" horses all my life, I have bred, reared and raised several horses, and I have two foals of my own now too, plus a yearling and a four year old TB I have bred myself. In total I have seven horses right now and have had scores over the years, breaking and training many; so I am not a novice, but I'm at a complete loss with this colt.

    My main problem is time. I work four full days and I don't have any facilities to train such a wild horse at home. There is no electricity where his stable is, so can't work with him after work, I basically have three days a week - and don't forget the six other horses I have to care for and work with during daylight hours here in the UK winter.

    Does anyone have any tried and tested ways of dealing with this colt, so I can gain his trust and can get to a point where I can walk into hi stable and put a head collar on him, tie him up and brush him? I will need to turn him out with my little herd soon too. I only have the use of his stable till the end of the month, then I'm stuck.

    I don't condone beating horses, so lets discount that from the start.

    I would use join-up if I had a place to do it, but his stable is long and narrow and he will kick and rear if you pressure him, so that is out too.

    Any help and advice appreciated! :D

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Has anyone got a recipe for cleaning waxy dogs ears?

    Every now and then, my dog gets a bild up of wax in her right ear. There is nothing really wrong and she doesn't have ear mites, just ear wax.

    Does anyone have a home made recipe for keeping dogs ears free from wax?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do dogs smell more as they get older?

    My dog is a year old and doesn't really smell much at all, but I have been told that she will smell more as she gets older.

    She did smell a little bit as a puppy but then I changed her diet from kibble to RAW, and she hasn't smelled since.

    Can anyone tell me if this is true, and if there is any scientific reason for dogs smelling as they age. Please include web pages or links to back up your theories.

    Thank you

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • explain the science behind breeding a homozygous tobiano horse ?

    I'm interested in the percentage % of breeding a tobiano homozygot.

    What are the chances of breeding one from two heterozygots, one heterozygot and one homozygot, and two homozygots?

    I'm only interested in the tobiano pattern, not colour, or any other patterned coat.

    Links to back up answers would be very useful, thanks

    2 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • How to I synchronise my bluetooth ear piece to my new phone

    I've used this Nexus TNBUN103 with my old Nokia phone but now I have a new one. I have deleted the pairing on my old Nokia phone and switched bluetooth off, and given the phone away.

    Now I have come to connect the ear piece to my Nokia 6301 and I can't do it. I've enabled BT on the phone, switched on the ear piece and searched for active devices but nothing can be found even with the blue light flashing away. I have tried several different times but failed, can anyone help please?

    I don't have the manual for the nexus.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • how to train my dog not to bark?

    My nine month old b1tch is well trained in most areas; walks to heel on a lead, waits for food, sits, does all the usual stuff but if I tie her up she goes mad.

    I rarely need to tie her up except when I fill the water troughs for my horses, then I need to but only for a few minutes. She hardly ever barks at any other time but when she can see me doing a job but can't touch me, she goes berserk and I worry she'll hurt herself. I completely ignore her. I don't look at her, or acknowledge her when she does this.

    If I could avoid the situation, I would but I can't leave her untied as we have lots of dogs she'd like to play with and will run after if I'm distracted (which I am when I'm doing the water), if she is walking with me, she's fine and won't run off but we have several cars and trucks driving down the track to my field, so I can't risk her not being under my supervision or being tied for a few minutes a week.

    Any advice on training tips would be gratefully accepted

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • motorbike which is suitable for unmade roads with electric start?

    I need a motorbike which is suitable for going on unmade tracks, which has a low seat and an electric start ......... recommendations please

    3 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Dismissed from work on "balance of probabilities" UK?

    As a junior (in-experienced) Union rep I have just seen a case which shocked me. A colleague was accused of theft, not one shred of evidence was produced, the police investigated and said there was no case to answer, yet the manager has pursued it and had the person in question dismissed.

    Right now this person is devastated, racked to the bone, they are innocent. There was no shred of evidence, but they were dismissed on "the balance of probability" that they were guilty. It would not stand up in a Court of Law

    They are so concerned about getting another job, will this follow them for the rest of their life? Or will the Data protection Act protect them? At this moment they can't face going through an appeal, though I am encouraging them to go down that path, I'm not sure if they are strong enough, the shame is too much

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How can I prove what the weather was like on a certain day UK?

    I need to show what the weather was like during the afternoon of the 12th day of February 2008, in the Alfreton Area of Derby's UK.

    Does anyone have links or ideas they can share with me to find help me find this out?

    1 AnswerWeather1 decade ago
  • Duo / dual sim phones, which is the best? UK / Europe?

    I want to buy a duo/dual sim phone, for use in the UK and Spain. The important features for me are a very good battery and a very good aerial / reception, and a very easy / simple handset.

    I don't care about size, camera's, MP3s or ring tones, I just want a functional phone that works well ................ any ideas?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • is there any reason I shouldn't feed my dog a few roasted pistachio nuts?

    I have a 4oz bag and most of them are going in my mouth but she likes them. Will it hurt her is I give her a few?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • wantanicehorse, response to your invitation :-) Regarding Natural Horsemanship - anyone else have problems?

    Has anyone had problems with Natural horsemanship?

    wantanicehorse, sorry I didn't get a chance to reply, you'd ended the question before I could. So, Claire Lilly, she goes many steps further than I, in her Natural quest. Whereas horses, like some top Eventers I know of personally are not even allowed to have a roll, without being attached to the end of a lead rope. By all accounts, this once kind natured PBA, is now a monster, purely a vehicle for his owners and riders ambition and fame.

    Now, I am not having a go at anyone who chooses to stable their horses, or compete at any level BUT when we as humans put our ambitions and greed over the welfare of our horses, there is something VERY wrong.

    I know you are not one of "those people" because at least you tried a different route, sadly it didn't work for you. I am sorry about that but there is good and bad in every philosophy and we must mix and meld, use our judgement to deal with the situation

    What do you all think, care to share?

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Has anyone transported their horse from the UK to Spain?

    I'm moving to Spain in Autumn and want to know about transporting horses over from England.

    I asked a similar question on another section and only got two answers but with nothing very helpful, although nice and friendly - thanks :-)

    I know about the DEFRA site and yes, I can ask my vet but I'm at work when they are both open for business, so I'd like to hear from those in the know, from experience. It is nice to be able to sit and gather information BEFORE I have to jump to it.

    My horses already have passports. I know the cats and dogs need microchips, do the horses? What vaccinations do they need?

    Thanks for sharing :-)

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • moving animals from the UK to Spain, what are the regulations?

    I'm moving to Spain and have cats, dog and horses, to take from the UK.

    I know the cats and dog will need Rabies, micro-chips and passports. What else?

    The horses will need passports, which they have anyway, but will they need vaccinations as well?

    Has anyone out there done this? Will you share your experience and tell me how you did it? I am considering driving over with the dog but I'm not sure about the cats - should I fly them out???

    I'm not going until Autumn, so I'm researching now.

    Thanks :D

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • will laser eye surgery work for a lazy eye?

    I had surgery for a squint as a child and now I'm almost forty it is getting noticeably worse. The more tired I am the worse it gets. I wonder, would laser surgery help?

    I also have astigmatism in that eye. The other eye is very good.

    6 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • What should be done about dog attacks?

    There have been two very serious attacks recently in the UK, involving Rottweilers, and several in the past few years.

    Do you think the UK Government can do anything to prevent such attacks and should they try?

    Personally, I think it is too easy for anyone with a whim to go out and buy, or otherwise obtain a dog. What do you think?

    (I am not anti dog but anti fool)

    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I want to feed my dog RAW meat, is sallmonela a problem for me and my husband?

    I have been researching raw feeding and prey model diet for my dog and cats. I think the idea is sound but my husband has raised the question of them carrying salmonella and other diseases, and how this could effect us.

    Do any of you have experience of feeding a raw diet, and food poisoning with the human family involved with them?

    Advice with scientific, or anecdotal references would be appreciated.

    I use de-wormers regularly on all my animals and practice good hygiene.

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago