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Amateur photographer, mother of three, lover of one, blog owner, doll maker, crazy about closeups and dirt smeared baby cheeks, barefoot enthusiast. I am the owner of two photoblogs for women contributing to a 365 photo project. I also contribute to the first, Envisage 365, under the name Sarah. Check it out if you like.

  • Loud drunk college students, 3:30 am standing in front of the apt. building waking my baby up....?

    After waking him up the first time, I got him back to sleep and ventured outside to tell them to take their philosophical conversation into their own damn apt. The second time they wake him up, I yell out the window for them to SHUT THE F*** UP. The third time, I call the cops, who do nothing.

    What is my next step?

    9 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • A girl in my daughters class today said the strangest thing...set off major red flags.....?

    I walked to Dairy Queen with my daughters class for the last day of school, on the way back to school one of her classmates asked me if she could push my sons stroller. I of course said yes, as we were walking together she looked up at me and said,

    "Don't worry, I don't molest children, I take really good care of them."


    When we arrived back at school I let the teacher know what she had said. By not knowing this girl AT ALL I have no idea if she says this kind of thing often or if it is a known behavior for her.

    Would you have done the same thing in this situation?

    24 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Extended the extreme....?

    If breastmilk is best (as I agree it is) wouldn't it stand to reason that older children (extended breastfeeders) all the way up to the senior population would receive the same benefits from drinking it as babies? Expressed and drunk from a glass as the children got older and grew into adults, would everyone still be proclaiming it's superiority?

    When does it cross the line into being gross if it is done from a purely nutritional standpoint?

    16 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Would you consider using a crisis nursery when things have overwhelmed you and you have no other options....?

    or would you tend to shy away from it out of fear of having your name "in the system?"

    This is not a question about my family personally, just a general question to all the parents out here.

    This is a link to a crisis nursery in Illinois for some background info on the program....

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • A question for parents who live in cities with reliable public transportation.....?

    Could you give up your car for a month?

    We have been vehicle free for over two years and have never been healthier. We walk, bike or take the bus everywhere we need to go. Even grocery shopping for a family of five. We have stopped eating fast food as much and tend to cook meals at home more often.

    Downsides are mostly the fact that we do not see family from out of town as much, we have become more secluded without a vehicle.

    Of course not everyone can do this for many reasons, one being access to public transportation.

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • In relation to my avatar picture, I have always wondered if people thought I have the ugliest....?

    little girl ever. He is a boy with very long hair, 2 years going now and no hair cut yet. Everyone calls him a she. A user here decided to let me know that he is the "ugliest girl ever" and I should change the picture because it makes them puke. I rather like it, think I will keep it. often do your kids get mistaken for the opposite gender, do you correct or let it slide?

    23 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What do you not let your children eat, drink and do.....?

    What is the reasoning behind your choices?

    15 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Do you care about how other parents view you and your parenting style....?

    Do you find yourself making decisions based on what other people may think about you and your family, or do you make decisions without thinking of other peoples opinions, and stand by them under scrutiny?

    16 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • As a parent who also happens to be an Atheist I allow my children to attend church......?

    with Christian family members. I think it is important to allow a child to "try out" more then one faith based lifestyle, whether it meshes with my beliefs or not. My children have also attended a Jewish centered preschool and we have all gone to Temple with a few of our Buddhist friends, among other denominations and belief systems. So we are not secluding it to Christian beliefs.

    How many other Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish etc. parents here feel the same way. Why or why not?

    Would you allow your child to decide not to attend church?

    17 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How do you feel abot this passage in relation to the questions often asked in this section....?

    "The wise know that these questions have no true answers. Life is made from these wonderings, and from the answers that we each and every one are finding for ourselves."

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Are you circumcised? If you had been allowed the chance to decide for yourself would your choice be different?

    A bunch of the loonies over in the pregnancy and parenting section are spouting off on how every man they have in their lives prefers being circumcised, in an argument for infant circumcision. I am curious how a random sampling of men who use Answers feels about it.

    Are you cut, was it the choice of your parents or yourself? Would you prefer to still be intact? Why or why not?

    25 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Why did you or did you not choose to circumcise your son....?

    We chose not to circumcise because we feel it isn't within our rights to permanently remove a part of our sons body without his consent. The only time we feel differently is if there is a medical emergency or reason that the procedure has to be done and our son is not yet old enough to give informed consent.

    I am not trying to sway anyone to my way of thinking, simply wondering what your reasons were for either decision.

    22 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Mothers of boys...penis help....?

    My almost two year old won't leave his diaper alone, we have tried everything. He undresses himself over and over again no matter how often we tell him no and put his clothes back on. He is a little Houdini with his junk, he can get it out of anything, over the top if his diaper, out the side, with a onsie on, pants or shorts, zippered up sleeper jammies.

    He pees on everything and gets himself naked at night while he is supposed to be sleeping so ends up peeing on everything. We are trying to potty train him to no avail so far.

    Anyone else with this problem now or in the past? What can I do short of tying his hands up to restrict access to the holy land?

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Discussing smoking pot with your kids after.....?

    the Micheal Phelps bong incident. What did you say? Did you gloss over the fact that he won 8 gold medals while being a "dirty drug user" and just focus on the fact that he smoked pot.

    In my discussion with my children I used his example to illustrate that not all pot smokers are losers like DARE would have you believe. I used it as a way to show them that being a responsible pot smoker does not hinder your life path.

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is the job of a parent ever cut and dry....?

    Once you become a parent and you have unique little individuals to help shape isn't it counterproductive to stick to one strict set of "rules" by which to parent?

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I have always been anti spanking but pro different kids need different techniques...?

    I had to spank my 5 year old today for the first time ever. Words aren't working with her, time outs aren't working with her. She needs something different and before resorting to medication to sort her behavior problems out I decided to try spanking. Three hard smacks on her clothed behind when she gets sent to her room for misbehavior (violence toward her brother, disrespect etc) she has three chances before being sent to her room and getting a spanking.

    I feel awful but her behavior turned around tonight. I shouldn't get my hopes up. I feel like an abusive asshole.

    Anyone else anti spanking who found you birthed a demon from your womb who actually needed it?

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I need a recipe for saltine crackers....?

    I googled it but nothing came up but recipes that use saltine crackers. Does anyone here have one?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How many little girls do you think will be named this in the coming years.....?

    Considering all the hype about Twilight, how many little girls will be saddled with the moniker Renesmee in the next few years. Will this be the new Neveah?

    20 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • I will not be putting money away for my childrens college education...?

    It makes me a terrible mom in the eyes of most everyone I know, but I don't believe that college is something parents should be responsible for. There are grants and loans, scholarships and jobs if you don't get enough for college that way. My mother paid for her education, I paid for mine, my brother paid for his and we all turned out fairly good.

    I also won't be contributing to any weddings that may be in the future for my kids. I will contribute manpower and help in any other way they may need, but a wedding is not something a person needs. If they want it badly enough they will figure out how to pay for it within their means.

    Are you putting money away for your children to use for college? How about weddings, will you be following the traditional roles and help pay for a wedding for your child?

    26 AnswersParenting1 decade ago