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Do you think tv companies are responsible for piracy?
I don't know what it's like in other countries but in UK I think greedy companies are responsible for tv show piracy as many tv shows are exclusive to certain providers, for example
Game of thrones only available with sky
Fear the walking dead only available with BT
Vikings only available with prime TV
Narcos only available with Netflix
Kingdom only available with virgin media
If 1 tv provider had all the tv series it would probably massively reduce piracy assuming it wasn't ridiculously expensive.
2 AnswersOther - Television5 years agoDuolingo speaking exercises keep skipping on my S7 edge?
I've been trting to learn German but for last few weeks the speaking questions keep skipping. I've gone into settings and turned on speaking exercises but it keeps turning itself off, I've logged off and on, uninstalled and reinstalled the app, tried on the website version but for some reason it keeps turning itself off.
It works fine on my old S4, is this just a problem with the S7 edge or my phone?
1 AnswerOther - Internet5 years agoDo muslim militaries fast during Ramadan?
If so is it just when the country is at peace or do they still fast if at war.
6 AnswersRamadan5 years agoSamsung Android Malware?
AVG on my phone just popped up "Malware detected" then a purple circle with the word lollipop "system UI is classified as Malware. This app was pre-installed by your phone vendor and we cannot remove it"
It's a Samsung S4 and I've had it for years so I doubt it's had a virus on it from day 1. Has anyone else had this message? Is it legit or false positive.
1 AnswerSecurity5 years agoDo you use vpn for all Internet activity or just pirating?
Was just wondering wouldn't it be obvious that your up to 'no good' as soon as you connect to a vpn?
I've heard you should use them for downloading to stop from being traced but couldn't it also have negative effects for example your Internet provider see's your hiding your activity and looks into it incase your a pedo or terrorist?
Sorry if they're stupid question but am not really into computers.
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoSo what black actor should be nominated for an Oscar 2016?
Serious question I haven't watched that many of the nominated movies so what black actor has been overlooked?
Is it jist PC gone mad or have black actors actually been overlooked. Denzel has won twice and nominated 4 other times so it doesn't appear racist to me. I believe it should just be the best people nominated, it's racist in my opinion to nominate a minority over a white person who was better simply because you need more black people.
7 AnswersMovies5 years agoPs4 do you have to pay to play online?
I don't play online much, a while ago I played GTAV on ps3 online no problem but recently tried to get online on ps4 with GTAV and rainbow six but it said need play station plus account.
Did play station start charging the robbing mofos
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games5 years agoIs learning a 3rd language really easier than a the 2nd?
It's a common saying that once you've learned a second language learning another is much easier but I can't see how that would be true. Wouldn't the 3rd be even harder as your already remember 2 languages.
Anyone on here who can speak 3 or more languages would you say the 3rd was easier?
4 AnswersLanguages5 years agoIs Hillary Clinton going to be next US president?
The bookies seem sure she is, their top 3 are
Hillary 8/11
Rubio 7/2
Trump 4/1
For people not familiar with odds a $1 bet would win.
hillary $0.72
rubio $3.50
trump $4
10 AnswersPolitics5 years agoLaptop what is "infrared remote macros.IRremote.ini"?
When I turn on my laptop it says "Failed to load infrared remote macros. irremote.ini may be missing or corrupted" I have no idea what that is an laptop seems to work as normal. Googled it but no relevant results.
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks5 years agoWill wiping(factory reseting) a laptop get rid of a virus?
And what else does it delete? Would I have to download windows again as the laptop is years old I don't have disks that came with it.
I suspect my laptop is infected windows has failed to install updates for months I've tried many 'solutions' online but none have worked, I do have mcafee installed and it doesn't find anything but the laptop seems to be getting slower and windows not updating is leaving the laptop vulnerable.
I've copied my videos, pics etc to hard drives so am not worried about them being deleted in laptop wipe/reset.
6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks5 years agoCivilization V 5 game question?
Sometimes a civ will ask you if you plan to attack them, can you ask a civ if they plan to attack you? it seems unfair if they can but you can't. I am playing offline against the computer not other people.
I've been told by an ally that a civ plans to attack me and I've noticed their army around one of my cities but I can't figure out how to ask if they plan on attacking. I don't want to declare war as my defence packs won't count but I don't want to leave my army in that city forever as I will need them in other places.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years agocontroversial poll?
1. Should euthanasia be legal for terminally ill people
2. Should euthanasia be legal for healthy people who want to die
3. Should all guns be banned
4. Should criminal record checks be mandatory for buying a gun
5. Should abortion be legal
6. Should there be a limit on the amount of abortions someone can have
7. Should gay marriage be legal
8. Should transgender people tell their partner they was born a different sex
I can't think of any more feel free to add your own.
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years agoWhy is racism and sexism ok?
When aimed at white males. A welfare and diversity officer at goldsmiths college in london has faced no consequences at all from the college dispite the fact she tweeted kill all white men and has refused to let white men join in at diversity groups.
Ms Bahar Mustafa response to being called racist and sexist was "Because racism and sexism describe structures of privilege based on race and gender and therefore women of colour and minority genders cannot be racist or sexist, since we do not stand to benefit from such a system" so basically it's ok to discriminate against white men and the college seems to agree.
Thankfully in UK it's illegal to say kill all whites,blacks, muslim's etc and the police are not racist so she's been charged with threatening message and another charge of sending a menacing or offensive message via a public network. But she'll most likely get a caution even though white people are fired and sent to prison for similar offences because the courts and businesses don't accept minorities can be racist.
4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups6 years agoHow do americans feel about a gun law that guns have to be kept in a secure place eg a safe?
I AM NOT SAYING BAN GUNS, would a law saying guns must be kept in a gun safe be acceptable in US. Just read a sad story about an 11 year old boy who got into an argument with an 8 year old girl so walked into his house got his dads shotgun and shot the her dead in the street. It doesn't sound like the dad will be charged for anything
In UK you can legally own shotguns but if you didn't secure the weapon and it was used in a crime you would definitely be arrested as guns must be kept in a safe by law.
Link to story
10 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years agoArchery left or right handed bow?
Am a little confused am left handed for writing and throwing but oddly I use right hand to hold my phone and right thumb to tap screen.
I done the tringle test where you hold your hands out infront of you and make a tringle to look at a target then close one eye, I am right eye dominant because when I close the left eye the target doesn't move but when I close my right eye I can't see the target my hands appear to jump.
So if your left handed and right eyed what bow do you use?
Will it be harder for me to learn because am crossed?
4 AnswersOther - Outdoor Recreation6 years agoWhats the estimated release date for dead island 2?
All i can find is old articles saying 2016 but anyone have an idea of when?
Say between
Jan-Apr 2016
May-Aug 2016
Sep-Dec 2016
1 AnswerOther - Entertainment6 years agoGame of thrones bluray no subtitles?
I can't see the boxset being fake I got it of amazon, I just watched episode 2 and when danny spoke to drogo there was no subtitles then I skipped back and put english subs on and it showed what she was saying but then also subtitles for all english parts?
Is this normal seems a pain in the **** watching with constant subtitles or rewinding each time they speak non english to put on subtitles.
1 AnswerDrama6 years agoDo any of the americas speak their own language?
I just thought whilst watching ufc brazilian and Argentinian do any americas speak their own language. I've tried google but it just comes up with USA.
My geography sucks but off the top of my head I can't think of any they all seem to speak european languages.
USA _ english
Canada _ english plus french
Mexico and Argentina _ spanish
brazil _ Portuguese
16 AnswersLanguages6 years agowhy ban the Confederate flag?
Am not american I'm a little confused a mad man shoots up a church and the government bans a flag he took a picture with, wouldn't it make more sense to ban the gun? Am not saying you should ban guns it's just odd to me the government bans the flag kinda like how uk government said councils couldn't have an england flag in England in case it offens people.. just doesn't make sense to me.
13 AnswersOther - Politics & Government6 years ago