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A boyfriend in your dreams?
Is it possible to have a boyfriend in your dreams? like lets say you go to sleep at night and have a dream that you have a boyfriend and then the next day you go to sleep at night and dream about the same guy and its like your visiting him in your dreams, and you continuing having dreams about him over and over again, and the conversations you have with him in your dreams are like as if you remember everything you've already talked about in previous dreams, and you do different things in your dreams everyday like one day you go to the park and the next day to a picnic or something , idk lol , like you know that your dream bf isn't real because its just dreams, but idk , can people have dreams like that? like where its like he's actually your bf , but just in your dreams , and the story just keeps continuing and going on and on as if it were a real relationship in real life , but its in your dreams, is it possible to have dreams like that? I think that'd be really cool lol
2 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years agoI don't know what to do with my super curly hair?
so like my hair is past my shoulders but doesnt reach to my boobs xD anyways I use to use gel and stuff for my hair cause it got really frizzy and bushy and ugly with out it but it made me hair hard and crunchy and look like a wig so now I use this natural thing that I make myself and my hair looks pretty and its soft and it keeps my hair down but my hair is weird and I can't move it around like if I were to play around with my hair and move it around a lot it gets messed up and I can't fix it again without doing my hair all over again so like once I put my hair in a certain style I can't move it a lot without it getting messed up does anyone know how I can get loose curls that I can move around without messing them up I do vocals for a screamo band and I like to headbang but I can't without my hair getting messed up do any girls have this problem with there hair too? how do I fix this its really getting on my nerves
2 AnswersHair9 years agoShould I let my 16 year old daughter get a tattoo?
My husband passed away 3 years ago and my daughter just turned 16 and she wants to get her dads name with a heart next to it on her forearm. She wants it to cover most of her forearm but not the whole thing so it wont be huge and she doesnt want the tattoo anywhere else. Shes been asking for the tattoo for years and I'm sure she wont regret it but I just dont like the place she wants to get the tattoo. Should I let her get the tattoo anyways?
21 AnswersParenting9 years agowhat hurts more, an industrial piercing or nipple piercings?
I already have the industrial , and I'm planning on getting my nipples pierced soon, does getting your nipples pierced hurt more then getting the industrial piercing , if it does, does it hurt a lot more? and on a scale of 1-10 how much did getting your nipples pierced hurt? and I'm just talking about the pain while your gettng your niples pierced, not the pain after
2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years agowill my curly hair get messed up?
I have extremely curly hair and I've never straightened it before, but I'm getting bored of it so I'm thinking about straightening it (not permanently) I think I'll probably want to start straightening it every two weeks , but I don't want to mess up my naturally curly hair, i have realy curly ,kinda thick hair down too my shoulders , and I think some split ends, will mt curls get messed up if I start straightening every two weeks? cause I don't want to straighten my hair if my curls will get messed up
5 AnswersHair9 years agohow long does it take for a tattoo to heal?
I'm 16 and I'm getting a tattoo on my forearm, it's going to cover almost the whole thing, how long will it take to heal?
3 AnswersTattoos9 years agodoes eating glitter help you lose weight?
I heard eating pink glitter makes you lose weight, I don't know wether it's true or not, anybody know?
11 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agowhy won't my anwer to questions appear on my tumblr?
whenever someone sends me a question and I answer it the question appears on my dash and blog but it doesnt show my response and whenever I write a captian for a photo I reblog, iit doesnt appear either it's been happening ever since I switched to a different theme , the theme I have now is called Tessellate, I've seen other blogs with the same theme and theyre still able to right captians and answer questions , does anyone know what I can do so my responses and captians appear on my dash? ( I dont care if they show up on the actual blog), please and thankss
1 AnswerYahoo Answers9 years agopeople who read my last question named no matter what i do i smell like poop and its destroying my life?
I'm still having this problem , and it's really hard to deal with , if anybody with the same problem wants to talk , I'll be more than happy , to talk ,and be there for support , living with this can sometimes be impossible , and I'd realy just like to talk to people wit the same problem ( if you dont know what I'm talking about read my last question) for anyone who wants to talk my email is JENNYOSBORN93 , I just want people who are dealing with the same thing to know , that they are not alone , please no mean or rude comments , this is a serious condition , and i am very sensative about it , byee ,hope to hear from everyboy soon <3
1 AnswerOther - Diseases9 years agono matter what I do I smell like poop and it's destroying me life?
my name is jenny I'm a 16 year old girl in the 11th grade , i smell really bad , i know i do, and can tell by people's body language , and everytime i sit by someone , they dont say my name but they say something like ''it stinks'' ''who farted'' '' who sh*t themselves'' , i shower twice a day , once in the morning and once at night , i scrub really hard while in the shower and wash everything, i wash my body 3 times when i shower , i use shampoo , shower gel , lotion , deoterant , perfume , clean clothes , anything i can think of but i still smell bad , i cant smell myself , but everyone else can , i dont really know when i started to smell bad but i first started to notice it in 4th grade , im now in 11th , my house is clean , and ive read online that maybe certain ethnic groups have smells that may smell bad to other people but im hispanic and my house smells like ever other latino home and no one in my family smells bad or has this problem , i dont eat healthy but i dont eat unhealthy either , im about 120 pounds , i think i may have some sort of disease , i tried talking to my mom about it and my cousins but they all say they dont smell anything , but i can tell by there body language they do , i know this isnt all in my head because i can see people trying to cover up there noses when im in the room and people always say stuff likee '' it smells like sh*t'' and i can hear people talking about me and ive over heard people saying i stink and everytime im around little kids they say ''you stink'' or ''you smell bad'' my breathe smells bad too , i chew gum to try and cover up the smell and it works most of the time but on bad days it doesnt , i brush my teeth 4 times in the morning and at night and use mouth wash , this smell has destroyed my confidence and self esteem , i spend hours doing my hair and make up everyday so i can feel good about my myself, i have friends and a boyfriend but i dont see how i have friends or how i have a bf , ive had a lot of boyfriends and ive always felt like i was never good enough for any of them, my bf says im beautiful and that he loves me , but i feel like he could do a lot better, i feel disgusting , i try and make myself feel better by doing drugs and drinking and partying , flirting with a lot of different guys ( i have no idea why they would wanna flirt with me) and having sex ( i wonder why ANYBODY would ever wanna have sex with me ) this desease , or whatever it is , is ruining my life , i need help , and im considering suicide , i dont know how much longer i can deal with this , i have chronic depression and take anti-depressants but they dont seem to help , if anybody has any information to what this ''thing'' i have is or might be called plz comment , or maybe has a way to get rid of the smell or anybody who may be dealing with the same thing and just wants to talkk ( id really like someone to talk to) or anything at all the may help just comment , anythings ok i guess , just plz no rude comments , im really sensative about this
63 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago