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  • Are nail art stickers sticky enough to stick to wood?

    Strange question i know, but i make wooden wall art and some of the nail art stickers would be perfect embellishments but im not sure how sticky they are or if they stick all that well??

    1 AnswerMakeup1 decade ago
  • 3 and a half year old is driving me crazy...?

    In the last week my normally pretty good daughter has been more than 'normally' naughty she has drawn all over herself, her pillow, her bed and her walls in permanent texta (which she snuck after climbing onto a chair and onto the computer desk to get), she has also decided it would be fun to paint her mirrored cupboard doors with her milk, popped in her pants at day care and wiped her bottom with the daycarers blankets, weed on my floor 3 times and been extremely sooky. I know all of this can be considered normal toddler behaviour but all of these things have happen in the past 4 days and she has never done any of it before. The only things that has changed in the last week is that i have stopped her day sleeps because she wasn't sleeping at night if she had one, surely this couldn't be the cause of it all??? anyone else experiencing similar with there toddlers??

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • This question is a little personal and im embarrassed to ask but...?

    im wondering how any mothers out there struggle with there libidos?? I know its normal for our sex drive to decrease for up to a year after the baby is born but my daughter is almost 4 and i still don't want anything to do with sex. I actually cringe when he touches me, he has tried very hard to be understanding but is starting to get frustrated now ,as any man would be, and i feel terrible for it. We had a pretty full on crazy sex life prior to my daughter being born and although i love him very much i just don't want to be intimate with him at all. Has anyone else out there experienced this??

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • This question is a little personal and im embarrassed to ask but...?

    im wondering how any mothers out there struggle with there libidos?? I know its normal for our sex drive to decrease for up to a year after the baby is born but my daughter is almost 4 and i still don't want anything to do with sex. I actually cringe when he touches me, he has tried very hard to be understanding but is starting to get frustrated now ,as any man would be, and i feel terrible for it. We had a pretty full on crazy sex life prior to my daughter being born and although i love him very much i just don't want to be intimate with him at all. Has anyone else out there experienced this??

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Am i being unreasonable?

    I have a 15 year old niece (she is my partners brothers daughter) whom i have always been very close to her, i am always there for her, she tells me that im am the only adult in the whole world that she trusts. Lately she has been acting in a way that i find disgusting, just the disprespectful way she speaks to her parents and basically all adults, she is also doing things with boys that go beyond the norm for a 15 year old, she gets into arguements with other kids and has on occasion hit one or 2 other girls her age, recently she has started being a 'facebook toughie' and has got her self into alot of trouble because of it, she showed up at my house the other day after having been belted by another girl her age, i was in the middle of getting dinner, my 3 year old was screaming, my partner and his friend has just walked in the door and although i offered her ice asked what had happened and if she was ok i was a bit blunt and told her that if you're going to hang with scum things like this will happen and if you're going to be nasty to people you have to expect retaliation. I wasnt as caring as i usually would be and thi obvioulsy upset her, because she has gone and told her mother that i told her she deserved it and that i laughed at her which i did neither. Her mother had a go at me and i told her exactly what happened and she chooses not to believe me so i have thrown my hands in the air, if my niece wants to lie about what was said and done and my sister in law wants to believe it when she is aware her daughter often lies then am i being childish and unreasonable??? Am i being petty???

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • At my wits end with an extremely naughty three and a half year old....?

    my daughter is almost three and a half and for the past 2 weeks has been beyond just the normal three year old naughty EVERYTHING is a fight, i have to repeat myself 5 times to get her to do anything at all even the simplest tasks, she back chats all the time, she peed all over her bedroom floor before and when i asked her why she said "because Boof can" (our puppy who is 8 weeks old and not quiet yet toilet trained). I am very conscious of ensuring she is a good kid and have disciplined from a young age, using the time out method mostly and explaining to her what and why she was in trouble, she occasionally gets a smack on the butt when she does something dangerous or just plain nasty. She goes to daycare 5 mornings a week and i think this may be what is wrong, i was even told by one of her carers that she spent a huge chunk of the morning on the time out matt because she refused to play nicely with the other children....she is turning into one of "those" children and i just dont know what to do....i am caught between a rock and a hard place i cant afford to give up work and have no other options as to the times i you think this is a phase that will pass or in your opinion do i need to get her out of care asap????

    14 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Do you make a big song and dance if your child wont eat dinner?

    My daughter pretty much never eats her dinner, she may have one or 2 mouthfuls willingly but after that she constantly tells me she is full or finished or sick or not hungry...she is 3 and has been doing this for about 13 months, i have tried everything initially i even started making her up to 3 different meals to make sure she would father thinks i should FORCE her to eat her dinner but i dont believe in force feeding children. I now let her down from the dinner table when she says she is done but it is made clear that she will have nothing else to eat (exceot her dinner that i put in the fridge) before bed and i stick to it but she doesnt seem to care. She is very small for her age most people are surprised that she is 3, she isnt abnormally small, her father and i are both very short. So i suppose what i am asking is am i making a rod for my own back by not making her eat at dinner time??

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • A new puppy and a 3 yr old?

    I have a 3 yr old daughter and we are getting a Maltese Shih Tzu tomorrow and im a little anxious as to how this will go, i have even googled things like "puppies and toddlers" "puppies and 3 yr olds" etc etc and the reactions are mixed as to whether it is a good idea or not...i know the pup we are getting is a gentle, cuddly, quiet pup so that has to be an advantage. Does anyone have any tips, tricks or even just opinions on bringing a dog into the family???

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Dogs and toddlers yes or no?

    I have a 3 yr old daughter and we are getting a Maltese Shih Tzu tomorrow and im a little anxious as to how this will go, i have even googled things like "puppies and toddlers" "puppies and 3 yr olds" etc etc and the reactions are mixed as to whether it is a good idea or not...i know the pup we are getting is a gentle, cuddly, quiet pup so that has to be an advantage. Does anyone have any tips, tricks or even just opinions on bringing a dog into the family???

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do you think its wrong to teach a 3 year old to use a computer?

    Just today i showed my 3 year old how to play memory games (matching pairs of animals, letters, numbers etc) she did extremely well skipped from easy to advanced with 20 minutes using the mouse herself and finishing all the puzzles with minimal help, i was excited at her achievement so called my mother who proceeded to tear me to shreds for teaching my daughter to play "video games". I thought it was a good idea as in this day and age it is essential to have computer skills even from a young age (they have computer in kindergarten her now) and i thought it would be good to teach her letters and numbers (the games say the letters as she matches them) as well as help her memory. Maybe im wrong...what are your thoughts?

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong to teach a 3 year old to use a computer?

    Just today i showed my 3 year old how to play memory games (matching pairs of animals, letters, numbers etc) she did extremely well skipped from easy to advanced with 20 minutes using the mouse herself and finishing all the puzzles with minimal help, i was excited at her achievement so called my mother who proceeded to tear me to shreds for teaching my daughter to play "video games". I thought it was a good idea as in this day and age it is essential to have computer skills even from a young age (they have computer in kindergarten her now) and i thought it would be good to teach her letters and numbers (the games say the letters as she matches them) as well as help her memory. Maybe im wrong...what are your thoughts?

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Fully potty trained 3 year old having accidents again?

    My 3 yr old had been completely potty trained for over 4 months, she only wore nappies to bed at night and didn't even wet through her daytime nap, but for the past week she has been having up to 5 or 6 accidents a day and today has done both poo and wee in her pants. I dint know what has happened or what to do to fix it....i have returned to asking her 10-15 mins of she needs to go to the toilet, which i had stopped having to do because she was doing it all by herself. Anyone else had a similar problem? Any words of wisdom would be appreciated. Would i be best to put her back in nappies and start all over again or keep persisting with knickers??

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My 3 yr daughter already does swimming lessons and gymnastics.....?

    and is showing a huge interest in dancing aswell (my nieces do dancing and she goes along to watch). I was thinking that maybe all three are a little full on for a three year old, but when i talk to her about cutting one back so she can dance she flat out says NO and that she wants to dance too...sheould i give it a go and see how she goes? i dont want to be oneof those pushy mums that has my daughter entire life filled with planned activity...

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What age did you toddler stop having naps through the day?

    Just curious, my daughter is 3 and she is all over the place, i let her degree of tiredness dictate whether she needs a nap or not and recently she seems to be fine most days and then for 2 days she will really need a sleep and sleeps for up to 3 hours.

    12 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My 3 year old cant grasp colors...?

    i know it sounds ridiculous that i worry about it, believe me i know. But she is pretty clever with everything else, she can count to 30, say her ABCs, knows her full name age and address amongst other things....but as much as encouragement as i give her and as often as i say the red ball and the blue car and the orange carrot she still doesnt get it. She calls black white every single time she says it, the only colors she does know are pink and purple. I know its unlikely she is color blind as neither myself or my partner are, i just think it is odd...has anyone else had the same problem???

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Do you think a 3yr old is to young for a star chart?

    I am having troubles with my 3 year old hopping into our bed of a night and was thinking about making up a star chart for her....she will get a star for every night she stays in her and and when she gets say 5 or 6 she will get a surprise like a new book or a trip to the play-centre or something similar. Do you think 3 is to young to start something like this? And do you think it is a good idea?

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Is there a non-childrens song that your kids love and know the words to?

    My 3 yr old loves Aeroplanes by Bob (featuring Haley Williams) and Love The Way You Lie by Eminem and Rhianna she knows all the words to both chorus' its really cute.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My happiness and self worth go hand in hand with my weight?

    All my life i have been a yoyo at my thinnest i was 115lbs and at my biggest 213lbs...and no matter how good my life is in every other aspect if im heavy i feel like a failure. I have just brought a beautiful new house, have an adorable daughter, a gorgeous partner, fantastic family around me and a good job but i cant help but feel like a totally worthless human being because i cant even keep control of my weight are there other people that feel this way or is there something wrong with me??

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • my happiness and self worth go hand in hand with my weight?

    All my life i have been a yoyo at my thinnest i was 115lbs and at my biggest 213lbs...and no matter how good my life is in every other aspect if im heavy i feel like a failure. I have just brought a beautiful new house, have an adorable daughter, a gorgeous partner, fantastic family around me and a good job but i cant help but feel like a totally worthless human being because i cant even keep control of my weight are there other people that feel this way or is there something wrong with me??

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How and when did you stop night nappies?? (diapers)?

    My 3 year old is toilet trained through the day (even through her nap) but i havent even tried to stop the nighttime nappy as she wakes up wet every morning? So i am wondering how i go about it or if i just leave it until she starts waking dry??

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago