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Percy H
How to exercise a boxer in extreme cold.?
I've had a wide range of dogs. APBT, English Mastiff, Presa Canario, Rottweiler, GSD, Cane Corso, and so on. Now, I'm looking to get a boxer. I've researched the breed extensively, and one of the things that drew me in was the fact that the Boxer is good with children. He's the problem. Boxer don't to well in extreme cold, and I live in Wisconsin, and around this time of year the temperature really starts to drop, and around this time next month, I wouldn't @ all be surprised to see snow. With that being said, how do I thoroughly exercise a dog with such high energy in the winter?
3 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhy isn't the media playing fair?
Ok, first off I'd like to tip my hat to both of the political parties in this year's presidential race. I feel like for the first time ALL of the citizens of the United States are really listening to what they have to say. Now here's my issue... Why isn't the media playing fair? A few months back, Senator Barack Obama and his wife did some kind of celebratory "fist bump" on stage that one news station dubbed the "terrorist fist bump" Something that I'm sure is pretty common with his culture. Last night, during the vice presidential debate, Governor Sarah Palin used terms like "doggone it" "darn right" "betcha" and "ya" and the media immediately labeled this as more "of the people" and "folksy" and even "cute". Sometimes I feel as though the media is kind of forcing Sarah Palin on us, trying to make her seem like "the average American". My biggest issue is, I don't want the average American as president or vice president. I want a person who knows what he(she) is doing, and know how to fix the problems that we as Americans are facing. I guess what I really want is just for the media to back off, let these guys (girl) run their campaigns and let us vote based on what WE feel and not how they think we should feel. Anybody else feel that way?
2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade agoQuestions About the Blue Heeler?
I pride myself on knowing almost everything about almost every breed, but this one has me stumped. My wife came across an ad in the Classifieds today for a Rottweiler Mix. So I call the Lady, and she tells me that its a Rottweiler, Blue Heeler mix. My first thought was what the hell is a Blue Heeler, and my second was why would anybody cross these breeds. Anyways, my Wife went to go see the pup and she fell in love with it. Of course I do the research, and I find a few things about the breed that I don't like. 1.) They tend to be a one owner dog, which is fine if its gonna be my wife's dog. The problem with that is I know my wife, and eventually the dog will be my responsibility, and I don't want to have to put up with the change-over from her being the primary to me. 2.) They're not that great with kids. We have an 11 month old son, as well as a host of nieces and nephews (between us like 20+) all under the age of 10 and I don't want anything to happen to any of them. 3.) I just don't think either of us has the time, nor space to put up with such an active dog. So I guess I just want some insight on the breed from current or previous owners. I'm pretty sure they are good dogs, but are they good for us in our situation? Please share some stories with me so I can draw my own conclusion. Thank you.
4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoHow much is this bill worth in U.S. Dollars?
I found this bill on the streets, and converted it using a couple of different currency conversion sites, however, I am not convinced by what I found. How much is this bill really worth?
5 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade agoNot really a dog question, but It derives from the dog category
This is a 2 part question I guess. Question number 1 is why are there so many similar responses to a question
My dog usually has a high energy level, but lately has been really lazy. Any advice?
1. take him to the vet
2. he might be sick, you should take him to the vet
3. That doesn't sound good, you should probably take him to the vet
4. Call a vet
5. Why are you on the computer? You need to call a vet Immediately.
And this goes on and on. Is it so wrong to just give the answers you agree with a thumbs up and keep going, I mean especially if you are going to say the same exact thing that someone else already said.
Question # 2 is why are there so many indignant responses to genuine questions? Don't get me wrong, there are some people who ask ridiculous questions intentionally just to get a rise out of you, but there are some people who really need help and sometimes what you say to them probably doesn't help their situation.
My dog lives outside, and lately I've noticed that he's been scratching a lot and he has little red bumps on his body. Anybody know what this could be?
1. Could be mites, or fleas, but you should check with a vet
2. sounds like mange, talk to your vet
*3. Stop neglecting your dog and get him to a vet you asshole!!!
I know that last one is kind of extreme but believe it or not I've seen responses like that, if not worse. Has anyone ever heard the saying, if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say ****? Exercise that expression
10 AnswersDogs1 decade agoBy boycotting puppy mills, aren't those dogs loosing?
Let me start out by saying I do NOT support nor condone ANYONE who doesn't breed for temperament, or conformation. Recently, here in Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Humane Society purchased Puppy Haven, one of the largest puppy mills In Wisconsin. The local news station reported that the conditions there were so bad that some of the mother dogs actually chewed limbs off of her pups, due to over stressing. So all in all there were over 1500 dogs and puppies confiscated from this place. My question is, why is it these dogs have to suffer in order for people to send the message that puppy milling is wrong? For all of those people who say, don't buy from puppy mills, which don't get me wrong I totally understand that by not supporting puppy mills you put them out of business, but is it really worth the suffering that all of these dogs endure? And ultimately these ARE the same dogs you encourage people to go to the shelters to get, so couldn't we stave off this suffering by getting them from
1 AnswerDogs1 decade agoWhy is there so much hatred torwards the pet stores and "BYB'S"?
Every time someone ask a question like, "Wheres a good pet store to by a dog?" They get dozens of answers to the affect "Don't buy from a puppy mill, go to a shelter" or "don't by from a BYB, buy from a shelter." Aren't the dogs that end up in a shelter FROM backyard breeders, or FROM puppy mills? So we are condemning dogs now because of where they are born? I don't condone puppy mills nor do I condone people breeding dogs that have no idea what they are doing, but for so many people answering these questions claiming to be "pro dog" don't you think its a little hypocritical to BE pro dog but against dogs from pet stores or puppy mills or back yard breeders?
19 AnswersDogs1 decade ago