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Minnesota sports fan

  • Question. Would you buy this__?

    So, I'm not exactly sure how I would get it to work, but here's my very rough idea

    It's an alarm clock, that 30-60 minutes before if went off, if would send a wireless signal to (here's where the idea becomes sketchy) either a patch or something on your arm, and it would start injecting small amounts of caffeine into your bloodstream. So when you wake up, you're up and awake, and you wouldn't need to drink coffee.

    I know it's a VERY rough idea atm. But If I were able to invent such a thing, would you buy it?

    4 AnswersMedicine9 years ago
  • I really hate my family?

    So, I've asked this multiple times but never got an answer, So the title was a little misleading, but somewhat accurate, First off let me say that my family's great, doing everything that they can. So now I'm going to paste the question, it's long but please read it, or at least skim it.

    So a little background information.

    1. I'm talking about rage, not normal anger, like breaking stuff and not thinking twice about it as a milder example.

    2. I just started medication that is causing this side affect, but the pro aspects are outweighing this rage.

    So like I said, I started meds for ADD about 4-5 months ago, I'm 17 btw, and they help great, I focus, and get a lot done, my grades have drastically improved from not bad to amazing. But when the meds wear off at around 4-5 pm I get set off by the slightest thing. I mean tiny stuff, like not doing well in a game of Call of Duty, or my dinner not coming out how I think it was, (I do cook for myself for the record.) but anything sets me off to the point of I've broken 2 spoons, a knife, a jar of peanut butter that smeared all to hell and back, cutting myself (only once, not stupid enough to do that again, lol)

    I'm pissed at anything and anyone. My friends family and myself have noticed this.

    My usual way of dealing with anger is fueling it with music, (pretty much all the music I like is angering or depressing) and then it just kind of evaporates all at once. But that doesn't work with this rage. I know I need to calm down, but I hate doing that, I love fueling it, but I know I need to calm down, but I don't know how I can do that without making myself even angrier.

    I have tried listening to calming music and such, but that has the opposite affect

    And as of now I am pissed at everything and listening to Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit as loud as my headphones will let it play.

    Oh and I've tried different brands of meds, no affect

    Any help is appreciated, if you read all of it you deserve a cookie

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • How to deal with Rage?

    So a little background information.

    1. I'm talking about rage, not normal anger, like breaking stuff and not thinking twice about it as a milder example.

    2. I just started medication that is causing this side affect, but the pro aspects are outweighing this rage.

    So like I said, I started meds for ADD about 4-5 months ago, I'm 17 btw, and they help great, I focus, and get a lot done, my grades have drastically improved from not bad to amazing. But when the meds wear off at around 4-5 pm I get set off by the slightest thing. I mean tiny stuff, like not doing well in a game of Call of Duty, or my dinner not coming out how I think it was, (I do cook for myself for the record.) but anything sets me off to the point of I've broken 2 spoons, a knife, a jar of peanut butter that smeared all to hell and back, cutting myself (only once, not stupid enough to do that again, lol)

    I'm pissed at anything and anyone. My friends family and myself have noticed this.

    My usual way of dealing with anger is fueling it with music, (pretty much all the music I like is angering or depressing) and then it just kind of evaporates all at once. But that doesn't work with this rage. I know I need to calm down, but I hate doing that, I love fueling it, but I know I need to calm down, but I don't know how I can do that without making myself even angrier.

    I have tried listening to calming music and such, but that has the opposite affect

    And as of now I am pissed at everything and listening to Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit as loud as my headphones will let it play.

    Any help is appreciated, if you read all of it you deserve a cookie

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you weren't racist?

    Please vote against him in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot,

    thank you

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Will you guys just stop complaining about gas prices?

    I know they're high, you can complain but don't blame Obama. I don't like him, I don't like his presidency, but with something as complex as the oil trade he has very very little power to change it.

    Middle Eastern oil is clean, it doesn't take much energy or time to refine. Time is money, so it's cheaper, much cheaper, even with the shipping rates. American and Canadian oil are dirty, they take three times the amount of refining as ME oil, so it costs three times as more, even though you don't really have to ship it. So if you want to pay $10 a gallon next time you fill up, then go for it. Get rid of ME oil.

    That's why we just can't get rid of ME oil and go to Canada and the US

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Let's take a poll here. Who's been...?

    Who's been blocked by noname aka newell.

    I have!

    1 AnswerPolitics9 years ago
  • Why don't we do something?

    Darfur, around half a million dead, more than 2 million refugees, it's a genocide, in the 1948 genocide convention we said never again, we would intervene against genocides, yet Clinton did nothing with Rwanda in 1994, Bush/Obama are doing nothing since 2006 when it was declared a genocide by the US government, (even though it started in 2003). Why don't we protect the people?

    This, by the way, is coming from a non-interventionist.

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why are liberals pro-abortion?

    Slightly misleading title to draw attention, but keep reading. Liberal's primary reason to favor abortion is that it's her body, she can do what she want's with it. That alone I agree with, which is why i'm for re-legalizing drugs, and such. But the problem I have with that is it's not just affecting the woman, it's killing the baby, who was a heartbeat 2 weeks after conception, right around the woman discovers she's pregnant.

    All of this actually leads to my question. It's a woman's body and she can do what she want's with it; if that's why abortion is legal, then why is prostitution illegal. I mean it's her body, she can do what she want's with it, and even make money off of it. But all of a sudden that's demeaning to women and she can't. It's a terrible double standard that's the worst of both opportunities.

    So in short, she can do what she want's with her body is ok with abortion, but all of a sudden it's terrible when it comes to prostitution. I don't get it.

    - Your local, right leaning, Libertarian

    19 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • What are YOUR views on foreign policy?

    The reason your is in all caps is because I want your opinion, not your party's opinion.

    I'm non-interventionist and I have reasons, but I'm definitely in the minority on this, so I want to know your opinion and intelligent reasons why.

    - Your local Libertarian.

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Who to start at QB this week?

    So my league has 2 starting qb's, and I have 3

    1. Phillip Rivers of SD, they're in Jacksonville on monday night

    2. Fitzpatrick of Buffalo, he's at home to Tennessee

    3. Stafford who's in New Orleans

    I'm thinking rivers and fitzpatrick, but i want your opionions

    and it's mostly between fitzpatrick and stafford, I'm starting rivers


    5 AnswersFantasy Sports9 years ago
  • How bad do you hate miley cyrus?

    So, I don't like to hate, I don't like Justin Bieber's music, so i don't listen to him, i don't hate on him for no reason, I was the same with miley cyrus until i realized that she did a cover of Smells like Teen Spirit


    this just ticked me off, i don't know why, Maybe it was becasue she did a cover (in my opinion) of one of the best songs every produced by Nirvana, (again my opinion,) one of the greatest bands. She just ruined it. So I'm just wondering how everyone else feels.

    Don't believe me?

    13 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Who do i start, AJ Green, or Jordy Nelson?

    Jordy Nelson of the Packers, against the Bears D,


    AJ Green of the Bengals agains the 49ers

    3 AnswersFantasy Sports10 years ago
  • Which Pregame show do you like best? ESPN, Fox, or CBS?

    I like Fox the best personally. I'm just wondering who likes what.

    Oh, and what conference is your favorite team in? Because Fox shows mostly NFC, CBS mostly AFC, and ESPN is balanced

    9 AnswersFootball (American)10 years ago
  • BattleField 3 Music.?

    So you know how at the end of the BF3 trailers they have a little music, i can't really translate it over type but i'll try, bum, bum bum, bum, bum bum, bum.

    if you know what i'm talking about can you help me find that, but just the music, I want to set that as my text sound but there's always background noise, if you can find a trailer that has that without background noise that'd be awesome

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • buying an M game online?

    so anyway, i'm 16, and my cod 4 broke :(

    so i went to best buy and they id'd me and couldn't buy it, so i just bought it online with enough money via gift cards. I'm just wondering if i have to sign anything when it's delivered or if i'm in the clear

    3 AnswersXbox10 years ago
  • High School Golf team.?

    I'm a very amateur golfer, on average I shoot about 100, my putting and chipping need the most help,

    but anyway, i was thinking about joining the golf team, but i don't enjoy golf that much if i were to consistently be the worst one, I would improve which is nice and important, but i can do that on my own or with my dad without embarrassing my team/self

    So i'm wondering what the "average score" for an 11th grade golf team would be


    3 AnswersGolf10 years ago
  • Who do I start, and who do I bench?

    I'm just wondering

    and i know that there are a lot of starting positions, there aren't many people in the league so there are a lot of positions. I'm wondering about Manningham, should I start him? If yes, who does he replace?


    QB: Phillip Rivers

    QB: Matthew Stafford

    RB: Adrian Peterson

    RB: Peyton Hillis

    WR: Larry Fitz

    WR: Johnny Knox

    WR: Anquan Boldin

    WR/TE/RB: Percy Harvin

    TE: Marcedes Lewis

    K: Ryan Longwell

    TM: Ravens


    QB: Ryan Fitzpatrick

    RB: Mark Ingram

    WR: Mario Manningham

    TE: Brent Celek

    5 AnswersFantasy Sports10 years ago
  • Help finding a specific logo for NFL teams?

    So i'm making my own NFL schedule, and I can't find the logo that I want, and I can't change it. So, the logo looks like this

    it's the teams that the vikings are playing, but they need to be the larger size, the next game size, not the smaller one,

    and i know that other teams have it like that, but i can't get all the teams like that

    1 AnswerFootball (American)10 years ago
  • How to find custom text sounds?

    So I have an android phone and I was wondering if I could find a website (preferably YouTube, but doesn't have to be) that played a jingle from some at&t phones, It's a long story of why I want it but it sounds like three chimes, and they get higher in sound.

    like I said, long story of why I want it, but if you could show me a video or someplace that has it that would be awesome.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • customizable online calendar for multiple people.?

    Is there one? I'm trying to organize something for a group of friends and i want to know if there's an website where i can have a calendar and have people cross out a date where that won't be able to go. This would make my life a lot easier cause i'm the organizer of the little group. Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago