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  • cctv cameras UK is saturated with them do they work.?

    I personnally dislike the cameras as they do not prevent crime merely aid in the capture of criminals after the fact. Why not instead spending millions on watching innocent civilians on cctv in the name of security

    Have more police on the streets preventing crime.

    There is a lady who had acid thrown in her face and this is terrible but the camedra never prevented it but a police person could have.

    The argument if you have nothing to hide then why worry. NO its not innocent civilians have nothing to hide its what the hell are they doing with all this data and god forbib we ever had a dictator they would have the tools in place for tgotal control of the people. Body and Mind (they can never take the soul)

    I would love your opinion on cctv

    Do you think we need More CCTV or More Police?

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Moving to Australia with the Family for new start?

    My family and I are from England and we are planning to move to Aus Victoria possibly We are both nurses so want to be near a hospital but also are country folk so would like a small farm preferable within 1 hour from the beach and with fresh water supply, broadband internet, and near a town for our kids to go to school please let me know if this is achievable and what kind of budget we will need for a 4 bedroom farm house with about 5 to 10 acres.

    6 AnswersOther - Australia1 decade ago
  • Is The United Kingdom becoming a Totalitarian State or a natural progression?

    I personally have never broke the law and play by the rules, however I am getting sick of more and more cameras, forms to fill in, snooping councils, laws that appear to protect criminals more than victims.

    ID cards I dont want one don't force me to have one. Biometric data in passports. People say if you have nothing to hide then why worry?

    Well its the fact who has all this data might be corruptible and the government does not have the best Record at keeping our data safe.

    I am very interested if you feel that surrendering more and more power to the state is good for the country or that it might have some undesirable side effects.

    A Great man once said "If you surrender you freedom for security you have neither freedom nor security"

    Finally I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees and am very interested how much of your freedom you would be willing to sacrifice for security.

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • British, English, Scottish, Welsh what are you?

    Hi I filled out a form today in said select nationality.

    a. British

    b Welsh

    c Scottish

    d then gave different choices

    e other

    Why did it not give the choice for English ??

    Also i have read on the internet Jack Straw made a dicument stating the English as a race are not worth saving.

    Please tell me what on earth is happening and why are we not allowed to call ourselves English.

    I am proud of the UK and would normally tick british no problem but it was the fact everyone else had a choice what they wanted to be except the English.

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • General election UK UKIP can win?

    Do you think that UKIP can win if not why not??

    What other parties offer so much freedom?

    After the election when the ()&* hits the fan it will be to late to change your vote to the only party that makes sence read this before you judge and please tell me what the other offer that is better than this?

    27 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why does the USA need militias when you pay taxes to the government for police and defense?

    Just curious why there is a need when the governments job is to protect you??

    Isn't that why you pay tax??

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Do you believe the Polls? General Election?

    How can labour be doing so well in the polls when they have ruined the UK it seems crazy?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are UKIP the only party left that talk any Sense?

    I am not asking if they will win or there chances but they really seem to talk sense on issues of Personal responsibility I am bored with the government telling me whats good and bad for me not that i listen but surely as long as we have good hospital roads and policing (old school beat Constable) then its up to the individual to take responsibility for themselves surly forming a over reliance on state handouts cannot be good for a person as they never learn Personal responsibility.

    I also feel very sorry for the guys who have lost their jobs and only get offered a terrible benefit package surly the Minimum wage idea is a great one every gets what amount to the minimum wage when they fall on hard times for this they have to feed there kids, rent a house, pay for clothes, if the minimum wage is not enough to live on then how do so many hard working cleaners etc etc get by.

    I think for example I want to live in Mayfair London but cannot afford a place so i quit my job and go on benefits with my children I am then allocated a house in the area of my choice at extortionate rents thanks to the tax payer. If they said there is minimum wage for 37.5 hour week u find a house and put food on the table surly that would more encourage me to better myself.

    Love to know what you guys think??

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Does Political Correctness (PC) improve freedom of speech?

    In our work place over the last 10 years the humor has almost gone as jokes about anything like race, sexuality, colour of hair, a persons weight have dissappeared now i am not asking for overt discrimination to be allowed and of course ones freedom of speech should not include demonising a person or indeed bullying however the light hearted banter used to improve productivity and community cohesion.

    Now if anyone feels slightly upset over anything they can sue and also severe sanctions can be taken towards anyone breeching politic correctness rules.

    Basically is this a good thing or a bad thing?? And does it enhance the work enviroment or make it one of Orwellin 1984??

    I am just waiting for the rule that you cannot think about anything that could offend other people.

    Please give reasons for and against political correctness.

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • If the world was going to end tomorrow what would you do right now.?

    I am looking for a idea for a crazy day today were anything goes but due to my dumbing down from the education system am having great difficulties with a radical vision for a great day.

    Money no object you have 24 hours left what would you do.

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Why did Obama talk so much about change when the only thing he has changed is the healthcare system.?

    I am British and we have our problems here about loosing our identity but for the USA to loose theirs is crazy you guys love liberty.

    Obama has not lived up to my expectations and seems to let the people down but enrich the bankers what the hell is going on, does he not have to honour his election promices//

    10 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Moving to Australia from UK any tips?

    My family and I plan to move to Australia within the next 6 to 12 months.

    Just wondering any particular place good weather beaches, hunting and relaxed free lifestyle.

    Also we plan to buy a house and want to be mortgage free so could you give any idea of house prices in the area you recommend for a 4 bedroom house with land approx 2 acres. No city living however outskirts of city would be ok.

    Also i am in a mixed race marriage is\ it true Australia is more Racist than the UK my dad was going on about i told him to give it a rest but just thought i would ask.

    Finally would you sell up in the UK and buy new in Australia or ship over tvs, computers, laptops all da expensive electrical goods??

    Don't worry about entry requirements we are both highly qualified and our specialization are greatly in demand down under.

    Please just honest friendly advice.

    4 AnswersOther - Australia1 decade ago
  • Daniel Hannan this guy is great is he running for the General Election?

    I have listened to his speeches and he is remarkable and seems to be making a stand for want little we have left.

    I do not agree with his views on the NHS but most other issues he hits the nail on the head.

    Any chance of him becoming a main player in the Conservatives

    I vote UKIP but this guy could change my mind.

    Any advice on the upcoming election and option of Hannan most welcome

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • My car failed MOT on emissions. Jap import.?

    I was running RON 95 it failed changed to RON 98 and passed easily

    they told me needed new sensor i said will be back few days time i run in the RON 98 from shell and it easy pass no expensive repairs.

    Anyone who fails i would recommend this


    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Why do Human beings hurt each other?

    I am a honest hard working person who has dedicated my life to helping others and trying to better my self and help my community even at the detrement of my personnal time. I enjoy helping and caring for others. I am also highly quailified in the medical field so my volentary work is in demand.

    The other day I was driving along and genuinly didnt see the guy behind me when i applied my brakes to pull into a parking spot he proceeded to jump out of his van and charge towards the car shouting and obviously very angry i had dared to break to pull into a parking spot.

    Anyway i told him if he wishes to fight i wont resist as i have no interest in hurting him and am sorry for any touble i caused following a few more seconds of ranting he grumply went to his van and continued on his way.

    Why did he feel the need to react in such an unhelpful mannor that clearly caused him stress and obviously went away feeling bad i however just smiled i felt he must be stressed.

    But now i have some time to think why would he want to physically threaten me and what did he hope to achieve

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • The USA will create a bigger divide with the health care reforms?

    I think this bill is designed to make people poor look were the money is going and a few people are getting very rich off the back of this bill.

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago