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  • Help with Back & Side Pain Please?

    I'm 47 & in pretty good shape, working out regularly. Recently I had some strain in my back, just below ribs on the right side after a long day of casting/fishing. Usually after a couple days rest it goes away. It came and went for a few wks. I scaled back my workouts to cardio only for a while but then decided to do a light workout. Felt fine when I was doing it, but the next morning it was nagging at me again. I decided to push through it and went about several heavy lifting or anything. The pain got worse and I decided to rest for a while. When I got up it felt like my mid-back muscles had seized up in knots. OK to sit or lay down, but standing, walking, use of right arm all produced pain which radiates from below the ribs around to the hip/side. Took two days of doing virtually nothing just resting, and it was no better. Went to doc who ruled out kidney issues and Rx'd rest & flexiril , ibuprofen for 2 wks. They do little to help.

    Two more 'restful' days went by with no significant improvement. Went to chiropractor, who targeted the problem & ruled out disc or nerve issues. In short she determined my obliques, laterals, hip flexor are all involved. Did some treatments and put me with her masseuse who did a deep tissue massage. Within minutes of getting up from the massage I still had the same pain. 2 days later, no significant improvement & I am scheduled to go back in 2 days.

    I've never had an injury that didn't feel better after a few days of taking it easy. It's been a solid week now with little if any improvement. I can sit or sleep comfortably but within a 2-3 minutes of standing up it feels like the back and side muscles just knot up. The best way to relieve it is to squat or bend forward to stretch the muscles. But the relief is very temporary.

    Can anyone offer advise on how long such a condition may take to improve, and steps to help it along? Should I have felt 'some' improvement after the chiro (who used electric stimulation prior to massage), or does it take several sessions? I have a massage chair/cushion, heat rubs/wraps, at home in addition to the meds. They all help to a degree but the pain when standing, walking, moving arms is really starting to get to me.

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Babies and Dogs, some Serious Cute?

    Dog lovers, if you want to start your Monday off with a smile, check out this clip:

    Legit: What do you think when people here advise against getting a dog or pup when there's a baby/toddler in the picture? Which came first, your dog(s) or your kid(s)?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Re-Posting : Breeders, what would You do?

    Below is a link to a question I asked last night. I'd like to get more feedback from 'day timers' too.

    Would you let this person take one of your dogs or pups? Would you want another breeder to refer this person to you if he/she said 'no'? Please answer at the link rather than here. Thanks. :);_ylt=AoKJn...

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • For Breeders: What would you do in this situation?

    So a celebrity is interested in buying one of your dogs or pups. Big home/yard, $$ to care for the dog, nice family, etc.. You've met him a few times, but don't know him well.

    He contributes substantially to charity and does a lot of 'giving back' to the community.

    But, you discover his reputation for having a bad temper & a short fuse, evidenced on video/audio cliips, and also an arrest /charge of violence against his wife.

    You're aware that they've been in counseling, worked things out, and from what you can tell there haven't been any tantrums or 'incidents' in the last 2-3 years.

    What would you do?

    18 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Anyone Else Lose Their Avatar?

    My avatar has disappeared. Wondering if it's temporary or if I need to resubmit my photo.

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Jan. 24th Free Adoption at Participating Shelters?

    We often see requests here,from people wanting to find a good pet at low or no cost. Hill's is sponsoring an event toward that end on January 24th.

    Some people will of course argue this isn't such a grand idea, as people should be able to afford to pay for a pet. But honestly I think this is incentive for some people on the fence to choose a shelter dog.

    Take a look and let me know what you think, and please spread the word if you know a worthy potential owner:

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What doDog Enthusiasts think of Horse Racing.?

    I'm sorry, I know this is a bit off-topic for the dog's section. But after refusing to watch horse racing for the last five years, I finally decided to sit down with my husband for the Kentucky Derby this evening.

    I immediately picked out Eight Bells, the only filly, and rooted her on, standing and cheering 'the girl' as she finished second behind the favorite (Big Brown).

    Seconds later, Eight Bells was down, and minutes later, she was dead.

    THIS is why I don't watch racing. I can't stand to see these beautiful but fragile animals pushed to these limits. What happened today is just too frequent an occurance. I was angry at mysefl for watching, and deeply saddened (crying) for the filly. I had to poor myself a drink.

    I will never, ever, watch or support horse racing in any way, shape, or form again.

    I'd just like to know what you other dog enthusiasts feel about the sport. ?.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Isn't he Lovely??

    OK, I usually don't post things like 'isn't my dog cute', but I had to laugh when I found my big, masculine German Shepherd this this morning....apparently getting in touch with his 'feminine' side. Doesn't he look 'perty'? ;^)

    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Weekend Puppy Stores?

    Some friends of mine own some commercial (retail) property and have it up for lease. Today they called to ask my opinion about a potential renter, who gave a long explanation of her business plan as a puppy center, but what it boils down to is a puppy store, which would be *open on weekends only*.

    No specific breeders,suppliers, no vets, no groomers. Just puppies.

    I asked where the pups would be during the week. She said they would stay in the store.

    Be SURE, I informed her of my ethical & emotional objections to such a business. Then I set those aside to give her an opinion from a business perspective, & told her the plan was weak at best, and the weekday closure would be a red flag.

    I'm interested to see if anyone else has encountered such a business? I've heard of some weekend businesses like this but the pups go back home with the owners/breeders at day's end.

    I can't imagine this would be a good financial endeavor for my friends.

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Trouble with responses to Y!A.?

    OK, I'm putting this question in the Dogs section because it's the only one I participate in.

    Several times now, I've recieved some very nice email responses to answers I've posted, which I'm happy to reply to. Trouble is, when I click on 'reply' and send my email, it always comes right back with a failure notice, saying there was a fatal error or such.

    Any idea why this happens, and how to correct it? Is it because the reply goes through a generic address

    ( rather than directly to the individual?

    Thanks for any help!!

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago