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  • Too late to give him a chance???? best friends betrayed me PLEASE HELP!!!?

    I have 3 friends: Carly, Andrés & Bob. (We’ve been friends for 4 years). Andres and Bob over the years seem to be interested in the same girl at the same time and the girl always picks Andres and it didn’t affect their friendship…… or so I thought. I’ve been in love with Bob for 2 years now and it’s pretty obvious. Bob has friendzoned the sh*t out of me and for these past 12 months, he tells me he loves Carly and wants to be with her in the future. During this time, he tells Carly that he likes her and sometimes holds her hand in front of me and Andres and neither of us say anything. It kind of hurts me to see him interested in Carly so I decided to finally give up on Bob and move on, I still care and love him but it’s time to move on. Turns out that this Carly & Andrés have been in a relationship for a little over a year in secret & just now told Bob. They tell me & everyone else they have been together for 1 month. Bob is mad & wants nothing to do with them. He meets a random girl on tinder and is currently rebounding with her. Ppl think that Andrés is broke & is living with/getting $$ from Carly (reason for keeping it secret). Suddenly, Bob says that I’ve always stood up for him, he regrets friendzoning me and wants me to be his girlfriend. I'm mad at Carly & Andres cuz I feel like if they were honest from the start, Bob might have given me a chance sooner.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Should I give him a chance? They all hurt me?

    I have 3 friends: Carly, Andrés & Bob. (friends for 4 years). I love Bob. Bob loves Carly. Carly & Andrés have been in a relationship for a year in secret & just now told Bob. They tell me & everyone else they have been together for 1 month. Ppl think that Andrés is broke & is living with/getting $$ from Carly (reason for keeping it secret). Bob is mad & wants nothing to do with them& suddenly says he loves me & regrets friendzoning me. I'm mad at Carly & Andres cuz I feel like if they were honest from the start, Bob might have given me a chance sooner. Bob is in the army & about to get deployed & I'm moving out/starting college (taking maximum amount of units& he is throwing himself at me/wants a relationship at the WORST POSSIBLE TIME!!! Carly & Andrés told many lies over 1 year to hide this & I feel like i cant trust them. What should I do

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Going to court for traffic ticket have an unpaid bill in collections?

    So my cousin is going to court in 2 months for speeding and driving without a license. She ended up getting a license and will go to court but she said that she has an unpaid phone bill that is in collections. Will that show up in court?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • GOT CAUGHT driving with no license, no insurance and expired registration PLEASE HELP?

    My cousin f*cked up. She drove her car with no license, no insurance and expired registration. She got stopped by a cop and she will have to go to court. She's taking her behind the wheel test tomorrow and I helped her pay for her insurance and her registration so when she goes to court it doesn't look so bad and hopefully the judge will lower the fine. Does anyone know the maximum fine penalty for this? Is there a chance that she will go to jail and how much time does she have to pay the fine??????? She has no money saved up so I will be helping her pay and I'm scared to go broke :/ please help

    10 AnswersInsurance & Registration4 years ago
  • He catfished me? Dating a big guy?

    I met a guy named William on a dating website, he looked cute & had a lot in common so we set up a date. We meet up. I look everywhere for him and I can't seem to find him anywhere. I finally find him. Yes, I can tell it's him, the pictures he had up on his profile are of him but these pictures must be YEARS old. He's a big guy and is slightly chunky in his pictures but it didn't bother me that he was a little chunky but when I see him in person, he has significantly gained A LOT of weight since he took those pictures. LIKE A LOT!!!!! He seems like a nice guy, we had a nice date and I've continued seeing him, I'm getting to know him and he makes me feel very comfortable. I like him and possibly this could lead to more. I can tell that he REALLY likes me. However, as much as I like him, I am not attracted to his body. Am I horribly shallow?? I wouldn't rate myself a 10 but I am very fit, I hit the gym 4-5 times a week, I run and stay very active. We talked about going on a hike or working out together but when it comes down to it, he avoids doing anything with me that requires physical activity, he likes to go grab lunch with me or go to the movies or anything that requires sitting down when I always want to do activities that require me to move around. I like him and idk if I should continue seeing where things will go or if I should just stop since I am not physically attracted to him yet I don't want to be super shallow, what if he is the one???

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Which guy to date, CAN'T DECIDE HELP!?

    Last year, I met a named Andy at a rave & we ended up dating for about 2 months. He lives 1 hour and 30 minutes away from my house and for the first 2 months we drove to visit each other and made it work. He told me from the very beginning that he had depression and anxiety but that did not seem to affect our dating at first. We kind of moved fast: he introduced me to his entire family on thanksgiving day, we had lunch with his parents, he set up a time for me to spend time alone with his mom, he told me he loved me and wanted to marry me. The first time we kissed, it was fire. We were kissing and all up on each other from 12am to 5am in the morning, the chemistry between us was just that strong. Towards the end of the two months, he got distant and ignored me for a while and finally after I kept insisting for an explanation, he told me that drive was becoming too much for him and he made a decision to not work so he could focus on his gym goals and passing his classes. We agreed to stay friends and continued to text almost every day even though I wish he would get a job and visit me but his depression and anxiety make it hard to do so much so I understand. He was open to the possibility to visit me in the summer.

    Anyway, since we aren't dating anymore, I went on a date with another guy named Roger. I saw his pictures and he looked cute and he thought I looked cute so we go on a date. I get there and I can't find Roger

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • I won't have sex with him, is he mad?

    I met a guy, we'll call him Andy at a rave last year in October. We kind of hit it off and we went out a couple of times. We got serious really fast, he invited me to meet his entire fam on Thanksgiving day & had lunch with his parents on a different day. He came to visit me and I went to visit him. We kinda have a lot of chemistry and the first time we made out, we kissed/we all up on each other from 12am to 5am. We did this a few time but never had sex. He told me that he loved me and wanted to marry me. All this happened in 1 month and he lived more than 1 hour away but we drove to each other and made it work for that 1st month. After that, he got flakey on me and stopped hitting me up. I drove to his house to ask him what was wrong and he said he lost his job and did not want to tell me about his $ problems so we agreed to stay friends. Anyways I am going to sleep over at his house because we are going to a rave together and we kept sending each other flirty snapchats and it kinda turned a little sexual. We both admitted that we want to have sex with each other because of our great chemistry. I won't have sex with him because he got flakey and distant in the past and I'm afraid that will happen again. He said it was okay, we don't have to have sex, we can go to the rave as friends but seemed a little mad. He said it was okay but now I feel kind of awkward in going to sleep over at his house. I can't sell the ticket, it's too late. How do I make the best of this situation?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Is it hard to get in CSUSB???

    I've been going to city college like forever now and by the end of summer, I'll be ready to transfer to a university. I will apply to CSUSB this year hopefully get in for the spring 2018. How hard is it to get in CSU San Bernardino? My transfer GPA is a 2.77 and I live in Los Angeles. I know they give priority to those who live locally and i won't get that priority since I live more than an hour away. Help, I really want to get in :(

  • Will this guy break my heart?

    So I met a guy online and went on a date. We hit it off right away and the date went really well. He was a perfect gentleman, paid for everything (he spent over $100) and didn't even try to have sex with me, he just gave me a hug at the end. Two days ago we went on a hike and dinner afterwards, again it was a perfect time. We grew up in the same religion and even though we don't go to church anymore, we still hold on to some of the same values. We both share interests and are in similar areas in our lives. I am 24 and he is 28, this is the first time I date an older guy. We are not together, we are just going out and having fun but because he spent so much money and is really respectful towards me but I can't tell if he is acting this way towards me because he is a gentleman and is actually into me or will do/say all the right things to get me into bed. We ended up going to the club and we ended up kissing. When we went back to the car, I hinted a bit that I was curious to see where this was going and he says he doesn't know what he wants and proceeds to tell me about his ex and how he was nice to her and a complete gentleman but then she cheated on him and used him and things ended really badly. I really like him so I told him that it was okay that he didn't know what he wanted, I told him that he could take his time in figuring things out. I only said that because I don't want to put pressure on him for a relationship when we've only gone out on 3 dates.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Sex too soon? Scared to mess things up?

    So I met a guy online and went on a date. We hit it off right away and the date went really well. He was a perfect gentleman, paid for everything (he spent over $100) and didn't even try to have sex with me, he just gave me a hug at the end. Two days ago we went on a hike and dinner afterwards, again it was a perfect time. We grew up in the same religion and even though we don't go to church anymore, we still hold on to some of the same values. We both share interests and are in similar areas in our lives. I am 24 and he is 28, this is the first time I date an older guy. We are not together, we are just going out and having fun but because he spent so much money and is really respectful towards me, I can tell he is serious about getting to know me. He really wants to go to the club with me and we will go next week. We both love to drink so I anticipate us getting a little tipsy and him trying to get a little closer to me. We haven't kissed yet but I'm sure it will happen when we go clubbing. So I'm really nervous, I never dated an older guy, he's 28 and I'm 24, it's not that big of age gap but I'm used to dating 21 year old guys. Because he is a grown man and not the immature boys I've dated, I feel that the vibe is different. We both love to drink and I feel like we will kiss. Before I've kissed guys in the past, I've known them for months/years but with this guy I've only gone on 2 dates with him and known him for 3 weeks

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Sex too soon?

    So I met a guy online and went on a date. We hit it off right away and the date went really well. He was a perfect gentleman, paid for everything (he spent over $100) and didn't even try to have sex with me, he just gave me a hug at the end. Two days ago we went on a hike and dinner afterwards, again it was a perfect time. We grew up in the same religion and even though we don't go to church anymore, we still hold on to some of the same values. We both share interests and are in similar areas in our lives. I am 24 and he is 28, this is the first time I date an older guy. We are not together, we are just going out and having fun but because he spent so much money and is really respectful towards me, I can tell he is serious about getting to know me. He really wants to go to the club with me and we will go next week. We both love to drink so I anticipate us getting a little tipsy and him trying to get a little closer to me. We haven't kissed yet but I'm sure it will happen when we go clubbing. TBH I'm used to dating guys who are younger than me and don't know what they want but this guy is 28, is a grown man. I dont want to have sex with him too soon but at the same time, I don't know how long is too long to withhold sex from him, I want to know forsure that it's right. The soonest I've have sex with a guy is after 3 months of knowing him, is that too long to make him wait???? Things are going well so far and I really don't want to mess it up

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Sex too soon????

    So I met a guy online and went on a date. We hit it off right away and the date went really well. He was a perfect gentleman, paid for everything (he spent over $100) and didn't even try to have sex with me, he just gave me a hug at the end. Two days ago we went on a hike and dinner afterwards, again it was a perfect time. We grew up in the same religion and even though we don't go to church anymore, we still hold on to some of the same values. We both share interests and are in similar areas in our lives. I am 24 and he is 28, this is the first time I date an older guy. We are not together, we are just going out and having fun but because he spent so much money and is really respectful towards me, I can tell he is serious about getting to know me. He really wants to go to the club with me and we will go next week. We both love to drink so I anticipate us getting a little tipsy and him trying to get a little closer to me. We haven't kissed yet but I'm sure it will happen when we go clubbing. TBH I'm used to dating guys who are younger than me and don't know what they want but this guy is 28, is a grown man. I dont want to have sex with him too soon but at the same time, I don't know how long is too long to withhold sex from him, I want to know forsure that it's right. The soonest I've have sex with a guy is after 3 months of knowing him, is that too long to make him wait???? Things are going well so far and I really don't want to mess it up

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Scared to mess things up?? HELP!!!!?

    So I met a guy online and went on a date. We hit it off right away and the date went really well. He was a perfect gentleman, paid for everything (he spent over $100) and didn't even try to have sex with me, he just gave me a hug at the end. We grew up in the same religion and even though we don't go to church anymore, we still hold on to some of the same values. We both share interests and are in similar areas in our lives. I am 24 and he is 28, this is the first time I date an older guy. We are not together, we are just going out and having fun but because he spent so much money and is really respectful towards me, I can tell he is serious about getting to know me. Idk what it is, I kind of feel like he is too good for me, like I am confident in myself and all, I consider myself cute-ish, makeup and cute clothes always help me look better but this guy is a 9, if he worked out, he'd be a 10. We have the same silly personality but at the same time, he is more mature that me. That's the only thing that didn't come natural to me, like I had to act more mature around him but in everything else we are a good fit.

    Anyway, we grabbed lunch yesterday and again it went well. He said he enjoyed my company and I really like him. We are going clubbing in a week. IDK this is the first time I actually going out with a guy who fits the description of everything that I want in a guy, he so perfect, I'm seriously so afraid that I will do something wrong to f*ck it up.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Should I give this new guy a chance?

    I met a guy named Andy and really hit it off. Chemistry was amazing, he brought me to meet his family on Thanksgiving, he set up a day that I could cook and spend time with his mom, tells me he loves me and wants to marry me. A month later, he starts ignoring me and he steps back, says he's not ready to be in a relationship and friendzones me. This hurt me so much. I became extremely depressed, would cry over him and it got to the point that all of my friends would tell me to move on. One of my friends forced me to download a dating app and I didn't really want to at first but as time went on I got more depressed and angry at Andy because he kept texting me and messing with my emotions that I forced myself to go on a date. I went on the dating app and messaged some random cute guy and went out. I went with a IDGAF mindset, I just went out with this new guy because I just wanted to stop thinking about Andy. I'm not trying to get hurt again. Anyway went on the date with this new guy Mark and we really hit it off. Turns out we were raised in the same religion and even though we don't go to church anymore, we still hold many of the values. We grew up in the same city on the same street and are into similar things. He paid for my dinner and took me out for drinks, he wasn't even trying to sleep with me, all he did was hug me. He wants to see me again but I am still getting over Andy and am kind of scared to catch feelings again even though it seems that Mark is really respectful

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Should I give this new guy a chance?

    I met a guy named Andy and really hit it off. Chemistry was amazing, he brought me to meet his family on Thanksgiving, he set up a day that I could cook and spend time with his mom, tells me he loves me and wants to marry me. A month later, he starts ignoring me and he steps back, says he's not ready to be in a relationship and friendzones me. This hurt me so much. I became extremely depressed, would cry over him and it got to the point that all of my friends would tell me to move on. One of my friends forced me to download a dating app and I didn't really want to at first but as time went on I got more depressed and angry at Andy because he kept texting me and messing with my emotions that I forced myself to go on a date. I went on the dating app and messaged some random cute guy and went out. I went with a IDGAF mindset, I just went out with this new guy because I just wanted to stop thinking about Andy. I'm not trying to get hurt again. Anyway went on the date with this new guy Mark and we really hit it off. Turns out we were raised in the same religion and even though we don't go to church anymore, we still hold many of the values. We grew up in the same city on the same street and are into similar things. He paid for my dinner and took me out for drinks, he wasn't even trying to sleep with me, all he did was hug me. He wants to see me again but I am still getting over Andy and am kind of scared to catch feelings again even though it seems that Mark is really respectful

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • He really likes me, how do I continue this?

    Last night I went on a date. I'm 24 years years old and I met this guy online. I don't really meet people off the internet much or go on dates so this I s new for me and don't really know how this is supposed to go. The guy and I had a good conversation, he insisted on paying for my dinner and invited me for drinks afterwards. I could tell that he really liked me & respected me, he wasn't even trying to hook up. We have similar backgrounds, we grew up in the hood when little then moved to the same city where we both grew up & live now. We grew up raised in the same religion and even though neither of us are part of that religion anymore, we think similarly because of the way we were raised. We found out we both have plans to go to the same events and travel to the same countries. I don't feel a spark or anything with him but I know he spent more than $100 on the date. I had a good night and he wants to see me again. Because he spent so much money on me and did not try to hook up I feel almost like if I owe him & I want to take him out for dinner and pay for him. I honestly did not feel any spark but do kind of want to see him again because I feel like maybe we can be good friends and IDK maybe in the future if I know him a little better maybe I'll feel something for him & give him a chance IDK what I should do here cuz I don't want to lead him on, he really likes me I can tell, how should I approach this situation? I don't really go out on dates so idk how this works

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How do I help my friend with depression & anxiety??? Does he like me?

    I dated a guy for a month. During that month he, introduced me to his family and we spent a lot of time together. We each got hurt in our past relationships and kind of threw ourselves at each other too fast. He had really bad breakup in his previous relationship and he went through a difficult past. One day, he broke down crying telling me how his dad used to beat him up so much it causes him to have anxiety attacks. He would get into lots of fights with his neighbors and he admitted that it somehow made him feel good to beat the **** out of them and other guys that would bully him. He dated a girl for 2 years and she ended up leaving him for another guy. I have been through a lot of crazy **** as well and grew up in the hood so hearing all of this from him did not scare me off. He the type to wanna help everyone and help them through will those problems but in reality he's the one who needs help the most but he doesn't want help from no one. He smokes weed with his cousins and does drugs to forget about his problems. Anyways, He ended up backing up and saying we should just be friends. Partly because I live 1 hour away from him and right now he doesn't have a job (gas money to see me). He said that he told me too much too soon but wants to stay friends and maybe in the future there could be a chance for us. As of right now, we are just friends. he texts me almost every day, all friendly texts no flirting.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How do I help my friend with depression & anxiety?

    I dated a guy for a month. During that month he, introduced me to his family and we spent a lot of time together. We each got hurt in our past relationships and kind of threw ourselves at each other too fast. He had really bad breakup in his previous relationship and he went through a difficult past. One day, he broke down crying telling me how his dad used to beat him up so much it causes him to have anxiety attacks. He would get into lots of fights with his neighbors and he admitted that it somehow made him feel good to beat the **** out of them and other guys that would bully him. He dated a girl for 2 years and she ended up leaving him for another guy. I have been through a lot of crazy **** as well and grew up in the hood so hearing all of this from him did not scare me off. He the type to wanna help everyone and help them through will those problems but in reality he's the one who needs help the most but he doesn't want help from no one. He smokes weed with his cousins and does drugs to forget about his problems. Anyways, He ended up backing up and saying we should just be friends. Partly because I live 1 hour away from him and right now he doesn't have a job (gas money to see me). He said that he told me too much too soon but wants to stay friends and maybe in the future there could be a chance for us. As of right now, we are just friends. he texts me almost every day, all friendly texts no flirting.

    1 AnswerFriends4 years ago
  • NEED HELP!!!! How to win him back??

    I met a guy at rave & we both caught feelings. He lives about 1hr away from me but for a month we made it work. We visited each other, we would text me non-stop, he brought me to meet his family on Thanksgiving Day and on a different day I spent time with his mom. He told me he loved me and wanted to marry me. He told me from the beginning that he suffers from anxiety and depression and this one time he broke down upset and told me some really personal **** about himself. I hugged him and told him I would always be there for him. Anyways, I ended up getting a little too clingy and hit him up too much and he began ignoring me. He had made plans to come see me and didn't show up or text me back. So I showed up to his house and asked him what was wrong. He said that he lost his job and he needs to focus on himself, get another job and go back to school and get some other things together in his life. He didn't want to tell me that he lost his job and was broke cuz of his "ego." I know I messed up by getting too clingy/texting him too much. He says he cares about me and that I should live my life and NOT wait for him and in the future when he's more financially stable and if we are both single he will "fight for that second chance. I said, "Okay, I'm okay with being friends with you, I just needed an explanation as to why you friendzoned me." Anyways, he has been texting me again all week, all friendly, last night we were texting for hours up until 4am

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago