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  • Should I stand up for myself? Cops gone too far?

    First off, I'm 19 years old and I live in my own apartment off campus at Saginaw Valley. This weekend was homecoming and my roommate who's 22 years old threw a party. I'm already in some previous trouble which was an Mip back in August (Was given to me on my own back porch because it was next to me. I had approximately 1 and a quarter of a beer that day. Was not even buzzed.) so I was not drinking what-so-ever and had nothing to do with the party. I never left my room and I was playing Madden with a buddy.

    About 10 minutes before the cops ended up coming into our apartment they were shining their flashlight in my window. This is the 4th time I've noticed the cops do this. two of the times I was actually laying in bed because I have class early in the morning. Well the cops ended up coming and breaking up the party so to say and ended up coming in our house. I had no idea judging the fact I was in my room all night and the cops seen my tv playing from outside. They came straight in the house and straight down stairs and started pounding on my door. They didn't identify themselves for the first several minutes so I did not answer. Eventually they pounded again and said "Saginaw sheriff department, open up, we know you're in there." I set down my xbox controller and continued to the door. They followed with "we hear you open up". So I open the door knowing that I'm doing nothing against the law and that truthfully I shouldn't even have to open the door. Next thing you know they barge into my room. Ask me who's all in here, which was me and my buddy and gives me the eye test and says we're both good. He continues to look around and he ends up finding some stems. I do smoke, never in my apartment and there was no probable cause from smell. He asks me where the weed is and and I tell him that's from days ago and that there is none. He looks all over my room and then finally gives up and says we're done here. THEY did not even go into the hosts room! Their was several drunk people up there in the room and the only room they even walked into was my room! When I had nothing to do with it period. I am concerned with it actually being harassment. I pay 530 dollars a month to rent out one room! This is my room and is my domain as is most of your houses. How is that he can welcome himself into my "house" like that? I'm aware I didn't get in trouble for it, but I'm highly offended by the entitlement that they think they have because they wear a badge. I plan on going to the sheriffs department and discussing this matter with them. I want it to be clear that I feel my rights were violated and that us Americans aren't going to stand for that.

    Do you think I'm over reacting or is their grounds of wrong doing? I'm not just a punk college kid, I get excellent grades and do well in all aspects.

    And thank you in advanced for your time reading/responding to this matter!

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • would this be considered unlawful?

    First off, I'm 19 years old and I live in my own apartment off campus at Saginaw Valley. This weekend was homecoming and my roommate who's 22 years old threw a party. I'm already in some previous trouble which was an Mip back in August (Was given to me on my own back porch because it was next to me. I had approximately 1 and a quarter of a beer that day. Was not even buzzed.) so I was not drinking what-so-ever and had nothing to do with the party. I never left my room and I was playing Madden with a buddy.

    About 10 minutes before the cops ended up coming into our apartment they were shining their flashlight in my window. This is the 4th time I've noticed the cops do this. two of the times I was actually laying in bed because I have class early in the morning. Well the cops ended up coming and breaking up the party so to say and ended up coming in our house. I had no idea judging the fact I was in my room all night and the cops seen my tv playing from outside. They came straight in the house and straight down stairs and started pounding on my door. They didn't identify themselves for the first several minutes so I did not answer. Eventually they pounded again and said "Saginaw sheriff department, open up, we know you're in there." I set down my xbox controller and continued to the door. They followed with "we hear you open up". So I open the door knowing that I'm doing nothing against the law and that truthfully I shouldn't even have to open the door. Next thing you know they barge into my room. Ask me who's all in here, which was me and my buddy and gives me the eye test and says we're both good. He continues to look around and he ends up finding some stems. I do smoke, never in my apartment and there was no probable cause from smell. He asks me where the weed is and and I tell him that's from days ago and that there is none. He looks all over my room and then finally gives up and says we're done here. THEY did not even go into the hosts room! Their was several drunk people up there in the room and the only room they even walked into was my room! When I had nothing to do with it period. I am concerned with it actually being harassment. I pay 530 dollars a month to rent out one room! This is my room and is my domain as is most of your houses. How is that he can welcome himself into my "house" like that? I'm aware I didn't get in trouble for it, but I'm highly offended by the entitlement that they think they have because they wear a badge. I plan on going to the sheriffs department and discussing this matter with them. I want it to be clear that I feel my rights were violated and that us Americans aren't going to stand for that.

    Do you think I'm over reacting or is their grounds of wrong doing? I'm not just a punk college kid, I get excellent grades and do well in all aspects.

    And thank you in advanced for your time reading/responding to this matter!

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • I can't go to school. Does anyone have any advice?

    I struggle to get up and go to school everyday.I mean sure I hate it with everything in my body, but I tell myself everyday that i'm going to go but physically can't get up. My grades are getting worse and I can't find an answer. I love to learn and I excel in the classroom.

    I feel like I may have social anxiety but I don't know how to explain it to my parents. I try going to the doctor but they claim i'm just "lazy". I get to school and I can't stop sweating, it's embarrassing. To make matters worse everyone likes me and I would give anything just to blend in. I always feel like all attention is on me and while I love the attention, I feel like people make judgements about me or see me in a bad way. I mean I try to go to school but I feel like self educating is easier without the worries. Does anyone have any advice?

    Please attempt to keep it possitive while I realize it's mental I can't change my thoughts.

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • How far do you have to be from Central unit for DSL?

    I would like to know if anyone knows how far you can be from the central unit. I'm 4.2 miles (driving distance) from it. I called a company twice and the first time they said it was a little for but they could do an override and we would be one of the firsts in our area to get it. I told them that I would have to think about it and when I called back the new person pretty much called me and the person I was speaking to idiots.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Tips to losing weight?

    I'm 17 years old 6 foot tall and 240 pounds. I'm a very stocky build and I probably have around 40 pounds I could lose. My issue is every time I go on a diet I end up gaining weight. I have yet to take measurements which is what I'm going to do next, but I find it hard to believe that I'm "gaining more muscle than fat". I am 40 pounds over weight in my first week I should probably lose like 5 pounds just do to the fact of cleaning out the junk.

    If you have any tips or things that have happened to you that would be very helpful. My goal is to lose around 40 pounds in 6 months.


    20 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Do you honestly think marijuana should be illegal?

    In my honest opinion, I'm 100% for it being legalized. I will be honest though this is coming from a little bit of a biased person. I smoke a little bit and for me it has never had a negative impact on my life. I have the money to pay for it and my GPA went up from a 1.7 to a 3.9 after I started smoking. More likely than not that's just a coincidence because I have always been capable of good grades but I seemed to be more at peace with myself after I started. I would have no problem sitting down for a few hours listening to music and doing homework.

    I just feel that everything in life that we do is looking for that "high". I mean think about it.... The feeling you have over a certain religion, or you get a new promotion and accomplish your life dream. Granted that high lasts longer, but who are people to tell you not to smoke? There are many things in life that are worse than smoking that are legal and yet the government and the people have this negative outlook on it because of all the propaganda they have heard.

    Also, it would pretty much shut the drug cartel down overnight and would help our dragging economy immensely.

    I'm open to everyone's opinion, but please back it up.

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Would you accept me into this college?

    Alright, I have a big issue that I'm really struggling with. I am attempting to get into Michigan State University and my cumulative GPA is a 3.1. Now I know that it is low but I do have a reason. My freshman year when I was young and immature and really didn't understand how much school meant I got a 1.7 GPA. My sophomore year I got a 3.5 and this year I have a 3.9 at the end of the year. I am showing major improvement and there is no doubt in my mind that I can handle the school. Also, my act score was a 25. I find that to be quite low compared to what I am capable of and I intend on retaking it. I am pretty active in community service and school sports. I went to a week long Muscular Dystrophy camp to help kids that aren't as fortunate as most. It was an eye opening awesome experience by the way.

    So my question to you is would you accept me? (also, a quick explanation would be awesome or any ideas to help me)

    My senior year schedule looks like this-


    Spanish 2

    AP English Lit.

    Anatomy and physiology

    AP Government


    Thanks for your time reading this rather lengthy question :)!

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Would this be a legitimate way to pay off debt?

    Alright first off I know about inflation and all. I also know that this idea is way out their and is probably not a good way of doing it but what would stop this from working?

    So say you were to print 12 trillion dollar and pay off the debt we owe to china. I know that puts a ludicrous amount of money in the system. After that though say that they get back on the right track right? Then the money they make they start destroying. It would just make sense to me because it would stop from paying those insane interest rates right? I mean 12 trillion dollars at 6% (that's being very generous it's probably quite a bit more than that) the interest on that is 720 billion a year.

    I think the argument I will get is that the government will continue to spend money like it is now and we would be hung out to dry because then everything would cost alot more because the money in the economy. But say if you were to legalize marijuana and they were making profits from that...

    Once again I know this probably wouldn't work but I can't seem to find out why if it was done correctly. Please be nice :)

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If I ask a stupid question will I get a lot of answers as well?

    I mean I don't understand all the really dome questions get like 50 answers and all the decent ones get like 10 maybe. Maybe it's just easier to answer stupid questions lol.

    Well anyways I have another question what is with some of the Republicans bashing on democrats every 15 seconds with a new stupid question? I'm not saying Democrats don't because I have seen my fair share of stupid question from Democrats as well. Honestly though must Republicans on here just bash and bash without having anything to back up their facts. Once again I said most so don't get your panties in a bunch about this.

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is the Death Penalty right?

    My personal opinion is that it should be legal in every state. I am 100% believer that if someone kills another human (not in self defense) they should be sentenced to death. Why do we continue to spend countless amounts of money on people that probably won't be free again?

    Explain your opinion :)

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Should Weed be legalized in the U.S.A?

    My personal opinion is that it defiantly should. The reason isn't because I'm a pot smoker but I look at it economically. I think if they legalized it weed they would be able to control it and sell it in lower strains just as they do with cigarettes. They could also tax the hell out of them and could sell licenses for places for people to sell weed. I think in general it would help the economy greatly and could be a boost we need to get back on the right track.

    Please give me your opinions on it with an explanation. I'm not looking for "No" or "Yes".

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Does America have to many followers?

    I feel like most people that live in America just listen to the highly biased Rush Limbaugh and fox news and so forth. People really don't do their own research anymore. Is there anyway to change that or is that the way it will always be?

    Thanks for your comments.

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can I get into Michigan state?

    Here is my problem I totally messed up my freshman year with a 1.7 gpa. I'm in 11th grade now and I have my cumulative up to a 2.9. Sophomore year I had a 3.5, and this year I have a 3.9. Do you think a big college will overlook that freshman year?

    Also I just took my act and I would be in shock if I was to get less than a 25-26. I'm expecting a 27-28 but just to be conservative if I was to get a 25 with that gpa (that is increasing and should be around a 3.4 by the time I graduate) Can I get in?

    Thanks for the answers :) Also I'm receiving a award in a few days for academic accomplishments for getting between a 3.6-4.0 for two consecutive semesters. I'm hoping that will help the case a little bit :)

  • Will Rush Limbaugh really leave?

    I sure hope so.

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do High Schools have attendance policies?

    I'm just wondering. I mean I'm legally able not to go to school but if I miss a certain amount of days I my grade gets lowered, why is that? For example, I missed 15 days of school last marking period in each our. Ten of them were medical excuses because I was very ill for a while there. Though I have had problems with attendance in the past. I still finished with a 3.85 gpa and my worst grade on an exam was a B +. I understand a lot of kids can't do that and I happen to be very lucky. If I can show up twice a week and still make the grades without causing any stress on the teachers why hold it against me that I miss school?

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • I can't wake up for school?

    So here is my issue. I wake up every morning at around 6:30 and most of the time I can get up and go to school but around once every week I get up shut off my alarm clock and fall back asleep. I don't really mean to do it because when I wake up later I beat myself up about missing school. I get excellent grades and I'm in all advanced classes and none of my teachers understand how I get such good grades with missing so much school, but somehow I do. So my question is should I be worried? I'm scared it may be causing a problem for later. I'm very responsible but I guess not at 6 :30 in the morning. Will I grow out of it or is there anyways to wake up with more energy?

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Is there anyway to wake up easier in the morning?

    My problem is I go to bed around 10 o'clock which gets me around 8 1/2 - 9 hours of sleep. But no matter how much sleep I get I can't wake up in the morning for school. I really have troubles then when I wake up I feel really bad about missing school. So does anyone know any ways to make waking up easier? ( I have considered purchasing a dawn simulator )

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Your opinion on health care reform?

    My opinion is that something needs to be done. I don't know what and I don't claim to have the answers; but in my opinion I think it is stupid that we have all these people on television arguing health care when honestly it's not going to affect them whether they pass it or not. They have the money to pay for good health care. Why don't we ever hear peoples opinion that actually matter? Were it actually will affect there life and their family?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Horrible freshman year.... please help.?

    Alright so my freshman year I got a gpa of 1.75 =/ Which i know is horrible but then my sophomore year I took advanced classes and took advanced classes and really didn't even try and still managed a 3.5 gpa.

    So now it's my junior year i'm in all advanced classes and I have straight a's. It was a complete turn around and it wasn't that i was stupid my freshman year i literally had to do nothing to get those grades. I put forth 0 effort.

    So can I still get into top colleges?

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Horrible freshman year.... please help.?

    Alright so my freshman year I got a gpa of 1.75 =/ Which i know is horrible but then my sophomore year I took advanced classes and took advanced classes and really didn't even try and still managed a 3.5 gpa.

    So now it's my junior year i'm in all advanced classes and I have straight a's. It was a complete turn around and it wasn't that i was stupid my freshman year i literally had to do nothing to get those grades. I put forth 0 effort.

    So can I still get into top colleges?